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Agents of Galactic Standstill

I ripped off eleven missiles.

A problem I never thought I would have.
On the subject of weapons, how useful are disabling weapons, I think a couple of us are using them.
As someone sometimes familiar with such in other places (usually 4X games or similar) they can be very useful. I'm not sure what the example additional effects would do, but in general, if you can do things like temporarily disrupt your target's normal functioning, it will pay off. Stripping shields efficiently is a big deal. Penetrating armor also is, for similar reasons. However, aside from just efficiently working on defenses, well...if you get to things like even temporarily preventing an enemy ship from moving, shooting back, or the like, that quickly tips things in your favor.
I ripped off eleven missiles.

A problem I never thought I would have.
Wait... Daws? I don't... know what the hell is wrong with me, I screwed up. I thought your sheet said three triple medium warp turrets. I am so sorry. You were fine- you were actually under!

4 x 5 = 20
3 x 6 = 18
2 x 60 = 120 (-30 for Oversized Weapon perk) = 90
20 x 8 = 160
20+18+90+160 = 288

Man I screwed that up, I am so sorry! You can put that back to 20 missile tubes, and you have 12 additional points to play with! Sorry again -_-

As for Disabling weapons, they are pretty darn useful! They tend to do extra damage against shields (ignore Shield DR) and if they hit the enemy's hull, they do very little physical damage (maybe 10% or so) but have an increased chance of disabling the enemy ship's systems (Targeting, Sensors, Communication, Navigation, Engines, Storage, Weaponry, Reactor, Processing Core, etc.). I'll post the exact numbers, but basically a normal attack that does x damage will have y probability of damaging a ship system, whereas a disabling attack that lists as having x damage will have 2*y probability of disabling a ship system instead. That's the plan, anyway.
Should I wait for others to post or could I perhaps make a post tonight?
Feel free to post at will! We aren't in combat or anything so there's no turn order or anything like that. This is just conversation and self-awareness time so have fun~
Wait, you mean to tell me that I did my math wrong not once, not twice, but three times?

This is going to be a fun time...
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Wait, you mean to tell me that I did my math wrong not once, not twice, but three times?

This is going to be a fun time...
No, that time was seriously my fault. I'm really sorry. Thank you for fixing it- your math is spot on now!
Yeah, but I had run dry on points in my calculations. I didn't know I could slap MORE hardware on! I'm ashamed at myself, really.
Alright everyone, I have your character sheets compiled together and formatted! If you ever want to review information on someone's ship or even your own, you need look no further than the second post in this thread, here: https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/agents-of-galactic-standstill-ooc.116765/#post-2410247

Please do let me know if I made any mistakes! (And great posts thus far in the IC thread!)

Oh, and let me know if you make any changes to your character sheet so I can update it, too!
Okay, Gat! Your time to shine!

Your ship-body is the one referenced in my IC post, the 'human frigate' chasing Captain Rukh's freighter The Ilusive Hand in the Abassi System, which is one system away from where the other characters are located in the Lythios System.

What you do is entirely up to you! This game is all about choice and the way that your decisions impact the people around you. You shape your destinies, as well as the way that history will unfold, so don't ever feel like you have to do something to ensure that the story will go in the right direction- The players make the story, as the GM I'm merely here to facilitate it and build the setting and provide the NPCs for you to interact with. :3

That was a weird little pep talk that none of you probably required, but you got it anyway. xD (it's late and I'm tired~)
Is it possible for me to join this rp or is it too late?
Sorry, yeah, signups are closed. We already have 5 people, which is already kind of more than I thought optimal. xD

I'll let you know if a spot opens up, though! In case you're still interested.

And Anacapa Q-366 makes her debut to the sound of Swan Lake. :bsmile:
And what a great debut it was! :3
Sorry, yeah, signups are closed. We already have 5 people, which is already kind of more than I thought optimal. xD

I'll let you know if a spot opens up, though! In case you're still interested.

And what a great debut it was! :3
Okay. Thanks for the response.
Haha, well I don't know about folk songs in general, but I can certainly see how that one is pretty darn relevant! xD

I'll hafta check out more songs by that group. :3
I'm not sure why, but I feel like old filksongs might be good inspiration for this setting. So, I'm linking this. There are probably others which are more appropriate, however.

Coolest folksong I have ever heard to date!

With this fresh in my mind, I should get to work on my post lol
There's a long-standing tradition of scifi/space/fantasy folk songs. They're...pretty interesting, and it's good that one can find them on youtube, just because otherwise it'd mostly be aging cassette tapes and the like.