A Mortal and a God (Nassione and Chello)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
(Funny you should mention that, I was thinking the same thing. XD)

"Hey we can still have some fun, don't worry we will." Loki smiled he then looked up at Hannah, "thank you for the food everything looks really good." He spoke taking some food.

Thor continued to kiss her with more passion as the heat of the moment was high, the air for a lack of a better word was electric as if the two were waiting for this moment forever.
(Great minds think alike ^^)

Darcy grinned " good I can't wait" she mused happily helping herself to the food. "I was going to say can you change others appearances or just yours? "

As there long awaited moment ended for them both Jane was overwhelmed by Thor's embrace. "I love you so much Thor" she said softly.
"I can change other's appearances but their voices will still remain the same, so as long as you don't talk it will be okay." Loki laughed mostly at the thought of Darcy not talking, since he's met her she's never really been quiet.

"I love you too Jane," Thor smiled as they proceeded to make passionate love.
Darcy groaned " I know what your thinking. .. Darcy not talking finally" she said looking at her food. She hadn't realized she had constantly talked non stop and never really left Loki alone.
"No that's not what I was thinking at all," Loki laughed. He looked at Darcy, "you know I'm really enjoying our time together. I don't feel as lost when you are around, I actually feel happy."
Darcy grinned taking that as a compliment. "I'm glad I'm really enjoying your company too..." she said happily as she grew nervous she knew she was falling for him.
"What do you want to do after we eat?" Loki asked eating more food, he was actually eating more and started to put more weight back on. "We could go for another walk around town, I'd love to see more."
Darcy grinned "well we can wander around the city until we get to the library" she mused smiling happily as they ate.
When they finished eating he took her hand again and led her out of the diner and down the street, he really was falling for her too. She saw something in him that only a few people did, "so where should we go first on our adventure?"

Meanwhile back home Jane and Thor finished what they were engaged in, Thor laid down beside her putting his arm around her pulling her close to him. "So that was great."
Darcy grinned "well where to go first" she said softly to herself smiling as she leads the way. There were still many people and she kept close to him constantly.

Jane nodded as she slid under the sheets hiding her face as she blushed more. "Yeah great... More like amazing" she mused.
"I don't know, where ever you think is best." Loki smiled holding onto her tightly, the crowd of people were making him a bit nervous he hoped that if was bumped he wouldn't drop his illusion.

Thor chuckled lightly he pulled the covers over himself and looked down at Jane, he kissed her lightly. "Well shall we get out of bed? Get something to eat?"
Darcy smiled " okay then hmm let's go to hmm" she went quiet as they past Stark Tower. "I really tried to avoid passing here but traffic is crazy" she said pouting.

Jane nodded " yeah breakfast sounds good" she said thinking out loud.
"It's alright, not like Stark knows it's me." Loki assured her as they continued to walk, but as they got closer to the tower Loki stopped for a moment. The memories of what he did came flooding back to him, and suddenly he felt sick to his stomach.

"Alright, then lets eat." Thor responded picking up a pair of pants and putting them on and walked out of the room.
Darcy stopped looking around at Loki "you okay?" She asked curiously looking at him with a soft smile as she pulled him along gently.

Jane got dressed and followed Thor out to the kitchen.
Yeah I'm okay, it's just all of the memories are coming back to me. I can't believe all the bad things I've done," Loki deeply sighed. "I don't think they'll ever forgive me."

"Aw and here I was thinking you weren't going to get dressed," Thor chuckled lightly.
Darcy smiled weakly as she took him away from Stark Tower. "It will take time Loki" she said softly stepping in front of him pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Jane pouted " with the risk of Darcy and Loki returning no" she said poking her tongue out at Thor as she pondered over what do have for breakfast.
"I know it will," Loki responded with a smile. He couldn't help but blush a little when Darcy kissed his cheek, he looked at her before leaning in and giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"Aww you're a spoil sport," Thor teased. "So what shall we do for breakfast?" He asked standing behind her wrapping his arms around her.
Darcy felt her cheeks go warm after the unexpected kiss "there's the library! " She mused pulling him towards the library.

"Hmm I'm tempted to say we should go out for breakfast" she suggested smiling as she turned around in his arms to peer up at him.
"So it is," Loki responded following her. He seemed to have caught her off guard by his kiss, in all fairness he was a bit surprised that of his boldness.

"We can do that, just let me put a shirt on and we can go." Thor responded giving her a kiss before walking to their room and throwing a shirt and a jacket on.
Darcy grinned back at Loki as they entered the library, her face was red from the kiss "I'll go return the book I'm carrying feel free to look around I'll find you" she mused happily letting him go and walking to the return slot.

Jane nodded slowly and put her shoes on and took her bag and peered over at him in the bedroom. "Hmm take your time" she mused happily