Angels of Elements OOC/Signup

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*Checks character list*
Vio hasn't made one of her (?) charries yet, the other has been quite unactive. AwayToTheDawn I can't remember >.<. Then there's Raitoningu, Reyyof1, and Noceur (I think)? I DON'T KNOW I'M JUST PICKING NAMES FROM A LIST! :'(
I'm sorry for my lack of help....
>.< Are you sure Noceur? At the moment it has been a very slow movement in the RP itself so not a lot has happened since your last post.
But aren't you tired of me saying I'm not sure what to type D8
So I figured it's probably best since you might think it's an excuse after a while when it actually isn't >_<
That's why... I'm always confused between posts >_<
Well fully reading other posts often helps.
Celestine said her goodbyes to your character, then went for a flight, and now is knocked unconscious, falling to the ground thanks to a projectile that hit the tower she was on.
So basically, there's just been a huge ass crash that's throwing up dust all over the place, and possibly one dead angel soon if no one catches Celestine.
Well fully reading other posts often helps.
Celestine said her goodbyes to your character, then went for a flight, and now is knocked unconscious, falling to the ground thanks to a projectile that hit the tower she was on.
So basically, there's just been a huge ass crash that's throwing up dust all over the place, and possibly one dead angel soon if no one catches Celestine.
Um, if nobody else will, I could try to catch her? I'm reluctant to steal the limelight, but with the lack of posting...
Well I wouldn't say you'd be hogging limelight or whatever, you're more than welcome to wait a while, see if anyone else returns some time soon, or if we're 'stuck' with a smaller group than how we started :)
Well I wouldn't say you'd be hogging limelight or whatever, you're more than welcome to wait a while, see if anyone else returns some time soon, or if we're 'stuck' with a smaller group than how we started :)
Okay then, I'll give it a day or two, then is nobody else intervenes, I'll transform into Superman!
Hahaha with or without shirt XD
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Lucian can magically appear -slight time skip he left the cafeteria a little bit after- then catch his little Phoenix XD and maybe tell a pick up line LOLOL

Fun fact: originally when I was going to first post as Lucian, he was babysitting two kids for another female angel. Twins. Long story short, it was a angel he had a one night stand with, and in return she basically got him back by making him stuck with her kids XD to which Lucian was thinking,"well played.".

But I scrapped that idea seeing as it probably wouldn't make sense. Basically he was at the park putting the kids to sleep until finally the mother came to get them -and Lucian didn't even know she was a mom, that was the 'well played' part in his opinion- XD

THEN I had another idea as a first post of him taking twins to base. However I disliked that idea as it'd be useless.

Hence, I had to go with Lucian taking home a dog instead XD
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Hecticcc lifeeee D: I'll post as soon as I can >.< For all my RP's -sniffles-
That could work indeed Noceur :P and the taking a dog home scene works quite well as far as I've been able to understand your character. Matched him well.

It's alright Ali, sometimes those things just happen :)
And lol, a certain angel sure took his time to catch a plummeting angel XD anyway, yay for (potential) movement
*Checks character list*
Vio hasn't made one of her (?) charries yet, the other has been quite unactive. AwayToTheDawn I can't remember >.<. Then there's Raitoningu, Reyyof1, and Noceur (I think)? I DON'T KNOW I'M JUST PICKING NAMES FROM A LIST! :'(
I'm sorry for my lack of help....

I was on hiatus! *flailing* ANYWAYS, I'ma post soon -w-

Also both my charas are made, I'm just waiting on my friend to make her chara first before I bring in the second. -__-
Lucian is a science dork. LOLOL. I noticed I made him really speak all science-y slightly having predictions, estimations, hypothesis, etc XD
All the while someone is falling and has about 5 seconds before hitting the ground? Boy that's one fast thinker! Wish I had that back when I had tests in school! Hahaha

I know Vio, I had you on hiatus.
Once the characters are completely done inform me so I can view them again (first one had gotten a review I believe second one I don't quite remember if it was finalized due to the history having to have someone else in a certain spot)
It was five seconds o.o I assumed she was soooooo high in the sky tbh XD
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