A Model Relationship

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Kristin just rolled her eyes a bit at his boyfriend before her mother handed her a rather large list, one that would involve several shops and stops. After putting a cooler in the back for all the cold things to stay cold in with plenty of ice and space, She and Jared drove into town to pick up the items as her mother worked on getting the house set up for the holiday. Kristin didn't mind the attention, though she could tell that Jared was not comfortable. Making the first few stops quick, it was just plenty of dry goods like crackers, canned stock and the like. The next stop after that though was an actual market, with a rather impressive produce list to match the place.

"Come on, We've got to be quick here, or else we might no be able to get what we need." She said as she stepped out of the car once again, purse on her shoulder as she closed the door behind her.
Jared was easily distracted by the many people and random trinkets being sold in the market place. Excusing himself for a few minutes, he darted off buying something and putting it away into his pockets. Catching up with Kristin a few seconds later, he was back to helping her carry items. It wasn't a hassle but by the time it turned one o'clock, he was famished and hungry. Kristin had been generous enough to take a break and they found themselves in one of the town's oldest cafes. Everything on the menu was traditional yet very family styled.

"Well, I've got to say, it's been really nice to meet your parents." He said softly with a smile.
"I'm glad you like them...But don't take to long eating, we've got perishables in the car you know and that cooler will stay cold for only so long." She said as she took another bite of a rather green salad. "Even if it's winter, this place is still warm."

Chewing her food for a moment, she smiled a bit at him as they sat there. As much as she loved her parents, she did enjoy Jared's private company. She didn't want to admit it, but she was just as worried about what they thought as he was. She wanted them to approve of him so badly that she could feel her stomach drop every time they directed a question at him, getting nosy and personal as time went on. She knew her parents meant nothing but kindness...But still...They didn't always seem like it when they got all excited and started to bombard someone with demanding question on their lifestyle and so on.

"Anyway, I've rather excited to get back home...Mom's gonna have the tree up by then and we can start to help decorate it."
"Ah sounds really nice, by the way aren't your relatives coming over later?" Jared asked with his eye brows arched.

He ate quicker than normal, the food was really nice. It was a record to eat everything within fifteen minutes. Getting back into the car, the skyline was already turning a soft reddish orange. The afternoon blue skies were bright and pretty. The air was fresh and Jared simply wanted to get into a hammock and sleep. However, they got back to the farm house quicker than he expected. He helped Kristin unload the packages and could see that Mr. Martin was dragging in an actual Christmas tree.
"Yes they are, and you get to meet them two. It's only an aunt and uncle though, so don't worry about it to much. The whole family is only on Christmas eve." She said as she finished up her meal.

Returning to the house was a quick drive from the town, the two of them arriving just in time to see her father dragging a rather large Christmas tree through the front door. Smiling as she gave him a small wave, she started to carry the bags of food into the house after her father pulled the Christmas tree into the living room and allowing them to pass. With the car unloaded and the tree standing proudly, Kristin smiled and looked over it curiously as her mother was putting away all of the food.

"You got a big one this year! Are we gonna decorate it now?"

"After dinner, your mom wants the kids to join us tonight." Her father said simply as he adjusted the tree to make sure it was standing straight.
Before Jared knew it, the road was packed and apparently Mr. Martin had invited most of the family relatives tonight. Apparently it seemed like a good idea to have the little kids help out with decorations. Jared felt akaward with all these people around but he tried his best to entertain the little children around who seemed to enjoy his company. He played hide and seek with them as they set up dinner on the patio in the back of the house where everything was roomy for all the guests present. As he watched the little children have fun he found himself with Kristin again.

"Huh your family sure is lively, I like it." Jared said honestly his cheeks a bit pink from the embarrassment of his sentence.
What had once been an aunt and uncle, along with the cousins, had turned into nearly half the family, mainly those in the area who didn't have to spend the night in a hotel before the party. The patio was being set up by the women as the men chatted over beers or ruffed around with the kids. Watching Jared play with her little cousins made her smile as she set the giant table that seemed to be able to seat all of the adults, as there was a smaller one set off to the side for the kids. Laughing a bit as she set down the last wine glass at the head of the table, she turned to her boyfriend and wrapped an arm around his shoulder gently.

"I'm glad then...Wouldn't want you to not like my family. We're quite the busy bunch." She said as she gave him a small kiss on the cheek, a few whistles coming from the drinking uncles and older cousins who had witnessed it.
Jared smiled, "It's nice to have a big family. At least you'll never be lonely," he murmured softly.

Looking at all her relatives, he tried his best to introduce himself and get along with them. Some seemed enthusiastic to meet him while others were a bit busy discussing things around themselves. Honestly, no matter how lamed it sounded, Jared still found that playing with the little kids to be more interesting rather than talking business with the adults. He had no interest in chatting about his job and position as a CEO. As the night grew darker and the dishes were cleared, the night glimmered with the familiar twinkling lights. They had mostly moved indoors, helping to decorate the large tree. Jared helpfully picked up a few of the kids onto his shoulders, giving them a boost in height to reach up. Hot chocolate was distributed and brought a warmth to the cozy house.
Dishes were soon cleared and the family moved inside, children running about as the parents switched over from beer to hot chocolate and other small desserts while they decorated the tree. Kristin was helping out little one's put ornaments low on the tree while Jared was giving other's a boost to place them higher. She was glad that he was adjusting so well to her family, if she had done thought of doing this when they first dated she would have doubted herself since he seemed so stiff back then.

"Kristin...He's so great, you better be keeping him!" And aunt whispered into her ear, making her blush a bit as she smiled and nodded her head a little.

"I'll try, He's hard to keep a grip on sometimes."
As everyone retreated home by nightfall, Jared gave goodbyes to the children who wanted to see him again. He smiled, it was strange really. Jared always had a way with children, guess it was just a talent of some sort. Many of the guests said goodbye to Jared and Kristin. Waving goodbye, he sighed exhausted but happy at the same time. Mrs. Martin and Mr. Martin had headed upstairs, telling Kristin and Jared that if they needed anything, just holler. Jared himself went upstairs to shower, feeling much more comfortable once he was washed with fresh soap. He crept into Kristin's room, feeling a bit lonely since they hadn't had a chance to spend some real quality time together.

"So, got to say, today was pretty nice." He murmured, playing with a loose strand of Kristins hair.
"It was...I was glad to see you having a nice time with my family." Kristin said as she sat on her bed with him, cuddling into his side as she read a book on her Ipad.

The party had ended and tomorrow would be the real celebration. Her mother would be up at 5 am to get the turkey in and and the standing rib roasts going. It was going to be one hell of a morning, there wouldn't be much of a breakfast but the house also needed to get a final cleaning and the rest of the decorations had to go up for the day. Setting her Ipad to the side, she looked up at her boyfriend and smiled a bit.

"I think...my family really likes you Jared, so much that even I'm a bit surprise."
"Glad to here that... At least your family is normal. Mine are just a bunch of money hoarders who spend their time thinking about their precious wealth." Jared sighed.

He watched her read, feeling that the moment was perfect. He himself had fallen asleep quite quickly, exhausted by the activities of this morning. His breathing was constant. His heart running with loud thumps. He kept his fingers locked on Kristins even though he was asleep. He yawned tiredly as sleepiness drifted in. Tomorrow would be a big day since it would be officially Christmas eve. A huge celebration would be a nice way to end the year. Jared was silent, so still and peaceful when asleep.
Kristin continued to read until Jared fell asleep, a smile coming to her lips as she set aside her reading and prepared to turn out the lights. Sleeping with him was nice, just the two of them laying together on her bed as they dozed peacefully on her bed. Morning came quickly though and the sound of cooking and banging pots and lids could be heard, along with the chatter of her parents talking about the dinner set up and so on.
In the morning, Jared found himself awake and a bit groggy. The blaring sun was still unusual and it awoke him with quite a start. The loud banging of pans and pots could be heard. Getting up, he planted a kiss on Kristin's forehead before leaving her room. He quickly got dressed and was ready to start the day. As he had finished getting ready, he found Kristin leaving her room. Walking with her downstairs, he chatted about random things. The two reached the dining room and breakfast was just as lavish as the previous day. Jared's stomach grumbled but he happily ate it all down to satisfy the hunger. He listened as Mrs. Martin talked with Kristin about tonight, there special Christmas eve dinner. Today would be when all the guests came over. And by the sound of things, when she said all the guests. It would be about fifty people coming, including Kristins cousin ... named Betty? At least that's what Jared assumed or remembered.
Krisitin awoke to the kiss upon her forehead, giggling a bit as she looked up at her boyfriend before she got up to get dressed. She slipped into a nice dress, it going to her knees and flowing around her a bit. She got her hair up as well, making sure that she was basically ready for the guests whenever they started to arrive at the house. Leaving her room, she walked down to breakfast with her boyfriend, talking with him lightly as they walked over to a table filled with food once more. She ate lightly this morning as her mother talked at her, nodding her head every now and then as she let the older woman ramble on about the plans for the table set up and so on.
Jared listened in on their conversation but had nothing to contribute. For the rest of the day, he spent his time trying to help out Mr.Martin with some of the work. Though he wasn't an absolute fail, it wasn't exactly something he was good at. So he retreated back in the house and relaxed to the drifting smells of food. He showered yet again due to the smell of manure and mud on him. Just as he got ready and went down stairs to check up on things, people started entering through the door. Most of them were unfamiliar faces compared to the ones during the previous night. He was introduced among so many faces and names he could barely remember. But then he heard a voice call out to greet Kristin. Jared believed she said her name was Betty or something, the one that like to be competitive. Wrapped around her arms was another fellow, a bit shorter and wider. He wasn't exactly the most intelligent looking fellow, his build made him look more broad.
Krisitin stayed with her mother most of the morning, helping her out bu getting things put into containers and helping mix up desserts and other treats for before and after the meal. There was just so much food! Then again, about fifty hungry Texans, it was understandable that there was that much. Jared was able to help out her father a bit, but he was soon sent inside, mostly because Mr. Martin could finish it on his own and Jared needed to be clean when introduced.

When he did come down the stairs once again, there were lots of people...Including Betty. She was rather pretty, even if her boyfriend was just a short stout thing with some muscle on him. Kristin was instantly pounced by the blonde hairs woman and soon bombarded with questions on her boyfriend, as well as son noticeable comments on his rather weak looking form...

"He's a bit thin, he doesn't look like he could lift much..." Betty continued on with things, Kristin still just standing there as her mother was with Jared and going off the list of names for his benefit. She wanted to roll her eyes but resister, that would be rude...and make her try harder.
Jared was indeed, busying himself with Mrs. Martin. He himself had hid Kristins Christmas gift in his pockets, trying to figure out when the perfect time would be to give it to her. He noticed her talking to a blond woman. Mrs. Martin tutted and shook her head, muttering something about the woman being a troublemaker. The man besides him, didn't seem very ... well groomed. Jared drew his attention away, trying to concentrate on what he was doing. But for every few seconds he glanced back at the group talking to each other. Oh he was curious. Curious about what they were discussing. Kristin seemed a bit uncomfortable, or at least annoyed but the blond woman continued chatting, seemingly enjoying herself.
Betty continued to ramble on about her man, the lug just shrugging a bit here and there as she tried to make him speak. Of course, he didn't seem all that thrilled to be trotted about like a show dog but Betty was probably the prettiest thing he had ever gotten his hands on and he wasn't about to let her go. Kristin just let Betty have her moment, still knowing little, if anything, about Jared. She'd wait for dinner, because she knew that all the older relatives would ask questions about him, allowing her to list is abilities without looking as if she was retaliating to Betty's petty game.

"It's nice to talk with you Betty, but I've got to go check on Mom and Jared, I know they're still somewhere in the second cousin area by now so I want to make sure I get a hold of him when mom is done. I'll talk with you more at dinner." She quickly butted in before she slipped away to go join her boyfriend somewhere on the other side of the house.

"There you are." She said as she found Jared with her Mother in the kitchen, the woman forcing yet another piece of food at him to eat.
"Oh hey," Jared said softly, kissing her on the cheek as a few of the surrounding people oohed and ahhed. This caused him to blush a bit.

Dinner was set up with multiple tables. Jared sat besides Kristin while Betty and her boyfriend sat across. The blond woman continually eyed Jared, causing him to feel a bit annoyed. He could tell that she was nothing like Kristin who was refined and sophisticated. No in fact, this girl seemed to act like a flirt any chance she had to snag and seduce men. Jared sighed, bored of her apparent desperation. He stayed content with Kristin by his side, though he wondered how she felt, curious if she was jealous at all. Although Jared attempted to stir up a conversation with Betty's boyfriend, he seemed to be occupied with his food. Despite his lean build, Jared still managed to eat two and half full heaping of food.
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