Against The Wits

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"No! I have, but don't giggle, 'cause it's super soppy," she babbled as she tugged out the drawing, he wide grin appearing as she eased against his arm with a purr, pointing out the figures as usual. "That's me, see? The white hair? And that's you, and that's my Mom and my Dad," she smiled affectionately up at him. She may have included the pictures of her parents, but the sheer fact she had drawn herself beside Eden with a circle around the two of them spoke volumes. "You can keep this one too. hen I'm older, I'll do better paintings and drawings for you. It'll just be me and you, right? Cause I love you the most."​
"You do?" He blinked, peering down at the girl with a flustered smile. "That means a lot, Luna. I mean... I'm not even your parent and you like me the most?" Taking in the picture, he observed the drawing with a smile. The drawings were cute, absolutely adorable. They were better than most children her age, but they still were somewhat sloppy and scribbly. "I think it's perfect, Luna. I'd love to put them somewhere for people to see."
"Obviously, I love you the most. You're kind to me, and sweet, and you care and... you do everything a parent is supposed to. My Mom sometimes forgets and my Dad... hardly knows me," she sighed, burying her head into his arm with a small smile, eyes closing contently to herself. "I mean, the pictures are just for you, Eden. Nobody else would like 'em, really, and you do, so you have them~ I'll make loads, even when I'm, like, a thousand years old or somethin'."​
"They'd be amazing," He murmured, yawning as he eased back into the bed himself. "I'm going to take a nap, okay Luna? I'm not feeling well, after all, so I need all the rest I can get. You can draw if you want, or sleep... But wake me up if your daddy wants me, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll just draw," she decided, staying cuddled up all the same as she tipped her crayons out onto the duvet. "I think you're having another meeting, right? I wanna come in on it, because I... wanna help you all. It's gonna be my kingdom one day, right?"​
"I sure hope so. You'd make a great Queen, you know..." He murmured, already half asleep as he spoke, evident by his slurred voice. "Now, shh, okay? I wanna wake up to a masterpiece by you, Luna..."
"Of course I would. I'm kind and caring and I wouldn't mess up. I'd go down to the village and befriend everyone," she said quietly, only cutting out speaking when noticing that he was practically already asleep, so chastely pecked his cheek with a smile. "Go to sleep, silly."​
He responded only with soft snores, having rolled onto his stomach before fully sleeping to let his wings fully extend. He was desperate for sleep after what he thought was a strenuous session, and probably nothing to his lover. If this happened every time, he only imagined how Ruby felt... But that didn't matter when he finally drifted off to sleep
The girl, for the following few hours, did nothing but try to keep herself occupied, which wasn't hard when she had recently spent two days alone. Eventually though, the loud laughs and manly voices pushed her to nudge Eden awake, careful not to hurt the large wings she was a fan of. "Hey, Eden? I think they're here."​
Letting his eyes flutter open, he warily peered over to Luna and smiled. "Hey, honey.... How are you? What time is it? It's crazy.... h-h..."
"Like, one in the morning, I think. I'm okay though, it's exciting being awake really late," she grinned, even if large rings under her eyes of black and grey highlighted the struggle to stay awake any longer, even if she was determined to do just that, and to feel part of something as big as war. "C'mon, it'll be fun~"​
He rolled awake, motioning her to look away as he tugged on the robe and a pair of underwear. "Jeez... One in the morning? That's ridiculous, you and Lucifer should be asleep!"
"But there's a meeting, silly," she snorted, covering her eyes with a typically childish giggle to herself. "Honestly, there's a war soon, D-- Eden, and we have to be, like, prepared, right? But we have you, and you're mega tough and... still! We gotta prepare, even if it's late and... I'm awake, 'cause I've had lots of tea. Daddy has coffee and wine and stuff."​
"You shouldn't drink tea past 10 in the morning," He scolded, shaking his head. "Come on, then. I suppose we should check up on them since I can't get you to go to sleep."
"As the Princess, I ought to be in on the meeting," she cooed playfully, the fact she cracked up in giggles indicating she thankfully didn't have some superiority complex most royals did. The fact Lucifer hadn't cared enough to bring her up that way or be involved with her helped her personality to blossom without it being hindered by pressure to act like a Princess. "Psh, I hate tittles like that. When I'm Queen, everyone can just call me Luna, and I won't ever wear dresses. Nope... I'll make you, like, head of the army and real important, if my Dad doesn't, 'kay? Though I guess you're like a King already, huh?"​
He snorted, lifting her into his arms. "Nah, I don't want the title. I don't want the pressure of being in charge, you know? Well, I DO, but I don't want to be a figurehead. Now at the meeting, we both should be quiet okay? Just listen for now... Then at the end, you NEED to sleep, okay? You look so tired, hon."
"...Fine. I'll sleep then," she huffed under her breath, even if it was something she knew she had to do after the meeting, but immediately left those thoughts when in the meeting room. With the four men present once more with glasses of wine, and Lucifer at the head already examining a few papers, the man peered upwards with a smile towards Eden mostly. "You made it then?"​
"You do realize it's one in the morning, right? And you let Luna drink tea this late?" He instantly scolded, taking a wary seat as he held his hip. Still sore, he flopped down with a groan before helping Luna to her feet. "Fucking... Honestly, she shouldn't be having tea this late, she needs a normal sleep schedule."
"Yes, and I'm her father, so if she wanted tea, I'm going to give her tea. You're not her father, Eden," he drawled casually, more amused by the fact he was still evidently sore rather than paying any real notice to how his daughter was. If he did, he would see how it was all affecting her. "Anyway, just pour yourself some wi-- coffee. Have some coffee," he corrected quietly - if there was a chance he would have conceived a child today, Lucifer was caring enough to ensure no alcohol was drunk until news of the child was realised. Until then, he would just steer him away from it with excuses. "You don't like Hell's wine, do you?"​
"It's disgusting," He replied simply, rubbing his hips wearily as he sat among the other. "She shouldn't be awake, neither should you or I or ANY of us. Ugh... I don't want coffee either, my stomach is bothering me. Since we're all awake anyway, let's just get this meeting over and done with okay? I need to get back to bed."
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