Banished From Equestria (Roleplay)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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Physics follows the two ponies inside the cave, preparing a fireball spell, knowing it would be most effective against beings made of wood. He makes sure to have a clear line of sight at the wolves previous location, while still hiding behind Farsight and Fatal for protection from any possible pounce of the wolves.
Alright, they should be right up ahead... Physics whispers to the two, not wanting to alert the Timberwolves to themselves just yet...
As Fatal pulls around the corner, she sees the magic pour from the dying - now dead - Timber wolf onto the cavern floor. It almost seems to seep through the stone, becoming one with the magic of the earth once more. Fatal steps forward once more, the harmed wolf now in sight. It's lying down beside the one that just passed. Its magic seems to be held together, but there's no telling how long that will last. The poor thing, it doesn't even seem fully grown. The other could have been its parent or a sibling, or even a mate.

Fatal stepped over to it hesitantly. She knows what she has to do. She turns to Fatal, eyeing his mace. She closes her eyes and lets her head droop. She has to do it for the better of the group. She holds a hoof out to Farsight. "Your mace, may I?" she says, not doing very well to hide the traces of sadness in her voice. Despite all the things she can't feel or understand, compassion is one of them. Perhaps there's a purpose for that...
As she holds out her hoof for his mace, Farsight looks over at the injured Timberwolf. Looking into its eyes, he can see the pain and fear... And even sorrow. It was interesting, because its eyes were just glowing orbs... But for some reason he could feel those emotions. Farsight had an intense hate for Timberwolves... But seeing it as it was... He couldn't do it. "Fatal... I... I can't let you do it...." He says, not challenging her authority, but feeling compassion for something he hated so much. It was a very strange, and new, feeling. The mace fades away, turning into mist that quickly dissipates. He leaves his armor on, and approaches the wolf with her.
Fatal moves with Farsight. She can't help but give him several looks before they reach the timber wolf. She didn't want to harm it. She saw the same pain that Farsight did. She wants the mace. She wants to prove that she's a strong leader. But she's not. She would have just thrown the mace down and likely embraced the timber wolf regardless of the consequences. It's best that Farsight stopped her before she made THAT potential mistake. She has no doubt in her mind, though. Between the two of them, the poor thing isn't going to die today.
We're seriously letting this thing stay with us? Physics says, shocked by their choice, expecting them to kill it by now. I always wanted a pet wolf as a kid, but daddy said those where too dangerous... Physics says, remembering childhood memories, before shaking them off. Fancy pony outside knows some healing magic, she could probably heal this thing up rather well... Physics says, recalling what he had heard less then an hour ago outside the cave.
"That really is up to the leader to decide... But I would advise it." Farsight says, looking over at Fatal Flight. He looks back at the Timberwolf, holding out a hoof tentatively. He knew healing spells as well... Although he doesn't know which would work on a Timberwolf. One healed flesh and living beings, the other inanimate objects, like the wheel... And a Timberwolf was both, to a point. Perhaps he would have to combine them in some way to make it work.
Fatal moves over to the timber wolf as well, who flinches away in self defense. Why wouldn't it? Ponies just like the three in the room with hit now were responsible for the deaths of everything it knew. She stops for a moment, but continues. She reaches her hoof out to it as well. It seems extremely hesitant. Timber wolves are resistant to pony kind by nature. Never has one been tamed as far as the majority of Equestrians are aware. It's honestly quite the false bit of information to say they're nothing but savages, but that's what the majority of ponies believe. Fatal isn't misguided by that lie, because she hasn't been around Equestria long enough to have it stick with her.

The timber wolf doesn't approach the hoof. She pulls it away and moves closer, and the timber wolf is backed into a corner. She can tell that the poor thing is fearful. She watches those magical eyes, seeing every intensifying moment of its emotions. How can eyes made purely of magic hold such things? Perhaps that's the answer in itself. After a few moments of failing to ease the timber wolf with her hoof, she rushes over to it, taking it by surprise. She wraps her wing around it, holding it close to herself and forcing it to lay on the ground with her. The wolf struggles to get away for a moment, and then slowly realizes that the pegasus means it no harm.

Fatal is facing the wolf. A slight whimper can be heard, attempting to blend in with the whimpers of the wolf. Fatal is crying. She feels as if she can relate, in a twisted way. Though she never truly lost her family, she was born without one. She had friends that found their way into her hearts, but they were prisoners to the ID as well. Of course there were the creators, but she never knew them. She doesn't honestly want to. Stellar and Mighty were released in a different area from her as well, so all she has is herself. Maybe this timber wolf can learn to share that pain. Perhaps it will be alleviated over time.

The timber wolf ceases its movements and rests, understanding now. Fatal and the wolf stare into each others eyes, each set made by a separate form of magic. Both filled with a sadness they do not fully understand. Both not wanting to be alone.

(I think I'm going to make this a thing for Fatal in the future.)
Morning Glory lay prone on a the ground for several minutes before her eyelashes fluttered and she sat up. She gasped and scrambled to her hooves, disoriented. Reality came crashing down as she remembered where she was, and what had happened. She gave a yelp as she realized she was covered in dirt and desperately began dusting off her gown and pulling twigs from her mane. Her hulking luggage wagon opened a few paces away and a brush and mirror levitated out. "Look at this! Dreadful...!" She muttered as she corralled her golden locks. A ribbon floated out of one of the bags on the cart and tied up the curls into a bun, the ends left loose from the twisting knot. Satisfied well enough, she turned to Arty and Tian. "That was unexpected. I fear I drained myself a bit. But, if I get some time to rest, and a meal of some sort, I should be able to heal you as well. I will be more prepared next time. It will take longer, but I will not be nearly so exhausted."

(MG can heal the wolf easily, if given time...any maybe incentive.)
((GD it... I hate losing a giant reply you took time to type out.........
AS I WAS SAYING: Farsight could heal the Timberwolf as well, even if it's not his specialty. And we could have MG and him weave a spell together... That would be interesting.))

As Farsight watched the scene in front of him unfold, his heart melted. He felt all hatred that he had harbored for the poor creature vanish. He stood there for a second, watching the two lone beings. Lone, lone in their lands of grief and pain. Even with his friends, Farsight felt alone, felt that all he had known had truly been torn from him...

Farsight did not know much about Fatal Flight, if she had loved in the place she had come from, but he knew Physics. He had heard the blue unicorn's story, and had felt sorrow for him. It was about the same for Farsight... He had been torn away from his love. This is why he felt alone. He had no idea what had happened to Aqua, whether she had escaped, been banished, or killed... Or worse. It made his heart ache, and he felt himself move forward involuntarily, his body acting with a will of its own.

He approached the two prone figures, moving to the far side of the wolf. Once he had reached its side, he sat back on his haunches, and leaned himself against it, Fatal's wing between them. He felt his hoof rise, and began to pet the wolf's head, his hoof bumping into Fatal's wing every now and again before reaching back up to continue with the action. Farsight could feel the tears in his eyes, but he refused to shed them, he had shown his weakness before, and could not again... He had to be strong, or he could be killed out here. He hoped that his presence would help both of them, even though he felt like it wouldn't. He continued stroking the wolf, his mind wandering back to Aqua....

A single tear rolled down his face and off his muzzle, splashing to the ground...
With each passing bump from Farsight's hoof, Fatal is brought slowly back to reality. She didn't notice the unicorn moving over to them, and barely noticed him when she looked up. She pulls her wing away slowly. seeing the timber wolf continue lying there, enjoying the petting from Farsight. She looks up to Physics and then to Farsight. Finally she looks back down at the timber wolf, who's looking back up at her with some strange contorted emotion, torn between confusion, sadness and a happiness it did not understand. She didn't exactly understand it either, but she was willing to embrace it. She pets the timber wolf a few times herself before rising. The wolf watches her curiously.

She moves over to Physics and pats her hoof on his back. "You two watch our new friend. See if you can figure out what exactly is wrong with it. And, if it's not too awkward, discern a gender. If there is one, of course." she says, slightly choked by her rampant emotions. "I'm going to let the others know we can set up camp here. I'll be back soon." Fatal takes the opportunity to go back to the group by herself, clearing her head of her emotions. She has to remain level headed if she's going to do her best at leading. The walk is good for her, and she does manage to get herself back into full working order before stumbling back across the group.

"We found a place. There's a cave , some defensive spots, a small worn out campfire. There may be some salvageable things, broken carts. We need to go, though, I want us off the beaten path as soon as possible." she says, trying to sound commanding. She can get the words to come out right, but the resonance in her voice is a bit off. Then again, all it really takes is the know how to lead people, the appearance can be like wool over the eyes. Played by someone who looks more suitable, but really acting as a glorified figure head.
Majem sits there, drawing a little something in the dirt beneath him out of boredom. "What's taking them so long?" He thinks to himself. He sighs, but then he hears something, the sound of somepony approaching. He quickly gets up and with a glowing horn he faces what was coming towards the group. It was Fatal Flight. Majem breathes a sigh of relief and drops his spell. "Hey there."

"That's great!
" Majem says as he hops in front of his cart again, attaching it to his back once more before walking up to Fatal with the cart. She'd have to lead the others towards it. "How's the cave? I hope it's not too wet."
"Don't need to worry about me, you can rest as long as you want." - Tian said to Morning, smiling gentle. - "And it's good to know we have somepony as reliable as you on our group."

"Yup! You did a magnificent job here! Thanks!" - Arty was already on his four hooves, streching his muscles and then hopping in place. - "Man, I don't know if I've ever felt so renewed in my life! My name is Arty Brightshadow, by the way. It's really nice to meet you, miss Glory."

And just in time, Fatal Flight came back from the scout, saying they've found a place to stay. Both Tian and Arty, she more than he, noticed something was different about her. Arty was still a little too nervous to approach anypony he didn't know without being introduced or without having them approaching him first, so he just ignored Fatal by now, but Tian didn't have the same problems, going to welcome Fatal and maybe see what's wrong with her.

"Welcome back, Fatal Flight! The place you described seems good enough! But did you have any problem there? You don't seem normal..." - She asked with a slightly worried expression.
As the motley herd tended to the timberwolf cub and the others gathered around the cave entrance, Celestia's sun began to set as Luna prepared to raise the moon. As sunset approached, hunger could be felt by everypony, and mosquitoes from some standing pool somewhere in the forest began to pester the ponies. Fog could be seen rolling in from the high hills between the herd and the ocean some ten leagues or so to the north- and southwest, to either side of the East-West Road and the new Eastern Gate. It didn't smell like rain tonight, but the fog might get things a bit wet and uncomfortable unless somepony built a fire soon.

There was a lot of dry, loose leaves covering the forest floor, along with many fallen branches beneath the old oak and ash trees nearby. Under the dry upper layer there would be a loamy, half-rotten bit of older, moister leaves; and beneath that, the dark and living soil. It was very fertile land, though Equestria had never had the need to expand here; farms on the main continent across the land bridge typically supplied more than enough food to the nation. Regardless, however, it was still relatively close to that newly-tyrannical empire.

For those who had a good sense of direction and distance, the herd had traveled perhaps twenty miles, more or less, from the Eastern Gate. They would probably need to find a river if they wanted water, or perhaps a swamp. Visually, unfortunately, on the ground it was difficult to see more than a few hundred feet in any direction due to the trees, and from the air any creeks and swamps would be covered over with trees. If the pegasi were familiar with botany, they may be able to spot willows and deduce that there was a large quantity of water somewhere.

As far as they could tell, there were no campfires anywhere nearby- yet. Things may change as night continues to fall.
Physics feels the rumble in his stomach, he opens his mouth to talk to Farsight. ...I'm starting to get feeling the same Farsight? Physics asks, wondering if the could maybe chow down on some of the rations he scavenged from the guards before he had stocked into his saddle on his back. Because....I rather not chow down'll make me feel wasteful.... Physics says, some morality tugging him not to eat away at their only source of food for the moment.
"Yes.... But I think we should wait for the others..." Farsight says, still petting the Timberwolf. His thoughts continued to dwell on Aqua... Looking at the wolf, he smiled his sad smile, hoping the poor thing would be able to recover. "Should we head out and see if the others have arrived?" He asks Physics, a very faint hint of sorrow in his voice.
"No need."

Fatal Flight steps through the cave to find Farsight, Physics and.... Woody? Tree? Carving? The wolf. She smiles over the group, thinking about what Tian had said. She doesn't look normal. Either she's too happy or too sad. Either way, she had just walked away from the pony, ignoring the comment and leading the group to the camp site. "Things need to be done. We need somepony to gather materials for a fire. We need to schedule a watch out. We need to locate water, but that can wait until morning. Physics, how many rations do you have with you?" Fatal asks, attempting to be a steady leader. She can't help but avert her gaze to the timber wolf every so often.
Tian and Arty followed Fatal to the cave, seeing Farsight and Physics inside with a timberwolf. Arty got a little startled and backed away two steps, but Tian noticed the injuries and the harmlessness of the wolf.

"Look what we got here!" - She walked slowly toward the wolf, leaned down and started scratching it's chin. She was aways good with animals, as the animals could easily sense she was never dangerous to them. It probably has to do with her natural earth pony abilities. - "Did you gave it a name?" - She asked Physics and Farsight.

After what Tian did, Arty also noticed the wolf means no harm, so he let his guard down and entered the cave, but didn't dare get near the wolf. He never really liked ferocious animals of any type. As he heard Fatal speaking, he offered his help. - "I... I can get the fire."
Physics feels the weight of the saddle on his bag, he makes a quick estimate. I'd say we have...enough for everypony for two days... Physics tells Fatal. Though if we need to eat, I'm fine with hunting for meat, I've grown quite accustomed to it... Physics says, knowing that if he ate food he found here, the food will last longer.
And as for fire... Physics says as his horn lights up, sending a small beam of fire upward from his horn, illuminating the cave, and scorching the rock ceiling above their heads, and making the area hotter, before Physics stops his spell, letting the fire quickly stop and vanish.
Majem follows Fatal into the cave with his cart. He looks around, examining the cave thoroughly before coming to a halt. He removed the harness from his back with a sigh and after wobbling on his legs for a while, he lay down. "I'm done for! Well, physically. My legs are killing me!"

The party had begun to plan ahead, food, water, fire. Majem smiled. It's nice to see they're taking the matter seriously, though he hopes they won't go crazy over rationing food and dividing the work shedule. There was also something else in the cave, something new. A... Timberwolf?
"What's with the wolf? Did we get ourselves a mascot or something?"
Morning Glory staggered over to her luggage wagon and hitched it up, avoiding using her horn. She then followed the little group, here eyelids drooping and her whole body seeming to slump with exhaustion. As they reached the cave she let out a sigh and pinched her eyes shut in concentration. "We're stopping here? Thank the heavens!" The mare moved to the cave entrance. Her bags popped open and a flurry of objects began to fly out of the cart and orbit the mare before floating to their destinations.

First, a broad embroidered carpet unfurled itself, followed immediately by a fat chintz cushion that was positioned behind her as she dropped to her rump. Several more levitated out and positioned themselves in a circle around her. Next, a spindly folding desk emerged, opening itself and setting up next to the mare. After that came a full tea service of fine silver and china on a tray. It landed on the low desk, ready for use. A large water canteen followed and upended itself over the waiting teapot. Soon it was filled and with a wave of her horn the pot was steaming and a large infuser was loaded with tea leaves and added. She then raised her hooves and lifted her dress away. It was neatly folded by magic before it was placed back in the cart. In its stead, a heavy quilted traveling cloak of a rich fawn brown floated down over her shoulders. The mare then produced an odd glass orb. She jabbed her horn and the thing lit with a warm yellow light, floating down to sit on the desk in a molded iron cup that was clearly made to hold it.

The cave entrance now very much resembled her elegant private office back in Canterlot.