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Zito did not enjoy the walk with the group. she was a hunter and even on the path this group made too much noise for comfort, she preferred to slip through the trees silently. she may just resort to that later, it might do the party good to have someone in the shadows following them who was on their side, and they are making enough noise she'd be able to find them even if she couldn't see them.

she was considering the logistics of that, more for something to do then anything else, when she saw the wagon up ahead. she glanced at her party then forward at the wagon as Shireen went forward, asking if they needed help.

Zito carefully slipped out of the group and crouched among the grasses, their mission was apparently given to them by the gods, so she was going to be reasonably cautious. so she snuck through the grass, using the few scattered trees and staying low so the grass would give her as much cover as possible, getting closer to the wagon and it's occupant, in case it turned out they were evil or another obstacle of their mission. she drew her bow as she approached and waited. if the person, or persons, proved non-hostile, she would come out.
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The road ahead seemed pretty clear to him, but it was still a road and they were still walking whereas Calder's home was in the water. He found that he was tiring quickly, and going through more water than was wise, just out of nervousness, but with some luck his stash would last long enough to hold him over until they found a rest area.

Setting his water sack on the ground, Calder peeled the top back and pulled some more water out to complete the coating on his skin. Calder was fine. His legs were starting to burn with exertion and the little sway of his hip had lost that special something, but he was fine.

Sparing a glance to Shireen she looked like she was fine too. She definitely looked better than he perceived he was looking. If this was going to be the way of it, he would need to find more adequate transportation or risk being left behind.

It was then, while he was lost in thoughts of being rather inadequately equipped for such an expedition that he noticed the wagon on the side of the road and Shireen calling to the driver. Perhaps she'd had the same thought as he, but really when he noticed that the man was refilling water jugs he nearly groaned at the relief he felt. He was going to have be more conservative with his water stash if he was going to be worth anything by the time they reached their next destination.

Calder spared Shireen a glance as she spoke and then opted to approach the wagon himself. He needed the well anyway. "Good day, friend," he said cautiously. Hoping that he indeed was not misusing the term friend.
It wasn't that he disliked being on the road again, but Corvus had been prepared to taste some of the finer things that are more readily available inside cities after a long time out in the wilds. He didn't even have the time to shave, so hastily was he given this quest. Not that he had the mind to think about such trivial matters. This was a divine quest he was given and he'd give up any hearty meal in the world for this. Still, he couldn't help but scratch his chin as his stubble had grown into a short beard which itched him every now and again. Once the group got to Iblea, he'd try and get himself a razor somewhere.

As the group walked, Corvus threw a glance skyward every so often. Perhaps he could find the handful of birds he.. domesticated just the other day. Birds are good practice for him, their small size ensures little harm done should they break free from his will and decide to attack, but their relative intelligence makes it hard enough for him to actually consider it spell practice, especially with multiple targets at once. Perhaps he shouldn't use it around his newfound companions just yet, who knows how they'd react?

Just then, one of the girls in the group called out to something in the distance. A wagon next to a well. Ah yes, the same well Corvus passed by on his way to Atvance. He'd offer the old man some help, had Shireen not already done so. Instead, he followed Shireen towards the well.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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One of the many benefits of old age was that one's senses tended to atrophy, Walter thought bitterly as he saw a diverse group of seven approaching from the South. Not recognizing potential threats immediately could very well be the death of his charge, and himself of course, if Walter wasn't more careful.

As three of their members approached, the rest preferring to hang back in what could be modestly described as 'suspicious.' The approachers' lead, a shorter, healthy young woman with messy brown hair tied back, was simply dressed with a sword hanging from her belt. The other two were a bare-chested fishman and… and a walking mountain. Even at this distance, it was impossible to not take in the crow-garbed man several heads above the aquan, especially larger than the woman but she seemed to be plainly short. Though it was difficult to discern a gender beneath its black coat and beaked mask, the giant had a masculine gait Walter assumed male. It—or, he—also carried a claymore.

. . . Old boy, I do believe it might be time to take the gloves off. As in, right bloody now.

As Walter's bent over form finished pouring the water bucket into one of his jugs, keeping sure to have his line of sight remain undirected toward the on-comers, he resumed a standing positioned then spasmed. "Ohh!" Walter groaned, left hand grabbing his back as he assumed a hunched posture.

Just then, the approaching trio piped up. A couple of hello's were issued from the sword-belted woman and shirtless fishy. The shadowy giant remained silent.

Walter, left hand still clutching his back, offered a limp wave with his right. "How do you do, travelers!" He said very, very loud. "What a sight it is to see other souls in this dreary heat! I say, the rest of your lot seems a mite less friendly, eh? Then again, you can never be too careful when it comes to bandits, that's what I say! Eh, wot wot?"

* * *​

Dust Rivencroft was positively thrilled about the heat. The sun, yet peeking through clouds, felt like an embracing blanket free of all weight. And the air!

She breathed it all in. The scent of flourishing blades of grass, speckled dirt trailing miles back and forward, the gentle warm breeze. Dust could practically taste it; and while she had been drinking in the country air for several days now, it never got old. She loved being outside.

As Dust clumsily waded through the tall grass, stalks brushing against her skirt, her springy legs waddled underneath a short tree's canopy. As pleasant as the sun was, her eyes just wouldn't adjust. She pulled the hood of her scarf further down, then looked back to the wagon where Mister Garret was refilling their water containers. She didn't like not being able to pull her weight, forcing him to do all the work, but he seemed happy with the simple act of tugging the well's rope, lifting buckets, for reasons beyond her. Still, if Garret was enjoying himself, she was glad.

Then she adopted a cat-like grin as a mischievous idea popped into her head. Bending her legs at a slow, careful pace, Dust crouched down and hid herself within the grass that now wafted over her head. She wondered about the look on Mister Garret's face when he wouldn't be able to see her, and then they would play hide and seek until-

"How do you do, travelers!" Came Garret's familiar husk.

Dust's heart skipped a beat, a painful sensation within that had the girl momentarily clutching at her chest. A stranger? Wai-what? Travelers? What's going on? She stayed huddled underneath the grass, hugging her arms, as Mister Garret continued talking. She couldn't hear every word, but there were a couple words that stood out, like "lot" and "bandit."

Raising her hands slowly from arms to face, Dust cupped her hands over her mouth. Mister Garret had told her stories of bandits and criminals. They sounded so violent, scary, so much so Dust had been confused about whether or not Garret actually wanted Dust to go on this journey at all. Mister Garret had also told her to stay hidden if they ever did come across such villains. So that's what she would do.

There was a lot of talking but she couldn't understand any of it from her hiding place, not to mention the wind and shivering grass. As Dust sat in her crouch, utterly silent, a patch of yellow-green grass parted before her. Hoofed feet stalked the ground, followed by the form of a long-haired terran woman, gripping a drawn bow. The woman's eyes snapped to Dust, and the young girl gulped. A startled whisper escaped Dust's covered mouth. "Are you a… a bandit?"

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The time to leave for the quest came swiftly. Darius believed he was as packed as could be. Satchel strapped across his chest, his traveling robes around his body, chain shirt underneath a vest, bedrolls and other items attached to his backpack. The insides of his traveling clothes were laced with something like silk, smooth to the skin. On his eyes he wore dark lenses. Around his neck he wore something like a scarf that could be wrapped around his face or pulled up to hood his head, to the casual sniffer one would detect no scent. The traveling boots he wore looked to be on the finer side of quality, giving more comfort for long treks while protecting his feet. He made sure not to stray too far from Clay, who had his other bag. Not that he thought him a thief, necessarily, but you never know. The Terran also seemed to have a steady head on his shoulders.

Before setting out, the priestess had been good enough to give them a map. Darius had thought about lobbying for the faster route to attempt to keep time with Ace and his...unit? But thought they might be able to find a faster method of travel and make up time after reaching Iblea. It seemed strange that the old lady of the cloth had not made much of a fuss about one of their "fated companions" being absent, considering she seemed so adamant about having gathered everyone. Then again, he didn't know how prophecies worked, he hadn't gotten around to studying them quite yet. Strange, but not surprising, Victarion hadn't seemed the type to tolerate others for long.

Speaking of others, there appeared to be a lone elderly man working at pulling water from a well. It was interesting seeing such an older gentleman out here on his own, with a wagon... They party should get a wagon. Before Darius knew it, a few of the party had gone up and greeted the old fellow. He seemed harmless enough, but that could be the point, a good way to lure travelers into an ambush. The man did seem to be making a show of talking loudly, could have been old age getting to his hearing though. At least that's what Darius thought before he heard a second body moving through the tall grass. Pulling the garb from around his face and ears, he inhaled an listened. Right near where Zito had gone he heard a feminine voice. He was unsure how to react, this man seemed tense now that he had looked closer. He recognized it was Zito out there because he had discreetly been trying to sniff and memorize the scents of those closest to him. Also she was missing from the group when he looked around.

Strange. Maybe these two were escaped criminals, or maybe that was a talking animal he had heard murmuring in the grass. Or maybe Zito was talking to herself and he had forgotten the sound of her voice. Or maybe Zito had been mind/body snatched and was being puppeted to sneak through the grass. Hmm, too many variables, and it would be the awkward thing to stand around awkwardly. If this was indeed a trap and they had magic that could hide enough people from his senses to take on their whole party, Ace and his Avian bodyguards came to mind, then they were going to have a tough time on their hands anyway.

Darius called as he approached behind the trio, loudly, since this guy might be deaf "We haven't had any problems with bandits as of yet. Do you mind if we join you there at the well? I'm sure our Aquan friend is anxious for a splash and I'm a little parched myself."
After Victarion refused to travel with the rest of the group, he wandered off on his own somewhere (I mean, that's probably what he did… most likely a safe assumption…), and he probably found himself on another rooftop somewhere. And that's when he heard someone trying to get his attention:

"Hey! You!" a feminine voice called out. Were Victarion to turn his head towards the source of the sound, he would see the same dog that he had met earlier that day, once again chilling on a rooftop. "So, the 'divine quest' wasn't enough to pique your interest?" The dog's mouth didn't move, but the voice was certainly coming from that direction. The canine kept her gaze locked intently on Victarion as she continued. "And you don't even want to go after Ace? Even when he's obviously up to no good?" she asked. "I thought you'd at least want to know what he is… surely you're smart enough to figure out that he's no ordinary human…" she continued, before letting out a dramatic sigh and lying down, turning her head away from Victarion. "And I thought swords were supposed to be the inquisitive ones… but perhaps not…"

"…Unless…" she added coyly, looking towards the Avian as her tail wagged eagerly. "Unless it's just the idea of traveling with this particular group that bothers you." she added. "But even then, you could always go after Ace by yourself. And you'd certainly get there faster, traveling without anyone to hold you back…"
when Zito pushed through the grass, she was only mildly surprised to come across someone else crouched in it. at first glance the girl appeared terran but she was strange,with splotchy skin and almost no chest hair. the way they were crouched she couldn't see all of her clearly but she assumed there were other strange parts to the girl. Zito then chose not to question the girl at this moment as she seemed more scared then hostile.

the terran considered the girl's question for a moment, had she ever seen a bandit? did Zito look like one? after a couple seconds she answered "Of course not" she gestured slightly with her head, shifting in her crouch to peek slightly over the top of the grass "It's my..." she muttered the next part "Self-proclaimed" her volume went back up again "Job to make sure my companions do not get themselves killed, but we mean you or that man no harm, as long as you do none to us" with that she dropped back down into her low crouch and tried to figure out where she needed to go in order to position herself strategically. with a nod to the girl, she started moving again.

@An Otaku
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Alicia couldn't help but groan as two more people decided to just run over to the old man without even bothering to look if he was armed or if there were any other risks around. If they kept taking risks like this, they would die before even making it to Iblea, much less before they completed their quest. At least some of the others seemed to be as wary of the situation as she was, so they weren't all completely incompetent. With a small sigh, she returned her attention to the old man in front of her.
Even though she just listened with one ear, it wasn't really hard to notice how the man overpronounced some of his words, all of which referred to the group of people in front of him. Obviously he was trying to send out a signal, but to who? To his own travel partners [in crime], who were listening in somewhere near? Or was he trying to give the traveling party a not-so-subtle warning about bandits being in the area? It hadn't hit the Avian female yet that her own ragtag group would look just as suspicious to the old man as he looked to them.
Similarly, the act the old man made of grasping his back made Alicia feel that is was exactly that; an act to get the group to see him as a harmless man, so that the surprise factor of him suddenly drawing a weapon would allow him to take down his targets before they could react. On the other hand, she couldn't exactly scream 'sword!', considering how there was still the chance that he was just an harmless old man. ...The best she could do was to try and use the same tactics he did, and hope the others would understand her hints.

"Are you stating there are bandits here, sir?," Alicia started, eyeing the man for any involuntary movements. "Surely not! What would bandits have to gain out here, where the average person has just enough money on them to buy a bread, if anything. Of course, I would not suggest against carrying a weapon just in case someone might wish harm upon you, nor would I chastide one for hiding their weapons. But nay, I doubt you'd have reason to fear bandits in these regions, so there's no reason for you to unsheath your steel. ...Unless, of course, you have reasons to believe otherwise?," she inquired, her eyes still moving in between the man and his wagon, while at the same time trying to listen if she could hear any suspicious sounds. Splitting her attention into three ways like this was tiring, but it still beat being stabbed in the back by someone she didn't notice. "That said, it is always best to travel in numbers, for this world can be a dangerous place," she continued, involuntarily frowning when memories of last night's event came back to her. "Surely you would not dare travel alone?"
He had left. It was honestly insulting hearing the Priestess options. As soon as that group had decided to take the slower route. Victarion already knew that that was a lost cause. He would of stated the reasons why their route was stupid. But it would be a waste of his breath. So he just declined and left.

Back to the roofs, it wouldn't be long till he left this place. It was bland. Perhaps he would follow the northern route and wait for some unfortunate carriage to pass by him. To take in the priestess words in any way would be stupid of him. And he would not be made a fool agai-

"Hey! You!" A voice called out. Victarion turned to the source, to some suprise, it was the dog. "So, the 'divine quest' wasn't enough to pique your interest?" He laughed quietly to himself as she spoke. So, this divine quest wouldn't let him go quietly then.

"And you don't even want to go after Ace? Even when he's obviously up to no good? I thought you'd at least want to know what he is… surely you're smart enough to figure out that he's no ordinary human…" Victarion sighed, "It does not bold well for a talking dog to insult my intelligence."

"And I thought swords were supposed to be the inquisitive ones… but perhaps not…"

"They do actually have to be interesting for someone to be inquisitive, no?"

The dog added. "Unless it's just the idea of traveling with this particular group that bothers you. But even then, you could always go after Ace by yourself. And you'd certainly get there faster, traveling without anyone to hold you back…"

Victarion laughed. "Oh, that group? The group that get caught up in this important 'divine quest' so fast, yet decide to take a slower route? A group who have seen Ace, and although they take him as a dangerous man. Decide it would be best to dawdle through to Tarocchi?" He scratched his cheek. "If they cared for that quest, they would cut the fat off the party. Or do they intend to wait for that Aquan to use water at an unsustainable rate?"

Victarion chuckled to himself. "That Avian sent messages out. Perhaps she is a spy for Ace. Who knows? That would certainly be interesting. Or that man who saw through what I can only presume was Ace's dark magic. No one questioned that? Does that group look like that to question an old man collecting water in a field?"

"No. They do not." He wondered if they would even make it. "Such incomptence will only lead to trouble."

"But that is not the only reason dog. Ace is not human, yes. But he is mortal. He is not a vengeful god. He does not wield great power in which he strikes with great wraith. But rather he's making speeches to the gulliable public. The horror?"

"Perhaps he is doing something greatly nefarious. But I must ask," Victarion shrugged. "Why should I care?"

"Oh I could get there faster. Without much hassle probably. But he's evil, so what? He wants to become a ruler. Shall we have a divine quest for every being who wishes for power? Or who dabbles in dark magic? The current fate of the kingdom doesn't exactly place high in my priorities. To fight for those who would gladly cut my head off is a rather foolish venture don't you think?."

Victartion let his head fall to his side. "Although..." He smiled.

"You're a talking dog. Oh, great supernatural being." He said, mockingly. "Tell me, what are you, as I doubt you're a psychic dog. And perhaps I can be swayed. I am a being of my own whims afterall."

"Give me a reason. Then perhaps I'll think about it."

When Walter reached for his back, Corvus caught himself trying to reach out to the man. It was a sad sight to see an old man like him have to do such menial work, especially with his back giving out already. Corvus hadn't tried any healing spells on aches sprouted by age, but he could ease such pains one way or the other if it really bothered the man too much. By the sound of his voice however, the old man didn't seem too bothered by the pain, rather it was his hearing that was starting to deteriorate. Again, an issue the self-proclaimed doctor wasn't sure he could heal at all. Then again, his field was the mind not the body.

Only after the word 'bandits' had fallen a few times did Corvus realise this old man could be a charade with bandits lying in wait to attack passers-by kind, or foolish, enough to lend aid. But judging by the tone used, it sounded more like both parties were implying the other to be the bandits, so Corvus didn't worry much about it. Plus, at this point he was in too deep and would probably feel the worst of an unexpected bandit attack.
"If your back is hurting I may be able to help you, good sir, since I am somewhat of a doctor. I know a few spells, but I haven't tried them on maladies of old age yet so I'm not sure how well they would work on you." Corvus said. While he hadn't taken any sort of hippocratic oath, he wasn't just going to stand by and let people be hurt if he could help it. "Or if you need help collecting water, I can help with that as well."
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Tawny didn't see anything suspicious about the wagon up ahead. In fact, she was kind of eager to meet someone new! But she did think it was weird that Zito had snuck off into the grass somewhere, and that she was apparently… talking to herself? Tawny wasn't sure, but she definitely heard voices coming from that direction. Curious, she stepped off the trail and not-so-stealthily pushed her way through the grass in the direction that Zito had gone.

Clay, on the other hand, was much more wary of the wagon and the man who stepped out of it. He was surprised at first to see that no one seemed to have the same concerns — but after seeing several of the group members, and Alicia in particular, hesitate before approaching the man, he realized that everyone was probably thinking the same thing, but no one wanted to say it.

Clay became especially nervous when Alicia made her 'no one around here is even carrying enough money to be worth robbing' comment, as Clay was certainly an outlier in that regard. And for that reason, he decided it was best for him to stay near the back of the group and avoid getting too close. On top of that, Alicia seemed to be choosing her words very carefully. Probably best to let her do the talking, as well. Alicia was also right that it was rather suspicious for a man like that to be traveling alone… Clay kept a close eye on the wagon, wary that someone might jump out and attack.
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Shireen was glad she wasn't the only one who had decided to greet the newcomer, hearing both Calder and Corvus. It was a bit of a relief. She knew she could be a little forward at times, but there really didn't seem as if this man was going to harm them or steal from them. That being said, if he tried... well, the sword at her waist wasn't simply there to look pretty. She actually knew how to use it, for quite a few years as well.

"I'm doin' quite well," she replied to the old man, grinning as she heard his speech pattern. She looked back in the direction of the 'rest of her lot' before turning back and shrugging. "Some of us gotta be careful on the long road, ya know?" She quieted when Darius and then Alicia spoke. She could tell the latter was much more suspicious than the rest of them. A placid smile remained on Shireen's face as she stepped back a little, wondering if all the paranoia was warranted or not.

Corvus seemed to offer help, which was kind of him. Deciding she didn't need to say anything more, she looked over toward the siblings... well, she only saw the one sibling Terran, Clay. He seemed a little nervous as well, now that she thought about it. "Hm..." she murmured to herself. Maybe they were on to something and she was simply too naive to see it?

She turned to Calder, giving him a smile. "How about some water for you?" she asked. There was nothing much she could do about the situation, but at least she could see that her friend re-energized himself with some fresh water.​

@Turtle Knight
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Walter wasn't fond of stereotypes. In his previous line of work, there had been no short amount of profiling individuals, ascertaining personality spectrums to get a handle on likely pursuits of actions, thoughts. He had even prided himself on his number of accurate estimations, which by no means was insubstantial. The distinction, Walter saw, between profiling and stereotyping was that the former based itself of individual assessments, backed up by past similar cases, whereas the latter required little--if any...--thought at all.

Which was why he cursed himself for being baffled once the Giant Crow revealed himself to be a doctor of all things! In my defense... no physician I'm aware of has ever carried a claymore. Well, just shows what I know...

Yet hunched over in posture, Walter maintained his aggrieved stance and flippantly waved his right hand. "Now, now. I'll have you know spells and the like are no substitute for proper medicines! Why, my own doctor has kept me in prime condition for, dear me, nearly a decade and never once cast magic. I say, all these young folk and their mystic methods," he said with a playful smile.

There was always the chance Crow Giant was an honest to Corvenus doctor, but Walter saw no point in risking his own bluff. Truly, he was more concerned over the prospect of malicious intent; allowing oneself to have their insides twisted about, or other sinister dark magics penetrating one's body was not Walter's form of a good time. So it wasn't that he distrusted magic, he couldn't care less about the method as long as it worked, but rather... he just didn't feel up to trusting a "doctor" he just met off the street.

That being said, Walter failed to sense any hostility from the man--something of particular note, given the threatening stares practically oozing of some off the man's further back compatriots. But aside from his particularly ominous garb, he seemed a perfectly well to do chap. Even so, Walter kept up the act of senile old man.

"But I say," Walter continued. "Don't hold yourself from the well on my account. Take your fill, ladies and gents! Especially you, my Aquan fellow. Looking quite green around the gills, if I do say so myself! Ha-ah! In fact, you are more than welcome to top yourselves off with my own water. No need to waste the effort drawing the well bucket, eh? Of course, I do hope you wouldn't hold it against an old man such as myself for me to take you up on that helpful offer? Carrying these containers, well. Let's just say I'm a mite weaker than our big lad here."

In a show of friendliness, Walter's right hand offered an amicable slap to Crow Giant's arm, and he was surprised to be met something other than solid muscle. For a moment, images of a child's stuffed bear flashed to mind.

From behind the group before Walter, an Avian to the side of the rugged young man whom had spoken up earlier was calling out to him. The Avian girl, more than a couple dozen meters back, had been staring daggers into Walter throughout the encounter. Now she was yelling about bandits.
Neobullseye said:
"Are you stating there are bandits here, sir?," Alicia started, eyeing the man for any involuntary movements. "Surely not! What would bandits have to gain out here, where the average person has just enough money on them to buy a bread, if anything. Of course, I would not suggest against carrying a weapon just in case someone might wish harm upon you, nor would I chastide one for hiding their weapons. But nay, I doubt you'd have reason to fear bandits in these regions, so there's no reason for you to unsheath your steel. ...Unless, of course, you have reasons to believe otherwise?,"
Walter was inclined to drop the facade then and there just grab her and start shaking some sense into the bird. "I doubt you'd have reason to fear bandits"? "There's no reason for you to unsheath your steel... unless you have reasons to believe otherwise?" I could bloody well be telling you the same!

Her words by themselves did seem indicative of highway robbery, in the sense she was feeling out for would-be targets and making implied threats or challenges. But the way her eyes looked, narrowed with suspicious aggression, gave Walter pause on that thought. Furthermore, this bird's companions--most of them, at least--appeared well enough. All things considered, she was plainly looking out for her party, Walter suspected. Something he could empathize with.

Even so, Walter was not about to start answering the Avian's questions. Keeping with the dotery old man, he tilted his head to the side and cupped an hear. "What?! Speak up, girl--I can't hear your mumbling!" However, what she said next couldn't simply be hand-waved.

"That said, it is always best to travel in numbers," continued the Avian. "For this world can be a dangerous place. Surely you would not dare travel alone?"

Truly, Walter thought, were it not for this bird's rather amicable companions, he might have just incinerated her and been done with it. Far too many insinuations and would-be threats for his taste. But alas, manners. And right now, those manners of his were being exercised in senior moments. "Ha-ha! Why, dear me. Travel alone? My dear girl, perish the thought! I've been enjoying the country side with my beautiful darlings... Belfry and Charles!" Walter gestured over his crooked back at the two horses milling about the wagon.

Belfry and Charles... Hm. Not bad for an off the cuff, eh, old chap? Not bad at all. Belfry and Charles it is!

"We've just been heading our way down to Iblea City! Say, would you chaps happen to have come from Iblea by chance?"
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Calder's gaze flitted back and forth between Alicia and the old man. He'd done nothing to rouse suspicion beyond being on the road and treating him like that was truly remarkable. Calder opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut as he thought better of the situation. He would talk to Alicia alone later and perhaps suggest a better way of handling such situations.

Continuing his approach Calder waved off the thought of taking the man's hard won water and sent a trail of his magic down into the well. Setting up his water bags, Calder opened them and waited. In less than minute the water was trailing out of the well and into the bags unaided.

"I appreciate the thought, but I think I can manage well enough," his voice was kind of raspy as he spoke, but it was nothing a nice cool drink wouldn't fix.

The bags were full in no time and Calder rerouted the stream, opening his mouth he took several long pulls of water from the air and then splashed about a bit, getting himself thoroughly wet in the process. It felt nice to have the water running over his skin again, but once he was done he dropped the magic and the water into the well.

Listening to the man, Calder realized they were heading the same way. They would be co-patriots on the road and likely to see each other over and over again. The fins on his brow ridge quirked and a small grin pulled up the corners of his mouth.

"Iblea, huh? What a coincidence, that's exactly where we're headed. I don't doubt we'd see each other on the road again. Why don't we take the time now to become acclimated to each others presence to alleviate future tensions." He chose his words carefully and with purpose, and his gaze flicked over to Alicia as he spoke. The couldn't just be going around antagonizing every person they met, especially people they were likely to encounter again. "It's nearly time for lunch, so what do you say we all have a seat and get to know each other before making some critical assumptions."
"… We mean you or that man no harm," the Terran woman muttered. A wood bow was gripped in her hands. "As long as you do none to us." The woman re-assumed her lowered posture, creeping once more through the brush.

Beneath the hood of Dust's scarf, the shrunken pupils of her wide eyes tremored. The rise and fall of her chest pumped air from her nose onto her finger tips. Dust's stomach was knotted more than usual, a cold sensation trailed through her skull and veins. She wanted to puke.

She isn't going to hurt us, Dust thought. I, er. No, that isn't right. She didn't say that. She said she didn't "mean us harm," right? Right. So then… she might. But the woman seems… seems what? I don't know anyone! I don't know what's normal, what's strange… I'm strange. Wait, focus. Ah… the huntress. Maybe she isn't a bandit, but. She could be lying. Or maybe she might find another reason to… Mister Garret…

Dust parted a hand from her lips, inched towards the Terran figure vanishing into the grass but fell short. Crouched frame, she pressed her back against the tree's knotted bark. The complete asymmetry and woody texture felt warm, pleasant. She pushed her back harder, brought both hands against the wide trunk and squeezed. It felt jagged, raw even, but the stress was disappearing. With her mind focused on pain there wasn't as much room for icey fear.

Okay, so. I, I can- no, I. I can't approach bandits. But even if she isn't, the huntress could still do harm, but Garret… Oh! Mister Garret! If I just tell him, I… no. Then I'd have to come out of hiding. Oh... Ow!

A raw, dark red line was etched over her palm. Dust removed her hand from the tree and closed it, but was met with another sting. She swallowed, pressed the hand against her chest. Dust couldn't alert Garret to this woman's presence, not without making herself known. But she also couldn't let this Terran just leave.

Another gulp.

Dust clenched her teeth tightly, left eye spasming, and raised her legs from their lowered position. Careful to keep from poking her head above the grass, Dust lowered her back and crept after the huntress. Her arms, outstretched for balance to keep Dust from kissing the dirt, kept getting caught in the long grass blades. She winced with every ruffle but kept on. The fleeting back of the huntress locked in her sight, as the girl stealthily blundered through the brush. For a moment, Dust thought she had heard something behind her but chalked it up to her own bumbling.

It occurred to Dust that she had no idea what to do if this huntress tried anything… dastardly. This thought was immediately replaced with a stifled yelp when a caught grass blade snared one of her hooves. And sent the hooded girl crashing into the back of the Terran woman.

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Zito had heard the girl's initial indecive moves and the slight sound of pain, but she paid her no mind, the girl must have hurt herself, and she was not Zito's problem right now. she kept moving, slowly and quietly. trying to keep stalk of her surroundings though there was now someone else tromping through the grass towards them as well.

she held back a sigh when she heard the girl following her. she was obviously trying to be stealthy but the girl sounded quite clumsy. she was still getting rather close though, and Zito considered putting on speed to get ahead of the girl again, and of course at that moment the girl yelped and slammed into her back. the terran woman threw out her hands to catch herself, and subsequently the girl and let out a frustrated noise, extricating herself from under the girl and turning on her "do you not understand the concept of stealth?" she let out a huff and looked at the girl "are you alright? did you hurt yourself?" she looked her over, could see a bit of blood on her hand "did you cut your hand? clumsy people should not attempt stealth, it rarely ends well." she glanced to the side, to try and get her bearings again, she could hear the conversation, as well as whoever was moving through the grass, which was likely some member of her party.

@An Otaku
The dog soon dropped her coy and playful demeanor as she listened to Victarion's response. She laid down her head and kept her ears pinned back, looking up at Victarion with a gaze that gradually changed from plain unamused to increasingly frustrated. The man's cold-hearted personality and apparent lack of empathy were infuriating enough…

"You're a talking dog. Oh, great supernatural being. Tell me, what are you, as I doubt you're a psychic dog. And perhaps I can be swayed. I am a being of my own whims afterall. Give me a reason. Then perhaps I'll think about it."

…But being addressed in such a mocking tone was more than she could tolerate.

"It's not his 'quest for power' that's the problem!!" she snapped, transforming into a wolf as she sprang to her feet. "It's his very existence! His very presence here in this realm! And everything he's being allowed to do while he's here!"

"Do you know why the gods asked a bunch of mortals like you to fulfill this quest? Do you know why none of them seem willing to take care of the problem, themselves?" she snarled, baring her teeth as she stepped closer to Victarion. "It's because everyone's too scared to intervene." she told him. "But not scared of Ace himself. No, I could tear the very essence of his being to shreds if I wanted to. But if I did that… well, then I'd have more than just Ace to worry about. Taking such a direct action could easily spark a much larger conflict." she started to explain, pacing back and forth as she spoke. "That's why it's dangerous for me to even be here — so I'm told — much less talk to you directly about this. And that's why the most anyone's done so far is hand off a vague set of instructions to a very innocuous set of individuals in a very innocuous town." she continued.

"But I'm sick of it. I'm sick of Apollo telling us all to sit back and do nothing while that abomination has his way with all the innocent souls of the world. I'm sick of being taunted by that creature, seeing him wave his immunity in my face. And above all," she stopped pacing and started to walk towards Victarion again, growing in size as all of Victarion's other surroundings seemed to vanish into darkness around him. "I'm sick of being mocked and talked down to by a heartless crow like you, and bending over backwards just to convince some arrogant mortal to obey my will!" she roared.

"And one other thing," she continued, a softer tone returning to her voice as she looked down at the now comparatively small Avian. "Your entire mortal existence is nothing but a blink of an eye in the face of all eternity. If you cooperate in bringing Ace to justice and restoring balance to the world, then I'm sure you'll be well-rewarded when your soul arrives in the heavenly realm. But if your hubris gets the better of you… well, I'm not above damning you to the lair of Daius — where, if you're lucky, you might become one of his slaves. And if not, then I suppose you'll meet the same fate as all of Ace's unlucky victims." she hissed.

"Now tell me, is that a good enough reason for you?"
Alicia couldn't help but flinch when the other members of her traveling party so casually revealed their destination to the man. Seriously, they didn't even knew his name. For all they knew he could be working for Ace himself! Not that Alicia believe that herself, but still, it was a possibility. Either way, there was nothing she could do about it now. Instead, she just focused on Walter's response to her, who for some reason pretended not to hear her. Oh, come on. Don't tell me you expect me to believe the deaf old man trick.
Apparently he did 'hear' her final question, though he purposefully misunderstood it, instead going on to 'introduce' his horses to them. "I see," Alicia nodded, not believing a word of what the guy was saying, but knowing better than to make this obvious to him. She sensed that the guy was annoyed enough as it was already; no need to tick him off even more. "Nice names. They look healthy too. What breed are these, if I might ask?," she attempted some small-talk. It was obvious the man was hiding something and trying to send signals to someone nearby; with a bit of luck, she could figure out who and where said other party was. Of course, this did require the man to talk some more...
At the same time, it didn't look like he was up to something; either he would have done so by now, or the size of her own party was scaring him off. Not that it mattered much which one it was to Alicia; the end result was the same, after all.

Before she could say anything else, she could hear a crashing noise from somewhere somewhat near her, followed by Zito saying something about another person not understanding the concept of stealth. Was she planning a sneak attack on the man? If that was the case, Alicia really shouldn't be drawing any attention to her. Sadly, at this point Alicia had already reflexively turned towards the source of the noise, so there was no way in which she could get away with pretending she didn't hear anything anymore. And this would be why we should alway discuss plans beforehand instead of just taking action on our own. At least the fact that she's talking with this mysterious person means that she is safe for now, so there's no reason to interfere immediately. So, now what... I can't act as if I heard nothing at all, but I can't exactly call her out either. ...Maybe act as if I heard something, then figured it was nothing?

After a few more seconds of looking between about forty and fifty degrees away from Zito's direction, Alicia shrugged and turned to Calder. "...Lunch sounds like a good idea. Traveling without rest is tantamount to suicide in these regions."
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It was quite disappointing that the old man refused Corvus' services. He didn't know if his spells worked on age related issues and while he hadn't given it much thought before, now it was stuck on his mind. The spells he knew came from family knowledge and tradition, but maybe it was time to do a further in-depth study about healing magic to make his doctor guise a little more convincing. He'd been travelling the land for some years now, but the looming threat of being caught practicing dark magic only grew more as he wandered further. Iblea would be the perfect place for a quick touch-up on some spells, if the party was willing to spare some time there.

"Well, I also have this book on botany." The doctor said and retrieved a book from his pocket. "We might happen across some plants that could make a soothing paste or tea until we make it to Iblea. But for now lunch sounds pleasant. Some rest and food might fix that ache right away." He continued, stashing the book away again. Then, true to his promise, Corvus approached the water containers and picked one up without any notable effort. "Now, where would you like this one? My name is Corvus Clemmons, by the way. Nice to meet you."
The tension was...tense. Mostly between the people hanging back from the fore of the group. Darius wasn't sure if the other people who approached the old man could feel the tension. While Darius appreciated their attempts to offer aid and greetings, he did feel a higher level of caution would be best in future encounters with strangers. At this moment though he decided the tension was mostly unnecessary, at least from the party's end. Given the information he could discern, they were not bandits. If they were some sort of violent criminals, they may have acted by now. Or if they were proficient in hexes, well...Darius was mostly ready.

Lunch was an interesting concept at the moment, but perhaps a good chance to dissolve tensions, especially now that the other person in the grass was probably obvious to everyone now. "Lunch sounds delightful! Good sir, I would like to invite you and whoever it is in the grass to come join us." Looking around a bit Darius spied a nice shady spot off to the side of the road. "Corvus you said you have a book on botany? I'd like to take a look while we rest, if you have a moment." With that, Darius began to trudged his way through the tall grass to begin setting up an area where they could rest, avoiding the girls along the way. "I'll see about laying out a spot."

@Majem @An Otaku
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