And So It Begins...

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Sebastian sipped his organic tea, looking down at his companies tax rates and writing a letter out to the company staff. He sighed, smacking his hand against the table as he realized that the numbers weren't adding up; Someone had stolen at least one hundred thousand dollars from the company. He wrote down serial numbers, linking them to dates and times and looking at the surveillance cameras. He noticed that the woman he had yelled at had stolen the money from the company's bank. With lightning speed, he dialed her number, wasting no time. "Hello. This is Mr. Black. You're fired for stealing money from the corporation. Police are inside the building and you will now be arrested. You will be charged and the money will be collected from you." He hung up, putting his head in his hands and sighing.

Gideon entered the den, smiling and bringing him a plate of biscuits. "Eat up. Alfred made them fresh." Sebastian smiled, looking over at Alfred in the doorway. "Thanks. They smell wonderful." Alfred nodded, smiling slightly and sighing happily. "What's going on, Master Black?" Sebastian re-positioned himself in the chair, shaking his head. "A head of the company was stealing money. I just had her arrested and fired." Gideon whistled, shaking his head. "That's horrible. How much?" "One hundred thousand dollars."
Sayomi took a deep breath. Enjoying the air. She knew that Thomas was somewhere close. He wouldn't let her venture off alone. And Lydia knew to keep her distance on walks. She sat looking around the flowers. A man came and sat next to her. "Oh my goodness. I thought I looked terrible. Look at you." He stopped talking as he looked at her. "You're the one that got shot down in the operating room, aren't you?"

Sayomi looked at the man, her eyes appeared to be slightly sunken in, as she stared at him. He had bright red hair, and dark freckles, he also had an IV rack with him. She glanced up, seeing what was in them. He was a cancer patient. She stumbled over her words mentally for a moment. "Umm.. yeah I am.. it's been pretty rough. But if you followed the news for a while, you know most things that's happened." He chuckled softly as she felt his eyes wonder over her. "When you practically have lived here, you don't need the news. The nurses say everything when they don't think people are listening. I had surgery to remove my pancreas a couple weeks ago. I came in on something different, and they ended up finding stage 1 pancreatic cancer. A miracle really. So thrt decided to just pull it. It's pretty agressive if not treated quickly."

Sayomi nodded softly as she looked at him. His eyes a bright green, were hard not to look at. All she could think about was Sebastian as she looked at the man. Wishing that he was here, and that he was better. She hadn't heard from him in a while, and was starting to worry. She looked from the man to the flowers around them. "I'm scared to know what the nurses think of a lowly intern. Most nurses are just as harsh on the interns as the doctors. And since I'm not a full blown intern, it's like an excelled learning program, I can imagine. I am glad the doctors found the cancer so early for you. That means that you can overcome in easier. Do you know if the cancer is gone yet?"

He shook his head laughing. "They say you are a hero, Ms. Chi. Only good things. You have scared everyone a few times apparently. Poor Jan nearly lost it after the last scare. They aren't sure yet. They are letting me heal a bit more before looking. If not, then I will undergo chemotherapy, obviously." She looked down at her hands, as they started to shake between the cold, and pain that was over coming her. "Well my hopes go out for you. You are much to young to have to go through something like this. You have too much to see." He just laughed at her words, looking around.

Thomas was wathing the interaction, as Lydia walked up with her painkillers and a blanket. "The nurses told me where to find you guys. It's time for medicine." She looked at the two and laughed. "Sayomi has always attracted people towards her. Ones that haven't been judging her for years that is. But she never had interest in dating until Sebastian. Which just makes me hope even more that the two work out. Who knows when she would start dating again." Thomas nodded looking at Lydia. "She is a gorgeous women. Much like her own mother." He paused, wide eyed. "I saw pictures when I was at her house. It seems the only thing she got from her father was I'm guessing, the bullheadedness, and her eyes. At least I think. It's hard to tell from pictures."
Sebastian sat in his upstairs gaming room painting a massive picture; This one wasn't quite realistic, though he liked the way the colors wrapped around each other. It was a painting of a massive garden accompanied by a lake; He added trees and birds that seemed to hide withing the array of flowers. His mind swam as he hummed to himself. He took a pastel purple and put a special rose into it; This symbolized Sayomi. He decided to paint another picture, one that was grey and white. His eyes scanned over the picture as he painted. In no time he realized that who he was painting was Sayomi; Her face was all grey except for her eyes.

Gideon entered the room, smiling and nodding. "I like it. Got Sayomi on the brain, huh?" Sebastian nodded, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. "Yeah.. That obvious, huh?"
Lydia walked into the garden and put the blanket over Sayomi. "It's time for your medicine. And they want to take your IV out. Debating letting you go home to suffer in peace. So let's get you ba-" She stopped as she looked at the man. "Micah? What are you doing here?" Sayomi used Lydia's arm to stand. She looked to the man and bowed her head softly. "The best of luck to you. I'll check in when I come to work. If you are still here " She slowly walked out, and grabbed onto Thomas. "I hurt. Will you carry me back to the room?" He handed her the medicine as he picked her up. "Take them."

After they arrived back to the room and he set her down, then left to the get the doctor. The doctor came in after Thomas and smiled. "Alright Miss Chi. We are going to take out that nasty IV, and going to give you a bit to see how much you dehydrate if at all. If you can go a few hours with no change, then we will let you go home." She pulled out the IV slowly and bandaged it up.

Sayomi took her pills, and laid in the bed, groaning softly. She was going to have to make sure that she was on time with the medicine or the pain would cripple her. After a bit, Lydia walked in and sat next to Sayomi, rubbing her back and shoulders softly as she sent a text to Sebastian.

[Lydia] They are going to discharge her in a bit. Let her go home. Her house is still smashed. So we might go to the Hilton until it's fixed. You can meet us there if you want. We will be getting the presidential suit.

Sayomi groaned in both pain and relief as Lydia rubbed her back. "So you knew the ginger?"
Sebastian sent a reply, putting down his paintbrush and calling in a maid to clean the supplies.

[Sebastian] I have a heart catheter procedure in a couple of hours.. Just running some tests to see if I'll be alright. I'll try to stop by soon now that I'm able to walk.

He shook his head, looking to Gideon. "I'm not ready for the news, Gid.." Gideon sighed, sitting down beside Sebastian and shaking his head. "Neither am I. But we have to do this. For your sake and mine." Sebastian nodded, gathering his bag of items and clothes and heading outside to the car. Alfred came along, his eyes fluttering nervously. "You'll be just fine, Master Black."

Sebastian quickly got checked into the hospital, his eyes looking over the pamphlet that described the procedure. His hands shook as he was put to sleep in the room. The last thing he remembered was Gideon sitting beside him.
Lydia relayed the information to Sayomi as she read it. "Alright. Well you go. Check into the hotel. And then check on your mother." Sayomi sat as she felt a little better as the drugs kicked in. She stood up, and went searching for the extra clothes of Lydia's. They were a size to small. But luckily they were just yoga pants. She took off the gown, putting on the pants. They accented her figure a great deal as they clung to her skin. She out on the short, which of course, because it was Lydia, happened to be a belly shirt.

"Really Dee? What am I supposed to do with this?" Thomas laughed as he handed her his jacket. "Wear this. I'm stuck to you like glue until I have orders to leave." Sayomi took the jacket, putting it on, thanking him. Shortly after, the nurse came in and handed her the discharge papers.

She handed Lydia her papers and her card, giving her instructions. She looked at Thomas and then started towards finding where Sebastian would be. She searched, until finding Gideon. "Gideon!" She hugged him slightly, wincing in pain. "Lydia is getting the hotel. She should be back in a couple hours. Do.. so they think they are going to find anything?"
Gideon embraced Sayomi's hug, looking her over and trying to smile despite his nerves and worry. "Hey kiddo.." He nodded to the cop, sitting down and putting his head in his hands. "The doctor came out for a minute to tell me they found something bad but he had to go back in because something was wrong with Sebastian.. I'm so worried here. I'm too old for this."

The doctor came out, eyeing Sayomi and nodding. "You should be resting, Ms. Chi. This hospital is full of germs and you can get sick." He looked down at Sebastian's file, his eyes scanning the papers. His mouth turned into a frown as he shook his head and looked over at Gideon. "Since Sebastian's mother released power of attorney to you.. Would you like to speak about this privately or..?" Gideon looked to Sayomi and Alfred, shaking his head nervously. "Just fill me in." The doctor nodded, his name tag showing that his name was Mr. Johnson. "Well.. According to his primary doctor, the heart problems didn't seem too bad. But what I found in his heart is serious and needs fixed as soon as possible. You see.. Sebastian has been having small but serious heart attacks when he slept. Of course, he probably didn't know it happened and figured that he was just feeling ill because of allergies..."

Gideon nodded, scooting towards the edge of his seat. "Go on.." The doctor nodded, sighing. "Due to the heart attacks, he is suffering from a myocardial rupture." Gideon gulped, his stomach churning. "And what is that, exactly?"

The doctor sat down in a chair close to Gideon running a hand through his blonde hair. "It's a tear in the heart. In his case, it is a tear in the left ventricle and it needs to be treated immediately. I'm having him admitted into the hospital for evaluations. In two days we're going to do open heart surgery and pray that it can be fixed." Gideon's mouth was dry; He could barely breath. "W-What caused this?" The doctor looked to Sayomi, nodding. "I know you know what it is.. The heart attacks were brought on by an arrhythmia from diabetes. Arrhythmia's are hard to detect at first and it's basically an abnormal heartbeat. If the heart cannot control the beats and the blood flow, it will try to shut down. This causes a heart attack. Multiple heart attacks can cause myocardial ruptures."

Gideon let a tear slide down his cheek, his eyes glancing to everyone before he spoke. "What is his chance of overcoming this?"

The doctor shut the file, shaking his head. "One in twenty people survive this procedure.. But the heart problems can come back. We will try our best. We're putting him in the severe case wing. Sayomi can show you.. This is purely so we can be on our toes and be there in case he has another heart attack. He's extremely agitated and tired so you all may want to hurry and see him. I'll keep in touch, Gideon."

Doctor Johnson left, leaving Gideon to look at the others in shock. "I want to see him. What about you, Sayomi?"
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Sayomi didn't know how to react as the doctor went on. She herself knew the chances. And then if he pulled out of it, and was fine. He would have to be on a tight control of his sugars. Multiple shots. He would have to check multiple times a day. Anywhere from five to seven. Some times the hardest thing about knowing what was going on, was how much harder it was to fully grasp the severity of what was going on.

She nodded as she looked at Gideon. She wanted to see Sebastian was scared at the same time. "Let's go see him."
Gideon nodded, helping Sayomi sit down in a nearby wheel chair. He acquired Sebastian's room number from the nurse and pushed Sayomi towards his room. He looked to the cop and smiled, waving him towards Sayomi. "Come on. I'm sure Sebastian would like to meet the man who saved his love."

As Gideon entered Sebastian's room, he stopped, knocking on the door and smiling. "Hey, buddy. How are you feeling?" Sebastian was watching television, though he shut it off as they entered. He shrugged, looking away and frowning. "The damn doctor wouldn't let me go home and get some stuff. He even restricted me from working until after the surgery." Gideon nodded, looking to Sayomi. "It's just because you don't need the extra stress, Seb. That's it. By the way.. This is Thomas. He saved Sayomi."

Sebastian smiled and nodded, holding out his hand shakily. "Thank you.. I don't think i could live without her." Gideon noticed the array of monitors and medicines on the IV rack near Sebastian, though he chose to keep it quiet. Sebastian felt horrible. He had a throbbing pain in his chest, and it wouldn't go away no matter how hard he tried. He smiled at Sayomi, grabbing her hand and rubbing it softly. "I would use my last dying breath just to tell you I love you once more.."
Sayomi got herself up from the wheelchair. She carefully sat down next to Sebastian holding his hand. "Don't say such things. You will be just fine. But you have to promise all of us one thing when you get to leave." She raised his hand, kissing it softly as she held onto it. "You must take care of yourself. You cannot put your diabetes on the back burner anymore. I know your work is important, but you can't keep being sick because you won't take your shots." She looked to Gideon for a moment, then back to Sebastian.

"It isn't just me that you are promising obviously. This for Gideon, and Alfred too. We all care for you. And will always do whatever it takes to help you." Thomas was surprised at how well Sayomi handled herself. He wasn't sure if it was her biggest weakness or strength. Sometimes always appearing strong, made appearing weak hard.
Sebastian nodded, looking to Gideon. "Actually my diabetes was in control for the longest time.. I took medicine and everything regularly. That's why I don't see how these idiotic doctors can base my illness on this." Alfred squeezed Sebastian's hand, shaking his head. "I've had my share of illnesses.. Like a sinus infection.. It was so small that I didn't think it'd cause me problems. But it caused other illnesses and eventually I had a stroke. Mild, but a stroke none the less. Now I know you don't want to hear this.. But the doctors are right, Sebastian. You know nothing like they do of medicine. Take care of yourself first before you try to take on the world."
Sayomi softly stroked Sebastian's hair. "Diabetes is a horribly fast acting disease, love. The entire time together, neither one of us was taking our medicine. Only mine isn't a hundred percent on if it would actually kill me. I know it's hard to grasp. And there could be something else at play." She looked at him, then gently kissed him. "Right now, it doesn't exactly matter what caused it. It just matters that it's fixed. That you are alright."

Thomas checked his watch at the mention of medicine. There was still a little while until Sayomi had to take her medicine. Thomas wasn't sure if Sayomi even could keep track of the times she needed to take her medicine.
Sebastian ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "Actually since we've been together I have taken my medicines. I just usually took it when you weren't around or when you were asleep. But this isn't like any of that. This is open heart surgery. People die from things like this." Gideon nodded, shakily sitting down on the bed. "That's true.. But you'll pull through. You have before. Without you there'd be no trouble." He winked, looking to Alfred. "We'll have to go soon because it'll be time for visitors to leave."
Thomas could sense the tension that was growing between everyone. he didn't want for something to cause more issues between them, they were already under too much stress already. Both would be snippy due to pain. "Ms. Chi here has to go take her pain medicine and antibiotics. I think we need to get her Tylenol also. Something extra to help with the pain. We can't let it get to the point as before." Sayomi knew that he was right and let out a sigh.

She stood up, lifting up the jacket. "This will make for an interesting story one day." She looked at the stitches, chuckling lighgly. They were red and puffy with signs of obvious irritation "let's think of bull stories that we can freak people out with." She let the jacket down, and kissed his forehead. "Rest some, love. I'll be back once visiting is open again, or perhaps I'll sneak back I'm tonight. Don't forget to rest. You need it."
Sebastian nodded, giving her a kiss on the cheek and frowning. "Rest easy." He watched the leave, looking to Gideon with fright and anxiety. "I'm so nervous for this. It's.. Weird. I'm living in the shadow of my father every time I turn around." Gideon laughed, patting his back. "It gets easier to find your own self in life as time goes on. Remember how I used to be?" Sebastian laughed, nodding. "You tried to be a beach boy, Gid. Horrible idea." Gideon nodded, smiling softly. "But as time went on, I figured out who and what I was supposed to be. Don't forget to find yourself."
Thomas helped Sayomi out to the hallway. Once the two were in the elevator, she threw up. The pain had taken over, mixed with the worry for Sebastian. Thomas held her hair as she threw up. "You need to keep it easy. Not just yourself, but Sebastian too." She straightened up, and leaned against the wall as the reached the ground floor. "Yeah. Well it's hard sometimes, when I feel like he is drifting away. I won't change anything, or push him away anymore. I promised both him and myself that. If he leaves. Then it's because it's what will make him happy. Not because I forced it."

She left the elevator, and went out to the valet parking. The brought her golf to the front, and handed her the keys. "Thank you for getting it for me. I didn't expect that anything would go down." She had parked in the normal parking, before everything happened. They moved the car for her to make sure nothing happened to it. She handed the attendant the little cash she had left, and tossed the keys to Thomas. "Let's get to the hotel before the pain gets any worse."
Sebastian fell into a deep sleep, mainly due to the morphine drip in his IV. He awoke several hours later to the sound of alarms and pain spreading throughout his chest. He screamed in pain, jerking his body and shaking his head as the pain tore through his body. The doctors and nurses rushed in, placing more medicines into his IV and checking his vitals. The pain eventually subsided, and he was rushed to receive a MRI and CAT scan. He sighed, his mouth dry as he tried to speak through the agonizing pain. "Call Gideon.."
It had been awhile since they went to the hotel. Thomas had to carry Sayomi up, until the pain medication kicked in. She had fallen asleep on the couch after sending a list to Lydia on what she wanted her to grab from the house using Thomas's phone. She woke up to Lydia stroking her hair. "Princess, you have to take your medicine." She cooed as she helped Sayomi sit up.

Sayomi took the pills that she was handed. "Did you bring everything?" She asked. Lydia moved to the side, revealing everything. "I just need one more thing. If you're willing to. I need you to go and use my warranty." Lydia hugged her and left. Sayomi stood slowly and started setting everything up. There was more than just an accommodation need to why she picked this specific hotel and room.

As she lifted up a heavy bag, Thomas ran up behind her. He took the bag, as he placed his hand on her back. "You need to ask me to do these things. I'm not letting you get hurt more. Out of the people I have met of yours, I feel Mr. Black would have my head if anything happened to you." He put the bag on top of the piano.

Sayomi started to unload the recording stuff onto the piano "you are an officer, Thomas, not my caddy or anything of the sort." She finished up by hooking everything up to her laptop. It was ready, and she thought would be an easy project.
Gideon and Alfred sat in the waiting room, the silence killing them. Alfred was the first to speak, his eyes darting towards Sebastian's room. "I wonder what exactly happened this time.. It worries me so.." Gideon nodded, frowning slightly. "Me too."

The doctor from earlier in the afternoon walked into the small waiting room, nodding to Alfred. "Hello again, Gideon. I'm sorry to call you so late.. Sebastian had a rough last couple of hours. His heart is filling up with fluid and I cannot do the surgery until tomorrow. I can place him in a artificial coma until we start the surgery in the morning. When the surgery is over he should wake up with no problems."

Gideon frowned, nodding. "Can I see him first?" The doctor nodded, moving out of their way.

As Gideon entered the room, Sebastian smiled, waving them in. "Alfred! Gid! Come in! I'm about ready to leave." Gideon shook his head, a slow tear sliding out of his eye. "You.. You need to rest, Seb. They're going to put you in an artificial coma until the morning to make sure you can't have another heart attack. In the morning they'll do the surgery and you'll wake up feeling brand new."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. His brain swam with thoughts and worries. "You're trying to lie.. To make me feel better. Gid.. I'm not a child anymore. I can handle these things. If this is what is best, then let me go into the coma. I will see you after the surgery. I promise." Gideon hugged Sebastian, sobbing into his shoulder. "I can't lose you, Seb." Sebastian smiled, taking a piece of paper and looking to Alfred. "I need you to deliver this letter to Sayomi."


Gideon sent Alfred to the hotel; his mind was a wreck and he didn't feel like explaining it to Sayomi. Alfred found his way to the penthouse, knocking on the door and smiling as it opened. He spotted Sayomi and waved, walking in slowly. "Master Black wished for me to send you this note.." He took a seat, removing his gloves. The cold had picked up, causing the streets to now be lined with frost. "There's been some trouble.. You really should read it now."

Dear Sayomi,

Hello, dear.. You're probably wondering why I am not calling you. I know that I should have but I didn't have any time to. I had another heart attack this morning. I am already in an artificial coma as you read this. Please, do not come and see me. I look horrible and my eyes are sunken in. You need the rest and warmth.

The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. There's a fifty percent chance that I will survive. Of course, my spirits are high and I know that I will make it. There will forever be a scar upon my chest, though I'm sure you won't mind.

I am sending you something very important to me. Alfred has it and will give it to you as soon as you are done reading this. Please, accept it. It's my grandfather's first edition of Bram Stoker's Dracula. I love you dearly, and this always comforted me when my world was so dark. Unlike life, books are able to change. Feel happy that your world is not that of a book, my dear. Remember to take your medicines and think of me often. Even if I do not survive this horrible event, I will smile down upon you often in hopes that you remember me.

Yours always,



Alfred pulled out the book from his briefcase, looking over at Sayomi with a smile. "He sure loves this thing. It was appraised with a value of ninety five thousand dollars. Keep it safe." He stood, leaving the room and waving as he entered the elevator.
As Alfred entered, Sayomi finished on the piano and paused the computer so it didn't keep trying to record. She accepted the note and read it. As she read it, she started to cry. She looked up to Alfred as he handed her the book. Sayomi didn't care about the price of the book. She held it in her hands for a moment, tears falling from her cheeks.

Sayomi went as fast as she could, stopping the elevator "Alfred.. can you wait for maybe thirty to forty minutes.. it might not even take that long.. " She stepped back for a moment, looking at him. "Im making something for Sebastian, and it would be great to send it with you. If not, then I can just send Lydia up later."
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