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when it's a ylf

when is a dog like a pony?
when it's big enough to ride.

who invented eggplant?
Whoever first planted an egg.

Why are so many colours named after vegetation?
because flowers are pretty

why is pizza so yummy?
Because it's Italian, and Italians usually have a genetically inherited trait that allows them to create amazing dishes.

How did that trait get there in the first place?
From the times of the Romans. Some of them, such as Lucullus, were famously fond of extravagant meals, and they probably genetically engineered their cooks to be wonderful at what they do. And the trait got passed down.

How do we decide what taste is good and what is bad?
Via the social norms and conditioning we undergo from the time we are young. Our parents enforcing the stereotypes upon us forcing us to fit into the crazy fascist undertone of our society!

How do we know we exists?
I think, therefore I am. But I can't be sure about others, maybe I made them up.

Why do people who dress up as ladybirds paint red wings and ladybird dots on their faces? Ladybirds don't have those on their faces either, their faces are black and their wings are on their back!
because people are silly?

why are people silly?
I did! I walked into a room and shined!

Why is it so hooooooot??
The Sun.
The Antarctica refuses to supply cold anymore.

Why do people make toys from such a dangerous and fearsome animal as a bear?
because the baby ones were cute and cuddly till they grew up and ate them

where do penguins fly to in the summer?
The beach!

Why don't we count on our toes instead of our fingers?
some do! others haven't got that far yet

have you seen the inside of outside?
Yes, it's "s". (outside)

What if there is only one rainbow and it travels around the world to wherever a rainbow is needed?
that's one busy bow!

how far does an egg roll uphill?
It depends on how far I push it.

Which is heavier, a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?
nether one silly! everyone KNOWS a ton of lead is da heviest lol

why do rockets go boom?
A megaphone is built into them with a recording of a BOOM sound, so that we all pay attention when they go up.

If absolute zero is the lower bound of all possible temperatures, what's the upper bound?
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