Banished From Equestria (Roleplay)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
  • Start date
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The mosquitoes successfully repelled, the main concern now would be the rapidly darkening skies as the last rays of sunlight flicker and vanish behind the hills. A sudden chill can be felt in the air, and already the ponies could see their own breath whenever magic lit the cavern. A dense fog was beginning to flow into and around the forest beyond the entrance of the cave also; visibility would be low, and any night attacks might be difficult to see.

The night insects began their inevitable chirping, and some accursed frog was singing up a row somewhere in the darkness. An owl hooted as it perched on a limb nearby and stared unnervingly at the group. Whatever idiot poet who thought it was romantic to talk about the music of the night probably never actually experienced a night in the wilderness himself; it was absurdly loud and annoying, although those used to it probably had some appreciation for the sounds. There was a soft baying of wolves from the distance, and the timberwolf pup wriggled a bit, eyes glowing slightly as it felt its natural instinct to howl back at the sound, as all wolves do.

As Luna's Moon came rising gently from the East, they could barely make out the shadow of Fatal approaching through the fog, trudging towards the cavern in Farsight's hoof-steps.
"Thank you, Morning!" - Tian said, holding the saucer and cup that floated toward her. She sipped the tea slowly, and could already feel it's effects right away. She never drank anything as potent as this, and she could feel energy running through all her body. - "This tea is just wonderful! I've never drank something as invigorating as this!" - She also noticed Arty's spell and was the third pony to thank him for this - "Thanks, Arty! This is a really useful spell" - She smiled at him. Then, she turned to Morning - "Try not to strain yourself too much this time, okay? And don't need to rush; if you feel you still need some rest, take your time."

Arty blushed from all the thanks. - "It... It was nothing, really. I'm kinda used to this." - He saw a cup flying at him and could see the glow around it matching the glow around Morning's horn. A dark gray glow got the hold of the cup and saucer, and he smiled awkwardly but honestly at Morning. - Thanks, miss Glory. - He also sipped the tea and felt similar effects Tian had, but he avoided making any comment at all. He shuddred from the cold starting to rise, and looked outside the cave just in time to see Firsight arriving and the faint silhouette of Fatal some distance behind him. The fog was getting denser as the night was rising, and he could already hear the sounds of the wilderness. Even if he were used to live in a cave for years, the forests inside the domains of Equestria was definitely quieter and more relaxing than there, on the outside. He looked back at the circle of ponies gathered there. It was really ironic: He had been avoiding society for so long, but just when he got banished from it that he started to meet and talk to other ponies.
((Fixing due to mistake, heat got to my head))
Physics turns to Farsight. sure..but be warned...this fire is a little don't blame me if it burns the forest down.... Physics as his horn starts glowing, before a blue ball of fire the size of a squarels head shots out of it, hitting the wood, igniting it in a glorious blue blaze. There we go... Physics says in a cocky manner, blowing off some steam that was on his horn as the flames started eating away at the piled up wood.
"Don't worry, I'm much better at putting out a fire than at lighting one." Majem says and drinks the last bit of tea in his cup. Majem's horn begins to glow and after his hoof got engulfed in a blue glow, it turned to water. He pushed his water hoof into the cup, rubbing it along the sides, cleaning it. After a while, he pulled his hoof away, which now had some tea rests floating in it, then he gave the cup and the saucer back to Morning. "Thank you very much for the tea, miss." He says, his hoof glowed again, then turned back to flesh, but now with some tea on it. "And thank you for the fire, Physics." Majem says and gives a nod towards Physics.

Majem yawns and closes his eyes, comforted by the fire and Morning Glory, he would fall asleep unless somepony would disturb him.
Morning Glory pulled her cloak closer around her shoulders as the night chill began to set it. At least the fire was started now. She then busied herself with healing, hoping she wouldn't exhaust herself too much. At least now she could do it sitting down and comfortable. Her horn lit and she began to slowly work on Tian's injuries.

She followed a similar procedure to before, numbing the mare's pain with an Alleviation spell. Next, she cleaned out the flesh wounds with Purification. And finally, she started the real work: Restoration magic on each cut and bruise. Morning Glory took her time, slowly repairing each wound. As she worked she flicked her ears and gritted her teeth as the sounds of the forest began to annoy and disrupt her concentration. She drew in several deep breaths, then continued. Again, she began to show signs of tiring as time went on, but after an hour, Tian would be fully healed. Morning Glory would pass on the Rejuvenation, as the mare did not need any accelerated healing.

As Morning Glory lifted her head and the glow died on her horn at last, she croaked out a single word. "Tea." She reached for the pot, which had now gone cold, and, with her hooves, poured herself another cup and drained it promptly. The elegant mare would then be ready for some serious sleep, no matter how uncomfortable the ground and her cushions were compared to her luxury bed in Canterlot. She stumbled to her cart, pulled out a fancy fleece quilt and piled up a few spare cushions before falling into a deep sleep in her makeshift "nest" of luxury.
Tian stood still while Morning Glory worked hard to heal all of her wounds. The Alleviation spell made her remember how is it to not feel pain, something she got so used this last day, and she couldn't help herself from closing her eyes and smiling, relaxed. In that numb state, she barely felt the time passing, and when she opened her eyes, she was as good as ever. - "Wow... I thought it was awesome just from seeing it, but feeling it is just a totally different thing... You got a pretty awesome talent, Morning Glory." - She said, amazed.

Everypony was already getting ready to sleep. It has been a though day, and the cold and darkness of the night just help their sleepness to build up strong enough to beat up a horse. Seeing how Morning had cushions to spare, she took two for her and lied down over them, making herself confortable at a safe distance from the fire, but not distance enough to freeze. Arty did the same. Usually, he used a pile of leaves he had gathered and arranged confortable enough to resemble a bed, but now he didn't have time to do something alike, and he couldn't sleep in direct contact with the ground, or he would lose to much heat.

"Good night, everypony. Sleep well." - Her voice showed her tiredness, and soon after saying it she was already sleeping.

"Good night." - It was a quiet, but honest reply, and soon enough he was like Tian.
Farsight watched on as the ponies fell asleep, one by one. He closed his eyes, and cast his Dream Ward on them all, making sure nopony or nothing could track them or harm them. He looks out as the last rays of light, and enjoys the site of the rising moon. He walks over to Fatal and whispers, "Looks like our job begins already..." Before he set himself in front if the fire, his back to the flames as to not destroy his night vision completely. He watched the night around him, and waited.

((Edited because of Derp))
Physics was already asleep, using his cloak as a blanket to keep himself warm, despite being near the fire already, he felt he needed the extra warmth for comfort.
Farsight saw a bright green flash. Half a second later, the sound of a loud CRACK, like a small explosion, followed the faster flash of light.
Farsight jumps at the flash and sound. "Stay here!" He whispers to Fatal, and carefully moves toward where the flash and crack came from.
Physics wakes up from the sudden sound, his eyes moving around around in confusion as his head moves around looking around for the source.
Farsight saw a few green electrical arcs jump from tree to tree, then dissipate. When his night vision returned--and the sound died down--he could see a shiny orange object graced with red stripes shivering on the ground a few dozen yards away.
Farsight approaches the quivering pile of orange slowly. He doesn't use a light spell, as to not alert... Whatever it was. He stood close by and observered, shivering slightly in the brisk night air.
As Farsight heard a male voice, he noticed the shivering of the object before him was out of fear. "N-no... no... we're bad ponies, this is a bad experiment..." An armored head lifted up in despair. "I don't wanna be a schizophrenic--!" It froze looking at the moon, then looked around. "...Hey I'm not dea--wait a sec..." A bright light came out of its forehead and started shining around the area. "This isn't the lab... no... yeah, I'm probably dead." The light flicked off and it dropped its head back down in the dirt, mentally defeated.
Farsight approaches the defeated pony, trying to avoid stepping on any twigs... But due to darkness, he fails. A twig snaps and he freezes, his blood running cold.
The orange form jumped back on its feet, revealing an earth pony--tall in stature and wearing some kind of strange armor--staring at Farsight through two teal windows. His eyes were wide and expressionless at first, but then they squeezed shut in what appeared to be protest. "No, no, no... no! I don't wanna go toward the light, I wanna go back to Earth! Earth is a mineral-rich planet! This is probably a swamp world with no metal!" He started backing away, shaking his head.
Physics eyes the new pony, he saw what Farsight was doing, and he prepare a fireball spell upon hearing the twig snap, knowing that pony could attack at any moment, assuming he is as crazy as he looked, talking about minerals, and his crazy...but admittedly cool armor did imply he was dangerous aswell.
"Calm down!" Farsight calmly says, trying to get the pony to stop panicking. "You're not dead..."
He looked back up and opened his eyes. "Oh, that's what they all say! It's just the 'second life', isn't i--" He paused mid-sentence as some glimmer of intelligence popped back into his head. "...That's what who says? Okay, I admit I haven't been in this situation before... though it's KINDA like when I fell asleep on the job and Tinsford decided to stick me in his locker like some kind of--wait, what am I talking about?" He shook his head and looked around, shining the spotlight again. "...This is not my country." A moment later it clicked off and he looked at Farsight. "H...hi. I come in peace... or, in pieces. I'm still trying to figure that out." He got distracted and started looking himself over.
Physics starts a telepathic message to Farsight. I don't trust him... Physics thinks to Farsight, seeing the obvious signs of insanity in this pony.