Alison and Emily

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Ali felt electricity running through her as Emily steppe closer. She wanted to kiss her but she couldn't, that's not how the game worked. It was Emily's turn. "You what?" She asked taking another step closer her eyes trailing Emily's lips and back up to her eyes.
Emily felt a pull in her chest, wanting her to kiss Alison, but she couldn't. She couldn't admit it. She stepped back slightly "I uh... I should probably get back to Ben..." she murmured, but ever part of her wanted to stay here... to stay with Alison. She looked up at Alison's eyes, her heart pounding. She glanced at Alison's lip, biting her own unintentionally before looking back towards the kissing rock. Her eyes traveled from there too the opening that led back towards the lake.
Ali was a bit disappointed that Emily pulled away again. She looked towards the opening to go back to the lake and then back into Emily's eyes, "If that's what you want." Ali said keeping her smirk small, her daring smirk that always made people make choices. Acting like they are the biggest desicions of their lives.
Emily felt her body shift uncomfortably. Instead of saying anything, she stepped closer "He's probably waiting for me..." she murmured. She wanted more than anything to kiss Alison again but her body wouldn't move forward to do it. She couldn't convince herself to do it. Alison stared at her, a dare glistening in her eyes. She knew. She knew and she was challenging her to act on it. Emily stepped a little closer but still she couldn't do it. She just glanced at Alison's lips and then back towards the lake.
Ali kept her eyes on emily, "Yeah he probably is." Ali said, her eyes still daring. She knew how Emily felt, she knew how all the other girls felt too. She knew all of their secrets. She was in control. She felt Emily step closer, and Ali reached for Emily's hand, keeping their hands together. She felt slightly bad about taking Emily's first kiss, but Ali was just selfish that way. She moved a little closer to Emily, feeling the heat from Emily's bare skin.
Emily pursed her lips slightly as her eyes decided where to stay. They flickered between the kissing rock, Alison and the lake. She wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss Alison. She stepped closer still, taking in a breath as Alison's hands grasped hers. She hadn't meant to do, in fact she had no idea what made her do it but she leaned in and pressed her lips to Alison's, her heart pounding in her chest.
Ali felt Emily take another step and soon their lips were together again. She pulled Emily's body into hers as her arms were around Emily's waist. She kissed her back softly, but she knew she couldn't continue on as much as she wanted to. She could only tease Emily. Ali soon pulled back with a smirk, no words. She just turned and headed off towards the lake.

--agh I wish Ali wasn't such a bitch!!!--
Emily felt her heart race as Alison pulled her closer, but just like that Alison pulled away with a smirk. Emily stepped back but didn't say anything as Alison walked away. She followed shortly after, her eyes flickering to Alison who had rejoined the girls. She opted not to rejoin. Instead she walked back over to Ben "Hey sorry about that" she stated with a smile, moving slightly closer to her, trying to fix the loneliness that had settled over her as Alison had pulled away. She smiled flirtatiously at Ben, hoping maybe... just maybe Alison was watching.
Ben soon saw Emily and smiled, "It's fine, I missed you!" He teased nudging her a bit. "Wanna join in? We're playing spin the bottle. Maybe you could get Ali and her friends to join too, they never do!" Ben said eyeing all the girls. The boys always tried after Ali, but they were never able to ever get her. He turned his attention back to Emily, who was obviously flirting. He smirked a bit and slipped his hand into hers smoothly.

Ali didn't turn to see Emily, although she knew Emily was close behind. She made her way back to the girls as they continued to talk about the boys. She knew that they would most likely want to join one of the games soon, but Ali was never interested. Until she saw Emily, and she was definitely too close to Ben as just a friendly hello. She bored daggers into Ben, and then her eyes moved over to Emily, scanning her body again. She hated it, she didn't want Emily near that stupid guy.

--this reminds me when Ali tells Emily to break up with him! Remember?--
-that's the scene I forgot! We can do that scene too lol-

Emily smiled "Definitely!" she stated excitedly. She turned towards the girls and waved a hand to see if they wanted to join. They all looked to Alison. As soon as Noel sat down, Emily saw Aria heading their way. She felt her stomach flip slightly as Ben slipped his hand into hers. She wrapped her fingers in his, locking their hands together with a smile. She let her knee touch his, making it look unintentional. "Can I join?" Aria asked smiling down at Emily.
Ben smiled even wider as their fingers interlocked. He felt Emily's knee and his stomachs jumped a bit. He walked over to where everyone was beginning to sit down and he sat down pulling Emily with him. He sat down her next to her and kissed her cheek.


Ali watched the way Emily was with Ben. Her rage burning inside her. She wanted nothing but to take bens place. But she couldn't think that way, that's not how everything worked. She wasn't supposed to actually like the people she played with. Ali watched aria head over and she rolled her eyes to the others, "Fine." She said. But there was one reason she wanted to play. Emily.

Spencer looked at Ali hopingly, she really wanted to join the game. Although she wasn't very interested in any of them, she liked to mess around. Spencer smiled as Ali agreed and they began to walk over. She looked over to Hanna, "Look, even Sean is gonna play." She said pointing slightly at him with a smile on his face.
Emily smiled as he kissed her cheek, her eyes fluttered towards Alison. Quickly, she moved closer to Ben, her legs pressed against his. She glanced over and saw Hanna smile wide before bounding over to the circle and taking a seat next to Aria "Aria, wow. You joined without us. how dare you" she teased with a playful smile. Aria laughed at Hanna and shoved her slightly. Emily was sure she knew the reason why Hanna wanted to play. "You're getting cozy aren't you Em?" she teased, smiling at Emily. Emily felt her cheeks run hot and leaned into Ben with a small smile. The smile turned into a small frown as Alison sat, joining the group, her mind flickering back to the kiss.
Ben smiled as Emily leaned into hem. He slipped his arm around her shoulders as people were playing the game. He didn't pay much attention though, he just kept close to Emily with a giddy smile.


Ali took another glimpse of Ben and Emily, slightly disgusted. Especially at Hannas words. She didn't know why though, all she knew is that she wanted Emily's attention. And she knew how to get it. She watched as it was Noel's turn, he spun the bottle and it landed on aria.

Spencer saw how cozy Emily was with Ben, she smiled happy to see she was welcome. She turned to aria with raised eyebrows as Noel made his way over to her, after the bottle had landed on her.
Aria smiled slightly, and moved towards Noel, overly excited about the whole ordeal. She leaned in briefly as he did, their lips touching. She deepened the kiss slightly and followed suit. There were people ooohing and ahhing as they kissed until finally she sat back. She looked over to Alison with a vibrant smile but Alison's eyes were focused elsewhere.

Emily smiled as she watched the others play. She more focused on Ben and trying not to look at Alison. In fact, her focus was beginning to work. Her eyes flickered to Alison once, before she turned to Ben and rested her head on his shoulder. See this is nice. This is normal. He's a nice guy. she thought to herself, watching Aria with a smile on her face. "Did you want to go for a walk? Or maybe a swim?" she asked softly, turning to face him.

Ben smiled as he felt Emily's head on her shoulder. He ooohed at the kiss that noel and aria shared before turning back to Emily, "Ofcourse!" Ben said with a smile. He began to stand up helping Emily up as well.

Ali watched Emily closely still. She hated the way they were. The way Ben and Emily were snuggled close together. She crossed her legs as she watched them. "I'm getting tired, I might head home soon." She said turning to the others as Emily and Ben stood up heading off.

--I'm going to play a different side of Ali too, like the part we never saw. The part that actually cared. But I'm still playing the bitchy Alison too lol--
-Of course haha-

Emily paused momentarily, glancing back at Alison. "Oh... um... Ali... my mom wanted to see if I could stay with you tonight?" she asked, rather softly as she ran a hand through her hair, her other hand tight in Ben's. She didn't want Alison to leave, but why did she want her to stay? She had kissed her and walked away. Walked away with a stupid smirk.
Ali was standing up to leave when she heard Emily. She turned to her, her eyes filled with skepticism. Wondering if Emily was just saying that, or if she actually wanted to be with Ali. She soon returned the frown with a smirk, "Ofcourse." She said. She watched Ben and then carefully, "I think we should go soon though."
Emily turned to Ben with a half smile, her eyes apologetic "Rain check?" she asked gently, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. She felt a shiver run through her body as she smiled up at him. "I'll see you tomorrow I guess?" she asked, hoping for a yes but at the same time...
Ben frowned a bit that Emily had to go, giving a slight clod stare to Ali but smiled at Emily. "Of course, here." He said pulling out his phone handing it to her, "Put your number in. Maybe we could go to a movie or something?" He suggested with a smile.
Emily smiled, typing her number in his phone quickly. "I'd like that. Text me anytime" she said softly, squeezing his hand one last time before turning to join Alison. As she took a spot beside Alison, she dropped her voice to a hushed whisper "Are you okay? Why are you leaving so early?" she asked softly, her hand unintentionally grazing Alisons'.
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