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Baby of another world 2.0

Kurt smiled softly into the kiss still trying to hold back a giggle, and a yawn wrapping his arms around Jack again. The moment was perfect, and that's when his stomach growled softly at him telling him to eat, but he didn't want to move. "Are you hungry?" he asked ending the kiss sadly. "I could start a small fire, and make something for dinner. If you'd like." Kurt looked over at the fireplace, than to the snow now falling out side, and he snuggled in closer to Jack savoring the fact that he was there.
Jack smiled and looked down at Kurt, he heard Kurt's stomach growl. "I think dinner sounds like a good idea, Kurt." Jack chuck;ed and let got of Kurt, walking into the living room and standing by the fire pit. "I could start the fire and you make dinner." Jack had already started making a fired before Kurt could refuse his offer, jack wanted to help, he didn't want to be a lazy dad, or boyfriend for that matter. "So what are we having?" Jack asked walking into the kitchen and leaning over the counter.
Kurt smiled seeing Jack go for the fire pit. So he quickly went into the kitchen fishing out a few things before starting something that would warm them up cause either it was just him or it was getting cold in here. When Jack walked in he smiled slicing up some bell peppers, and celery. "Hope you don't mind stir fry with chicken. Its one of those things that I think kinda warm you up in a way." he said with a soft smile kissing Jack real quick before going back to the food. "Should only take a little bit."
Jack smiled and said okay, walking up behind Kurt and putting his hands on Kurt's side, watching him cut up the celery and peppers, grabbing a piece of celery and kissing Kurt's neck before walking out of the kitchen and sitting down Indian style in front of the Fire. Jack felt like he was married and already had a kid, he kinda liked the feeling, it made him feel warm inside. Jack glanced occasionally at the kitchen to see if Kurt might need some help with anything. "just holler if you need me to do anything, and I will." Jack smiled and ate the rest of the piece of celery that he took.
Kurt chuckled softly quickly frying the meet in some kitchen broth having chicken already cooked and chopped up to throw in with the veggies once they started to soften. He couldn't help but shiver at the feeling of Jack's lips on his neck. It felt good and little flashes of the night before came back making him smile. "A family." Kurt whispered softly one of his hands falling to his stomach after the veggies were in the pan with some sliced carrots, and peas. It was a bit different stir fry, but he'd come to like it. "A family." he said with a soft chuckle thinking about it. They were already a family. Soon the food was done and he dished up to plates wandering out to the living room sitting down next to Jack with chopsticks and food for him. "Hope you like it." Kurt said with a smile, "I make it all the time." He smiled up at Jack after sitting down himself, "I wonder how long it'll take for me to start showing. Isn't pregnancies for our species shorter than humans?"
((sorry for the delay DX))

Jack smiled as he watched Kurt make dinner, he could smell it and it smelled different but so good. He chuckled as Kurt touched his stomach, they were a family already. Jack thought about what it would be like if they got married for a second, like before the baby came. jack chuckled at the thought and bit his lip. When Kurt came and sat down by him Jack smiled at him and took the plate from him and the chopsticks. jack smelled the food before taking a bite of it. "Smells good." Jack picked up some food and brought it too his mouth. "mm. That's good babe." Jack chuckled and then realized that he had just called Kurt babe, he hoped that Kurt didn't mind it. "I am sorry if you don't want me to call you that it just kinda came out, sorry." Jack looked back down at his food and continued to eat. Tommrow he would have Kurt help as much as he could to move into Kurt's place with him. Jack was nervous he had never been this into a relationship before. "I think our pregnancies are like 3 months shorter, and so you will probably start showing in like a few weeks or so....how are we gonna hide you being pregnant from the humans?" Jack didn't think it would be wise for Kurt to be out in public it would give away that they were obviously not human, or people would start to call Kurt a girl, and down there was defiantly not a vagina. Jack chuckled at that though.
Kurt blushed smiling, "I like babe. It sounds nice." He started basically vacuuming his plate via mouth before thinking about how to hide the pregnancy. It wouldn't really be easy to do, but he could probably pull it off. He wasn't really in class that much cause all he had was two classes really that involved being outside doing something rather than in a class room listening to a lecture.
"With hiding the pregnancy I could just say its weight gain, or claim I'm a half transgender really. I'm not in classes enough to really be noticed for the most part just check in. What do you think?" he asked finishing up his food feeling like his face was covered in the broth that had been on the veggies.
Jack chuckled when He said he liked babe. " yeah you could do that, I just don't want you to go through anything that I wouldn't want to go through, you know. I don't want you to get made fun of." Jack stood up and grabbed Kurt's plate after he had finished, taking it into the kitchen and turning the water on and washing it. "I know you probably don't care what people think, but I care what people think of you, they can think I am a fag or I am gay, but I don't want you to be made fun of anything." Jack stood with his hands on the counters looking into the living room at Kurt.
Kurt couldn't help but smile faintly at that protective comment that Jack made. He stood up slowly walking over to him. "Trust me. They won't make fun of me. I might get a few glares here, and there, but being gay does that to a person already." he hugged Jack tightly resting his head on his shoulder. "Thank you. Thank you for everything." he said with a smile looking up at him, "I want to people to know how happy we are with the baby so I'm going out in public like I am wether or not they like it."
Jack smiled when Kurt hugged him. "your welcome, but I am talking about the showing thing, you will have people making rude comments and I swear if someone calls you fat or ugly or anything of the matter, I will hurt them." Jack chuckled and kissed the top of Kurt's head. Jack just held Kurt for awhile enjoying his presence. Jack was happy that him and Kurt were going to have a kid, Kurt would make a great dad. Jack hoped he would, he never had actually been around kids, so it was another first for him. Jack looked down at Kurt for a second. "so what now?" Jack smiled and hugged Kurt again. "I just don't want anyone to hurt is all Kurt. I care about you and...I just don't want anyone to hurt you." Jack smiled down at Kurt again and slowly put his hands in the side of his face, kissing his lips softly and slowly. "I just want you safe." Jack said after the kiss, with his forehead leaned against Kurt's.
Kurt smiled faintly at Jack, "You know something. I love you." He enjoyed the kiss ten fold and when it came to Jack holding his forehead against his own he couldn't help but feel safe, the safest he'd ever felt. He simple whispered, "I do feel safe." He looked up at Jack smiling at him before he kissed him again. It was all he could really think to do. It felt simple felt amazing to finally have someone there who truly cared about him. "Want to watch a movie though?"
Jack smiled and looked back down at Kurt. "I love you." jack kissed Kurt again and picked him up. placing him on the counter top. "You know, no offence but can our baby not have dreads?? Like that are cute on you, but I don't really want out kid to have them." Jack chuckled kissing Kurt again. he hoped that he didn't offend him. "sure what movie do you want to watch?" Jack didn't really want to watch a movie but considering that Kurt was pregnant, they couldn't really do what he wanted to, so Jack calmed himself and sett;led on doing what Kurt wanted to do.
"If its lucky it wont end up with my hair at all." Kurt said with a chuckle himself squeaking basically when all of a sudden he was on the counter, and he wrapped himself basically around Jack. "Use... to have really really curly hair. Almost Afro like." He couldn't help but blush, but he couldn't also come to remove himself from Jack and he kissed him again silently wishing that he could remember everything from the night before hand, all he had were flashes. "Goddess... I want you again but I can't have you til the babies born..." he mumbled before trying to calm his own self down thinking about movies, "We could watch something Disney? Or maybe Pirates of the Caribbean?"
Jack smiled when Kurt talked about his hair. "well I like it better now, and I know, i want you too, but I just know that it would not be very smart." Jack thought of the night before remembering how passionate it was, Jack grunted and put his head down trying to calm himself. why was it so hard to not want Kurt. "Yeah lets watch a movie. Jack looked up at Kurt and smiled kissing his cheek. Jack backed away and walked into the living room, searching fr where the movies were, giving up he sat on the couch and looked back at Kurt. "yeah the pirates one sounds good." Jack curled his feet underneath of him and glanced at Kurt.
Kurt couldn't help but chuckle softly watching Jack look. "They're actually in my room." he said with a smile walking over to take Jack's hand. "Come on. I'll show you." He pulled Jack into his bed room that was more of a second living room. On one wall sat a giant flat screen surround by basically walls of DVD shelve across from his bed. "Its a little extensive... but do you remember where we were going at it last night?"
Jack followed Kurt into the bedroom, recognizing the bed and the walls and the t.v. "I think I have been in here before." Jack let go of Kurt's hand and sat down on the bed, feeling the sheets, they were soft, like he remembered. "Give me your phone." Jack waited for Kurt to hand him his phone when he did, Jack looked the pictures, some if the were very showy but the showed the room they were in the night before. "We did it in here, I don't remember coming here last night though." Jack gave Kurt back his phone and looked around the room. "Well on the bright side, I know mt way around your bedroom." Jack chuckled and laid down on Kurt's bed and put his hands behind his head, waiting for Kurt to put in the movie and come lay with him
It didn't take long for Kurt to find the movie and put it in so he walked over to where Jack was laying. "You think so?" he said handing Jack his phone at the mention of them in his room last night. When he said they did he blushed falling onto his bed next to Jack curling up with a smile. "That is a plus in a way." he said with a smile laying his head on Jack's shoulder wondering how they mad it to his room the night before. "I wonder how we got here from the party though..." he wondered out loud thinking about it.
Jack chuckled. " I have no idea." Jack looked down at Kurt and smiled, the movie began to play, Kurt was watching the T.v but Jack was watching Kurt. He tried to resist his urge t kiss Kurt, he wanted it so bad but he knew that it would be wrong of him to do so. Jack stopped looking at him and began to watch the t.v, the movie didn't really interest him, but Kurt wanted to watch it, so jack dealt with it. It was about the middle of the movie and jack could no longer resist.

Jack sat up and got off the bed. "I will be right back Kay?" Jack walked out of the room and into the bathroom, He closed the door behind him and looked at the mirror laughing at himself. Jack had never wanted anyone this bad, so it made his body feel weird. jack sat down against the door and face palmed, he did this a lot. Jack didn't know what to do, whether to relive himself or to just ignore it. Jack sat there contemplating what to do, he wanted to just ignore it, but it was difficult. Jack just hoped that Kurt wouldn't come looking for him
Kurt hadn't realized how tired he was til he started watching the movie. Laying against Jack's chest was enough to almost put him to sleep but he couldn't just fall asleep again the guy, it was technically their first date, and it was just rude to do so he tried focusing on the movie but by the time he'd started to get to the point of head bobbing Jack went to the bathroom. That's when Kurt knew something was wrong. "Mkay..." he said softly getting up watching Jack's lips, than his eyes.

When Jack ended up spending the entire rest of the movie in the bathroom Kurt really started to worry and even though he probably shouldn't have got up and walked over to the door. "Jack, are you okay?"
Jack sat in the bathroom waiting for his mind it make itself up. When he heard Kurt outside of the bathroom door, jack looked up and realized he had been in there for quite awhile. "oh um, yea, I am uh, fine, I will be just another minute." Jack stood up and flushed the toliet to make Kurt think he was just using the bathroom or something. He walked out and looked at Kurt and looked back down. "I am uh, gonna go to bed, I am really tired." Jack walked into the living room and sat on the couch and laid down, he didn't know if sleeping with Kurt was a good idea at this point and he wasn't sure if he was allowed. jack put his hands under his head and slowly fell asleep.