Baby of another world 2.0

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Kurt smiled at that fact that it was natural. "Mines actually more of a blue really, the one dad is something to do with an elementalist or something so his hair is really really blue... so no. The blacks just a cover up if you dig in the dreads the centers are actually like a sky colored blue." he said with a blush thinking about it. How often he was teased for it being oddly blue like his one dad's while the rest had dark browns, and what not. "But pink? Cool." he said with a smile sinking farther in the tub himself giggling at it hitting his ribs, yes it tickled. "Don't know if I'm an ele though or not... are you? Remember that little outbreak of some kind of disease that ended up altering some genetic code that let us basically be benders?"
Jack smiled and chuckled as Kurt talked about his hair. "really let me see." Jack semi-swam over to where Kurt and slightly laid on top of him, picking up a strand of hair and looking at it, he could see a little bit of the blue. "wow, that's really cool, you shouldn't hide it, I mean my hairs, fricken red, like come on.." Jack chuckled and looked up at Kurt. "and about the elemental thing, yeah my dad's got that and so I kinda kave it, but I don't use it cause I can't control it, the first time I tried it I hurt someone so I don't use it anymore. My dad can bend water and my other dad bends Fire, I know they shouldn't go together...well they didn't, that why I only have my one, I oddly enough can bend air, that's it, but like I said I used it once and I hurt someone, and yes you can hurt some one with air.."Jack started thinking about that day...he felt his throat tighten and his face get red. Jack backed up and went back to his side of the tub and put his face under water and stay there for what seemed like forever.
Kurt smiled softly at the comment about his blue hair deep down. "Maybe I should dye it back to blue." he said with a smile before Jack talked about the elemental thing. "Really air? That's so cool." he said with a smile despite the fact of the hurting someone with it, "We could fashion a practice room for you or maybe go somewhere to practice." he offered before Jack sunk under the water. Kurt moved over so he was sort of floating over Jack with a smile wondering if he could do what his father could do. So he tried sinking his face under the water kissing Jack quickly trying to breath air through water.
Jack opened his eyes as he felt Kurt kiss him, the water didn't hurt him, it was just like looking through his normal eye's. Jack wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, needing a breath of air, Jack rose up and held Kurt close to him and continued to kiss him. Jack chuckled and slide back under the water, his dad could breathe underwater so maybe he could too. Jack tried to breathe and he felt his lungs open and air flow through them, his nose closed up but his lunge opened, it felt like he had a vent running through his body.
Kurt smiled into the kiss feeling like he was actually breathing the water. It was just a random topic that had come abut that could lead to so much more. Kurt couldn't bring himself to come out of the water. It felt so good to be in it and kissing Jack. He looked up at Jack wondering if his eyes were nearly ice blue like when his father, and brothers were in water where out of it they were a dark dark blue for the most part. "Red hairs cute." he whispered through the water smiling still. He hoped that Jack heard what he said. He really did like Jack's hair. The color, the style, everything about it.
Kurt quickly pulled Jack back out of the water with a smile holding him close to himself. "Goddess do I love you."
Jack opened his eye's and saw Kurt's eye's, they looked almost white, it was so cool. Jack continued to kiss Kurt. He had never done this before, He kinda wished they were in bigger water. Jack closed his eye's again and kissed Kurt, hearing him whisper to him underwater. Jack smiled and said thank you kissing him again. When Kurt pulled him out of the water Jack gasped, the sudden change in the air, hurt Jack's lungs,Jack coughed a little and then listened to Kurt. "Well, thank you for the hair comment and I love you too Kurt. I am glad we are having a kid." Jack pulled Kurt close to him and felt his wet, naked body rub against his own. Jack smiled and kissed Kurt passionetly pulling him back under water.
Kurt couldn't help but smile holding Jack close to himself enjoying the water, and Jack. They should go swimming some day. To do this. Swimming for fun. Maybe their kid would be able to do this to. Breath water, see clearly, easily. Be loved like Kurt loved Jack. He sighed softly with a faint smile through a kiss looking at Jack again realizing just how long they'd been in the tub. "We should probably get ready. Don't want grandpa to find us like this right?" he asked playfully holding Jack's face in his hands. Kurt really didn't want to move from where he was but at the same time he didn't want his future father-in-law finding him like this.
Jack smiled and sat up. "yea you're right." Jack gave Kurt one last kiss and then stood up, he felt weird cause he was naked, so he covered himself up and walked out of the bathroom picking up his clothes and walking into Kurt's room. He wanted his dad to be proud of him and think he was living a good life. Jack hurried up and got dressed, he still had to go to the store. "hey Kurt, what should we make my dad for dinner?"
Kurt chuckled softly thinking about food as he quickly dried off, and dressed. There was so much they could make from Kurt's kitchen alone that the possibilities were endless. "Well the real question is do you think we should move you in here first or wait on that? Cause if that's the case we could make a stew for the crock that cooks for a long time or if not we could do something shortly baked." he rambled on about as he walked out of the bathroom with out his shirt, but his pants on wondering what they could make. Part of him wondered if eyes were still that blue ice but other than that he was more concerned with impressing Jack's dad.
Jack listened to Kurt as he talked about stew and shortly baked stuff. "Well my dad likes stew so we could do that, but we still have to run up to the pharmacy to get your vitamins and what not, but a stew sounds good and then we can get my stuff form my place bring it over here and unpack real quickly." Jack hoped tha Kurt was feeling okay from the water and that He was looking forward to meeting his dad.
"Let's do that. We could even just swing into a random store. Most stores carry prenatal vitamins." Kurt said with a smile starting to pull the stuff out for beef stew. "Is your dad a vegetarian?" Kurt asked grabbing a glass of water quick feeling dehydrated in a way. "Either way I know a killer broccoli cheese soup recipe." He looked at the water glass he'd downed that at the food in front of him. "And can we swing by the bookstore to? Pick up a few books." Kurt downed another glass quickly before setting the glass aside.
"No he isn't but that sounds good. and yeah we can do that." Jack said as he grabbed Kurt's hair brush from his room and ran it throught his hair. "We don't have to get all my stuff today I just want my clothes mostly the only other stuff I have there is My art work and my miscalaneous stuff." Jack didn't want Kurt to feel overwhemled so he made sure that they didn't do much today.
Kurt nodded starting to quickly throw together a stew before setting it to simmer in his crock pot. "If you're sure. Just clothing?" he asked walking out to where he'd seen Jack go. "We can get the art stuff to if you'd like." Kurt looked at Jack with a smile before pulling him into hug. "What should I wear though?" he asked nervously looking down at his jeans. Normally he just wore a t-shirt or something to that nature, or one of his favorite sweaters but he was meeting Jack's dad for the first time and didn't want to disappoint him in anyway.
Jack smiled at Kurt as he pulled him in for a hug. "We can get what we can, I don't really have much, but I don't want to overwhelm you." Jack kissed the top of Kurt's head. "wear something that looks nice, nothing formal but something nice, don't wear a sweater vest or slacks, my dad hates those, but don't wear something casual, cause my dad hates it when I do that, my dad usually wears like suits and stuff, but that's cause he thinks it makes him look doesn't..." Jack chuckled. He wanted to impress his dad, but his dad already knew the type of person he was so, he wasn't really sure what he could do.
"Like a button up with jeans?" he asked with a soft smile thinking about it. He had a few that didn't have paint on them. "But let's get your stuff! I want to see more of your art!" Kurt squealed bouncing softly stomach growling. "Take along some food first though." he said with a blush looking up at Jack. "So what's your dad do? If you don't mind me asking." he pondered pulling on a shirt real quickly deciding to change later so he didn't get it dirty or something like that.
"Yea that's fine." Jack watched as Kurt pulled out a shirt from his closet. "My dad- oh um, for a business, that does stuff." Jack's dad owned an underwear company fro men...Jack wasn't really to proud of that but his dad enjoyed his job. Jack made Kurt and himself a sandwich before they left, handing it to Kurt as they waled out the door. He walked down the stairs and out to the parking lot. He had to walk to his car, so he grabbed Kurt's hand and they walked together, occasionally making small talk, until they got to his car. Jack went to the other side and opened the door for Kurt, letting him get in before getting in himself. He reached in the back and grabbed the underwear that Kurt had asked him about yesterday, putting them in Kurt's lap. "There ya go." Jack said smiling and pulling Kurt in for a kiss before buckling his seat belt.
Kurt chuckled softly enjoying the walk, and everything. He'd never dislike a moment with Jack, but when they got into the car Kurt wanted to hide with a pair of rainbow under pants in his lap. Those being his. "I completely forgot about these..." Kurt whispered blushing like no other sinking in his seat with his dread locks falling back over his face. "Wonder how they got left in here..." he wondered out loud still blushing but quickly stowing them in the glove box. "I'll grab them when we get back so vitamins first? Or clothes?"
Jack looked at Kurt as he sunk in his seat. "it's just underwear, Kurt everyone wears them." Jack chuckled and started his car, driving towards his house. "clothes first, then vitamins." Jack pulled in front of his apartment building and got out waiting for Kurt and leading him into the apartment, it wasn't the cleanest or as fancy as Kurt's but it was decent. There was a desk in the corner that was his room mates and his art desk in the other corner. His art was scattered around the desk and some was pinned above it. Jack walked in and heard his room mate in his bed room with some girl. "sorry, he does that." Jack walked in and into his bedroom, he walls had art all over then most of it was secenery or two peple. His bed was unmade and he had some clothes on the floor, he was embaressed, before Kurt could walk in Jack stopped him. "one second." Jack closed the door to his bedroom and quickly cleaned his room, opening the door again and letting Kurt come in, Jack started to pull his clothes out of his closet and put them on his bed.
Kurt had to chuckle softly at the underwear comment before he was over taken by amazement at the art in Jack's apartment despite the two humans having intercourse without noticing anyone come in. He only laughed harder at Jack sudden cleaning spurt of his room. With a smile Kurt walked in looking around in amazement still at all the art on the walls. "You did all this yourself?" he asked pointing to some of the pictures. "This... is Amazing!" he exclaimed pouncing on Jack with a large smile, "You're really good!"
Jack chuckled. "oh um thanks." Jack had never had someone like his art as much as Kurt, so it was nice. "sorry about my room mate as well." Jack walked out and knocked on his room mates door, opening it right away, his room mate stopped and said hello. "can you like pause for a second I have some one here. thanks man." Jack shut the door and went back into his room beginning to take some of his art down after her took all his clothes out of the closet.