Avatar the Last Airbender

Archer shrugged. "I don't know, girl. Can't really remember." Said him looking at Sohei. "Anyway, the thing is we have a guest now." Said Sandra with a wide smile. "I was about to make some dinner. I'm sure I can add some food here and there and make some for you too." Said her. "Oh... Thanks but.. I can't pay you, I have no..." But Sandra interrupted him. "Nonsense! You don't have to pay nothing!" Said her almost laughing. "Come on, dear. Why don't you show him our house?" Asked Sandra looking at Kari.
Kari smiled and nodded. She held his hand and then moved off showing him around. "Here's where you will sleep." She said smiling and opening the room next to her. "Mine is over there." She said pointing across the hall.