All The King's Men Reboot

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Welllllll..... I can't. You broke the setup.

Do you really not want to hear a potassium joke?
Aw, you can call me "Lane."


-Promises Lauchlan won't tell bad jokes.-
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Hitting Things, Hard.




  • A bastard born to a glass merchant in a small town in Balefall, Ansley began his life rather normally, as he was accepted by his father to most of the townsfolk surprise. Growing to the age of six with most of the comforts that were to be expected of a merchants son, he began to learn his language and letters as well as slightly touching on his numbers before his father had decided they were going to be moving the family business to Kalico, in order to be closer to his major clients.

    They embarked in a caravan from the western side of Balefall in the early Spring of Ansley's seventh year. They had made good time through the desert, and were expected to reach Kalico within the month, and the nearest oasis in just a few nights. But as the caravan neared the oasis the scouts halted them and sent two mercenaries forward to check the oasis, from Ansley's position in the front of the convoy a thick black smoke was clearly visible, but the source was blocked by the dune just ahead of the wagons. A few minutes after the scouts had left they returned, one with a solemn and serious look on his face, the other in nothing other than shock at what he had seen.

    "Stay here Ansley, Papa will be right back ok...?" his father had said to him.
    If only it had been true. Just a minute after his father had left for the head of the convoy the outlooks horns began to sound. Once. Twice... Three times. Banes. The caravan erupted into activity as sellswords began strapping on armor and swords to their waists. Merchants began to gather their families, and some even began to turn their wagons around.

    And then they were on them, the Banes leaped from the top of the dunes down onto the caravan, sellswords were caught without armor and weapons. Many falling in mere moments of making contact with the foul beasts. Entire wagons were simply torn to threads as the banes lunged for those inside. Ansley sat in his wagon waiting. Watching. For his father. For anyone.

    He felt a hand at his back, hard and cold. He began to move violently and swing his fists behind him as he was pulled from the wagon and sprawled out on his back, eyes staring at the now smoke filled sky. To his surprise the thing that had pulled him from the wagon was not a bane, but rather a sellsword. He looked at the man and was suddenly being picked up and carried away slung over the mans shoulder.

    "Don't worry boy... We're getting out of this hellhole." was all the man said as they ran East. Away from the caravan now in flames, and the slaughter that could still be heard. Once the duo was well clear of the fighting the sellsword stopped and introduced himself as Falin, but the introduction was short lived as they were soon moving across the desert once more. They traveled for what must have been three days through the desert until they came upon a small outpost. From there they traveled to Kalico, and Ansley was to be given up to a local mission to be taken care of.

    Ansley however did not wish to leave Falins side. And instead of giving him away Falin took him in, and began to raise him as his own. This new life was one of movement, searching. For pay, for a way to fill their stomachs from night to night, after years of this Falin finally decided that Ansley was old enough to begin to help pay for their survival. At fifteen Falin began to teach Ansley basic swordsmanship, something Ansley would turn out to be utterly horrid at. But there was one thing that had always fascinated him. Many times he had seen men wielding huge hammers, "Mauls", Falin had called them when he asked.

    Mauls were too large and heavy for a boy of fifteen, but it didn't stop Ansley. He began to practice, swinging an axe, hauling firewood. Anything to strengthen his body to the point of finally being able to wield a Maul of his own, in the meantime he would have to make do with a sword.

    After three years of effort and work, Falin finally deemed Ansley ready to wield a maul. Since then it has been the only weapon that Ansley carries with him. Long after Falin had passed Ansley was still working as a sellsword, taking jobs just as Falin had, and honing his skills in battle. Slowly he began to make a name for himself among those in need of sellswords.

    Reliable, unwavering in battle, and trustworthy. For a price.

    One day however, a band of assassins hired Ansley. Their target was a nobleman of Morcrest. Ansley, did not care whether the man was innocent or evil or simply on the wrong side. The pay was good and that was all that truly mattered.

    The entire assassination had gone fine until they entered the nobles home. Inside they found an ambush waiting for them. In a confined space, Ansley was near useless with his maul. So he did what any like minded sellsword would do, he stepped back outside. In the moonlight as the sounds of fighting could be heard inside the home three armored figures stepped out of the house. The crest on their armor bore the Akard Royal Symbol. Knights sworn to the King.

    Ansley braced for a blow as one of the knights reached up, but instead the knight removed his helm. The man was old, easily forties and he outstretched a hand with a small parcel in it. Ansley cautiously took it and was dumbfounded at its contents. A request for the Knights to find and take Ansley under their command, and persuade him into joining a group known as the "Exalted Wardens", signed by the king of Morcrest himself. And with it came a promise of handsome payment.

    As any sellsword would have at that moment, Ansley slung his maul over his back and took a knee.

    "Ansley the Mercenary. At your service." he said with a bow of the head.

  • Ansley is a boisterous man, even on the battlefield it is said that his yells and deep laughter can be heard over that of battle, which is likely to be followed by the sickening crunch of the poor soul caught on the receiving end of his maul. When he isn't engaged in combat he is the kind of man to be found at the local inn quickly running dry the stores of beer and fresh meat, much to the dismay of the poor innkeeper unlucky enough to provide for him.

    Ansley finds life off the battlefield to be drab and devoid of any true meaning. Unless fighting or drinking he tends to be unamused by most trivial daily tasks.

  • "If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it."

    Theme Song:

  • Username: FrostedCamel

    Most Active: Evenings all week

    Notes: EMT Student. Ride regularly, may be very busy at times.

    PM: Go ahead

Tell me if I missed anything, and especially if I misspelled anything... It's 3am here so I proofread it a couple times but it's entirely possible I missed things.​
Last edited:










  • A bastard born to a glass merchant in a small town in Balefall, Ansley began his life rather normally, as he was accepted by his father to most of the townsfolk surprise. Growing to the age of six with most of the comforts that were to be expected of a merchants son, he began to learn his language and letters as well as slightly touching on his numbers before his father had decided they were going to be moving the family business to Kalico, in order to be closer to his major clients.

    They embarked in a caravan from the western side of Balefall in the early Spring of Ansley's seventh year. They had made good time through the desert, and were expected to reach Kalico within the month, and the nearest oasis in just a few nights. But as the caravan neared the oasis the scouts halted them and sent two mercenaries forward to check the oasis, from Ansley's position in the front of the convoy a thick black smoke was clearly visible, but the source was blocked by the dune just ahead of the wagons. A few minutes after the scouts had left they returned, one with a solemn and serious look on his face, the other in nothing other than shock at what he had seen.

    "Stay here Ansley, Papa will be right back ok...?" his father had said to him.
    If only it had been true. Just a minute after his father had left for the head of the convoy the outlooks horns began to sound. Once. Twice... Three times. Banes. The caravan erupted into activity as sellswords began strapping on armor and swords to their waists. Merchants began to gather their families, and some even began to turn their wagons around.

    And then they were on them, the Banes leaped from the top of the dunes down onto the caravan, sellswords were caught without armor and weapons. Many falling in mere moments of making contact with the foul beasts. Entire wagons were simply torn to threads as the banes lunged for those inside. Ansley sat in his wagon waiting. Watching. For his father. For anyone.

    He felt a hand at his back, hard and cold. He began to move violently and swing his fists behind him as he was pulled from the wagon and sprawled out on his back, eyes staring at the now smoke filled sky. To his surprise the thing that had pulled him from the wagon was not a bane, but rather a sellsword. He looked at the man and was suddenly being picked up and carried away slung over the mans shoulder.

    "Don't worry boy... We're getting out of this hellhole." was all the man said as they ran East. Away from the caravan now in flames, and the slaughter that could still be heard. Once the duo was well clear of the fighting the sellsword stopped and introduced himself as Falin, but the introduction was short lived as they were soon moving across the desert once more. They traveled for what must have been three days through the desert until they came upon a small outpost. From there they traveled to Kalico, and Ansley was to be given up to a local mission to be taken care of.

    Ansley however did not wish to leave Falins side. And instead of giving him away Falin took him in, and began to raise him as his own. This new life was one of movement, searching. For pay, for a way to fill their stomachs from night to night, after years of this Falin finally decided that Ansley was old enough to begin to help pay for their survival. At fifteen Falin began to teach Ansley basic swordsmanship, something Ansley would turn out to be utterly horrid at. But there was one thing that had always fascinated him. Many times he had seen men wielding huge hammers, "Mauls", Falin had called them when he asked.

    Mauls were too large and heavy for a boy of fifteen, but it didn't stop Ansley. He began to practice, swinging an axe, hauling firewood. Anything to strengthen his body to the point of finally being able to wield a Maul of his own, in the meantime he would have to make do with a sword.

    After three years of effort and work, Falin finally deemed Ansley ready to wield a maul. Since then it has been the only weapon that Ansley carries with him. Long after Falin had passed Ansley was still working as a sellsword, taking jobs just as Falin had, and honing his skills in battle. Slowly he began to make a name for himself among those in need of sellswords.

    Reliable, unwavering in battle, and trustworthy. For a price.

    One day however, a band of assassins hired Ansley. Their target was a nobleman of Morcrest. Ansley, did not care whether the man was innocent or evil or simply on the wrong side. The pay was good and that was all that truly mattered.

    The entire assassination had gone fine until they entered the nobles home. Inside they found an ambush waiting for them. In a confined space, Ansley was near useless with his maul. So he did what any like minded sellsword would do, he stepped back outside. In the moonlight as the sounds of fighting could be heard inside the home three armored figures stepped out of the house. The crest on their armor bore the Akard Royal Symbol. Exalted Wardens.

    Ansley braced for a blow as one of the knights reached up, but instead the knight removed his helm. The man was old, easily forties and he outstretched a hand with a small parcel in it. Ansley cautiously took it and was dumbfounded at its contents. A request for the Exalted Warriors to find and take Ansley under their command, signed by the king of Morcrest himself. And with it came a promise of handsome payment.

    As any sellsword would have at that moment, Ansley slung his maul over his back and took a knee.

    "Ansley the Mercenary. At your service." he said with a bow of the head.

  • Ansley is a boisterous man, even on the battlefield it is said that his yells and deep laughter can be heard over that of battle, which is likely to be followed by the sickening crunch of the poor soul caught on the receiving end of his maul. When he isn't engaged in combat he is the kind of man to be found at the local inn quickly running dry the stores of beer and fresh meat, much to the dismay of the poor innkeeper unlucky enough to provide for him.

    Ansley finds life off the battlefield to be drab and devoid of any true meaning. Unless fighting or drinking he tends to be unamused by most trivial daily tasks.

  • "If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it."

    Theme Song:

  • Username: FrostedCamel

    Most Active: Evenings all week

    Notes: EMT Student. Ride regularly, may be very busy at times.

    PM: Go ahead

Tell me if I missed anything, and especially if I misspelled anything... It's 3am here so I proofread it a couple times but it's entirely possible I missed things.​
Here we go.
  1. The first half is good, but the second half... the Wardens have been formed super recently. Like about a month ago recently. They don't really have any unity yet or a uniform to speak of. I mean, it'd be possible without the armor and helm and whatnot. Given Rill's history it's not impossible for him to hire decent mercenaries.
  2. Uhm... shit I don't have anything else to say really. Uhhhh, he looks like Alistair from Dragon Age? Not that that's bad I'm just trying to find other things to comment on.
Please make sure that any comments except for #2 comments that one's just bullshit are reflected in your sheet.
Here we go.
  1. The first half is good, but the second half... the Wardens have been formed super recently. Like about a month ago recently. They don't really have any unity yet or a uniform to speak of. I mean, it'd be possible without the armor and helm and whatnot. Given Rill's history it's not impossible for him to hire decent mercenaries.
  2. Uhm... shit I don't have anything else to say really. Uhhhh, he looks like Alistair from Dragon Age? Not that that's bad I'm just trying to find other things to comment on.
Please make sure that any comments except for #2 comments that one's just bullshit are reflected in your sheet.
Got it, I wasn't too sure if they had knights or anything of the sort yet. I'll just change it to some sworn knights of the King instead of the Exalted Wardens.
All right then we're all good and you're free to post an intro for Ansley. The Wardens are just setting up camp.
The link to the IC is in the first post, I'm too busy right now to link it here, but your sheet'll be up in a few minutes.
Righto, I'll be posting later because right now... I'm off to get free pancakes.

I mean what.
  • Like
Reactions: Perfect Neglect
Welcome Ansley <3
If he could, he would buy you all a round. But that also means less drink for him. The chances are slim of this ever occurring.
  • Love
Reactions: 1 person
Yep. Just... give up the family and everything and just fall in love with the strange human who saved you. He cut ties quick. That took only four years to give up hope completely. Also to overcome racism and tensions between the races.
He also took part in the crushing defeat that his tribe suffered and knew that after such a defeat it would be hard to find many of his clan which had become slaves. He was also wounded. LOVE is strange - both in RL and in fiction. The racism and tensions between races are meaningless for love - Ever heard of Romeo & Juliet?
How did a five year old go from being coddled and cared for to hunting on their own for nine years?
Okay I will edit this that a Marked hunter living secluded in the forest took her under his wing for two years and gave her some basic knowledge needed for survival before being killed by a wild animal or passing bandits during a hunt. Will that please you mister?
Akard would not hire a 19 year old Marked Assassin who has only four years under her belt for training. That's like... inviting trouble right there. Let the assassin poison specialist be a... 19 year old girl! Perfect! Four years of training under assassin
In the Middle Ages many became professional soldiers or craftsman in a early age, some even before reaching 18 years of age. A noblemen was considered adult as soon as he could brandish his sword with some skills and women were marriageable and adults as soon as they could bear a child.
As for assassins - Ninjas trained from a young age and we can assume that at least some made their first kill with less then 18 years of age. It were probably not the hardest of targets but nerveless it was counts. (Unfortunately due to the emphasis on stealth we know little about the exploits of the Ninja. That proves they were damn good at what they did.)

Considering that at least a part of this RP is inspired with Fire Emblem and there are some incredibly young characters in most games (with most being in late teenage years) of the series (Nino, Rebbeca, Lute...) which can become quite overpowered, mowing down whole armies of enemies on their own. Don't know about Dragon Age but given its a western game it probably has characters of 20-40 years of age as focus rather then later teenage characters due to the differences in the culture that produced the game.

Naturally I cloud always add a year or two but I think at least two years of successful work as an assassin (given that two years might have been used purely for training) should be enough for the needs of the Wardens, especially if talented.
who only barely let her live?
The King probably doesn't know the details of her meeting the assassins. Only she and the assassins know this and they would not talk about it.
  • Please please tell me that's the only picture you could find.
  • Yeah that image doesn't work with her personality at all.
Sincerely I don't care. I can chose whatever picture I want. If you are concerned with the amount of skin showed ... well I have seen commercials with more skin showed in them. I see no point in you complaining, the appearance image choice is up to the creator of the character.
"Hey guys I got a great idea! What if we let the five year old learn how to fight instead of survive without us!" Yeah seriously, most Wilding tribes are more concerned about the survival of the child than their fighting skills. Being able to turn into a wolf/fox/cat typically makes that a moot point and Wilding tribes are regularly attacked so survival of the child without needing the tribe is higher priority.
Training from young age was present in many tribal cultures and even some medieval professions. Even today children take up sport from a young age to be better at it later in life. Naturally I cloud always rework the dates and age a bit if you REALLY thing this is such a big matter.
"Yes, sexy underground fighting with the wilding I just picked up. From the forest. Who could have so many diseases. But hey it's not like females work in the red light district." Hate to say it, but sexism is something in Ellira that happens. Also... wildings make a lot of money in the red light district. If I were this noble I'd go for that instead, because wildings are kind of... festished. I feel so gross saying that damn it.
Ever tried to spot the difference between a male and female child ... usually its very hard to do so ... and they make a lot of money in fights as well. Both are profitable. The questions is what do you do? Ruin potential best fighters in the red lights districts or send a few of them to train to fight to death and earn heaps of money as well as improving your public image (I never mentioned the fights being underground or illegal!!!)? Well one noble though that taking ten of the most promising children will pay off (and it did).
You could just have her in the military for a while and she'd end up with the same skills...
No military prefers to give you a spear/bow (or sword if you are lucky) and train you with them. And that would be wasting Yrïé's natural talent with her fists.
She feels... like she has to be related to Serie? Like, it's been forced for them to be half sisters and that she is just Serie with more strength.
No that she has, but the fact is that she is. She just doesn't know this. I noted the fact since some people MIGHT fail to notice that the two have the same father.
Besides, a wilding that's this capable is... really OP. Like... damn. Soldier with the bonus of transformation?
Not OP. She is good in one on one fights. War is much different from one on one combat. Much different. And her transformation is probably one of the weakest by terms of potential. Am I at fault if others don't use the full potential of the ideas of their character?


I am thinking of replacing Inna with another character and keeping her for another RP. I will think about what to put up. So I will not be using Inna (It would require to much changes to keep her around with your standards. Hopefully I will be able to use her somewhere where people appreciate when someone losses 3-4 hours to make creative character ideas).
Oh goddamit I'm tired and this whole history sounds cliched to hell. Do it over.
AND IT IS NOT CLICHED - cliched would be her being saved by a "hero" and wanting to become one, or her family being killed by bandits and then her chasing after them in revenge, or becoming a priests because of "divine will"... really her history is not that cliche. Also you never said that settlements in Norboro are all grouped in one small area (which makes no sense - dispersed settlement allow each settlement to have enough hunting ground to feed themselves in cold areas or if they are coastal - to fish) until this reply ... but anyways since I am not planning to use her anyways I will think about another character (also if you hit my button prepare for a REAL OP character - that is as in a freaking
fucking, motherfucking, ass-shiting, ass-kicking, bastard
(and what not else) true to the Medieval Period and the RP character which would alsof fit in your age limits just fine *evil smile*)

Awaiting your reply gMister.
He also took part in the crushing defeat that his tribe suffered and knew that after such a defeat it would be hard to find many of his clan which had become slaves. He was also wounded. LOVE is strange - both in RL and in fiction. The racism and tensions between races are meaningless for love - Ever heard of Romeo & Juliet?
They also died in the end. Romeo and Juliet wasn't a love story so much as it was two teens infatuated with the other. Love wasn't involved and Romeo was in love five second before seeing Juliet and moving on. The family clash was a minor thing really. It's a tragedy not a love story, gamer.
Try again.
Will that please you mister?
Also I am female and use feminine pronouns so ma'am would be used here.
Don't know about Dragon Age but given its a western game it probably has characters of 20-40 years of age as focus rather than later teenage characters due to the differences in the culture that produced the game.

Naturally I cloud always add a year or two but I think at least two years of successful work as an assassin (given that two years might have been used purely for training) should be enough for the needs of the Wardens, especially if talented.
I don't know a lot of Fire Emblem lore and am HIGHLY uncomfortable with younger units in Awakening (which is the only game I've played) because I lean western influences and like older characters and in Dragon Age.
That would sate the requirements, yes.
The King probably doesn't know the details of her meeting the assassins. Only she and the assassins know this and they would not talk about it.
Uh, did I mention the king? NO
This is me commenting on her history.
Sincerely I don't care. I can chose whatever picture I want. If you are concerned with the amount of skin showed ... well I have seen commercials with more skin showed in them. I see no point in you complaining, the appearance image choice is up to the creator of the character.
You have a valid point and I was in a pissy mood. I will concede this point.
Training from young age was present in many tribal cultures and even some medieval professions. Even today children take up sport from a young age to be better at it later in life. Naturally I cloud always rework the dates and age a bit if you REALLY thing this is such a big matter.
Okay this is a moot point.
I GAVE YOU CANON LORE, which is something that I made up way back in the beginning of the reboot and I also worked with Ketori to flesh out this story. If you don't think I know about medieval professions, then you've another thing coming. This is something I said that the tribes do, they tend to want their children to survive the battles because 9 out of ten times they lose and the children are left without parents. Please do rework these dates a little. I don't doubt that a child would fight, but the tribes do try and avoid having children fight for good reason.
The questions is what do you do? Ruin potential best fighters in the red lights districts or send a few of them to train to fight to death and earn heaps of money as well as improving your public image (I never mentioned the fights being underground or illegal!!!)? Well one noble though that taking ten of the most promising children will pay off (and it did).
Uh, fights to the death involving children are illegal in most places. For very valid moral reasoning. Namely, children, like in the medieval times you refer to, aren't easy to keep alive. They tend to wander off, get sick, or be mostly defenseless. Children can grow up and outlive the current adults, which is why most places have it banned.

No military prefers to give you a spear/bow (or sword if you are lucky) and train you with them. And that would be wasting Yrïé's natural talent with her fists.
To quote wikipedia, "Light cavalry consisted usually of lighter armed and armoured men, who could have lances, javelins or missile weapons, such as bows or crossbows. In much of the Middle Ages light cavalry usually consisted of wealthy commoners."
Make her a soldier or a wilding, but she can't be both because that's OP. End of story.

No that she has, but the fact is that she is. She just doesn't know this. I noted the fact since some people MIGHT fail to notice that the two have the same father.
I was referring to her personality in the last half, I apologize for it not being clear. However, Serie and Yrie are no longer so similar in their first sentences so this is fine.
However, I remain firm on this. I saw that you really liked Serie and made her a sister and that's neat... but what does this contribute really? Side plots are nice... but this is one hell of a coinkidink don't cha think? The two sisters are somehow good enough to get into the Wardens, and the one who saw the father last -who was mentioned to have had a wife and child before this- never mentions the fact he has family before.

Not OP. She is good in one on one fights. War is much different from one on one combat. Much different. And her transformation is probably one of the weakest by terms of potential. Am I at fault if others don't use the full potential of the ideas of their character?
All right lemme just check...
Her animal form is that of a large, close to the size of a wolf, white fox.
while in her animal form she relies on speed and powerful strikes with her paws and their claws.
"I will return when I can knock down a horse with a single strike of my fist and a dragon with a single blow from my paw!"

After, allegedly, accomplishing this and probably becoming the most powerful Wildlings in terms of pure strength if not in one on one fights too,

Correct me if I'm wrong but that's LARGE for a fox, yeah? So there's no, 'she's not as good in her animal form' here. You have mass and strength. Also I am aware of war and it's potential. That doesn't mean someone good at one on one isn't going to be terrible in a group fight. Especially not one what can knock down a dragon with a single blow from her paw.
Insulting me and my character (I have a wilding too, so you've literally just insulted me) isn't going to help your case. Rill has a lot of both potential and capability, but she doesn't use human made weapons a lot because it's EASIER to kill in her animal form.
Try again.

As for Inna, I'm sorry I snapped.
But she literally had a part where she found Ultimate Blacksmith and had him forge a weapon for her. It's a tired trope and I don't really like it in this setting. I didn't even read that far but I'm willing to bet that somehow she had the meteor and used it to forge her weapon. Am I right?

Finally she collected money and payed the local smith, once a legendary person which made weapons for kings and nobles from all around Ellira, to forge one last blade, even if he promised to never make a weapon again. The smith initially refused but after she spent seven days and six nights standing, even when there was two days of a blizzard, in front of his house and asked from him to forge a weapon for her each time he came near her, on the sunset of the seventh day he accepted and she showed him what she wanted - to use the rock form sky, a ferrous meteorite, in its whole mass and size to forge a longsword like never seen or used before. With a comment "You are crazy but I will do it" he begun working on it.
I'm right. It's tired and I don't like it. I mean, she was unique but there was a lot in her history that was just downright impossible.