Avatar the Last Airbender

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Kieara smiled and offered her glass to him for wine. He'd really outdone himself this time. She was having a great time just being with Kestreel.
He served her half of the glass of wine, and he served the same to him. Then he put the bottle aside and sat, smelling the wine. "It smells like... Well... Wine." Said him, realizing he was no oenologist. But the truth was that the wine was soft and it has a small touch of oak tree and strawberry marmalade. "Mmmm... I tastes pretty good actually." Said him smiling
Kieara smiled as she sipped on it. "That is really good." She spoke. She didn't drink, but with a meal she supposed it would be ok. This was the first time she'd drank.
Kestreel noticed her hesitation regarding the wine. "You... Well, you don't have to drink it if you want... I mean, is not like I'm trying to get you drunk... I thought it would be nice to have some wine with the dinner..." Said him blushing a little bit. "I... I wanted to take you to some place nice after the dinner, you know? I thought we could go to the park. The place we went this morning? At night they light up some lamps to illuminate the small roads of the park... Many... Couples use to go there at night... I thought it could... You know, be romantic... You know, now that we are together... Dating... And... Well... I think I better stop talking now." Said him smiling really blushed.
Kieara smiled. "Oh I wasn't knocking it, It is excellent, i've just never drank before. I know you're not trying to get me drunk." She smiled as he spoke giggling softly. "You're too adorable. that sounds great." She said.
He smiled again, still a little bit blushed. "Thank you." Said him. and they continued eating their dinner, they even had some fruit for dessert. Then, after resting for a couple of minutes, Kestreel got up and offered Kieara his hand. "Come on, our super romantic walk awaits us." Said him, blushing by his own words, but standing firm and decided to have a good and sweet time with his girlfriend.
Kieara smiled taking his hand and standing up. She was looking forward to it. She was already having a great night.
Kestreel nodded and took her back to the streets and slowly walked with her to the park. As he promised, small lamps mildly iluminated the small roads of the park. The esences of the plands and flowers were almost dissapeared, and only fresh air could be breathed there. In their romantic walk they found some other couples who also had the idea of taking their loved ones for a walk under the stars. ALright, that romanic walk idea wasn't as special as he thought, but Kieara seemed to be having a good time with him, and for Kestreel, that was the most important thing right now. "Hey, look!" Muttered him. "See that guy over there? I used to party with him and some other friends. I didn't knew he had a girlfriend..." Said Kestreel as they got close.
Kieara smiled as hse leaned her head on his shoulder. She smiled. "Oh how neat." she said listening to his story with a smile. She smiled in a friendly manner in case he were to come over.
Rusty seemed to see Kestreel to, but the girl he was wih pointed him in another direction and kind of pushed him out of Kestreel and Kieara way. same old Rusty... He always had something for bossy girls." Said Kestreel chuckling. "You will not happen to be too bossy, right?" Asked him jokingly and stopping as he saluted her like soldiers did. "Ma'am! Kestreel at your service!" Said him looking pretty serious. But as always, he wasn't able to hold the joke for more than a few seconds and he resumed their walk, holding Kieara a little bit closer tan before. "I don't care if you turn to be bossy... I really like you..." Said him, getting a little bit blushed like he used to get when he got philander.
Kieara smiled until she saw him get drug off. She giggled a little. "seems like it." she then watched Kestreel and giggled a little more. "No, I won't be bossy, or at least I will try not to be." she said to him as he pulled her closer and she blushed again at his words and actions. "I really like you too." she said.

((btw dont remember if i told you or not but if things go into the fade to black area and you want to rp it out or something then we'll do it over pm and come back here.))
Kestreel smiled with her response. It was good to be loved. They continued their walk, and after a while, they reached the entrance of the park again. "Is getting late..." Said Kestreel. He wanted to be with her, like forever. But it wasn't posible, and tomorrow she had to work. "We better get you home before is too late. Tomorrow you have to work, right?" Asked him.

(( Mmmm.... Well, if you really want to, and of you kindly insist a couple of times more, I may be persuaded to do so, but you must understand that I would feel a little bit... Uncomfortable knowing you are under 18. ))
((be 18 in Feb. and as far as that we don't have to, but I just thought i'd bring up the topic. Couldn't remember who i'd relayed that to and who I hadn't.))

Had she known he'd participated in philander it would've changed her views a bit. She was a huge romantic and believed one should be saved for the one they loved. And no other. She didn't like the thought of him having had sex with anyone else. Kieara smiled at him. "Yes, I do..." she said cursing the place where she worked in her head. "You staying with me again?" She askd hopefully. She didn't want him to sleep on the streets or anything of the like.
Kestreel blinked twice before her remembered where was he living now. "Oh... Yes, I forget we were living... Mmmm... Toghether, now..." Said him blushing. From friends to couple in just a fes days, and living together none the less! "Yes, I will stay at your place... If you don't mind of course..." Said him. "I can always get back unther that bridge... It's a little bit moist... And cold... But it's kind of homely... When is not accupied by some other poor person..." Said him putting a puppy face.

(( Then is set; In Feb, we will have all the explicit fade to black scenes you desire. ; ) ))
((lol ok then. until then we fade))

Kieara spoke. "I could never leave you out in the cold like that." she kissed his lips lingering for a moment then pulled back with a smile. "It's no trouble at all, I don't mind." She insisted.
Kestreel was so happy he didn't knew how to act or what to do. He had never been this happy before; Having a beautiful, smart and nice girfriend, getting to eat everyday and having a rooftop to get under. He was so happy, so happy and so grateful to Kieara he could only find one way to express it. "You know what?" Said him smiling, suddenly grabbing her, briddal style, and starting to take her home. "I'm taking you home. Literaly." Said him smiling as he held her close.
Kieara smiled as she held onto him. She curled into his chest. "I can see that." she giggled a bit and rest her head on his shoulder softly.
Kestreel smiled of happiness, blushing again at the feel of Kieara curling into his chest. It wasn't long until they reached her house, and only when they were just in front of the door did Kestreel put her back on the ground. "I wanted to kick the door... But I thought that may have been... Inapropiate." Said him still with his smile on his face.
Kieara laughed softly and unlocked and opened their door. "If it was unlocked it'd be ok." she spoke and smiled as she stepped inside their home.
Kestreel went behind her, closed the door and stood next to her once they were inside. "Well.... It's been a really nice, I really enjoyed this night with you." Said him softly as he looked at her, still agape by the beautifulness of Kieara. "I... I love you." Muttered him, looking to the floor. He didn't knew why did he just say that, he just felt it and said it.