All The King's Men Reboot

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I think Mihai will try to convince (charmingly) everyone to give him their share, fail miserably, and then go off to find his own snack. He's self sufficient enough, thank you very much.
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"It's not that I need your food, it's that I simply want it. So give it here."

That actually doesn't sound too charming. Probably something Lauchlan would say.

Also, pfft, Ansley is getting drunk.
That actually doesn't sound too charming. Probably something Lauchlan would say.
Aw, that's not true. He can totally hunt for himself -- he's just trying to be helpful...

Truth. Lauchlan's not charming. At all. Poor guy.
Leyvn enters, almost a week later.

I just finished catching up on the IC again. And then Fairy posted. I shall attempt to start something soon. My creativity has been a bit stale lately. The good news of it is Ignatius isn't holding anyone back right now (the bad news is he'll become a stranger while everyone else is familiar).

Otherwise, welcome back, @Mite ! It's good to see another familiar face returned.
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And then Fairy posted.

We also could use more mages. Currently we only have one healing mage and we could use some more points of view. For example we could use an Arcane mage. They could have escaped from the tower in Vanthorn. That would be cool.
But... but I hate elves.
However, an anti-mage mage sounds rather interesting.

Otherwise, welcome back, @Mite ! It's good to see another familiar face returned.
Thank you for the welcome. Now if only I can figure out a good idea for a character, then I'd really be back~

May I ask what the name is of the large mountain range that makes up Vanthorn and the Barren's border?
I feel the urge to make my other two characters elves.

Anti-Mage mages are the best. They can't win either way.
Heeey, Mite. What's up. Welcome back into the fold. Filthy elf-hater.
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Last time, I couldn't quell the elven menace because Vidar was a "good guy" that had to be coaxed into performing a righteous crusade against their evil existence through a needlessly elaborate and clearly convoluted scheme. The plans weren't going very well, but that's besides the point.

Now that I know there are some smelly, silly elf-lovers around, I must redesign my Rube Goldberg Deus Ex Machina to finally reveal the vile truth behind the monstrous elves: they are bad people! Bad people who deserve death!

...Now I just need to create a character to act as the catalyst for my subtle and delicate, yet undoubtedly infallible new strategy.
A character who may or may not share my opinion, and will likely unknowing thwart my ambition.
Yes, this is a perfect and ingenious plan!
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Username: Cadaver

Name: Natron

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Class: Mage

Specialization: Dark Mage/Necromancer

Weapons: Demon, Tome of Necromancy, Tome of Conjuring, A Small Bone Saw

Alliance: Pro-Mage

Appearance: Natron has high cheekbones, a thin nose and mouth, soft gray eyes, and short, dark black hair. His skin is pale, and he wears a long black cloak.

Personality: Natron is detached from most emotions, and confides in no one but the dead.
Because of his lonely childhood, he sometimes longs for companions other than Vein, though he's not sure how to go about solving that.
Natron can be described as sinister at first glance, but he's filled with a melancholic contempt for all that have looked down on him because of his race.
During the rare occasion he finds himself in battle, Natron has a habit of getting carried away. When he sets his mind on something, he'll use everything at his disposal to see it finished.
Every once in a while, Natron feels a pang of remorse for his past actions, and will experience a bout of depression.

Biography: An orphan, Natron was raised by his grandfather in a small elvish settlement near an old human gravesite. His grandfather, an accomplished mage, taught Natron in a variety of magic from the time he was a boy. Excelling in the taboo art of Necromancy from an early age, Natron managed his first successful reanimation at 11. He didn't have many friends growing up, and even his relationship with his grandfather became distant in his later teenage years because of his growing obsession with the dead. After half a decade of reanimating the bodies of dead animals, Natron began to practice his craft on the remains of humans at the gravesite. Having learned long before that demons would possess a corpse after he'd released his control over it, Natron carried a bone saw to dismember the bodies he'd used. And so, soon the gravesite was filled with methodically separated corpses.
One night shortly before his 18th​ birthday, Natron encountered a demon in his dreams. This demon, Vein, expressed an admiration for Natron's work, and offered his allegiance. By the time he turned 19, Natron could dismember a corpse in minutes, and could keep control of a body for nearly two hours.
Finally, just before he turned 20, Natron visited the priest of a nearby church, and asked that his soul be linked to his tome of Necromancy. The priest was willing to grant his wish, but only if Natron agreed to leave the area and never return. After vowing to never return, and going through the binding process, Natron set off into the world.

Other: "I hope we get along… I really don't want to send the corpses after you."
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I must redesign my Rube Goldberg Deus Ex Machina to finally reveal the vile truth behind the monstrous elves: they are bad people! Bad people who deserve death!

And as if on cue, the darkest elf i've ever seen gets posted. That is some scary timing. Stares at Mite suspiciously.

Welcome, Cadaver. Please don't have Natron saw our bones.
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Stares at Mite suspiciously.
An elven necromancer who defiles the bones of the dead! How can that not just scream evil?
This just goes to show that elves are really bad people. Really, really bad people who deserve death!

On an entirely unrelated note, Demons contacting people through dreams sounds like it should lead to possession. And demonic possession equates to turning into a Bane. I doubt a Demon would want to help a person, unless it was a convoluted ingenious scheme for obtaining their body, but I'm not the GM (technically I'm not even a player yet!) so feel free to ignore me.
Also, I'm not sure about Conjuring, but I'm pretty sure "necromancy" is just a form of Dark Magic. Getting a Tome of Dark Magic grants you necromancy skills plus a few added benefits of other evil, vile, elven magic.
I'll edit the story a bit more, as soon as I figure out the text color situation.
Feedback is appreciated.
I'm still pretty new to this style of writing, so any advice would be helpful.
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With all the people gathering, I think I'm going to send Lauchlan fishing when he's done gutting bunnies.

Yeah, from what I can tell of the lore, if he were to be contacted (often) by a demon, he would be running a very high risk of possession and I'm not sure a priest would allow that link to occur with his Tome. Not sure, though -- that's a question for Dash. I'm not even sure how necromancy works in this world as I don't believe we've ever breached that topic.

I like his concept, though.

Also, if the text is giving you issues, check it in the BBCode editor portion - sometimes the Rich Text Editor just can't - and it breaks things. ._.

Speaking of possession, I should start reworking Sadira... I'm a sloth.
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When he sets his mind on something, he'll use everything at his disposal to see it finished.
+Pro-Mage. He and Ignatius might as well be best friends. :D

All mages, after all.
@Mite I'm experiencing the CS loss... I thought I'd saved Sadira's CS code, but apparently not. ._. This is a terrible feeling.
I have a character folder -- and I have a file for Sadira... But for whatever reason, it contains a paragraph of his bio and nothing more... -_- I don't know how I did it, but I messed that up.