A Vacation To Remeber

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Amber had already been outside, writing down her music before Chris came out. "Hey." she said to him, rolling over on the bench. "Want to do something?" She asked him, smiling softly.
"Oh, hey Amber" Chris smiled a little and looked away. "If you want to do something just ask, if i can do it I wouldnt mind trying" He sat on the bench next to her, then he relaxed his body a little bit more.
"Can you swim?" Amber asked him softly, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, it is really hot out today, and I am starting to sweat."
Chris smiles and looks Amber's way, "Yeah, I havent for a long time but i wouldnt mind trying again" He stood up and went to go change.
Amber smiled and went upstairs, grabbing her swimsuit and putting it on before grabbing a towel and heading back downstairs to the patio. She sat on the edge of the deck, waiting for Chris to come out.
Chris came out shortly after in a white t-shirt and swim shorts. He held a towel and smiled when he saw Amber waiting for him. "Where to?" He honestly had no idea of where he was going.
Amber chuckled as he asked about where they would swim, and she pointed to the lake. "Come on, let's go." She said, grabbing his wrist and yanking him towards the water.
He started running to keep up with Amber and evaded a couple of trees while he was at it. They reached the lake and he was already out of breath, sitting down on the ground before getting up again.
Amber smiled and tossed her towel to the side before running down the fishing dock they had and strait into the water, causing a large splash of water to wash towards the shore.
Chris follows her and sits on the edge of the dock. He looked into the water and smiled. "Its pretty" His legs splashed the water around as he looked around for Amber.
Amber smiled at him. "Well you don't just get to sit there." She said, wrapping her hands around his ankle, and pulled him down under
Chris yelps in surprise as he starts falling into the water. He swims up quickly to catch his breath and realizes that he's floating in the water.
Amber surfaced to the top of the water, laughing hard as she looked at him. "Honestly, you should have seen that coming." She said to him.
Chris laughed, "I thought I did, but I was taken in by the scenery of the lake" He smiled, splashing water in her face and swimming away.
Amber smiled and put up her hands as he splashed her, and she went racing after him. "You aren't getting away with this!" She yelled, laughing as she swam.
Chris dove under and got under Amber, getting away from her without her seeing him. He silently resurfaced for air then he started stalking her, splashing water on her again when he got close.
Amber kept searching for Chris, so when he splashed her, she turned around and splashed right back, a determined look on her face.
His face turned to the side to avoid getting water in his eyes and kept splashing back, getting under that water to build up splash momentum.
Amber squealed as some water for in her eyes and she made a higher wave go back at Chris, smiling evilly.
Chris quickly dives and watches as the small wave goes over where he was last floating. He resurfaces and starts to swim in a circle around Amber.
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