And So It Begins...

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Gideon narrowed his eyes, standing. "I don't want them to be apart. I just hope that Sebastian and Sayomi know what can happen when you mess with heartstrings." Alfred continued to sit and sip his coffee; He didn't need to be anywhere else at the moment.

Gideon reviewed Sebastian's files and medication, looking over every detail. He wanted to know everything; Just in case. He gathered the files, looking to the nurse and asking for the doctor. It wasn't long that the doctor came to talk. Gideon sighed, putting down the paper. "I'm.. I'm not his real father, Doctor Paxton." Paxton nodded, looking to Gideon with a frown. "But you're trying. He has a lot of recovery to go through. Even if you're the only one here.. You're doing just fine. I assure you our team is doing the best we can." Gideon smiled, nodding. Sebastian was a millionaire; His procedures and hospital stay were already covered by his insurance. He had over twenty million to his name. Things like this never bothered Sebastian. But they sure as hell bothered Gideon.

Sebastian was in a dream-like state. He could see his father sitting down at the corner of his hospital bed. Dressed in black slacks and a brown sweater, he smiled. "Hi, son.. It's been a while since I could speak to you." In his dream, Sebastian was able to find his voice. "I missed you, dad.. I-I can't do this alone." Mark shook his head, grabbing Sebastian's hand. "You'll be fine. You have family. Your mother.. She won't be back. But Alfred and Gideon will always be there. Take comfort. Be well. I love you." And with that, he was gone.
Lydia shook her head softly as she watched Gideon go. "I feel like he can be a little overly dramatic. I get where it comes from though." Lydia just wished that he would let the two do what was going to happen. Even if he didnt necessarily want them apart, but if he kept weaving tales of pain and hurt into Sebastian's head, eventually Sebastian could be too afraid to try, and either ruin something prematurely, or he will just never try. Humans were extremely complicated mounds of electrical meat, as Sayomi would put it, even with extensive training and schooling, you still could never predict someone fully.

Sayomi was awoken by a a nurse touching her head. She stared aat the nurse for a moment, confused "I'm sorry miss. The doctor came in to originally check over Mr. Blacks charts. Then sent me in. I don't know if you remember me, but I was your nurse a couple shifts. You seem to be spiking a fever." All Sayomi could do was stare at the women then lay her head back down to where it was on Sebastian. She held out her arm, allowing the nurse to draw blood. She had known something was wrong, but didn't want it to be, and had been trying to stay optimistic.
Alfred left Lydia, heading home for sleep. He didn't like her much; He sensed that she assumed many things about people that weren't true.

Dr. Paxton entered the room, clucking his tongue and turning on the TV. The sound was a soft droll in the background of the room. He smiled, tapping Sebastian awake. "Hi, Sebastian. I'm your doctor and ironically the surgeon that stitched you back up. How are you?" Sebastian wrote down his answer, smiling.

I'm in a little pain, actually.. I mean, the incision hurts but it's deeper. Like next to my heart. Oh.. This is my girlfriend Sayomi.

The doctor nodded, looking over his vitals and waving to Sayomi. "Hello, Sayomi.. Your nurse should get back about your fever soon. If it's potential risk to Sebastian then we will have to isolate you from Sebastian. Even the slightest sickness could turn worse for him. Though I'm sure the fever is due to your injuries.. We can't take a chance."

He looked over at Sebastian, raising an eyebrow. "I'm going to get some tests done on that spot that hurts.. It could be irritated or scarred from the surgery. I'll come back soon to check on you."
Lydia huffed as she walked up to the cancer ward. She was going to go visit Micha while she waited. It was almost time for Sayomi's medicine, and both her and Sebastian needed rest. She searched for a bit, before a nurse told her where to find Micha. "Hello, my old friend." She said as she walked into his room.

Sayomi nodded to the doctor, listening to the interaction. She had two guesses as to why she had a fever. It was either because she had an infection, or it was because her fibroblast cells were working much too hard to try and repair her wounds, and the increase in their productivity was releasing more heat than usual. The infection would just mean stronger antibiotics, the other there was nothing that they could do to help. She would just have to either wait it out, or burn her skin together. As the doctor left, she sat up looking at Sebastian. "Other than the pain, how are you feeling?"
Sebastian shrugged, kissing Sayomi's cheek

I'm a little tired from the medicine.. I had a hallucination that you were in earlier. You told me I must get through this... That made the fight worth fighting for.

He hugged her, turning on the TV. It was another story about Sayomi and the gang. He sighed, looking to Sayomi with a frown. Would you like me to turn this?

The news story mainly covered Sayomi's past and background; It also extensively went into who her boyfriend was and what he did for a living. Which, was none other than Sebastian. He groaned, rolling his eyes. He looked hideous in the picture that they had of him. He scowled, pushing a button to pump more pain medicine into his IV. It looked like today would be a bad day for him.
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