A Vacation To Remeber

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Amber sighed and watched the downstairs for a while, before walking back to her room. She couldn't make such a big decision in one day, though she was kind of happy that there was another person here who wrote music. Smiling, she went to bed, wrapped up in her sheets and crossing her fingers for happiness.
Chris couldnt sleep that night. He knew that the closer that he got to Amber, the more she would learn about him and the more he'd learn about her. He didnt mind it at all, but he didnt want to hurt anyone in the process. He eventually just grabbed his blanket and closed his eyes. If he couldnt sleep, then he would just rest his eyes.
Amber had fallen asleep after a while, but per the usual, woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in a cold sweat. "Even on vacation." she sighed to herself, walking over to a window and pulling it open, letting the breeze flow though her short cropped hair as she walked out onto the patio, looking up at the stars. Even in her tank top and shorts, she felt good, the air was more calming than the rock of a tour bus. Sighing, Amber slowly hummed a tune to herself as she rocked back and forth, looking up at the stars.
Chris saw something down on the patio and discussed with himself to see if he should go down there. He was against it at first because of how cold he was, but he ended up going down anyways. He silently went down onto the patio and softly called her name, "Amber? Are you the one whos out here?" He wraps his blanket around himself again and shivers in the breeze. He did not like the cold one bit.
Amber was still humming when footsteps aproached her from behind, causing the blond to turn around. "Hey, did I wake you?" Amber asked softly, chuckling at his actions. "You know it's not that cold out." She said, walking towards him in her tank top.
Chris wraps the blanket around himself a little more than he already was, "Maybe to you, I'm freezing!" Chris began to smile as he met Amber half way and just smiled and closed his eyes. "And dont worry about me being awake, I couldnt sleep anyways"
Amber shook her head softly, and looked back out at the lake behind the house as she sat on the railing. "You should go back to sleep, it will make you feel better." She said to him, running a hand though her unkempt blond hair as she tried to make it somewhat presentable. She wondered why he was even up in the first place.
Chris smiled and went to say something but ended up not saying anything at all. "If I'm going back to bed, then you have to at least try as well" He stood in a relaxed position and felt the warmth of the blanket surround him. "Hey are you sure that you arent cold?" He was too tired too tired to think of something to say to her as he felt the circles under his eyes grow.
Amber sighed as he said something about her going back to bed, and she pursed her lips. "Trust me, I'm not going to be going back to bed for a while." she mumbled, resting her head on her knees. "And I am sure that I am fine." she said softly, even though there where small goosebumps on her arm from the chilly breeze.
Chris looks at her concerning that she wasnt entirely all right, but he wasnt going to dictate what she should do. "Here, cold or not your going to need this" he tosses her the blanket and begins to walk inside, "Just ask if i can help with anything, ok?" He walks away before she can answer him and quietly sneaks through the house to get back to his room.
Amber chuckled and caught the blanket that he had tossed her, wrapping it around her body and looking back at him, only to see that he had disappeared. She looked out at the lake, and she stayed for a while before going back to her room and trying to sleep.
Chris was the first one to wake up in the morning, which was typical because he never slept much anyways. He decided that it wouldnt be so good if he woke the others up, so he climbed out of his window and got onto the roof. He sat there until he heard the house below him start to come alive with people again.
Amber, of course as a lazy teenager who woke up in the middle of the night, she slept till around 10 am, when she waddled out of her room with her hair sticking up in various directions. "Hmm." She mumbled as she walked down to the smell of pancakes and bacon. "Morning sunshine." Her mom said, and Amber grunted, sitting down in her spot.
After everyone had woken up, Chris decided that it was finally time to come down. Although he wasnt hungry, he still sat with his family and the other family there with them. He stayed quiet again, sitting next to his sister who was already devising a plan for the day to keep herself busy. "So, how did everyone sleep?" Brianna stopped eating and smiled at the boys around the table.
Amber groaned, ruffling her hair. "Well, how do you think? Based on my appearance this morning, I think it is pretty obvious." She said to her, chuckling before going back to her eggs. She pushed the food around her plate, eating a few sausage before getting up to put her plate in the sink.
One of the brothers snickered as on proceeded to leave the table. Brianna looks at him curiously and followed him. The second brother then got up, walked over to Chris, then walked away. Chris seemed to know what her was doing after that, because all he did was leave in silence. He went back to his room to change and get his violin again. He loved the thing so dearly.
Amber looked at her two brothers, and she looked at Breanne."What are they up to?" She asked, before getting up from her seat to go take a shower, and get dressed for the days. She walked up the stairs carefully, not really sure what her brothers where going to be doing, and she didn't want to know.
Chris had begun playing a song in the living room, where the boys were quietly playing there video games. Brianna was leaning on the stair case listening to the music when one of the boys silently got up behind her. "Pay back is so good" He said silently. He took out a squirt bottle and drenched her in water.
Amber got out of her shower and had already changed, and as soon as she had come down the stairs, Breanne had been drenched in water. Laughing, Amber smiled and tackled her brother to the ground. "You little nugget!" she said, giving him a noogie.
Chris kept playing his song, trying not to smile in front of Brianna. He was just being a distraction. After everything was done and over, he put his violin away and started to wander outside.
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