Ashes to Flames II: Revenge of the Gods

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Caleb thought for a moment. "Owkays.." he still hugged Michavelli's neck. "Vawin can.." he said, sighing a little. "No Vi.." he growled.
Liam nodded and got to his feet and kissed her cheek. He turned around and walked away and stopped as he saw a little stuffed bear laying against the wall. "Hmmm..." he said as he kneeled and picked it up and walked away. He saw Vellie and Vilan and Caleb, of course the boy was in his arms, making him wonder if Velli just wanted the kid to himself, but it didn't matter. He jogged over to them and stood next to Velli and looked at Caleb "Look what I found for you, little man." he said handing him the bear. "You want to get cleaned up and get some new cool clothes?" he asked him.
Coming out of her daze, Star nodded quickly at Machiavelli's passing greeting. As he continued past her, she got the feeling that he didn't want to talk to her. Why would that be? Now that she thought about it, that fight with Osi earlier probably didn't make her seem like that friendliest person it the world... So much for a good first impression. She sighed softly before bringing her thoughts back to the boy that had been sitting on Machiavelli's shoulders. What was a child doing at a military base? She supposed it was none of her business anyway, though she still couldn't help but be curious. Moving on, she started to walk in the opposite direction as Machiavelli and the boy. After maybe ten minutes of aimless wandering, she heard the yell of what sounded like a little boy. Unable to stand it any longer, she decided to find out what exactly what was going on. Turning on her heels, she walked hurriedly towards the source of the sound. When she arrived she was surprised at the number of people there. Was she the only one who had no idea what was going on? Desperate for some sort of explanation she looked around at the four people there, not including Caleb, hoping that at least one of them would be able to fill her in.
Caleb narrowed his eyes at Liam. "Go." he pouted. "I down't wike you.." he said, dropping the bear and hugging Michavelli.

Violet sat on her horse, but sat there, thinking. "Liam.." she bit her lip, sighing.
He stood their and glared at Velli. "Come on, buddy. Don't be like that. I wasn't gone that long. I promise, I'll never leave you again. Ok?" he said as he held his hand out.
Caleb glared. "You. Like. Vi." He almost spat the words. "Vi bad." He frowned. "Mommy say so.." he hugged Michavelli.
Vilan chuckled. "I don't like Vi that much either." She said somewhat bitterly. "I'd love to join you two tho." She smiled, walking over to Vellie and Caleb. She looked at Liam. "Sorry Liam he doesn't like you either so..." she shrugged. "We"re going to find something to do." She turned back to Caleb and held out her hands to him. She could have sworen she recognized him.
He looked at him and frowned. "But I'm not bad. I promise. Ok?" he said really wanting to get to know his son without this man getting in the way. It was really starting to piss Liam off. Let Liam take care of his son. He doesn't need to fathers. He really wanted to knock the shit out of Velli but couldn't because he had Caleb. He was the reason why Caleb wanted nothing to do with anyone. And Liam was 5 minutes away from having enough of that.
Machiavelli looked at Liam " you seem frustrated " he sighed and took Caleb from his arms placing him on Liam " you make promises, keep them " he said staring Liam dead in the eyes. " I'll see you around Caleb " he said before he began making his way down the hall shaking his head. Putting his hand into his pockets " I'm sorry Vincent...daddy is sorry " he spoke out loud but though self consciously to himself. He snapped out of it and rounded the corner his fist tracing the wall.
Vilan watched Velli leave after handing Caleb over. She laughed quietly. "Wow...I'm not sure about that guy." She mumbled. Then, turned back towards Liam. "Caleb how about giving you daddy another chance?" She asked, arching a brow at the both of them.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a woman who she thought was named Star. She seemed a little confussed. Vilan tilted her head towards the woman. "Emm Liam..maybe you can fill her in on what is going on?" She suggested. "Then, maybe Caleb, you, and I.can do something instead..."
Caleb frowned at Liam. "Liam like Vi.. Vi bad... Vi veewwwy baaaaaad.." He looked into Liam's eyes, his golden ones softened. "Daddy.." He giggled a little. "Okay daddy.."
He smiled and agreed. He turned around and walked over to Star witg Caleb in his arms. "Hey, this is my...,Caleb. Caleb, say hi." he said with a smile.
Caleb looked at Star. "Hewo.." He reached forwads, touching her arm. 'Hi..I sowwy you no speak.. I can read minds.. You good pewson..' He told her mentally before letting go, looking up at Liam. "Daddy.."
Star looked completely stunned. 'D-did he just...?!' She instinctively took a step back from the boy, her eyes wide as she stared at him. It took her a few moments to calm down enough to comprehend the next thing that he said. 'Daddy?' Her gaze shifted to Liam. Feeling overwhelmed, she closed her eyes and attempted to take in what had just happened. When her eyes opened again, she looked at Caleb and gave him a small smile. Glancing at the rest of the group, she wondered if anyone else knew about Caleb's... ability.
As soon as Machiavelli arrived, Osi just fell down to the floor and held his head in his hands, shaking. He put the mask on so noone could see his face. No one needed to know that he was crying. Liam has a child. That wasn't anything bad. But Osiris lost his family long ago, and this had made him start to think about that again. He didn't even notice the others come in. Just sat there, hands shaking, quietly weeping to himself.
Liam smiled at what he did. 'Yup...he's my son.." he said in his head. He nodded at Star and smiled, "Don't worry." he said. All of a sudden a big blast came bursting from the ground about 600 yards away. He looked out the window and shook his head "No..EVERYONE GEAR UP!!!" he screamed as he looked at Vilan and grabbed her hand and started running with her and Caleb. Things started flying, bullets, people, everything, people screaming. "EVERYONE, CLEAR YOUR MIND! DON'T THINK, PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR MEN! I PROMISE WE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS FIGHT. MAN UP AND GEAR UP! WE HAVE A SCORE TO SETTLE WITH SICK FUCKS!" he said as he kicked open a door and sat Caleb down and put armor on him and looked at Vilan "Look, I need you to please stay with him and protect him." he said as he touched her hand "I need to be out their defending the base. Half of them won't survive if I'm not out their." he said.
Caleb's eyes turned orange at the sound of the explosion. "Daddy!!" he yelled, glaring at the hole before looking up at Vilan. "Viwan..." he whimpered, reaching up towards her.

Violet rode out, her rifle in her hands. She didn't care about her armor at the moment, she needed to get the main fires off the base. She fired at a few of the snipers lined around the corner before she felt the horse shift unusually. "Shit.." she rolled across the ground as the horse collapsed, sprinting back towards the base. She turned, firing at a man who jumped at her.
Osiris got up and walked slowly outside, scythe in hand. Once he got out side and saw the incoming enemy forces, excitement washed away the sadness he felt moments ago. His mask was back on, the piercing purple eyes glaring at the various forces in front. The armor exploded with dark energy, a loud, bellowing howl coming from Osiris, and then he vanished. Osi blinked all throughout the battlefield, turning anyone near, friend or foe, into masses of mangled bones and carved flesh. The battlecries from the enemy on the wraith's front turned into screams of terror. This was a true demon, given flesh. The incarnation of bloodlust and adrenaline. The scythe wasn't even being used anymore, his weapon instead being the dark energy from his suit and his bare hands. By the time Osi finally got around to a different part of the battle, blood and viscera covered his body. His armor was broken in a few places, but his mask was shattered, a few of the shards lodged within his right eye. These went unnoticed, the horrid cackle the only thing coming from him before he charged into another group of enemies, his rampage beginning anew.
Violet turned in time to have a fist meet her head, causing her to crash through the wall. "Ack.." she looked around and sighed, sprinting down the hall to retrieve her armor from her room. She touched it with the hand and it shifted, crawling onto her as if being thrown into water. She smirked as the helmet covered her face. She flipped around, her rifle in her hand firing at the man who had followed her. She ran back out, noticed Osi and staying on the opposite side of the battlefield. Where's Liam...? she thought, sighing a little, her shots becoming twice as precise.
Vilan nodded once as she pulled out her double swords. She watched Liam disappear before bending to down Caleb. "'ll be okay. I won't let anything happen." She said, touching his cheek briefly. "I--" She started to say until she heard a whoosh behind her. She grabbed Caleb, pushing him out of the way towards the back wall, as she swung her sword around. "Caleb stay back." She yelled without turning away from the enemy. A man charged at her but she was in her fighting stance, ready.
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