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General Character Statistics

N a m e
Lisette | The name is of German origin, a variation of Elisabeth and means "God Is My Oath".
Elayna |
The name is of french origin and means "Shining Light".
Anastasia | The name Anastasia is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Reborn.
Dragomir | It is composed of the Slavic words drag (dear, precious) and mir (peace). It can be translated as To whom peace is precious, i.e. He who cares about peace.

T h e B a s i c s
Sin/Virtue | Charity
Gender | Female
Species/Race | Homunculus
Age | 18
Birth Date | November 17th x746
Zodiac Sign | Scorpio
Current Residence | The Dragomir Estate
Gemstone | Citrine

O c c u p a t i o n
One of Fourteen | Charity: Generosity, charity, self-sacrifice; the term should not be confused with the more restricted modern use of the word charity to mean benevolent giving.
Love, in the sense of an unlimited loving kindness towards all others, is held to be the ultimate perfection of the human spirit, because it is said to both glorify and reflect the nature of God. Such love is self-sacrificial. Confusion can arise from the multiple meanings of the English word "love". The love that is "caritas" is distinguished by its origin – being divinely infused into the soul – and by its residing in the will rather than emotions, regardless of what emotions it stirs up. This love is necessary for salvation, and with it no one can be lost.

Heir of the Dragomir's | As she is the last of her 'bloodline', Lisette automatically becomes the family head. Even so, most would consider the family dead. Especially since it's doubtful she could even be called a 'true' heir, due to her manner of creation.

Magecraft | Explanation to be added.

F a m i l y
Lisette's family is dead. Her mother and father both passed away several years ago, leaving behind only their young daughter. Once known to be a prosperous and successful family of mages and alchemists, the long line of Dragomir's finally came to an end. As such, she doesn't have any intermediate blood relatives. In fact, it would be more appropriate to say that she has no blood relatives at all.

Physical Characteristics

T h e B a s i c s
Height | 159 cm
Hair Color | White
Hair Length | Long (to hips)
Hair Style | Varies
Eye Color | Crimson

Distinguishing Marks | She has the symbol of 'charity' tattooed across the center of her chest. Lisette also has the family crest (a dragon curling around a sword) tattooed across the back of her neck.

G e n e r a l A p p e a r a n c e
Although a near perfect creation, upon closer inspection it becomes clear that she was in fact not created by natural means. Her milky skin is too flawless, her face too symmetric and her petite body too perfect. Some would say she bears resemblance to a doll – an assessment which would perhaps not be entirely wrong.

Although she doesn't look quite a child, she still looks rather young – something her limited height and not all too curvy physique doesn't exactly help. Long silver hair cascades down her shoulders, reaching all the way down to her hips. Her eyes are a deep shade of crimson. It isn't all too obvious usually, but somehow they seem to be lacking life – or perhaps soul. Sometimes they even appear to be entirely made out of glass, whilst at other times they may seem almost human. This glassy stare has a tendency to freak other people out.

Lisette's preferred clothing style is almost aggressively feminine and she will rarely be seen in anything other than skirts and dresses. Although they wildly vary in color and design, the wast majority of what she wears has frills and reminds strongly of the Japanese Lolita fashion. She also prefers darker and more somber colors such as black, blue and purple, to bright tones such as pink or orange.

S t r e n g t h s & W e a k n e s s e s
Strengths | Lisette is rather slender and petite, which means she... doesn't take up a lot of space? I guess that's not really a strength. The problem with her is that she isn't really very physically strong. She's more on the intellectual side of things. Then again, she has a very high pain threshold.
Weaknesses |As mentioned above, Lisette is not particularly strong nor agile. That doesn't mean that she's completely out of shape, but she wouldn't be likely to win against a physically superior enemy.
Mental Characteristics

P e r s o n a l i t y
General Personality | At first glance, Lisette may come off as distant, cold or detached. Yet that couldn't be further from the truth. Lisette never puts her own needs before those of others. She has a distorted sense of values where she only finds self-worth from helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act of "helping people" is its own reward. She believes it is highly unfair that some people survive and others don't. When it comes down to receiving an injury or even giving up her life to help someone, she will do it without a second thought. And yet you will never see her complain. She often states that her dream is a world in which "everyone can wear a smile on their face." It is her way of expressing her love for the world and all it contains; for expressing her emotions in general is something she finds difficult. She often smiles, but just as her eyes seem to be lifeless, her smile is empty.

Inner Personality | In reality Lisette is a deeply troubled individual. She sees being the incarnation of charity not as a gift, but a curse and despises this part of herself above all. Why, you may wonder? Because the ideal forced upon her due to what she is, is filled with hypocrisy and lies. She has long since adopted the mindset that the kind of world she dreams of is impossible – and that the selfishness and greed which make it so are inextinguishable. Saddened by the reality that whenever she is able to spare one life, another person is fated to die, she despises the foolish ideals she cannot escape. Lisette loves everyone, after all, and only desires to help. She feels trapped, juxtapositioned and empty; often likening herself to a tool or machine. She is the one individual which will never be allowed to live for herself.

P r e f e r e n c e s
Sexuality | Asexual/Panromantic
Likes | Books and Reading, Tea, Frilly Dresses, Elegant Fashion, Arthur, Pretty Gardens, Helping People, Snow, Spring and Sweets.
Dislikes | Greed, People Coming to Harm, Shellfish, Death, The Thought of Reincarnation.

S t r e n g t h s & W e a k n e s s e s
Talents | A knack for languages, A musical Talent, Story Telling.
Inabilities | Swimming and Cooking.
Fears | Rebirth

L i f e
Current Goal/Purpose | Leaving the Estate
Aspirations | Creating a world where everyone can wear a smile on their faces.

Hobbies | Embroidery, Piano, Violin and Singing, Reading, Writing, Listening to Music, Tea, Lolita.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Allies | Arthur McWooly is her phantom butler, and currently the only individual she would call an ally.
Enemies | Lisette doesn't really make 'enemies'. She loves everyone. Although Greed should be listed here, it's complicated. Charity loves everyone, even Greed. It's just another side of humanity, after all, and not in all situations bad. She dislikes the destructions it causes, but envies how it helps people improve as well. Just like all the other sins and virtues, it comes in many shapes and sizes. Without it, the world may be a happier place... but it also wouldn't be the world she's so infatuated with. As such, Charities only true enemy is Herself.

Specialty Characteristics

I n v e n t o r y
Arthur McWooly
A Pendant

M a g i c

O t h e r

Historic Background

G e n e r a l H i s t o r y
Charity is a virtue, but it's not always a blessing. Vital when combined with the other 14, on its own it becomes the very downfall of its practitioner. Although the deeds of a Martyr are admired, the life of a Martyr is usually less than desired. No one wants to walk the path of torns an existence of only being of use to others paves.

Looking at it from this perspective, being the incarnation of Charity is surely a curse sooner than a blessing.

Indeed, none of Charity's lives have ever ended happily. Exploited, time after time after time. Betrayed, time after time after time. And yet she could not even blame anyone for it — for her love for them ran deeper than most would even be able to comprehend. A love so strong, that she would walk this thorny path over and over and over again, without hesitation. A love so strong that she would proudly take on all the pains and burdens of the others and never breathe a word of complaint.

Yet no matter how hard she tried, it was fruitless. No matter how many times she tried to steer humanity on a better path, to make the world a happier place — for every life she saved, another would be lost. Whenever she helped one person, another would suffer. Whenever she brought a smile to one persons face, another five were crying. Her dream of living in a world where everyone could be happy, free of pain and suffering was a goal which could never be achieved — and yet it was her sole purpose in life.

Charity is the one entity in the world, which will never be allowed to live for herself.

Every time she was reincarnated, this truth became more and more apparent to her. It could almost be said that the virtue itself has been broken over time. All Charities in the past had either been killed in betrayal or died for another, yet the Charity before Lisette broke the pattern. Driven insane by the hopelessness and pain, she eventually committed suicide.

Charities only true enemy, is herself.

P r e s e n t L i f e
Lisette grew up in solitude; shielded from the outside world and all of the harsh experiences life has to offer. Her parents were rather overprotective and would under no circumstances allow her to leave the Dragomir premises. As such, she was home schooled and cared for at the castle. She would never have complained, for Lisette loved her parents dearly and did not wish to hurt their feelings. The young lady was convinced that everything they did was for her wellbeing. In reality she was not allowed to leave the mansion, as her father didn't want anyone to find out about her existence. He treated her like a daughter – but she was also many generations worth of alchemic research.

Research outside parties would surely love to get their hands on. He had, after all, been able to artificially create a near perfect human being.

The alchemist Michail Dragomir used to travel around a lot – even after Lisette's mother passed away due to her chronic illness. Lisette would be left behind in care of the family servants, always faithfully awaiting her fathers letters and post cards. As promised he would always return with the most amazing stories to tell, and yet he never stayed for long.

At some point, the letters stopped arriving.

Weeks, months and eventually years passed, but Michail never returned. It could only be assumed that he was dead – and yet Lisette would never stop hoping, never stop believing that he would one day return home. She didn't want to accept that she would never see her beloved papa again. He had promised that he would return, after all. And so, she waited, and waited and waited.

On her eighteenth birthday a letter from a mysterious sender arrived, inviting her to the city of Anama. Since Anama was the last location her father had sent a letter from, she decided it may be a chance for her to look for him. So, the girl who had never before left the Dragomir grounds, packed her bags and set out on her biggest adventure yet.

S p e c i a l H i s t o r i c N o t e s
❆ Growing up alone with no children her age to play with, so she invented her own 'friends'. Arthur has always been her closest friend, as it was a handmade gift from her mother. After her father disappeared, Lisette felt extremely lonely. Her overactive imagination and powers combined, giving form to these creatures. The only one who has truly manifested in physical form, however, is Arthur.
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  • Love
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I FINISHED NIKOLAI!!!!!!! except his history
  • Love
Reactions: Ali
I FINISHED NIKOLAI!!!!!!! except his history

I FINISHED NIKOLAI!!!!!!! except his history
PERFECT! The history can come later. Post some magic for me gorgeous ♥



General Character Statistics

N a m e
Lisette | The name is of German origin, a variation of Elisabeth and means "God Is My Oath".
Elayna |
The name is of french origin and means "Shining Light".
Anastasia | The name Anastasia is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Reborn.
Dragomir | It is composed of the Slavic words drag (dear, precious) and mir (peace). It can be translated as To whom peace is precious, i.e. He who cares about peace.

T h e B a s i c s
Sin/Virtue | Charity
Gender | Female
Species/Race | Homunculus
Age | 18
Birth Date | November 17th x746
Zodiac Sign | Scorpio
Current Residence | The Dragomir Estate
Gemstone | Citrine

O c c u p a t i o n
One of Fourteen | Charity: Generosity, charity, self-sacrifice; the term should not be confused with the more restricted modern use of the word charity to mean benevolent giving.
Love, in the sense of an unlimited loving kindness towards all others, is held to be the ultimate perfection of the human spirit, because it is said to both glorify and reflect the nature of God. Such love is self-sacrificial. Confusion can arise from the multiple meanings of the English word "love". The love that is "caritas" is distinguished by its origin – being divinely infused into the soul – and by its residing in the will rather than emotions, regardless of what emotions it stirs up. This love is necessary for salvation, and with it no one can be lost.

Heir of the Dragomir's | As she is the last of her 'bloodline', Lisette automatically becomes the family head. Even so, most would consider the family dead. Especially since it's doubtful she could even be called a 'true' heir, due to her manner of creation.

F a m i l y
Lisette's family is dead. Her mother and father both passed away several years ago, leaving behind only their young daughter. Once known to be a prosperous and successful family of mages and alchemists, the long line of Dragomir's finally came to an end. As such, she doesn't have any intermediate blood relatives. In fact, it would be more appropriate to say that she has no blood relatives at all.

Physical Characteristics

T h e B a s i c s
Height | 159 cm
Hair Color | White
Hair Length | Long (to hips)
Hair Style | Varies
Eye Color | Crimson

Distinguishing Marks | She has the symbol of 'charity' tattooed across the center of her chest. Lisette also has the family crest (a dragon curling around a sword) tattooed across the back of her neck.

G e n e r a l A p p e a r a n c e
Although a near perfect creation, upon closer inspection it becomes clear that she was in fact not created by natural means. Her milky skin is too flawless, her face too symmetric and her petite body too perfect. Some would say she bears resemblance to a doll – an assessment which would perhaps not be entirely wrong.

Although not appearing quite a child, she still looks rather young – something her limited height and not all too curvy physique doesn't exactly help. Long silver hair cascades down her shoulders, reaching all the way down to her hips. Her eyes are a deep shade of crimson. It isn't all too obvious usually, but somehow they seem to be lacking life – or perhaps soul. Sometimes they even appear to be entirely made out of glass, whilst at other times they may seem almost human. This glassy stare has a tendency to freak other people out.

Lisette's preferred clothing style is almost aggressively feminine and she will rarely be seen in anything other than skirts and dresses. Although they wildly vary in color and design, the wast majority of what she wears has frills and reminds strongly of the Japanese Lolita fashion. She also prefers darker and more somber colors such as black, blue and purple, to bright tones such as pink or orange.

S t r e n g t h s & W e a k n e s s e s
Strengths |

Weaknesses |
Mental Characteristics

P e r s o n a l i t y
General Personality | At first glance, Lisette may come off as distant, cold or detached. Yet that couldn't be further from the truth. Lisette never puts her own needs before those of others. She has a distorted sense of values where she only finds self-worth from helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act of "helping people" is its own reward. She believes it is highly unfair that some people survive and others don't. When it comes down to receiving an injury or even giving up her life to help someone, she will do it without a second thought. And yet you will never see her complain. She often states that her dream is a world in which "everyone can wear a smile on their face." It is her way of expressing her love for the world and all it contains; for expressing her emotions in general is something she finds difficult. She often smiles, but just as her eyes seem to be lifeless, her smile is empty.

Inner Personality | In reality Lisette is a deeply troubled individual. She sees being the incarnation of charity not as a gift, but a curse and despises this part of herself above all. Why, you may wonder? Because the ideal forced upon her due to what she is, is filled with hypocrisy and lies. She has long since adopted the mindset that the kind of world she dreams of is impossible – and that the selfishness and greed which make it so are inextinguishable. Saddened by the reality that whenever she is able to spare one life, another person is fated to die, she despises the foolish ideals she cannot escape. Lisette loves everyone, after all, and only desires to help. She feels trapped, juxtapositioned and empty; often likening herself to a tool or machine. She is the one individual which will never be allowed to live for herself.

P r e f e r e n c e s
Sexuality |
Likes |
Dislikes |

S t r e n g t h s & W e a k n e s s e s
Talents | Any defining talents your character possesses?
Inabilities |Anything your character can't do for the life of them?
Fears |These can be linked and related to weaknesses.

L i f e
Current Goal/Purpose | Does your character have a current goal or purpose? If not, please delete this line.
Aspirations |What does your character aspire to do with their current circumstances and life?
Hobbies | Any hobbies your character has on the side or in general?

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Allies | Who does your character trust? Is there anyone in their lives who they'd gladly lay down in front of a train for?
Enemies | How about people they'd like to throw IN-FRONT of a train? (If you are a Sin or Virtue, you must automatically add your opposite to this list. Listed above.)

More: Anything else entirely?
Specialty Characteristics

Special Items: Does your character have any special items they always carry on them? Anything of symbolic value?
Weapons: What weapons does your character use, if any?
Magics: Is your character skilled in the use of magics? Alchemy? Invocations? Remember not to over power your character.
More: Anything else?

I love your bio so far hun ♥
white Just a little note for everyone. If you bio's are mostly finished and you have down the basics (appearance, personality, strength, weakness, likes, dislikes, and abilities) you are more than free to post in the IC! There are some people I haven't even heard from since the IC went up on Wednesday, which is surprising, seeing as there was a lot of excitement.
If outside circumstances are holding you back from posting, let me know! I'm super super lenient with stuff like that. I just like knowing so that I don't have to constantly worry if the character you're playing is going to show their face in the IC.

Aside from that, thank you all for making such nice bio's! You don't need my approval to start posting, so go for it! If I see anything wrong while reading through them, I'll let you know, so there's no need to make it perfect. Put down what you believe your character is in this current time, and over the RP, I'm sure he/she will develop.

@Strawberry If you still would like to have the position of Chastity in this RP, I'm going to need to ask you put up a bio by no later than tomorrow (the 30th of May) just so I know you're still interested. If I don't hear anything back on this thread, or over PM, I'll have to re-open the spot.

@Shattered♦Secrets™ Prides' all good. I'd appreciate if Patience could be put up ASAP ♥
@Noiz Thank you for that awesome first post ♥
@Vio Nikolai looks perfect, love ♥ Make sure to post!
@Sin Post away hun, Vespertine looks great :)
@Ookami Haven't heard from you in while, but last time I checked, Pandora and Nevera were done, right :o? Post hun! ♥
@Vegnya It would be nice to know you're still alive o-o
@Killako Bring the mayor into her shining light :D! Post ♥
@A Bowl of Petunias Kafziel seems pretty much finished ~ You can give a first post and continue working on him as time progresses ♥

If you guys need any help, I'm just a PM away! I'd like to get the IC in full swing ASAP rocky heh ♥
  • Love
Reactions: Esmeray
I don't know what to post. I don't see Pandora or Nevera doing anything at night except sleeping.

Arthur McWooly

General Character Statistics

N a m e
Arthur | The name Arthur is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Arthur is: Strong as a bear. Lisette, however, named him after the former butler of the household. That may also be why he, in his human form, bears slight resemblance to that person. She was very fond of him as a child.
McWooly | The name 'McWooly' comes from the fact that he's a fluffy sheep with wool. The butler on which his identity was based was named Arthur McCoy.
Fluffy| By far his most hated nickname, but some of the servants still refer to him as such.

T h e B a s i c s
Gender | Male
Species/Race | Phantom/Familiar
Age | 14 [Appears to be a grown adult in his early 20's]
Birth Date | The Stuffed animal was created in x749, the phantom wasn't truly brought to life until somewhere around x754.
Zodiac Sign | Unknown
Current Residence | The Dragomir Estate
Gemstone | Unknown

O c c u p a t i o n
The Dragomir Butler | Explanation to be added (WIP)

F a m i l y
He's a stuffed animal, so he doesn't have any blood relatives. He does, however, consider the young lady Lisette his family, which may be appropriate since she was in a way, also his creator. They mostly seem to have a brother-sister type of relationship. The other servants at the Dragomir Estate, although they may get on his nerves sometimes, could also be considered his family.

Physical Characteristics

T h e B a s i c s
Height | 182 cm
Hair Color | Blonde
Hair Length | Longish (to neck)
Hair Style | Messy
Eye Color | Blue

Distinguishing Marks | He has a scar running across the bridge of his nose.

G e n e r a l A p p e a r a n c e

S t r e n g t h s & W e a k n e s s e s
Strengths | WIP

Weaknesses | WIP

Mental Characteristics

P e r s o n a l i t y
General Personality | WIP
Inner Personality | WIP

P r e f e r e n c e s
Sexuality | Bisexual
Likes | WIP
Dislikes | WIP

S t r e n g t h s & W e a k n e s s e s
Talents | WIP
Inabilities | WIP
Fears | WIP

L i f e
Current Goal/Purpose | WIP
Aspirations | WIP
Hobbies | WIP

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Allies | WIP
Enemies | WIP
Specialty Characteristics

I n v e n t o r y

W e a p o n s

M a g i c

O t h e r
Historic Background

H i s t o r y

S p e c i a l H i s t o r i c N o t e s
Anything of mass importance that makes up your characters current entity? If you'd like to develop this over the course of the IC/RP, delete this section.
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: Esmeray
white Just a little note for everyone. If you bio's are mostly finished and you have down the basics (appearance, personality, strength, weakness, likes, dislikes, and abilities) you are more than free to post in the IC! There are some people I haven't even heard from since the IC went up on Wednesday, which is surprising, seeing as there was a lot of excitement.
If outside circumstances are holding you back from posting, let me know! I'm super super lenient with stuff like that. I just like knowing so that I don't have to constantly worry if the character you're playing is going to show their face in the IC.

Aside from that, thank you all for making such nice bio's! You don't need my approval to start posting, so go for it! If I see anything wrong while reading through them, I'll let you know, so there's no need to make it perfect. Put down what you believe your character is in this current time, and over the RP, I'm sure he/she will develop.

@Strawberry If you still would like to have the position of Chastity in this RP, I'm going to need to ask you put up a bio by no later than tomorrow (the 30th of May) just so I know you're still interested. If I don't hear anything back on this thread, or over PM, I'll have to re-open the spot.

@Shattered♦Secrets™ Prides' all good. I'd appreciate if Patience could be put up ASAP ♥
@Noiz Thank you for that awesome first post ♥
@Vio Nikolai looks perfect, love ♥ Make sure to post!
@Sin Post away hun, Vespertine looks great :)
@Ookami Haven't heard from you in while, but last time I checked, Pandora and Nevera were done, right :o? Post hun! ♥
@Vegnya It would be nice to know you're still alive o-o
@Killako Bring the mayor into her shining light :D! Post ♥
@A Bowl of Petunias Kafziel seems pretty much finished ~ You can give a first post and continue working on him as time progresses ♥

If you guys need any help, I'm just a PM away! I'd like to get the IC in full swing ASAP rocky heh ♥
Yes, ofcourse, sorry RL has been a bitch and Iwaku is derping on me, so im not getting notifications.
I don't know what to post. I don't see Pandora or Nevera doing anything at night except sleeping.
Hahaha, are they more day people? Hmm - well, if you'd like, you can send them to a party! :D
Anarma comes alive at night with tons of different Mardi Gras celebrations!
Yes, ofcourse, sorry RL has been a bitch and Iwaku is derping on me, so im not getting notifications.
Not to worry ^_^ It's good to see you again :)
Iwaku does that to me drives me nuts...

Arthur McWooly

General Character Statistics

N a m e
Arthur | The name Arthur is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Arthur is: Strong as a bear. Lisette, however, named him after the former butler of the household. That may also be why he, in his human form, bears slight resemblance to that person. She was very fond of him as a child.
McWooly | The name 'McWooly' comes from the fact that he's a fluffy sheep with wool. The butler on which his identity was based was named Arthur McCoy.
Fluffy| By far his most hated nickname, but some of the servants still refer to him as such.

T h e B a s i c s
Gender | Male
Species/Race | Phantom/Familiar
Age | 14 [Appears to be a grown adult in his early 20's]
Birth Date | The Stuffed animal was created in x749, the phantom wasn't truly brought to life until somewhere around x754.
Zodiac Sign | Unknown
Current Residence | The Dragomir Estate
Gemstone | Unknown

O c c u p a t i o n
The Dragomir Butler | Explanation to be added (WIP)

F a m i l y
He's a stuffed animal, so he doesn't have any blood relatives. He does, however, consider the young lady Lisette his family, which may be appropriate since she was in a way, also his creator. They mostly seem to have a brother-sister type of relationship. The other servants at the Dragomir Estate, although they may get on his nerves sometimes, could also be considered his family.

Physical Characteristics

T h e B a s i c s
Height | 182 cm
Hair Color | Blonde
Hair Length | Longish (to neck)
Hair Style | Messy
Eye Color | Blue

Distinguishing Marks | He has a scar running across the bridge of his nose.

G e n e r a l A p p e a r a n c e

S t r e n g t h s & W e a k n e s s e s
Strengths | WIP

Weaknesses | WIP

Mental Characteristics

P e r s o n a l i t y
General Personality | WIP
Inner Personality | WIP

P r e f e r e n c e s
Sexuality | Bisexual
Likes | WIP
Dislikes | WIP

S t r e n g t h s & W e a k n e s s e s
Talents | WIP
Inabilities | WIP
Fears | WIP

L i f e
Current Goal/Purpose | WIP
Aspirations | WIP
Hobbies | WIP

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Allies | WIP
Enemies | WIP
Specialty Characteristics

I n v e n t o r y

W e a p o n s

M a g i c

O t h e r
Historic Background

H i s t o r y

S p e c i a l H i s t o r i c N o t e s
Anything of mass importance that makes up your characters current entity? If you'd like to develop this over the course of the IC/RP, delete this section.
McFluffy x) I'm going to forever call this character McFluffy.
  • Love
Reactions: Gladis
white If anyone needs or wants a banner to put above their posts, head on over to the first page (second post) of this thread! There are some examples of banners I've made, and if you'd like one, shoot me a PM ♥
Hahaha, are they more day people? Hmm - well, if you'd like, you can send them to a party! :D
Anarma comes alive at night with tons of different Mardi Gras celebrations!

Not to worry ^_^ It's good to see you again :)
Iwaku does that to me drives me nuts...

McFluffy x) I'm going to forever call this character McFluffy.
He'll hate you. XD McFluffy. <3
Ah, one question. Would it be possible for Lisette to have been born outside of Anama or all are sins and virtues reborn within the city?
He'll hate you. XD McFluffy. <3
Ah, one question. Would it be possible for Lisette to have been born outside of Anama or all are sins and virtues reborn within the city?
That's the goal >:) ♥
Also, yeah that's 100% okay!
Actually, none of the Sins or Virtues were technically born in the city unless they so wished. Most were born/created outside the city, and later came to Anarma :)
That's the goal >:) ♥
Also, yeah that's 100% okay!
Actually, none of the Sins or Virtues were technically born in the city unless they so wished. Most were born/created outside the city, and later came to Anarma :)
Okie. -w- I've almost finished her now. ^^
  • Love
Reactions: Ali
Im so sorry that i didnt get back to you my laptop died on me I have to buy a new one like in june or july I would still like to be un the rp but have to wait until i get my new laptop. I can and will catch up when i can.
Hahaha, are they more day people? Hmm - well, if you'd like, you can send them to a party! :D
Anarma comes alive at night with tons of different Mardi Gras celebrations!

Not to worry ^_^ It's good to see you again :)
Iwaku does that to me drives me nuts...

McFluffy x) I'm going to forever call this character McFluffy.
I call him Mr. Fluffybutts
Im so sorry that i didnt get back to you my laptop died on me I have to buy a new one like in june or july I would still like to be un the rp but have to wait until i get my new laptop. I can and will catch up when i can.

Welcome back!
No worries about the computer issue, I hope you get it fixed as soon as possible and pride and patience will be waiting for your return :)

I call him Mr. Fluffybutts

I call you Mr.Liarfluffybutts the 2nd.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Justin
Yeah I will have laptop eventually a better one.
Welcome back!
No worries about the computer issue, I hope you get it fixed as soon as possible and pride and patience will be waiting for your return :)

I call you Mr.Liarfluffybutts the 2nd.

Mr liarfluffybutts the second!? Whatever so you mean? ; - ;
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