Accedemy of Glendale (new)

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Cole hummed in response to what Xavier told him. He had just finished buttoning up his shirt when Xavier went to go comb his hair. Catching a glimpse of curly, ginger hair, the brunet returned the nod to his roommate. He contemplated if he wanted to do his hair and decided against it, just running his hand through it a couple times. It looked like he just rolled out of bed and that's the look he was going for. Moving to the mirrors above the sink, the teenager began to put his contacts in his eyes.
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Izabella chucked softly and nodded her head, silently answering Olivia's question. The brunette walked into the cafeteria and stood in line her stomach silently growling. Her nerves fluttered slightly as the girl continuted talking into her ear. Izabella looked at the girl and sighed "Art" she quipped her voice cool. Grabbing a yogurt cup she smoothly paid for it before getting a large peppermint tea. Izabella could not live without tea, it was her holy grail. She looked at her roommate with her cool curious blue eyes. Before scanning the area for someplace to sit.
Alex tried his best to stay out of other people's business as he went about his own, showering, shaving and brushing his teeth simultaneously, when he finished, he dried off and put his underwear back on, wrapping a towel around his head.
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Alex tried his best to stay out of other people's business as he went about his own, showering, shaving and brushing his teeth simultaneously, when he finished, he dried off and put his underwear back on, wrapping a towel around his head.

(Wow showering, shaving and brushing your teeth all while wearing nothing that takes some skill man hahaha)

Xavier finished doing his hair he saw the ginger boy he had met last night working on his next to him that's got to take forever he thought. The bathroom was now filled with boys some showering, some shaving, some doing their hair as he was doing earlier, all with various amounts of clothes on from completely naked to partially clothed some with one sock on one sock off and others fully clothed. Xavier walked put of the bathroom dropped his towel and toiletries in he and Adrian's room and ran down stairs. He ate breakfast only and then looking at the clock he realized it was 7:30. Better get to class he thought as he got up grabbing his backpack he headed for the school building and into Miss Venus's class taking a seat in the second row.

(I had to get this show on the road we can't spend all of our time getting ready for school that will happen a week later hah)
Alex walked back to his room, getting dressed and briefly rummaging around for some food, he contemplated going to class, but then he realized that he didn't even know what class he had.

"class..." he said slowly to himself as he thought hard about what to do, he could just not go and figure it out later, or he could simply ask someone who would know and be done with it, "can't skip the first day" he thought, as he walked out the door in search of a class list.
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(Just a reminder everyone has the first five hours together six hour we break off with our different electives)

Xavier sat there getting out his notebook and pencil waiting for someone to show up. Maybe I got here to early he thought to himself wondering where Adrian, Evangeline, Cole and Alex were.....
Alex eventually found out where he was supposed to go, it didn't really take him long, he walked into class, carrying no bookbag or satchel or anything of the sort, and sat down next to Xavier, as he was the only one there.

"hey" he said in a low tone as he sat down.
As the boy sat down next to him Xavier looked at the boy remembering he was the one guy who can into the bathroom naked and got all of the stares from the other guys. "Hi I'm Xavier, long time no see" he said extending his hand in greeting trying to be friendly. You really need to make some friends this year so be nice he thought to himself as he waited for the boy to respond.

(I forgot they haven't officially met yet haha)
Olivia frowned at Izabella's response. "You don't like art?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion. The other girl didn't sound very enthusiastic about her elective, which seemed very odd to her. Maybe she's just tired.. she thought to herself. There were too many breakfast options, and too little time, so Olivia grabbed the first thing in front of her: plain bagel and cream cheese. Not the most exciting of breakfasts but better than nothing. Spying Izabella's cup of tea, the redhead shrieked a bit. "I would say I'm sorry, but I love tea. If tea were a person, I would marry it." Olivia said with a dorky smile on her face. After grabbing her own peach tea, she paid for her things and rejoined the other girl. "Well.." She added with an after thought. "Maybe not aged cave oolong tea; that stuff tastes like dirt. He would be very ugly." She grimaced to herself, and scanned the room around her. People were starting to trickle out, but leaving for what? Olivia glanced at the time. "Oh hey! We better get going!" 7:30 already? She didn't want to be late for English on her first day. "Hope you don't mind eating and walking." She commented as she took a bite from her bagel, turned, and started towards the classroom.

James smiled ruefully at Xavier, who had been eyeing his tangled mass on his head. His hair wasn't usually difficult to comb out, but he had tossed and turned all night. Nothing a little stay-in conditioner and gel couldn't fix of course. After a few minutes of yanking, the redhead finally managed to get his hair looking normal again. It was always easier when wet. James smiled with satisfaction and left the bathroom, making his way back to his dorm room. After replacing his bathroom supplies in his room, James sat down for a moment, suddenly exhausted. Talking to people is exhausting.. He thought to himself with a sigh. After taking his moment, he got up and headed for the door. "Wait!" He called out to no one in particular. Running back into his room, James snatched his room keys, and Olivia's, out of the draw in his closet. "Now I can go to class.", once again talking to himself.

It took a few minutes of fast-walking and a couple wrong turns, but he found the English room much faster than his dormroom with minutes to spare. Glancing around the room, James noticed it was mostly empty except for a few other students and Xavier. He waved his hello before taking a seat in the very middle of the third row. As he got comfortable in his chair, James took out a blue composition notebook and a pen, placing it on his desk so it would be ready when needed. With a sigh, he pushed his hand through his hair, effectively messing up all of his hard work from this morning. Today was going to be a long first day..
Chuckling at the girls energy Izabella looked at the girl with a slight smile. "Do you ever shut up?" she asked curiously ignoring the red heads questions about her elective and her love for tea. Although Izabella completely agreed if tea were a person she would marry it too.
Following after Olivia Izabella walked into the classroom her chin held high, she narrowed her eyes huffing in annoyance when she realized they was one of the first few. She looked at the boys who was already here and nodded her head as a silent greeting. They're not too bad she thought to herself a knowing smirk playing on her lips. Izabella was a lover of...well guys. In her mind she could turn a 2 into a 10. People used to tease her calling her needy and a slut, but Izabella soon embraced the teasing. Diving even deeper into the countless guys and parties. She fed off of the high a hook up or a join gave her she was a addicted and she knew it. Izabella looked back at Olivia and raised her eyebrow in question. "Where do you wanna sit?" she asked quietly as if she expected nothing less than to sit beside the red head.
Seeing James walk in Xavier curtly waves back to the other boy. As he saw James sit down he wondered if he should say something to the boy. Hmmm what should I long did it take you to do your hair this morning? No that would be weird ugh why can't I ever think of good conversation topics....

( @Izabella who is Izabella smiling at Xavier, James or Alex?)
Alex shook his hand and sorta smiled in a typical greeting way, "yeah, last time you saw me, we saw a lot of each other" he said with a bit of a smirk, this guy seemed cool enough, a tad giddy for Alex's tastes but no matter, he isn't in Windsor anymore, he needs to make new friends.
Laughing a little at the guy's joke "I find it best to put everything on the table when meeting someone new" Xavier responded to the guy as he let go of his hand.
"I'm Alex" he said in the same low tone, as he pushed back his hair with his fingers
Disappointed the boy hadn't laughed at his joke but nevertheless he needed friends so Xavier responded "Xavier, sorry al, of the guys were freaking out earlier they are just immature" he ventured hoping he wouldn't look like some kind of pervert for bring the boy's nudity up are going to freak him out and he's never going to talk to you idiot.
Olivia gave the other girl a sheepish smile. "Sometimes when I sleep, but even then no promises." She let her eyes flick to Izabella, searching her face for some kind of reaction, but returned her focus on not bombarding her with so many questions.

Taking a deep breath, Olivia braced herself as they entered the classroom. There were still quite a few empty seat, but the room was filling up quickly as class got ready to start. She scanned the room, looking for a curly mess of red locks. "Uuuuuuuhhh... Let's sit over there!" The girl exclaimed, and started towards the third row where her brother was sitting. He already had this notebook out. What a nerd. She thought to herself. Though it had only been one day, she still kind of missed her twin. Not that she would ever admit that to him. Dropping her bag onto the desk next to his, Olivia plopped her butt in the chair anf proceeded to give her twin a noogie. "Good morning James!" She squealed excitedly.

James groaned, pushing his sister's hands away from his head. "Hey stupid, you left your key with me." He fished out her key from his hoodie pocket and dropped in on her bag. "Bet that would've helpe- oh. Hey." Only after turning towards his sister did he notice the girl behind her. Another pretty brunette. "I'm James, Olivia's brother if you couldn't tell. And you are?" He asked, ignoring his sister's "Don't be rude!" hushed whisper at him.
Glancing to the row behind he and Alex he saw two girls sit by James who had not said anything to him or Alex although he had waved to Xavier and Xavier waved back. The ginger girl gave James a noogie and this is why I'm glad guys and girls have separate dorms girls are nice but sometimes they are just weird better to be in a building with a bunch of guys who know how eachother's brains work rather than put the two genders together.....
Izabella chuckled quietly as she watched the siblings interact. Humming under her breath she placed her books on the table and leaned back, resting her feet on the table. Izabella was luckily blessed with a bright mind. School came easily to her, she didn't need to study much to get acceptable grades. Looking over at the boy she smiled slightly. "Izabella, something your sister is yet to learn." she said looking over at Olivia with a teasing smirk on her lips.
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