Anime Idol High School!

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Lol, hey guys, sorry about my inactivity lately, you can blame school!
Anywho I just wanted to say happy late halloween! Hope you guys had a great holiday...
Now I'm really excited for thanksgiving though...foooddds
Before that though, we have that 11/11 thing where we celebrate all the people who died so that I could laze about all day not really getting any work done.
2 characters who clumsily say everything that comes to mind while speaking. Well, I know not to confide secrets in those then :D
:P She can keep secrets he's just a really cute boy and she hasn't been exposed to many cute boys.

Mmmkay guys... I'm thinking about making just a teeny time skip to the time everybody is supposed to be at their dorms, since there isn't much action going on and what-not.... Is anybody completely against that? I know that some of you guys have some conversations and stuff, but nothing's been posted for a while and so.... I don't wanna offend anybody or anything so here's an accurate gif to describe my siuation right now XD...

Oh and @Almalthia
You brought up a great point! Thank you :)
@Alexstrasza told me about her inactivity, for personal reasons I don't want to say 'cuz it's not my place all I'm saying is that she's in e clear as far as I know!
I think a time skip would really help move the roleplay along. I know a lot of high school rps fall apart at the beginning with introductions, so moving to the dorms would help keep things going. :)
Hmmmm....alright then, I'll do it! Maybe... Probably...
Just wing it XD!
please do... Im finding it hard to come up with replys
Alrighty then, it's decided!
I have not just one, but two people backing me up with this, so SORRY TO THE REST OF YOU, PLEASE DONT KILL MEEEEE!!
I totally based that post off of what I'm craving for dinner right now....sorry not sorry :)
Damn, I missed a lot of stuff.

Dibs on 2nd floor, middle column, bottom!
Hey, guys? Just a question, but there have to be teachers in this school, so who are they?
No teachers yet, I think they are just going to be NPC's that will show up from time to time. And I think that the focus would not be on the lessons that much but rather the interactions of everyone's characters.
Besides, in most of the visual novels I've read that are centered around school, they do not give that much emphasis on lessons aside from mentioning some formulas, or phrases related to a lesson. Since the focus is on the characters themselves and not the lessons they take.
It's unlikely. I've never seen a high school anime that paid close attention to the lessons. In fact, the characters in Madoka Magica spend more time in class in 12 episodes and 1 movie than those from K-ON do across 37 episodes and 1 movie, and K-ON's actually a school situation.
Yo GM we got some questions fo y'all! First up, will there don' be lessons in dis 'ere roleplay, or will niggaz be timeskipping throuz 'em? Next, the hell kinda time'zit in da IC? I though'tit were mornin' so why in da hell iz Chouko makin with the construcshin o' food?

I'm not good at racist black accents when I'm typing...
It's unlikely. I've never seen a high school anime that paid close attention to the lessons. In fact, the characters in Madoka Magica spend more time in class in 12 episodes and 1 movie than those from K-ON do across 37 episodes and 1 movie, and K-ON's actually a school situation.
And After 2 Seasons of Love Live, I can say that μ's scenes were spent more on practicing their lives than attending classes. In fact, the only time I remember them studying is when Honoka, Nico and Rin were getting bad grades. (I think I got them right though feel free to correct me.)
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