Active Angel

"You are a bad influence, you know that? All of this delicious food that I know that I have to work out in the long run. Fine, tomorrow we won't do a thing but the next thing, if you're still serious about this tournament thing, then we'll have to double our training. If you can handle it."she joked, grabbing her bag after leaving her 5 dollar tip on the table. The food was absolutely delicious and she couldn't have asked for a Was that what it was? Kali nearly tripped over her own feet when the word echoed in her head. No no. Calm down, girl. It was just dinner. Dinner and nothing else. Kali had regained her stature and made her way out the door and back into the night time air.

"I hate movies, so don't make me go there. I really don't want to go swimming either and all I ever do is work out so...what else do you have in mind?"she asked, walking beside him towards the direction of her house.
"I'mma jump rope while standing on your head if I have to. >:O" Jack jokingly threatened, giving Kali a pat on the back like she was a 'bro.' "No movies or swimming then…Let's go to the arcade! :D I've been saving up some money, and I'm sure I can spend some carelessly. XD"

The two reached the front door, and Jack nodded to Kaline, before walking a couple feet away, and waving.

"If you have anything in mind, just call. I'll see you tomorrow! :3"

Jack started heading to his own home, and smiling to himself. Hanging out with Kali just seemed to have him a tingly feeling, a couple shivers, and something going on in his stomach (besides the food) when he looked at the girl he wanted as his girlfriend- Tag Team Partner! nothing more than a Tag Team Partner!

"We're not even in the 'holding hands' stage! DX." He groaned.


A couple guys were riding around in their new car, painted black, with 30 mm bulletproof plating, bulletproof/tinted glass and wheels, the works. It even had a horn on the roof, as they taunted various people...

"Hey! Get off the road, Asshole!" Barked one of the guys in the car. A tall young man stood before the vehicle, trying to pass. It also happened he was riding on a large, menacing horse.

The fellow, known as Clyde, held curtains of shadow over his eyes: the kind that meant you shouldn't fuck with a person. Now, Clyde looked down at the people in the car, flaring up a violent red aura that began to fill up the area like a tear gas grenade and a crowd of hippies. The two guys began to get some chills, but then they tried to shake it off, hopefully to try and work up the courage to run this guy's horse over.

"This car…" Clyde questioned, having noticed the boasts from earlier about how great it was. "Is such a pathetic thing of the materialistic world so important you must boast loudly?…I don't believe anyone likes this P.O.S…."

Then, he opened his closed right fist, which held the reins of his horse, Gar-Ta, and was about to do what appeared to be a karate chop, slowly going up, then coming down like a guillotine, a white flash going through, and appearing to have done nothing...


"Senka Kei Hazan (Wave Cutting War Path Slash)"


The two guys stopped laughing a moment, before noticing a line going through their roof, before the car had been cut into halves. Clyde and his horse Gar-Ta performed a 'Flash-Step' and disappeared, reappearing behind where the halves once were, and Clyde holding them both casually, five fingertips each. He forced both guys out rather harshly, and finally, crushed the armored vehicle as if they were cardboard.

"Messatsu!" He whispered to himself, smirking, before moving on, and laughing heartily.

Clyde's Voice: (The bigger, white haired guy)
"You can't be serious."

"Kaline. She's your cousin."

"Here? She has to come here? At all times?"

"She is your cousin. And besides, you haven't spent time with her in months."

"Um, yeah? For good reason." Kaline grumbled. The man in front of her with a crop of silver hair and golden eyes smiled and pulled her into a noogie formation. If Kali struggled hard enough, she would have been able to bypass the gesture, but this man was her father, so she just gave him the satisfaction of doing it.

"Kaline, you miss her. Admit it. And I know you love Uncle Jero."he chuckled while releasing her. Kaline's was face was a fluster of pink as she tried to recover from her father's grappling hold. For a old man, he was still strong. His strength hadn't faltered the slightest over the years. Kali had to smile at that fact, though she wanted to frown at thoughts of her cousin's visitation. Her eyes wandered over to the picture of her father and Uncle years ago, battling together on the wall.

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True, she was fond of her Uncle Jero....Seconds passed before she forced a sigh.

"Alright fine. But I'm not bringing her everywhere with me."she grumbled, gathering her phone so she could dial Jack's number.
Jack was in the middle of some video games, when he heard his cell ring, causing him to kick it into the air, and strike the button with his littlest toe to answer the call, and then striking it again for the speaker.

"Oh Hai, Kali. :D" He greeted.
"Hello, Jack. Did you ever decide what we were going to do today? Because, unfortunately, my cousin Myna is coming in the evening to visit me and my dad. Preferably, I want to stay as far away from my house as possible..."she said in a low tone so that her father wouldn't hear her. For an old man, he still had an acute sense of hearing and only chuckled when he saw her move the receiver of her cell phone closer to her mouth. Kali heard him but still kept her voice to a minimum.

"Do whatever you can to keep me away from this house and I will help you EVERYDAY for this tournament if I have to."she whispered, looking back at her father who was arranging cups around in the cupboard in the Kali. Kali smiled and put her hand over the mic of the phone, to mute out all sound.

"Dad, i'm going out with a friend named Jack."

"When will you be back?"

"Um..."she said, eyes darting around the room before she shrugged and squeezed out of the door. "Dunno bye!"she said, before closing the door and putting the phone back to her ear.

"Hey...still there?"
"…Yeeesss." Replied Jack. He understood the plea of Kali, and began to take a moment to brainstorm. "I thought we could start off playing video games at my place, then maybe just relax by the beach. I'd rather not swim, but it's your call, dude. :3"

Jack put the phone on speaker and attached the device to his belt, hearing a successful click, making him grin a little, before heading downstairs. His grandfather was eating porridge, with Jack's own mother sleeping on the side, presumably from a hard day at work the other night. Jack was about to sneak out, when his Grampa shot his head over towards his grandson, and had a sinister laugh that sounded something like 'KA~KAKAKAKA~!!' followed by an equally playful voice that showed his age.

"Oh, Hai Grampa! :D…D:"

"Jackie Chan~" Joked Grampa. "Are you going to see your girlfriend again? If so, I demand you come back this time with those great-grandchildren I wanted~"

Jack had sweatdropped, and groaned at the mention of one of his many nicknames. Even when Grampa wasn't drunk, he could pose significant problems.

"I never agreed, old man! DX" Jack argued. "Besides, I don't want to touch her like that…"

"…Yet." Finished Grampa. "You know, your great aunt Ursula was like an Amazon. Uncle Rorsh used to mention a body with nice knockers and a fitting key hole goes well with muscle…"


Jack dashed out the door, covering his ears and shouting, comically shedding waterfalls of tears as he attempted to ignore what his Grampa had said, followed by the laugh of 'KA~KAKAKAKA~!! In the distance….
Kali caught bits and pieces of what Jack and the other man were talking about, and she nearly got hit by a car doing so. A grown man on the other end of the phone was making fun of Jack and Kali was laughing so hard that she had to stop herself from walking straight into the middle of the road. She then heard him mention a girlfriend, and this interested her. Jack has a girlfriend? Kali was feeling something in her stomach and she couldn't tell exactly what it was yet, but it was strange. It was something she had never felt before and it fell as if it was shredding her heart into pieces. However, Kali was not going to waste too much of her time pondering over what the feeling was. Instead, she waited until she could no longer hear the booming laugh in the background until she choose to speak up again.

"Jackie Chan? That is so funny."she said, but the humor had left long ago. Kaline was now back to her regular mummbly self. "Video games sound fun, but I have to tell you now, I'm not so good at them. What kind do you like to play?"she asked, crossing the street to get to the other side of her road. She didn't know exactly where she was supposed to be meeting him at, but she might as well walk to the corner store on her street. A gust of wind from a car blew up the ends of her pale yellow skirt (yes, she was wearing a skirt) and Kali's face burned red as she forced it down.





Jack had ran into a guy rolling some oranges into a store, quickly helping the fellow put the fruits back in the boxes, receiving a good scolding, and groaning, before thinking about the kind of games he played...

"Most anything. I'm in the mood for some shooters though, or maybe some platforming, or beat'em ups." He replied. "What about the beach? Just…playing and laying in the sand I guess…"

Jack suddenly began to regret the suggestion: He hoped that Kali wouldn't see him as a perv. He was going to wear his swim trunks once he got there just incase he got wet...

"I mean, if you still wanna go…bring a swimsuit just incase we get wet….Uh!…not like…uh…nevermind."
There was a rumbling on the phone and something else that sounded like a slur of curse words until Jack had breathed back into the transceiver to give her the dish on his type of games. Kaline listened while fighting to force her skirt down more. Skirts were not her thing, not by a long shot. But her mother was so overgrown with joy that she was going out with a guy who wasnt Davis, that she practically forced her into the thing. Kali grumbled a bit before she reluctantly agreed to where the pale yellow thing with a white top to match.

"I'm actually really good at shooters. I have a feel for precision and I thin I get it from all that archery practice I used to take when I was in camp. Can't say I'm any good at brawling games, believe it or not. I'm a horrible button masher, believe me."she said. Jack mentioned the beach and Kali ran her fingers through her silver hair, a bang still covering her right eye. She hadn't been there in weeks. The only time she would go was when she used to take early morning runs. Running through sand was tough but it built the muscles in your calves well enough. It was a work out, she must say. However, Jack mentioned swimming and Kali had remembered that she actually kept her swimming suit in her bag from last time.

"Swimming sounds good, as long as its not at the public pool."she said, remembering that Myna was supposed to be in town today. The first place she would go to cool down would be the pool and also to possibly flaunt off her body. That was generally a place she wanted to avoid.

"But let's do games first. Where are we meeting, exactly?"
Jack was interested in Kali's precision, imagining her using a bow and arrow, before thinking it over. Shooting games it is, he decided, as he prepared to answer, not noticing that as he entered the mall, he was much closer to Kali's cousin than Kali herself. And a nearby clothing store.

"We can meet at the mall, at Game Armoury so I can pick up a new shooter for us both to play. I may need to do a couple things, so take your time, if you want. Gotta go!"

Jack hung up the phone, just as a crowd raged through after a loudspeaker announcement of a sale at some popular store. Jack was sent flying into the store. He slowly climbed up to his feet, dusting himself off as he looked around confused, and annoyed most majorly, before coincidentally laying his eyes on a lady who was standing over some outfits that seemed to pique her interests: bikinis.

Jack blinked, and turned slowly to leave, not realizing it was someone familiar to Kaline's past, who he didn't really know all too well. He could tell she was new, and she probably wanted an all new outfit to go with her appearance in town. This store did have some great clothes for the ladies...
"Mall? Okay, I'll be there in about 10 minutes or so. I have some money that we can use to by the game and possibly grab something to eat at the Food Court. You've paid for me already. I might as well return the favor. See you then."she said before she hung up the phone. Where she was now, it'd probably take her 5 minutes to get to the mall, if she walked fast enough. That was the beauty of living in her neighborhood. She was so close to everything! Everything except for the beach, that is. I wonder if he can drive...she thought as she crossed the street and started her power walk onto the mall.

"Something a little smaller?"

"Mam...that seems to fit you just fine."

"I'm aware of that, lady. Can you blame me if a girl likes to be in something more...form fitting?"

"B-but, mam...bikini's are meant to be form fit--"

"Just give me different size!"she snapped. The customers in the store were too many minding their own business to hear the dispute between Myna and the store clerk. She stood over to the rack, wearing shorts, a bikini top and a jacket to match her shorts. Since she came to the city, she decided to get something a little different. She thought the one she had on was too...bland. Myna sighed heavily as the terrified clerk scuddled away before she saw a boy only feet away from the bikinis. A malicious smile curled on her lips and she turned to face him, placing a hand on one hip and gazing at him with golden eyes.

"You buying something from this section?"

"Wahah?! I'm not into Yaoi and shit like that!" Barked Jack. This girl named Myna seemed to have an eerie resemblance to his friend, Myna however, possessing slightly darker skin, and silky looking purple hair. Her body went perfectly with the choice of clothing she currently had on, which he felt would have made her appear as a prostitute or something. As he recognized these attributes, he blushed at the idea of leaving behind his feelings for Kali to try making some chemistry with this girl.

"There was a sale elsewhere, and the crowd pushed me in here: that's all." stated Jack. "Anyways, I've gotta go meet a friend of mine elsewhere…"

Jack slowly backed away. When he was within good distance, he'd run for it.
Dammit. He never said where in the mall we would be meeting at. She was on the third floor next to Yur Shues and Berklen Shade and Co. The food court was a few ways ahead of her but she didn't think they'd meet there first. It was usually the most packed place of the entire mall and meeting up there would only end in a fiasco. One could barely brush through the tables and aisles let alone search for someone in particular. Kali stood next to Berklen and looked behind her, wondering if she should probably turn around. For all she knew he could be on the second floor, first floor, or even in the bathro--


Kali went flying onto the ground after having being collided by another human building. The other person sprinted at her at full force for she felt the wind fly out of her chest before she even hit the ground. There was a loud gasp from the spectators around her. It was going to take a lot more than a collision to hurt Kali, for the moment she hit the ground, she scrambled from beneath the person and hopped back up to her feet, fighting to straighten her skirt down with an annoyed blush.

"Hey, watch where you're--....Jack?"
Jack felt the furious force of the slam, as he crashed into a strange figure, only to realize it was Kali. He blinked a few times, trying to connect Kaline to Myna, to find some kind of connection...

"Kali! :O" exclaimed Jack. "Sorry 'bout the crash, but a crowd pushed me into a clothing store, and at the feet of some sexy looking chick that looked like you, but with purple hair, and revealing clothing. D:"
Just the thing she did not want to here. He basically described her in a nutshell. Perfect. Right to the very T. Kali didn't want to believe him at fist, but there was no way that he'd be kidding about this. Myna was definitively in the same vicinity as she was. Kali's face turned a slight bit paler than her normal shade of cocoa while she helped Jack up as best as she could. Fixing her skirt, she turned away from the direction from whence he came.

"Her name is Myna and she's my cousin. Let's...let's not go over there, alright?"Kali said, grabbing Jack by the hand and whisking him off to the opposite direction of the store. She hoped that Myna didn't arrive in town so soon, but what do you know? She was in town, in the mall, and met Jack all in 45 minutes flat. Kali understood the damaging side effects if they ran into each other anytime soon. It would turn into an all our brawl. Let's try to avoid that, she said to herself mentally.

"Hungry? Or game store first?"she said nervously though her stomach was equal to a gaping black hole at that point. She just wanted her mind off of Myna and solely on Jack and the rest of their day.
"Ahhhh…." Went Jack. "Let's get that game and leg it: we can go eat elsewhere. I heard this one thai place has Khanom Chin Namya: fried rice noodles. :3"

Jack gestured towards the game store so they could make their purchase, and get out of there. Jack knew all too well the issues of relatives, and mentally agreed, a look in his eyes open just for Kali to know that he understood, as he dashed happily into the Game Armoury, and started to browse a bit. As a store, it was more than 'over-stocked' with the needs of every type of gamer: It was like holy ground for the geek…


And due to plot convenience, Myna would soon meet her cousin Kaline, and likely start some shit, and mention she found Jack cute.


Cos' Kali can't have nice things all the time.
"Yeah. Let's go."she replied, grabbing him by his sleeve and whisking him off down walkways of the mall. In her head, Kali imagined that this was all a figment of her imagination. That maybe Myna really wasn't in the mall after all. Jack probably saw something else or got his women mixed up. Fat chance. She's in there and you know it. Right now, just focus on buying the game and getting the hell out of here. Kali almost shoved Jack into the store. If there was a door she close after them, she would've shut it, locked it, and put a stack of games against the door. All of that to hold off--

"Kali? Is that you, cousin?" Kali stopped dead in her footsteps. The voice said it all and even the drain of color from her face was a tip off. Kali almost wanted to break out in a run, but that would've been stupid. Instead, she stood her ground and reluctantly turned to face Myna.

Yep. It was Myna alright. Same cocky, dark skinned, purple haired, cleavage showing girl she always was. Nothing changed about her except for the light lines of muscles on her abdomen and arms. Had she been working out?

"Myna...great to see you here." Kali replied without the slightest emotion in her voice. Myna chuckled and trotted up to her, grabbing Kali into a tight hug. Kali's knee was inches away from ramming into her cousin's stomach...but that just would've caused a scene.

"It's been forever!"
Jack was totally just trying to find the game, swimming through a sea of used copies, after hearing mention there was only one copy ultra-low priced with all the special edition/pre-order bonuses loaded up in.


Jack eventually walked in to find Kali and that weird Sexy chick from before. Their similar looking, yet different bodies were pressed against each other, most notably their breasts, and Jack was just standing there waiting for them to be finished.

"Oh, Kali, I didn't know you had a clone. :O" went Jack jokingly. "Fo'Serez though, what's going on? We should probably leave before that evil cousin you mentioned shows up." He added stupidly
"Before who?"

"Nothing! Jack, we should be getting going." Kali said as her face burned an embarrassed red while she shot a fierce glare towards Jack. He was really dense sometimes; Kali had forgotten that. Jack didn't know what was going on and Kali had no time to explain to him the severity of the situation. Myna wasn't dumb either. She wouldn't put it past her cousin Kaline calling her stupid or talking about her. Besides, it was the kind of relationship they shared. Myna smirked but still played the front as best as she could.

"Get going? So is this your boyfriend? You know, I saw him checking out some women's clothing in the other store. You may want to watch him. He seems to like women with a little more... relevance." There was a deeper smile behind her smirk and Kali's face instantly heated up in anger.

"For one, he's not my boyfriend. And secondly, you--"

"Oh come now, you know I was just teasing!" Myna said with a loud cackle. Kali wasn'r in the mood. At all. Taking Jack's arms, she gave Myna a fake smile and trudged towards the exit of the store.

"Sorry, but we gotta get going."she said and whisked Jack out of the store.
Jack looked at Kali nervously, realizing that he had just made a stupid move. Myna really did come off as the kind of character you didn't want to be related to.

"Kaline, what should we do about Myna?! D:"