At Death's Doorstep

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Kei was rummaging g around in what looked like a medical store room. He picked some roles of gauze and tape when Zack and Hina walked in. Zack called Yuuki Kei's wife and Kei lost his composure. "Wife, what no were not. I'm only 17 we can't, I mean we haven't." Kei dropped his supplies and turned bright red.

Kei calmed down and explained the situation to Zack. "I guess we've been through alot and if by some miracle we survive I want Yuuki to stay by my side forever."
Zack laughed a little at Kei's reaction, "you two are really something." He teased kei and as he explained everything he added, "your only 17?.. how old does that make Yuuki?!" He asked surprised.

Hina giggled and ran up to kei nuzzling into him, "why airnt you married to mommy yet daddy?" She asked playfully giggling as his fave turned red more, "if you love mommy then shouldn't that mean you two should be togethers?" She stated and looked up at him her eyes full of wonder.
Kei chuckled "she's 16." Kei looked at Hina and patted her head. "Ha, well I guess your right Hina, as soon as we get home we'll talk more about it ok?" Kei looked at Zack. "Wow I guess you must have thought we were pretty old." That's when Kei noticed Zack didn't have a scratch on him. "How bout you Zack how old are you?, how were you able to survive this long?
Zack laughed at the old part then turned serious, "ive been hiding from everyone in the houses.. I want nothing to do with this game so I hide and help people who are left for dead like I thought yuuki was." He said with a grim expression.

Hina smiled, "cant this be our home daddy?" She asked all innocent and sweet.

Yuuki came down the stairs tying up her shirt. When she was clean you could tell she had freckles dotting her skin and her blue eyes shone out more. You could see everything clearly now about her and realized that she had a hidden beauty that not most girls had. When she saw everyone staring she blushed, "i-is something wrong?" She asked timidly and bit her lip that looked as red as rose.
Kei smiled at Hina, "it is nice, but I think our real home will be much better." Kei heard Yuuki come down the stairs, he was instantly mesmerized by her. He started thinking back at when he was saved by Yuuki. "You're beatiful Yuuki."
Yuki blushed massively, "not even." She retorted and walked up and kissed him. When she pulled away, "i do believe its you're turn to clean up baby." She smiled.

Hina stared, "mommy you're so pretty!" She stated making Yuuki blush even more.

Jace stared with his jaw dropped, "holly...shit. ." He breathed understanding now how Kei fell in love with her.
Kei nodded at Yuuki's suggestion that he go get ready. He shot Zack a look, before looking at Yuuki as if saying that's my girl. Kei went upstairs and turned on the shower, he placed his gun by the shower just incase. Ad he stood there letting the hot water wash over him he thought of life after this ordeal, life with Yuuki and Hina.

Outside the sun was setting on the outskirts of the housing area was a thick treeline. Some bushes started shaking as a small rabbit jumped from behing. It started chewing on something when it was suddenly covered by a shadow, as the bunny turned a large, fury hand grabbed it and choked the life out of it. The creature ate the rabbit and had its sights set on the housing area.
Yuuki waiting for kei to come down. In her wait she played tag with hina and Zack amung a few other games when she got a feeling in her stomach, not the good kind either, like the kind of feeling from back when she saw the monster at the abandoned house with Rae and Kei. Shivering at the thought she smiled, "just a little cold." She lied to hina and zack then looked behind her at the boarded up window.
Kei finished his shower and was getting dressed when he felt like he was being watched. He looked around, he opened the bathroom door and looked around. He didn't see anyone around, but he did hear Yuuki and the rest playing. Kei shut the door and continued to get dressed when he heard scratching coming from the window. Kei grabbed his gun and walked over to the window, he looked outside and didn't see anything but a seemingly empty housing area. He shook his head and continued, he had put everything but his shirt and shoes when he heard the scratching again.

Kei went down stairs and checked on everyone. "Did you guys hear anyth8ng?"
Yuuki looked into Kei's eyes understanding now what was happening, "no but we should head to the basement I think theres a few things I forgot and I think I saw a board game hina would like." Playing it off so Hina and Zack wouldn't be scared. Looking over to Kei once more she heard quick footsteps outside and her eyes grew wide as she recognized them. Her face became scared and pale just like at the abandoned house, 'monster' she mouthed to Kei.

Zack picked up on the sudden tension in the air as he heard little noises outside. Reading Yuuki and Kei's response and seeing Yuuki mouth monster made him pick up Hina, "come on lets go to the basement me and you can make beds and play games with mom and dad." He cheered softly to Hina keeping her destracted. Working Hina cheered back and eagerly waiting to be carried down stairs.

Being along Yuuki walked over to Kei, "I recognize the foot steps outside.. its the monster from the abandoned house." She said returning to her leader like self. Just then she heard little scratches and chekka mumble in thrid person about how chekka wants to play, chekka wants new friends. Making Yuuki tence up, "Kei lets go." She said sternly pushing Kei to the basement coming in last.
Kei grabbed a few things and placed them in front of the door. He lied to Hina telling her that he was just moving stuff to make room to play. Kei looked around and saw a window, he locked it and put a shelf in front of it. "Ok that should be enough room, Zack why don't we start playing over hear away from the door and window."
Yuuki bit he lip it was easy to tell something was wrong when her face was clean. Walking over to Kei she pulled him into a hug so they could talk andnmot freak Hina out, "what are we gonna do that thing killed off half the players already and we're sitting ducks here." She whispered well hugging him.

Hina and Zack started playing hide in seek. Zack knowing it'd be best is Hina was the hider because of the way her parents were acting.
Kei looked at Yuuki, Hina and Zack. He smiled the took Her in his arms and gave her a deep kiss. He pulled back and smiled at Yuuki. " you." Kei looked around and made sure Hina was out of sight. He pulled his gun from his waist and hit Yuuki in the back of the head knocking her out. As kei did Zack looked shocked, "what are you doing Kei?".

Kei smiled and put Yuuki in his arms then laid her down on a cot. Kei found Hina and told her mommy was asleep. "Hey Hina, I'm gonna go grab some stuff from upstairs so we can build a fort ok?" Hina looked into Kei's eyes she knew he was lying but smiled for him. "Hurry back, daddy." She said as a tear fell from her face.

Kei pulled the junk away, and looked at Zack. "Take care of my family Zack." Kei tossed him the shot gun he pulled off of the Yakuza. Kei pulled out his pistol and cocked it headed outside. Kei walk tword the scratching. "Chakra wants to play, Chakra wants to cut!!!"
As Kei told zack to take care him family he ran after Kei and grabed him but the back of his shirt callor, "what the fuck is wrong with you? You're just gonna die we'll you leave your family to a 15 year old kid?" He asked shaking his head, "give me the fucking gun you idiot." Holding out his hand you could see a bit of Yuuki in his eyes and he spoke, "im the weakest link here besides Hina, give me the gun and ill buy you some time. Hina and Yuuki have been through to much to lose you. Dont put them through hell once more." He explained as the monster burst through the door Zack grabbed Kei and through him back grabbing the gun in the process. Zack faced chekka and smiled not thinking of any smark remarks to say he simply talked to Kei, "Hey Kei, you asked me why i survived, its because i was never appart of the game in the first place i was working at the hq when they told me i was going in to be a player help and i could help any players i found. So the father I never got to have Kei." He stated and ran at chekka shooting the monster when chekka picked Zack up like a dog toy and killed him. Playing with his dead body for a moment.

Hina got up and looked up at Kei through the stair well, "daddy?.." she said softly thankfully short enough to not be able to see what was going on yet.
Kei was suddenly thrown backwards by Zack, as he fell he saw the boy getting ripped apart by Chekka. "Zack!!" Kei stopped when he heard Hina's voice. He Stuffed his feelings deep down in his gut and grabbed Hina. "listen baby do me a favor and keep your eyes closed ok?" Kei ran her to the window and pushed her through, he then grabbed Yuuki and stuffed her through the window, he grabbed the shot gun and aimed it at CHekka. He was going to pull the trigger when Zack's words rang in his ear. "be the father i never had" Kei bit his lip as a tear fell down his face.

He went through the window and grabbed Yuuki, he held Hina's hand as they walked down the deserted road. he couldn't hear or see any trace of anyone else. Even the dead bodies of the yakuza were gone, he figured it was Chekka's doing. Kei found a push Kart and placed Yuuki inside and put Hina in aswell while he held the shot gun in his hand. "ok HIna lets go were gonna play wagon." Kei looked back at the house and turned away his face had a big fake smile on it as he walked away from the houses. "daddy? were is Zack." kei stopped and smiled "Zack had to go help some other people sweet heart." Hina looked away almost as if she knew what had happened "will" she sniffed a tear back "will he be back" Kei felt a huge lump in his throat at the question, he smiled again. "i'm not sure Hina, he might." Kei and Hina were quiet as they walked in the moonlight, Hina clung to Yuuki crying silently into her shoulder.
Yuuki moaned rubbing the back of her head to see a grim kei and a sleeping Hina, but no Zack. Hugging hina to her body she looked up at kei as if to say 'did he die?' When kei adverted his gaze she understood.

Sighing she looked up at Kei, "you hit me upside the head again babe and im gonna hit you back ten times harder." She spoke softly then placed her hand on his, "we're in this together Kei. That includes taking on things like at the house." She said soothingly.

*in hq*

The host watched his young apprentice being torn to shreds. Biting the corner of his lip he let out a deep breath, "well folks it seems the helper has been killed. We now only have..." checking the papers his eyes grew in surprise, "we only have 6 people left in the game." He announced shocked at the numbers. Then continued on, " our game is coming to an end. Thankfully for them they have all pared off into teams therefore the last team standing gets to come home and be on next season's show." He explained with a smile.

Then waited for the crowd to stop cheering as he adverted to the teams starting with team one, a group of two boys and one girl. They were heavily armed and setting up camp in the forest.

Team two was a group of younger teens no older than 13. All three boys. Weakly armored and fighting about what needs to be done.

And finally team three yuuki, Kei, and Hina currently with no where to go and only a shotgun as protection and a cart as transportation.

The screen split into three as the host smiled, "our wondrous six ladys and gentlemen. Who do you think will win? We'll come back with results after the break!" He cheered and the crowed cheered.

Walking off stage he went to the control room, "we should send out something each team needs. Team one needs food, team two needs weapons, and team three... they need more protection, food, and shelter." He spoke watching the monitors.

One of the workers raised an eyebrow, "isnt that unfair to mainly help team three?" She asked crossing her arms acrossed over her chest.

Taking her suggestion the host nodded, "then send all three resources to all the teams only one will have more of the other. Give team one more food, team two more weapons, and team three add in medical supplies as a booster." He ordered before walling back on stage. The worker grunted then called in the order. Moments later the drones were sent out.

*in game*

Well yuuki and kei we're talking a messenger drone was sent out, "what'd they want now?" Yuuki said as the drone flew softly into the cart, "we should stop and check it out baby." She suggested to Kei as a little message sliped out. Grabbing it Yuuki read it outloud, "congratulations team three you are the final six. You're one step closer to being free. Inside we have sent you a congratulations give of weaponry, food, shelter aka a tent, and medical supplies. Also for you're child we packed in a teddy bear for her. Good luck you're almost out." She read and smiled opening the drone and pulled out a clean fluffy teddy bear, "Hina baby wake up look what mommy and daddy found." She spoke softly.

Rubbing her eyes hina woke up and saw the teddy bear. Gasping she grabbed it excitedly, "its a teddy!" She cried hugging it to her chest tightly she kissed its head, "im gonna be a good mommy and daddy just like my mommy and daddy are to me!" She told it.

Yuuki couldn't help but smile and a tear fell down as she watched hina play with her new toy. Looking up at kei she rested her head against his hand.
Kei watched as the drone fell. He saw the tent and supplies. He was happy to see them but was already thinking of Chekka ripping through it like tissue. Kei felt Yuuki's head on his hand, he smiled and nodded. "That's right Yuuki were in this together." Kei laughed at Hinas remark. "That's great hina, I'm sure you'll make a great mommy"
Yuuki smiled and held hinna close, "we should set up a tent here soon baby." She said seeing it was dark and the stars were already out.

Hina giggled continuing to comfort the teddy bear and hold it tightly.

*in hq*
The host steps out on stage as the votes were in, "it seems everyone voted for our power couple team number three." He announced and the crowd cheered, "though it seems its been awhile since we switched it up, shall we?" He asked and the crowd roared with responses, "alright folks lets do this!" He cried and hit the button.

*in game*
The ground started to shake and rumble, "oh no.." was all yuuki had time to say before pulling kei on top of the cart with hina and herself. When the maze changed they were in a forest with the abandoned house from before. Coughing as the cart landing sideways with hina in one direction and kei in the other she sat up dusting herself off, "so much for the shower." She grumbled.
Kei felt the ground shake as he did Yuuki grabbed him into the cart. Kei quickly grabbed a hold of Hina and Yuuki and held on tight. By the time the ground stopped shaking the shack from their first encounter with Checka was in view. Kei looked up and shook his head. "so this is their plan for us." Kei stood up and helped Hina to her feet. he offered his hand to Yuuki. "you ok?"
Yuuki nodded, "yea im ok" taking Kei's hand and letting herself be pulled to her feet. Looking at the house she kind of smiled walking over to Hina, bending down to her height she looked at the house then her, "this is where mommy and daddy first met." she explained then remembered Rae. Bolting up she ran inside praying that he would somehow be alive, bursting through the door she called out for Rae, but sadly there was no response. Looking down there was a piece of his blue shirt left, walking over to it shakily she picked it up and felt all her emotions drop to the ground and shatter. Someone managing to hold herself together she looked at Kea's confuzled look, but without a single word her eyes told it all, Rae was gone.
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