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Tarrow finishes the cup with a deep gulp, wiping his mouth of hot water afterwards. His eyes were alert, but slightly fading; he was somewhat tired.
"Tarrow." He couldn't have said any simpler, and looks to Alice for a moment.
"Quit worrying, kid. As long as me, Faye and Adonis are around, well protect you. Oh. And Adonis is a God. That usually counts for something."
"W-wait Wha?!!" She turned to look at him surprised and to the man's eyes with amusement before calming down. "So that explains the eyes...." She mused taking her Book before hugging it. "So what kind of a God is A.....Adonis?" she asks Tarrow staring at him for awhile.
Adonis got out of the water, walking back to his tent.
"You guys should rest also," he said, looking back at them.
He looked at Tarrow with those eyes, suggesting something, he then went inside his tent closing the flap.
Faye feeds her horse a little bit before going into her tent "Goodnight guys"
Alice nodded at them before turning her attention to Tarrow. "well? Do you have an idea what kind of God is he?" she asked lowly that only he could hear since its night. Her eyes then started to glow a little.
"God of beauty," Adonis shouted from his tent.
"ugh.." Alice snapped her head toward's the guy's tent sweat dropping little... 'you're kidding me right?.....nah at least i know' she thought before getting her books beside the log, carrying them while going near to Tarrow. "ehh... its getting night you should sleep.." She said to him before going to her tent but stopped for awhile looking back.

"umm... goodnight.. Tarrow" She soft tired voice said before going in.
As everyone was in their tent, Adonis slipped out, walking to Tarrow's tent.
He sat at the edge of his bed.
"Can I talk to you about something." It was still dark and there was no light.
After nodding goodnight to Faye and Alice, Tarrow finally decides it was time to get some rest. The days to come had been far from normal. He was attacked by bunnies. A demon God was after them, now, and it turned out that a man he found naked in the middle of the road was, actually, a God. This just went to show that life was full of surprises.

He gets up a little in his bed to see Adonis sitting at the end of it. Tarrow brushes a little of the fine jet black hair from his eyes, and he looks to the darkened figure. He could only tell it was Adonis due to the body shape and voice; it was still very dark.
"Yeah. What is it." Tarrow says in usual voice.
"Nyooom!" Her tired voice said as she relaxes inside her tent closing it before switching her lamp on while opening her book reading where she had left off making the tent glow faintly.
"...I'm getting memories of you. I don't know what they mean." He held onto his hands. The touch felt familiar, too familiar.
Tarrow looks down to his hands for a second, then looks back to the eyes of Adonis in a look which was seemingly trying to size him up, and figure out what was going in his head - but all the eyes could do was make him feel somewhat comfortable...
"Hmph. I can't say I know either. Do you know anything... anything that happened before you woke up naked where me and Faye found you."
After reading a few books she imediately fell asleep with a book covering her face while others were scatterd around her and her witch hat by her side. Leaving the dim harmless lamp open.
"I don't remember specifically but you were there." He said as he took his other hand and held his face gently, again, the touch felt familiar. As if someone has already done this.
"You smiled a lot."
Tarrow is silent as he lets his jet black hair cover his eyes, his mouth still drooping a little. After a long amount of silence, Tarrow brushes his cheek with his arm.
"Yeah... ... ... I did... I wasn't always like this. Back when I had S-Silvia... it was ... ... ... it was all different." Tarrow says near a whisper.
"...I'm sorry." He almost whispered as he put a hand at the back of his neck. This time the touch was very clear, it felt like how his wife used to do it.
Tarrow blinks out of getting himself into a depressed state, but suddenly he feels a touch at the back of his neck.
Tarrow turns around with a light gasp, but it really was Adonis who was touching his neck. Tarrow turns back around, looks at the floor for a second, then exhales a deep breath.
"You felt like Silvia..."
"I will get you.... I will capture you.." a demon said to her as he raised his giant scythe...

"And I will kill you."

"Don't!" Alice said sitting up realizing it was just a dream. A small drop of sweat fell down from her forehead while the books fell on her lap. Looking around she sighed and grabs her book and lamp silently going out. Being awfully quiet she can see that someone also went out too. 'Someone's awake huh' she thought while walking towards the spring to sit. Putting the lamp to her side she opened her book and started reading.

Soon fireflies started to come out glowing and somewhat dancing around her slowly while she didn't notice.
Adonis kept his hand there,leaning in forward. He didn't kiss him,he wanted to see if Tarrow would kiss him first.
"How did Sylvia kiss you?" He asked softly. They were only a few inches away.
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Tarrow looks back into Adonis' eyes, and he instinctively starts to lean closer - the way he was saying his words, they were alluring... tempting... and his eyes, felt like he was being drawn into comfort.

Tarrow was only an inch away from Adonis' lips when he suddenly blinked, shaking his head as he jolts back a little, rubbing his face for a few seconds, then looking back up at Adonis from a distance.
"I'm sorry. It... It just isn't the same. I can't love anymore." Tarrow whispers blandly as he looks at the roof of the tent.