Anime Idol High School!

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About the PM thing that's going around, Feel free to do the same to me if one wants a Relationship/friendship/and-or rivalry. I don't bite. My beaver might though.
^^Same with me you guys!! I've never done something like that but I'm open to opportunity to improve RP skills.
Also, @Alexstrasza, we need to recruit more members for our group!! :( It feels lonely just the two of us...
Lol, yeah it's like the rest of the guys were avoiding Group 2 like the plague D:

@Raven Haruka Did you set up a group advertisement thread ? Perhaps we will get our last 4 through there?
That's a good idea actually, I'll get right on that!
Sorry for delay, just had a busy day.
Hey, that rhymes!
So proud of myself now :D
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Appearance: (anime prefered, if not no big deal though)

Suou Matsuri



1.49 metres


As somone who has been in the idol industry for a longer time than most others in the school, he knows the dark side of things. He isn't very trusting of his peers and doesn't want a friendly relationship with them, just a business relationship. He does not want to mix social life with business, and he will always concentrate on the task at hand. This effectively makes him bad at teamwork.
Despite claiming to care little about his peers in terms of friendly relations, he occasionally gives them warnings and tips on the idol industry, not wanting them to follow his dark path.

Matsuri was previously an idol himself, the crossdressing child idol that lead the unit TSUBAMEGAESHI, known to fans as Matsuri. While he started this when he was 11, he retired when he hit the age of 15 for no known reasons. Not known to public, at least.
He thought that puberty would make him shed his old look, but it never truly came. When he got a little older, he got a letter to enter the school. A little curious, he decides to enter the world of idols once again...

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Type of musician:
Not a musician, but a Music Composer as well as a 'manager' or 'Producer' of sorts.

Member of:
Group 2

His lack of puberty makes him look the same as 6 years ago, but he will often just say 'I get that a lot' if you point out that he resembles someone of fame.​
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Alright, I made Mr Grumpy. I'm still deciding on whether to make him a full-fledged girl as opposed to a former crossdresser. He's not getting on stage... for now.
Wow, what a buzzkill character. At least he's not in group 1 though. You should make him a guy who's currently having hormone thingy for becoming a girl. That could cause funny interactions. Also, who the hell names an Idol unit after a martial arts technique?
Character Sheet:


Name:Luce Capolli





Personality:Luce is a kind soul. He is gentle and loving always willing to help other's in whatever way that he can. Luce is also pretty intelligent and has a mean streak when pushed over his limit,where he can be caniving,vindictive,and cold.

History:Luce was born into a wealthy family both of his parents were stars in their own right ,both gorgeous as hell, from the beginning people took notice of what a beautiful child he was. In the Capolli household Luce was greatly spoiled. His parents taught him the importance of benevolence. This lead to Luce's gentle nature.Luce was loved by all,his beauty and gentle nature lead him to become well liked. Soon his parent's discovered Luce's amazing talent in the art of singing,He had great control strength and his octave was higher than any other around. Luce himself loves to sing and wanted to make a living out of it,thus prompting his parents to send him to school where if h graduated he'd be sure to become famous.

Type of musician: Lead Vocalist,his voice is that of an enticingly beautiful Counter Tenor reaching octaves in the soprano sect.

Member of:None yet,who wants this talented gorgeous beast? He's sure to make your band that much better.

Extra: Luce loves baking,he does it often and brings snacks to practice most of the time.
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I dont think there are any lead vocalist positions left... you could split it half vocalist and half of a certain instrument maybe and join group 2? They need some more people.
I saw that, so I was considering making him his own unit like they did in IDOLMASTER and if anyone needed his talents then they could use them
Also everyone feel free to pm,me and all that jazz
I dont think that's a good idea tbh. It'll make him work like a lone wolf character so you probably wont get any interaction.
I think it's best to see what the GM has to say.

But yeah, it's best to place your characters where more action happens.
Would you like me to change from Lead Vocalist to something else so you can could join group 2? @Angel Evans
Good morning!
Appearance: (anime prefered, if not no big deal though)

Suou Matsuri



1.49 metres


As somone who has been in the idol industry for a longer time than most others in the school, he knows the dark side of things. He isn't very trusting of his peers and doesn't want a friendly relationship with them, just a business relationship. He does not want to mix social life with business, and he will always concentrate on the task at hand. This effectively makes him bad at teamwork.
Despite claiming to care little about his peers in terms of friendly relations, he occasionally gives them warnings and tips on the idol industry, not wanting them to follow his dark path.

Matsuri was previously an idol himself, the crossdressing child idol that lead the unit TSUBAMEGAESHI, known to fans as Matsuri. While he started this when he was 11, he retired when he hit the age of 15 for no known reasons. Not known to public, at least.
He thought that puberty would make him shed his old look, but it never truly came. When he got a little older, he got a letter to enter the school. A little curious, he decides to enter the world of idols once again...

Likes: (optional)
Dislikes: (optional)

Type of musician:
Not a musician, but a Music Composer as well as a 'manager' or 'Producer' of sorts.

Member of:
Group 2

His lack of puberty makes him look the same as 6 years ago, but he will often just say 'I get that a lot' if you point out that he resembles someone of fame.​
Accepted, I'm guessing you're still working on appearance?

Character Sheet:


Name:Luce Capolli





Personality:Luce is a kind soul. He is gentle and loving always willing to help other's in whatever way that he can. Luce is also pretty intelligent and has a mean streak when pushed over his limit,where he can be caniving,vindictive,and cold.

History:Luce was born into a wealthy family both of his parents were stars in their own right ,both gorgeous as hell, from the beginning people took notice of what a beautiful child he was. In the Capolli household Luce was greatly spoiled. His parents taught him the importance of benevolence. This lead to Luce's gentle nature.Luce was loved by all,his beauty and gentle nature lead him to become well liked. Soon his parent's discovered Luce's amazing talent in the art of singing,He had great control strength and his octave was higher than any other around. Luce himself loves to sing and wanted to make a living out of it,thus prompting his parents to send him to school where if h graduated he'd be sure to become famous.

Type of musician: Lead Vocalist,his voice is that of an enticingly beautiful Counter Tenor reaching octaves in the soprano sect.

Member of:None yet,who wants this talented gorgeous beast? He's sure to make your band that much better.

Extra: Luce loves baking,he does it often and brings snacks to practice most of the time.
Accepted, he seems to be quite the eccentric guy XD.
As for the whole lone wolf thing I saw going on in the few messages above me....while I don't want to completely shut it down, I also want everybody to interact with one another.
Ooh, here's a compromise! How about he starts out as the lone wolf, and whatever teams do not have enough people can try to win him over? Does that sound good? Note this means that later on, either more teams will join in the competition or you will have to join a group. Preferably join a group XD
Good morning!

Accepted, I'm guessing you're still working on appearance?

Accepted, he seems to be quite the eccentric guy XD.
As for the whole lone wolf thing I saw going on in the few messages above me....while I don't want to completely shut it down, I also want everybody to interact with one another.
Ooh, here's a compromise! How about he starts out as the lone wolf, and whatever teams do not have enough people can try to win him over? Does that sound good? Note this means that later on, either more teams will join in the competition or you will have to join a group. Preferably join a group XD
Sounds perf
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