are we friends?

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Shion smiles. "Romance it is!" She gets up and puts a movie in before sitting back down, cuddled up to Kano.
She blushes and wraps an arm around Shion, pulling her close. She was watching a romance movie with her crush. What a great idea. She sighed nervously and looked at anything that wasn't the girl sitting beside her.
Shion smiles and kisses Kano. "I'm glad I moved back to town."
She blushed deeply, completely losing all focus she had on the movie. "I-I..." she stuttered and looked at her hands. It sucked being in love.
Saki laughs. "You're so cute when you're shy!"
"I-I can't help it when I-I have a c-crush on yo--" She slapped a hand in front over her mouth after she'd spoken, looking surprised over her own words. Crap.
Shion giggles. "Its okay. I have a crush on you too. Otherwise I wouldn't do this so much." She leans over and kisses Kano again.
She blushes as her arms wound around Shion's neck, closing her eyes after just a second. She pulls back soon after and looks at Shion, her face bright red. "I-I see.."
Walking out of the cafe he sighs not being able to fulfill his boredom he walks down an alleyway towards his car, when he is pushed from a man hiding behind a dumpster. the man has two acquaintances with him " Give us your money and possession! NOW! " Standing up slowly kuroi looks at the gun pointed directly at his chest saying " Alright alright let me just-" he interrupted himself as he brought his hand up like lightning grabbing the gun and pointing it back, kicking the man in the chest causing him to break his finger and fall back. Spinning the gun around kuroi smacks another man right in the temple causing him to fall over on the floor unconscious, Getting tackled by the last man kuroi blocks with his forearms and reverses the pin. and beats the man on the floor with his forearms, before he is put into a headlock by the first robber. Choking kuroi panics, he flips the man over himself and onto of his friend. kuroi sprints out the alleyway and continues running past his car towards the apartments. " HELP! HELP! " he shouts out as the three robbers are chasing him down the way. " SOMEBODY! "
Shion hears the commotion outside. "Be right back cutie." She runs outside and sees Kuroi being chased. She trips the first, causing the other two to focus on her. "Why you little..." She smiles and uppercuts the second. When the third tackles her she knees him in the groin. "Don't mess with a trained martial artist or their friends!" She spits in the guys face.
His mouth bleeding he sits on the floor, rubbing his mouth from blood. " Jesus that hurt " he hears one of the guys groan and kuroi comes back from around the corner looking at shion " Oh how lucky i am " he said walking over to the man groaning on the floor. he boots him in the face causing his head to flick back and pass out, " Thank you "
Shion smiles and nods. "Its no problem. You're just lucky I was home with my girlfriend and heard you're yell through the window." She laughs. "By the way, thanks for the tip for a skate spot."
Kano was looking from inside the house, and her whole body seemed frozen. Out of anything, she was scared of this. Scared of confrontations like that. She wanted to go out and help, at least, now when the guys were gone, but her head was spinning and her feet and legs felt like lead. She sat still by the window with a near horrified expression, seemingly blank to everything around her.
Shion heads back inside and sees Kano by the window. "Are you okay?" She walks up to her and hugs her.
She flinched and tried to get away before realizing that it's Shion, instantly clinging onto her.
"I-I'm fine... I'm... okay... I..." Even if she was muttering this, she looked just as terrified as before, the tears staining her cheeks.
"Shh... its okay now. I'm sorry you saw that but I couldn't just let them hurt my friend." She smiles sweetly and kisses her.
He looks around and rubs his chin shrugging and shouts out " I guess i'll just uhm..see you around..?" he said walking with his hands in his pockets back towards the alleyway.
She immediately lost all sense of where she was and returned the kiss, her eyes falling close. The tears were still falling but she seemed more calm, her hands weren't trembling, and she wasn't sobbing either.
Shion smiles. "Let's continue our movie." She takes her hand and walks back to the couch.

Ooc: akuma, sorry bout that. minagi was pestering me to reply lol
ooc: its alright ill just have to find another way to occupy my character.