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The Ghost Note

Man on the Moon II.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Usually when I'm not working, later on in the day.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Nonbinary
  2. Transgender
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
Scifi, Modern, Urban Fantasy, Horror, Superpowers/Superheroes, slice of life with a twist.

Hello, welcome to the official interest for Academy 218. Which is basically a Superhero-school type RP set in an original universe that I crafted myself. This RP is apart of the Black Fall universe (Which I shall explain), therefore follows it's rules and it's setting. Basically, certain human beings have been blessed with an energy that gives them God-like powers. This RP in particular is about a cast of young Superhumans as they're sent to the illustrious Academy 218, and their adventures in the academy. Their trials, triumphs, and failures. I hope to create an interesting character driven RP with whoever is interested. But to do that, I wish to forge an interesting cast, with you. Yes, you. This RP will be character development and interaction heavy, so I ask that you create interesting, and well-developed, characters that I can hopefully make an interesting story with. I too will be making plenty of these characters.​

Who's interested!?​
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Reactions: Justin
I'm expected more realistic/grounded characters. Not anime or traditional superheroes.
That doesn't really help me, I am sorry xD but do you more mean like a character who could control/manipulate their senses and those of other (like increased eyesight, making someone deaf) or more like having the power of animancy (giving lifeless things energy to move under their command)?
  • Love
Reactions: Justin
At this time work, play, and health are cornering me and I'm losing. But I'll say "maybe" for now, it seems interesting and developed enough curiosity that I'd like to see what kind of structure this ends up having.
Aww that sucks... everyone is getting sick everywhere. But I do hope you join and get better^^.

@Mr Allen J I don't really have any chars in mind as of now, usually they come up when I fully know about everything XD, so that will be waiting.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Poe Dameron
That doesn't really help me, I am sorry xD but do you more mean like a character who could control/manipulate their senses and those of other (like increased eyesight, making someone deaf) or more like having the power of animancy (giving lifeless things energy to move under their command)?

I was under the impression that you were referring to the characters as a whole, instead of their powers. But, I now wonder what you mean exactly. lol

Basically, I want more scifi-ish powers that can be handwaved by psuedo-science rather than more fantastical/fantasy-based abilities.

Hope that helps.
For example: I plan on creating a kid that can make golems out of random scrap using telekinesis, a girl who can absorb mass out of objects to get stronger, and an illusionist chick (May change).
I was under the impression that you were referring to the characters as a whole, instead of their powers. But, I now wonder what you mean exactly. lol

Basically, I want more scifi-ish powers that can be handwaved by psuedo-science rather than more fantastical/fantasy-based abilities.

Hope that helps.
For example: I plan on creating a kid that can make golems out of random scrap using telekinesis, a girl who can absorb mass out of objects to get stronger, and an illusionist chick (May change).
Haha oh I am sorry I haven't been quite clear in that either. My mind was quicker than my fingers.

But I understand what you mean now. Thank you for your explanation. I still find it an interesting story, but I don't think I will join after all. As I said I am quite busy and I think I won't be able to give this rp the dedication, time and quality it deserves.
Well you have my interest
Ca I save a power? I found one I really liked: Animal mimicry
Until I figure out how to tag people, here is the OOC!

I know it is a lot to swallow lore-wise, but bear with me.
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Reactions: Justin
when you wanna tag peeps put an @ before there username like this
@Mr Allen J
Yeah that's a lot to read, but that's what makes an rp a good one, the more detail the better.
Thanks for the tag - alas, I'm a bit swamped (and fairly close to birthin' a baby XD) so I won't be able to jump in :) Have a blast, tho!
I'm still looking for people to join!
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