Ashes to Flames II: Revenge of the Gods

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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The boy sniffled. "Velli..." he rubbed an eye with a hand, wiping the tears away. He watched Machiavelli with bright eyes. "I Caweb...3." he held up three little fingers before taking Machiavelli's hand, tracing over it with his own.
"...fuck it." Osi went over to Star, grabbed her arm, and pulled her over to his desk. "What do you want. Don't ask questions, just write what you want." He handed her some paper and a pen. "I'll go out for a smoke, I'll be back in a minute." He walked outside, seeing Machiavelli and a child crying on his leg. A kid. He nearly fainted. He walked over. "Y-you've got to be k-kidding me. Machiavelli.....w-what the f..."He looked at the child and stopped himself. "What is a kid doing here." Osiris' hands were shaking.
Caleb looked up at Osi and whimpered. "V-velli.." He was terrified by Osi's mask. He scooted closer to Machiavelli and shaking. His lip started to quiver again. "I want mommy..." he said, his brows furrowing as he teared up again, holding Machiavelli's hand tight in his two hands. He had a strong grip for sucj a young child.
He took the mask off. He didn't wanna scare the kid more that he already was. 'Poor kid's scared to death.' "I'll get Violet, take care of him till then." He ran off as fast as he could to Vi's room, nearly knocking down the door when arrived. "Vi, VI, VI! GET THE FUCK UP WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM HERE!"
Violet didn't wake up at first, but did after a minute or two, shifting slightly and yawning, then growling at Osi, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "WHAT?" she growled, glaring at him, then her gaze softened. This has to be big.. She sighed. "What Osi.." she said, sounding tired, but looking serious. "What's the huge problem?"

Caleb rubbed his eyes as Osi took the mask off. He sniffled a little and looked at Machiavelli, his eyes asking if Osi was safe.
Machiavelli looked at osi leave and then at caleb, " As if i would let her take him from me " He said picking caleb up and walking down the hallway towards his room, " So you must be strong right? i mean you were all alone in the woods " he said laughing as he looked around.
"SOMEONE LEFT A KID ON OUR FRONT DOOR!" Osi was freaking out, his skin a few shades paler, and his hands looked they were about to dislocate themselves by how bad they were shaking.
Caleb curled up in Machiavelli's arms, nuzzling his head against Machiavelli's chest. "Mommy weft me..we wode trey to hewe and..poof..she weaved.." he sniffled, closing his eyes.

Violet froze, her brain taking exactly two seconds to register his words. "A what...?" the words where a mere whisper. She shuddered, but stood silently, walking over to Osi. She put a hand on each shoulder. "Osi." she said softly. "First. Stop shaking. Second. Where is the kid?...and what's his name?" Please not Caleb...I don't need Azle's crap right now... She looked away and yawned slightly, shaking the sleep from her head and sighing, dropping her arms.
Vilan roamed around the base lost in thought. She knew she ought to pay more attention to everything around her, but she was trying to figure out excatly how she would make contact with her father without being caught. Also, there was the problem with what all to tell him. This was something she had not thought through before joining the rebellion and she should have. He would be expecting to her from her soon and that worried her.

Turning at the next corner, she heard a child cry."What the-" She started to mutter as she glacned up. She noticed Machiavelli had the small boy and already had him somewhat calm. "Hm... that is...strange." She mumbled, watching Osi leave and Machiavelli leaving right after with the boy in question.

Shaking her head, she continued to head back to the briefing room needing to see what room was hers.The list of rooms was on the door, she remembered. It was something she should have done earlier. Then, she wouldn't have had to make a trip back around.
(:/ Osi used to have the skulls of his wife and daughter on his old scythe, which he lost because Falco didn't like him feeling remorse for a job he did. I win. :P)

(didnt realize this was a battle)

He opened the door to his room and walked towards the bed setting caleb onto it chuckling " Why would she leave such an innocent child " he turned around looking for his bag " You hungry buddy? " He said rummaging through his bag for his snacks that he keeps hidden.
(Messin with ya. :D)
Osi tried to breathe, calming a little. He shakily lit a cigar, then started talking again. "Outside with Machiavelli. I have to get back to the recruits, but the child's name was Caleb." He walked back to the EXO room. He sat down and looked at Star. He was still a shaken, but not enough for most to notice. "Got anything yet?"
Caleb pulled the blankets up over his head, nodding a little, watching Machiavelli curiously. "Velli..Veeeellliii.." he said, looking at the floor. "Velli.." he smiled and looked back up, the whole time just saying the name. He giggled a little. "Velli!" he said excitedly, swaying a little on the bed, holding the blankets around him.

Violet froze, watching Osi walk away. "Shit.." she mumbled, throwing her head back and rubbing her face. She sighed, deciding Machiavelli could take care of the child for a while. She climbed back into bed, cuddling close to Liam, quickly falling back asleep, but her dreams where not so happy.
He pulled out some berries " hah found it! " he turned around smirking as the boy chanted his nickname " you want some berries? " he said holding them out infront of the boy, as he sat down on the bed besides him. Caleb seemed to really adapt were ever he was.
((lol Osi..yes...very much so.))

Caleb nodded a little, hesitantly reaching out and taking a berry, sticking it in his mouth. He chewed the berry and let the juice run around his mouth before swallowing. He giggling. "Nummy!" he leaned over against Machiavelli, taking another berry and eating it, the blankets pulled around him, his bright gold eyes looking around, the short black hair ruffled from the blanket. He giggled a little, looking up at Machiavelli. "Velli nice!" he smiled.
" Huh, you remind me of someone i used to know " he said looking down at a ring on his finger, he smirked and looked back at caleb " Come on lets go explore shall we? " he said standing up holding his arms out. Machiavelli hasn't realized that he has just begun treating this kid like his son.
Caleb nodded, giggling. He struggled with climbing from the blankets for a moment before stumbling forwards, jumping into Machiavelli's outstretched arms. He looked up at Machiavelli and smiled happily, poking Machiavelli's cheek gently. "Hehe..." he giggled, smiling innocently.
Star was surprised when Osi came and grabbed her arm. At first, she tried to resist, not knowing what was going on. Then once he explained, she just stood there in utter confusion. Was he being nice to her? She stared after him as he left the room, the pen falling from her hand. The impact of the pen on the floor roused her from her shock. She shook her head and picked up the pen. Thinking for a moment, she wrote down a few words on the piece of paper: 'Black, Quiet, Easy to move in.' She thought a bit more. Then she wrote: 'Holsters, Bulletproof, Can become invisible.' She wondered if the last part was a bit much. With a shrug, she decided to leave it. She looked over her list once more just as Osi came back into the room. Her gaze moved to meet his as he sat down. He looked... different. Yet, she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. Her head tilted to the side as she looked at his face, trying to figure out what had changed.
He looked at her, sighing. "Just don't ask. Please," he pleaded. He looked at the paper and smiled. "The other can wait. I'm tired, but this is piss easy. See ya tomorrow." He smiled and walked off.
Osi had barely slept. He finished Star's suit earlier than expected last night, but he couldnt sleep. Seeing a child like that floored him. He hadn't let himself near another child after that job, and now one was under the same roof as him. He had to avoid him at all costs. He couldn't allow the tragedy to happen again.

"Never again...."
She nodded as he walked away, still as confused as ever. He was acting as if their fight earlier had never even happened. She honestly didn't know how to feel about him anymore. If she wasn't careful she might even begin to like him. At this thought, she brought a hand to her mouth and her body shook in a silent laugh. Oh well, at least he wasn't being a jerk anymore, though she was still curious about why he had been acting so... strange. After pondering this for a moment, she shrugged. If it was important she would find out eventually. With this, she decided to head to her room since she had nothing better to do at the moment. She examined the chart on the wall and located her room. Then, at a leisurely pace, she proceeded down the hallway until she reached it. The door opened without any trouble, and she peered into the room. It seemed comfortable enough with a bed, lamp, dresser, and desk all positioned neatly in the room. She soon came to realize that she even had her own private bathroom. Well, this sure was a step up from where she had been living before. Walking into the room, she closed the door behind her and then plopped down onto the bed. Dropping her rifle onto the floor, she cuddled up under the blankets, suddenly realizing just how tired she actually was.
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