are we friends?

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Shion smiles and stretches. "I'm gunna head to bed."
She grabbed Shion's arm with a blush on her face.
"Would... would you mind it if I stay over? I really don't want to go home.."
Shion smiles and kisses her. "You're always welcome here." She takes her hand and goes to her room.
She nods and walks with the other girl, casually and seemingly without thinking about it removing her shirt. She had had an almost entirely flat chest her entire life, and had grown to not care about her upper half being naked.
Shion noticed and blushed, liking her flatter chest. Shion was large breasted but she wasn't flat either, having a B cup. She starts changing into her pjs.
Kano pulls off her loose pants and under she is wearing boxer shorts. It was a habit she'd picked up from when she was young, finding the loose material comfortable compared to women's panties. Together with the fact that she didn't even need to wear a bra, she looked much like a boy even when she was almost undressed.
Shion finishes undressing, wearing purple lace bra and boxer shorts too. She throws a shirt on and lies down. She stares at Kano, awestruck by her half naked body.
She lied down as well, with her face turned towards the other girl, blushing intensely at the intense staring. For once in her life, she really did feel naked and wanted to cover herself up. "G-geez, don't stare at me like that, I know it's weird I don't have boobs but you don't have to look at me like that..."
Shion blushes. "Its not weird. Its cute. I like it." She smiles.
She blushed more and put her hands on her cheeks. "That just makes it more embarrassing though..."
Shion giggles. "Which just makes it cuter." She puts her arm over her and kisses her.
She kisses back and slowly closes her eyes, trying to focus but quickly losing it. She pulls back from the kiss looking rather embarrassed and yet sleepy. "Shion... I'm really sleepy..." she mutters before she lies her head against the other's chest, falling into a silent slumber.
Shion smiles and falls asleep with her head on Kano's shoulder.
The night pass rather calmly, only with Kano waking a small amount of times, but not enough to jerk her awake entirely. As the sunrise broke through the curtains, she opened her eyes and for a moment felt disoriented. Even more so when she realized she wasn't decently dressed with a stranger in bed. Or... wait.. no, not a stranger. Her girlfriend.
Shion's shirt had ridden up a little in her sleep, ending up just below her chest.
Without a second thought, Kano put a hand against Shion's naked stomach. Her hands were cold against the warm skin, and she hadn't thought about the fact that the action might wake her up.
Shion rolls over a little and wakes up. "Hmm? Oh, morning." She smiles.
She pulled her hands back with a start and looked away with a deep blush on her face. "I-I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to... and... goodmorning.."
Shion smiles. "Didn't mean to what?" She wipes the sleep from her eyes.
"T-to wake you like that..." She muttered with a blush as she ran her hands through her hair. Now when in proper light, it really showed off her marked hip- and collarbones, and as she leaned her head to the side, the spot just at the nape of her neck. She was unaware of all this as she was running her long, thin fingers through her bedridden, black hair.