Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer!

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Well, if the bus stops at the bus stop and the tram stops at the tram stop, then the buck must clearly stop at the buck stop.

Who invented questions?
the question god did!

is the pope catholic?
That's hopefully a requirement for the job.

But what if he changes his mind while in office? :O
then I guess the Catholic church won't be so "catholic" then, eh?

what is light as a feather but stronger than steel?
A reinforced steel feather, of course!

If someone dies and becomes a zombie, and then is resurrected into the same body, what does he become?
A paradox.

If Humans are one of the most abundantly found creatures on the planet, food is scarce, and humans are edible, why is cannibalism frowned upon?
What, is it frowned upon? I'll make sure not to do it in polite company, then.

How do we know it's the cat who has a tick in him and not the tick who has a cat stuck on his head?
awesome. Something that is awesome has the power or quality to make people feel amazed and full of admiration or fear because of its size, difficulty, etc. Eg. ...the awesome complexity of the universe... awesome responsibility... an awesome weapon of war. awesomely. Eg. The crowd, orderly, awesomely hushed, had filled the square.
(Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary)
Why isn't there a thread for clever questions too?
Because we would just answer them with a stupid answer anyway.

Who invented toilet paper?
Whoever first came across a newspaper that didn't say anything useful.

If gravity is real, then why doesn't the sky fall down?
because chicken little died.

why is programming so difficult?
It's not, only if you have trouble thinking like a computer. But if you can, then it's no longer necessary.

If we let wind blow into a balloon and tie the balloon shut, then the wind stops outside, will the wind inside carry it away?
wind is quite powerful

what speak fire word salad mixup?
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