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Tokyo 2017. The streets are overflowing with life and action. The newest trend, called Air Treck has captured the hearts of many young Teenagers, who use these electrical Inliners to do risky tricks and fight alone or in teams for higher ranks.
These so called Storm Riders try to get closer and closer to the sky, flying through the air like they were born with a pair of wings. For many of them, just this enough, for others it's their goal to reach the highest rank and become a so-called 'King', someone who's atop of most other riders.
A lot of young riders try to get there, but it's a long way until one reaches that level and even harder to achieve it at all.


Currently, the world of AT is on the brink of chaos.
An unknown person or Team has started to kill high ranking Storm Riders, mostly kings. The only sign they leave is their emblem on the dead body, a typical theater mask, half of the face smiling, half of it frowning. Their first victim was the Sky King, followed by the Fang Queen, the Thunder Queen and the Flame King.
From what were originally 9 kings only 5 are left and Riders all over Japan start to get concerned about their safety and what is about to happen next.
Then again, not all are like this, and there are several Teams who abuse this shift in power by trying to take the open spaces for themselves.
And this is where our journey to the sky starts. We are a new founded Team called 'Armageddon', most of us pretty new in the scene and met through an internet forum post or a flyer in the city:


Current Kings

  • [fieldbox="Sonia Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Thorn King Flash
    Former Thunder King, Flash declared himself the current boss of the kings, due to recent events, gaining a lot of hate but equally as much of support. He gives himself usually calm on the outside and tries to find the ones who murdered his friends. His real name's unknown.
    His Team is called 'Thunderwave', their emblem is a yellow fox running on a wave which writes out the Teams name.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Gaia Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Stone King Aaron
    Aaron, more often called 'Forest' is known as the biggest asshole in Japan. He tends to say out exactly what he thinks in a way that makes a lot of people hate him. No one knows his actual face, since he's always hiding it under a black hood. Also, he has a thing for sweets, he got lots of them on him pretty much at all times. He's often seen with his best friend, 'Joker', who wears the same coat, just in white. Aaron helps out Volkner currently, and after the Fang Queen was murdered he joined his Team to pose a bigger threat.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Ring Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Pledge Queen Jamie
    Not much is known about Jamie, since she isn't actively riding anymore. She has a big shop selling AT's in Tokyo, even though it's pretty hidden and looks shady, most Riders know of its whereabouts. She doesn't tune for a single person anymore, but instead decided on doing it for everyone. Back in the days, people used to call her 'Flying Sea' due to her white and blue hair.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Lather Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Water King Deep Sea
    His real name unknown, Deep Sea has a mostly cold personality. He usually kills all of his challengers if they battle for his Regalia. The only person he ever left alive during such a battle was Jamie when he took the Regalia from her, reasons unknown. He's very infamous for his behaviour, but he doesn't really care. His Team's called 'Deep Sea' too, his Emblem's a Sea Devil, the name of the team is part of its body.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Over Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Rumble Queen Cynthia
    Mostly known as 'Mystic'. Since these accidents started to occur, Mystic left her Team, trying to find the culprit solo. She doesn't really care about Flash much less listens to him. She is very impulsive but kind at heart and always listens to others problems.[/fieldbox]

Deceased Kings/Open Roads
[tab Flame Road][fieldbox="Flame Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Flame King/Queen

[tab Rising Road][fieldbox="Rising Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Thunder King/Queen

[tab Bloody Road][fieldbox="Bloody Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Fang King/Queen

[tab Wing Road][fieldbox="Wing Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Sky King/Queen
-Open-[/fieldbox] [/tab][/tabs]

Explanations for the ones new to this series
  • [fieldbox="Air Trecks, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Air Trecks are a variation of Inliners, working with high end technology that is used all over the world. They have motors build in them so that far jumps and high speed are easily possible. Even driving up on buildings, jumping from one to another is possible. In later fights of the original manga, people could go so far as to jump from one jet to another. AT's have inbuilt cards that save the data of a rider, saving their progress for example for later analysis.
    AT's are made out ofvery different parts or rare so that it is possible to have very unique ones. ATs most commonly have 2 wheels, but there are also some built with 3 or 4 whels on each AT.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Storm Riders/Kings/Roads/Regalias, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Storm Riders are the people who use AT's in contests for different goals. They fight to get better, gain parts or even the so called Regalias. Most Riders develop a unique driving technique, their own 'Road' to drive on.
    Each Road usually has a king, a really skilled Rider equipped with a regalia.

    A Regalia is a piece of machinery built in an AT that lets its user do unique Tricks, sometimes even things close to supernatural stuff as producing flames, controlling parts of the earth or sea. The possibilities differ from each Regalia, but are always incredibly strong.
    If a Regalia is won in a Parts War, that doesn't automatically mean, that a member could just use it and become a king, because to activate a Regalia, special tricks are needed, which are usually learned by the Storm Riders of the same road.
    A road may also produce subroads or even an evolution of said road, there are no real 'rules' to it.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Link Tuner, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]In high class riding, Storm Riders start to need a Link Tuner, someone who can repair their AT's and tune them to a level that surpasses even A-Class. A high ranking team may need such a Tuner to keep their AT's in good condition and even improve them personally for a member. Most kings have their very own Link Tuner for their Regalias.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Classes, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]The class system helps riders to teach them the basic knowledges of driving Air Treck. To progress to a higher class, either you have to win 3 Parts Wars in the same class or one in a higher ranking.

    The basic classes are F-C, while the advanced are B and A. The usual disciplines for these classes are:

    The normal dash is this class' discipline. These sprints are usually done 1-on-1 on a flat ground

    Class E's challenge is called 'Hurdle'. It's a lot like class F, just with bigger structures like buildings and such in the way.

    Class C is called 'Cube'. This Parts War is a 1-on-1 fight in a closed room. The size of the room isn't set specifically, it can be small or as big as a school gym for example. The first person to be K.O. looses.

    The C-Class Parts War is 'Air'. This is a Teamfight on 10 platforms of unspecified size. The platforms are taken down one after another by time and the last team to stand atop wins.

    The B-Class fight is called 'Disc'. The goal of this Class' fight is to get a set amount of points in 3 different sets. The disc has to be transported to a specific ares to gain a point. If one holds the disc, they may attack any person of the enemy team, while the enemy team may only attack the holder of the disc. Of course one can pass it on to a team member. If anyone breaks the attacking rule, the enemy team gets a point.

    The hardest class, it's called 'Balloon'. This fight is usually a 5-on-5 in which each member tries to capture the balloon in which each teams emblem is stuck. Before the start of the battle, different roles are set for each member, though not all roles have to be set:

    -Panther--> Only the Panther of a team may touch the balloon, if anyone else does, said team will be disquallified. It's best to keep the role of the panther hidden from the enemy Team.

    -Decoy--> Pretending to be the panther to get the enemy teams' attention.

    -Ultimate--> The attacker, fighting the enemy teammembers

    -Middle--> Support for Panther, Decoy and Ultimate

    -Keeper--> Tanking the enemies attacks, or blocking them. The shield of the team.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Parts War, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]A so called Parts War is a contest between single Storm Riders or Teams between each other. They fight for different prizes, mostly for AT Parts, but there are also fights over the different Emblems of a Team. Loosing your Emblem means being instantly disbanded.[/fieldbox]

Describe their looks or link a picture.

Whatever floats your boat.

Storm Rider Alias:
Your nickname, if you got one :D

Something between 13-18, if you'd like to be older or younger, please leave me a message why.

Tell me about what your character is like!

What are you good at? Are you the strategist of the group? Are just strong or fast or a quick learner? What would you like to be your position in the Team?

Why and when did your character decide to become a Storm Rider? Were they in a Team before? Do they know about the things that are going on in the AT-world right now? Do they want to stop it? What's their goal as a Rider? What are they doing besides being a storm Rider? Build something with these questions in mind. :>

[fieldbox="Rules and other notes, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
- First of all, this RP will probably contain a bit of fighting, but I won't stop you from writing anything as long as it sounds reasonable and you're not godmodding.

- The second thing is that I took out ALL of the canon characters, pretty much because I don't want to interefere with the original world.

- I'm looking for about 4-5 more players here.

- If we don't get the needed amount of players, you may also have a second character.

- I'd also love to have either a Co-GM or people willing to design Parts Wars with different Teams, because I will also play a character in this RPG myself and it would be easier for me this way. Of course I will still lead the story progression, for example important fights or events, but if you want to start a subplot, just leave me a message and you can have the lead until then!

- That said, I don't mind if you make up subplots or NPCs or whole Teams, as long as you guys don't start 3 different things at once, if you know what I mean.

- I don't expect perfect or huge posts, since I myself am pretty new to writing long texts in english, but I do expect more than 3 sentences per post. I am native German, so excuse me if I make mistakes, if I do some really bad errors please feel free to correct me, I want to get better at this. :>[/fieldbox]

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask or if I didn't explain something properly, just say so.
If there are questions about character creations, leave me a message too :>
I hope that, whoever read this far is still in this with me! If you are, feel free to post a character sheet and lets enjoy the skies together!

Ayato/Drop, by rechonq

Hiro/Spector, by Kurogane86

Jun/Dragon by Jun

Tilde/Dip, by Snowball

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  • Love
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Ok, so I was thinking. We're obviously going to be getting Regalia right? I just was wondering how that was gonna happen, we find them, we're entrusted with them, we get them off the killer storm riders. What do you guys think?

For our Assassin, maybe we collect pieces for it? Sorta like Ikki ended up in a lot of ways.

Had it in mind that I lost my regalia to one of the killers. Will have to complete out that arc and get that at some point v.v

And then probably the last one, we'll beat the current king/queen :D
I could get mine from a king/queen. Since it was sort of unique, I was thinking about building them too, but having someone else already build the Regalia and striving to have them would be good too. I'm still going to stick with Meteor Road for his way though. Unless of course Assassin wants to beat a king/queen for his Regalia, then I can build the meteor regalia. I'm good with either way.
I was actually thinking of the perfect way to get them. During the trip to the underground AT shop the rider of the assassin road is killed and we just happen to witness it. Then they try to take us out and we barely win and take the assassin regalia.

Sound good?
Sounds like a plan. BTw whose turn is it? Maybe include Jun bailing via text
I'll go ahead and go next.

Which, since she bailed, do we want to try and relaunch this and see if there's any interest?
I have a question about Dip. Would we know her real name from the time she was thorn queen, or would that have been more secret? I don't plan on using it anytime soon, but just wondering, because when you get famous it's pretty easy for your information to leak.
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Reactions: Kurogane86
I have a question about Dip. Would we know her real name from the time she was thorn queen, or would that have been more secret? I don't plan on using it anytime soon, but just wondering, because when you get famous it's pretty easy for your information to leak.

Fang Queen, not Thorn.

And it wasn't really ever a secret. She is stated as being known internationally. In her sheet. And its implied pretty heavily that she has/had a reputation.
I was thinking about that and honestly I think 3 is enough. If we do open it up we gotta wait for people to express interest, than create a cs, than catch up. It'll take a while.

I think it'll be easier to change team size to three rather than 5. But that's my thought's on the matter.
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Sorry, would be more on the ball here but been dealing with insanity.

Anyways, while I have a breather---

I dont mind us just going the 3 of us. Already put it forward before that if we need other characters in the RP, we could probably double-down on the characters per player (if y'all are comfortable with that) or we can shuffle the team size.

I mean, nothing says that we need to have a 5 man team even if we are going against others who are. Ie) Agito/Akito was a 1-man team all the way up into A-class taking one 5-man teams, in both the anime and manga early on.
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Reactions: Kurogane86
So it's officially 2 weeks and 3 days. I guess we can officially take this in any direction we want
Just thinking out loud.

Should we fast forward to the underground AT shops? Like right after Drop gets his AT's fixed?
He's got to get to the shops to get parts to fix them though. We could just skip to the shop and then he fix them.
Hey, so I don't know how hated Tilde was, but I hope Big Mac's reaction was ok. I can take out those parts if she wasn't really disliked, but just wanted to hide her face.
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