Angels and Demons; OOC/Signup

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Aw, too bad only males are left x3 This looks like it'll be fun to watch, though!

Actually, a female Demon spot JUST opened up because Luvable is the most epic person on the planet and possibly in the universe. Excluding me, of course. And Ashey. And Rui. And you. Other then that, Luvable's epicness has no match!
Mkaii I fixeded my dewd thing's secksiness and well thank you for making me the... fourth most epicest person evar! <3
Awesome, thanks Luvable!

Hmm, I don't like putting things in order... Let's just say that we are all among the top five most epic people ever!! :)
yes... because we are the only Angels and Demons that will coexist with each other on Earth.
So, o lovable amazing cookie, shall we start.
-Claims spot!-

I'll put a CS up in a few minutes :3
Agh, Ash, calm your romantic face, it's making me gag.
It's irking me. I don't have anyone to be all lovey dovey romantic-y with.... ._. ... -Cries in corner-
Demon me: lol I'm laughing at your pain.
Angel me:....... I'm not sure what I should say
Me: lol,sorry for laughing at your pain but...... I really have no Idea what to say...
Datenshi: You there, confused little man talking to himself! Back off my woman! Don't make me bitch-slap you.

Me: ... -sniffle-

Datenshi: -Soothes Kat and holds her-
I couldve said many rude things... but I'm training myself for when Im an angel XD

? and say what?
Idk I'm bored and the RP looks like its WAY far from starting so I'm out.
Name: Kaethe


Angel or Demon: Demon

Powers: Reflecting the power of another back at them - think getting hit with your own bullet. Also, she has the power to lull others to sleep by singing, though she does not exercise this power normally.

History: Kaethe was born by literally being ripped out of the womb. Her mother was a half-angel human, her father a full demon. Fearing that the man would murder her child, her mother attempted to kill both herself and the unborn daughter. Her father saved the baby but was too late for his wife. Kaethe grew up with her father coaxing on her demon traits, telling her every single day that she was responsible for her mother dying and that she would never be as good as the dead woman.

Finally, Kaethe struck out on her own to carve her own path in the world. She uses her angelic, sweet looks to earn the trust of strangers and find places to stay. Destruction follows in her wake, earning her a very strong reputation with demons and angels alike.

Personality: Vicious. She is coldhearted to the point that she has slain other demons just for fun. Sarcastic and brutal, every life is up for grabs and she takes offense to the smallest slight just to get a chance for revenge. There is a soft interior, but good luck finding it beneath the spiked armor.
Datenshi could coax out her angel. :) He's a natural Romeo.
Edit: which definition of coax exactly? *chuckle chuckle*