A Lark Is Not Always A Bird...

What He Did...

Kimba also got quite distracted with little things. And being a Nism who liked surprises, yes, also in the habit of keeping his chi senses turned off. Even in times when he should have been paying attention. So again, yes... Avira's poke to the back of his head came as a complete surprise. His own inner thoughts so loud, he didn't hear her, either. Didn't smell her, because he'd been sniffing shampoo and...

... well, when her poke came, he jumped. Not literally, no. But his skin twitched all over, his ears shot up, and his fur ruffled. All over. And he felt a sensation at point of contact just as sharp and jolting as if Avira had skittered her feet over carpet, and given him a big static zap.

Even though that wasn't the case.

A sharp intake of breath...

... "I'm... ummm... setting up camp here, like you wanted. More comfortable than sleeping under a tree." He grinned... "I've noted you do like being neat and tidy."

Her smile and her sweet look made his heart beat faster. His breath, come heavier. Ohhhh... she looked so beautiful in the torch-lit twilight!

So he just stood there, eyes bright, ears up... and malehood at attention. Only now, with no self-consciousness in his show of sharp white teeth.

Just the scent of male musk, to go with the view.......
Avira giggle a bit when Kimba bristled at her touch. And then he tripped over his words. Reeking of musk and clearly seeking approval. She dragged a claw under his chin just enough to be seductive but not desperate. And she got a mischeivous look in her eye. This was one foxy Nism. She was very... Conniving. And she brushed her cheek against his nipping his ear and then licking his cheek. Her tail swishing behind her and permeating the air with the sweet scent of her own musk.

"Kimba, sweetheart... You're the only thing I need to sleep~ Not that I plan on sleeping much tonight..."

Her nostrils flared as she scented the air around him, making a pleased sound at the way he was all tense and... Ahem. Stiff. She liked the effect she had on him. It was charming and cute. But she wasn't going to intitiate anything. He had to make that decision. She had displayed that she was ready for anything he could throw her way. But he had to be ready for her. He had to choose her as she had chosen him. So she gave him another litle nuzzle and then she turned around and caught his nose with her tufted tail before traipsing around the camp. And smiling sweetly at all the little things he had done. It was beautiful.
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Only Need...

Yes... yesss.......

Kimba did indeed like surprises. But now... now. Avira, traipsing around their camp. His senses just opened wide. Every trace of life energy... her life... there... all for him to see. His musk. Her musk. There to scent. There. Just to sweeten the moment. To add to every sense and part he let loose. Memory of what almost happened during their shower, interrupted. But now...

... no one but him and her, alone.

One of the little things Kimba had set out, a music player. Him, rushed but careful, an impulse he couldn't deny. A song picked out. A final button, pressed. Because it needed to be pressed. Because the only need he had, in this moment, involved her. And him.

So... yes.

As *this song played*... just before it played, yes!... he went after her... caught her up, held her close...

... and led her in a dance as this song played....... his warmth... his breath... his heartbeat. Everything. Hers to feel.......

Avira was caught a little of guard when he came after her. And she gladly tumbled to the ground with him in a tumult of fluff, feathers, and scales. The air around them stibking of love and musk. It was sickening to some but to Avira it was sweet and she rather enjoyed the thick scents around them. It made her heart race.

The night was theirs as would be the following morning. But her stamina didnt last forever. Though she did enjoy every second if their time together and made the absolute most of it because she had some lustful plans for that night with Kimba. Lustful indeed. She had never thought herself ravenous or very confident in that regard, but with Kimba she found a new part of her that she hadnt ever felt before.

And oh how glorious the night would be.
Not Quite Alone...

No... no. Not quite alone. Musk in the air, male and female. Chi... Life!... flowing everywhere. So much from him. Touching and flowing through the local ley-lines. Hers, also. Couldn't be helped. Like the beetles they'd disturbed during their chase through the trees, by broken branch, so to their Life... his love, towards her... flowed. Other wildlife couldn't help but be attracted. It was a given, wherever two or more Nism found themselves...

... well.

And yes, when Kimba caught her up... danced... they did indeed tumble. And she... Avira... not the only one with lustful thoughts. Or plans. Yes, plans. For him, as that oh so meaningful song faded, one clear plan.

To hold her up.

To hug her tight.

To lick her oh so tenderly on the cheek. Then...

... to step back, a swirl of chi-blown wind through fur as he sat on haunches, unfurled shroudruff, and presented himself for inspection.......

....... so much Life within his three Vital Stones, the "badge" on his forehead glowed, and... phhhhuthhh!...

... his shroudruff grew to full glory within that precious moment of Love, with musk-soaked air all about. Birds flit onto branches, ready to sing. Small critter noises, as small critters arrived, to bear witness. And some rather involved insect chirping from the underbrush. A prelude to.......

....... well, let's just say Kimba felt quite surprised!

With more to come, no doubt.
Flora and fauna made a soft song of its own for them. Firelight glinting off her sky blue scales and making her soft earthy fur seem to glow a little. She took a moment to listen to that gentle song. The breeze and the birds, the whistle of wind through the branches.

And then the most amazing thing happened and well... We can say Avira was most definitely impressed by her choice in partner. To say the very least Kimba eas beautiful. And it only made her want him more. And Avira, traipsed a nice cricled around him, sometimes pausing to inspect him, keeping her eyes on his the majority of the time and with a coy smile on her muzzle.

She found him to be very pleasing, both visually and physically. Oh yes... Definitely physically. Her attraction to him was quite real. And she accepted him right then and there, hopefully there would be a lot of... Accepting... throughout the night to come.

"Those feathers came in quite nicely"

She gave a little delighted giggle and pushed her fingers through the fur on hus back, pushing them under his shroudruff which was flared out anyway, and she scritched playfully at that senstiive place beneath, where a kit would usually hide or rest. She had done this once before... With a towel. But niw it was her hands directly that touched him there.
Quite Nicely, Indeed...

Ohhh, yes! Her hands!

Kimba... poor Kimba, still surprised. Not unknown, what just happened to his shroudruff... that unexpected, sudden growth. Just not something that happened often. Yes, he'd so much wanted to show Avira his full glory. When it came. But he'd made the decision to bond now, and...

... well.

Call it a wish, granted.

Him and her, now Lifemates. Her words, her touch...

... "I'm...mmmmm...gllllaaaaaaaaaahhhh... hrrrrrrrrrrthhhh......."

Nope, didn't manage to get the words out towards Avira's "quite nicely" evaluation. But the sounds he started to make were, indeed, quite happy. Ears up. Fur, ruffled all over. Tail, stiff. Other... things, also stiff. Breath and heartbeat, quick in throat and chest. His whole state, a-twitch, ready to burst into... something.

Supper would most likely be quite late, tonight.......
Lifemates... It had a nice ring to it. Avira and Kimba. She was... To say the least, excited about it. And she, while having never thought of herself as the familial type, was eager to bear some kits for this rather cute but flattering male. He was so endearing and had successfully snagged her heart.

She rested her head on his shoulder and ran her nose up his neck until it reached under his jaw and she licked him again, very... Sensually. Those sneaky hands if hers sliding through his fur and under his arms, down his belly... Down down down... Made one wonder what she had in mind teasing him so much.

"If I'm yours then you're mine too~"

She gave a,soft chuckle and nipped his ear, tugging on it a little and nuzzling his cheek, her tail flicking lazily behind her. She was much more... Relaxed than Kimba. He seemed so tight strung right now.,like a string stretched taut, ready to snap at the slightest bit of pressure. Tonight would be a long night indeed.
Eager To Bear...

A long night, perhaps. Certainly a night to remember. Avira, eager to bear some kits. Kimba, eager to father some kits. Him, still filled with chi, still... stunned, if you will, not just by her "administrations", but by the Life-energy still coursing through his body. Sudden, full adulthood, now his. Every part of his body...

... ZING!

Avira's hands, far enough down to be thoroughly covered in his musk. Touched to his neural trough, almost... almost...

... "Mmmm... ymmm... yes, I'mmm yours."

Yes, his body said ZING! But his voice, so relaxed, it almost drooled. And his tail... unlike Avira, his was not lazily flicking. It twitched, then wrapped around her waist, its tip... well, like her hands did to him, his tail did to her... down, down, down...

... "If... if you're hands go any lower, they might get burned......."

He grinned. Breath and heartbeat still rapid. Fur, quite ruffled. Everywhere. He leaned back into her...

... "Weren't we interrupted... in the shower... this morning...?"

His own hands reached down, down, down... to catch hers.......
She hummed softly against his cheek and brushed her nose down that slender neck of his, nosing at his soft fur. Peering st him through lush and pretty lashes, ruby eyes swirled eith lustful and affectionate feelingd alike. Feeling his hands on hers and she traversed his body, she twined her fingers with his. Eager to feel the burn of his passion.

"Perhaps we should finish what we started then lover boy~"

A small huff of laughter escaped het and he nipped at him playfully before moving away from him, letting him topple over as he had been leaning on her and she stood stop him, nosing her way down his body. She didnt see why she,couldnt have some fun before they actually got down to it.
Some Fun...

Kimba shivered as Avira's nose brushed down his neck. As her fingers twined with his... ohhh so close! His attentions so focused now on his own body, his tail, wound around her waist and "exploring", simply fell loose and away. Indeed a good thing, perhaps, given the distracting nip and her pulling away...

... him, no longer with anything to lean on.

Kimba did have the sense, the instinct, to chuff his shroudruff closed, before he landed on back and shoulder against the ground...

...and, to his delight, found her atop him, despite her freedom from his tail's grip. Her nose, again quite busy, as it moved down, down, down. He couldn't help his own laughter's huff. More shivers. His tail, again active...

... now entwined with hers, somehow, wherever it happened to be at the moment.


... "I'm... glad you said that... beautiful lady......."

Yes, Kimba didn't see why he couldn't have some fun before....... well, though it took a stretch from his long neck and a slight flex of body, he returned her playful nip with one of his own. And caught her left ear with a swipe from his tongue, before he nuzzled into her mane, all four nostrils a-snuffle.......
She let out a musical giggle and swatted him right between the legs with her tail, very lightly mind you she wasn't trying to injure him or damage his family jewels, but she's like it if he were still. She had always been one to take control of a situation and have her way, she was very... demanding. But she nibbled her way down his neck, the air thick with musk and strong smells. She made a small delighted sound and she was more than ready for him. SHe wanted to get right down to it, they had played for long enough. So she took the lead and downright grabbed him where it mattered in a very... sensual manner.

"Now what have I found~? Is this for me Kimba~"

The way she said his name was like a promise to him, to do wonderful things with him.
Thick Air...

Avira had proven a quite surprising lady, indeed. Kimba, no idea what to expect. Having never done this before. Not that he hadn't dreamt of such a moment. Teenager, and all that. Again, his tail loosed from hers, a-twich. Just in time for her playful swat...

... the air not only thick with musk, but the ever-present "critter" chorus in the background. Their own little "cheering squad". Breeze, rustling leaves overhead. Night also overhead, torch-lit.

Things had gone from romantic to intimate quite rapidly. And thennnnnnhhhrrrrg.......*

What had she found?

Something very warm, damp and excited. Her hands, not burned. But poor Kimba? Couldn't help a gasp-squeek, a shudder throughout his whole being at her surprise... grasp.

Yet somehow...

... "Ahhh-hrrrrr! I... ahhh!... I... it's all for... you......."

Which Avira could take to be a return promise. To do wonderful things to her, in return. His eyes, bright, and steady on hers. His ruffled fur, breeze-blown. His heavy breathing, laced with a purr. His hands, suddenly a-touch her cheeks. Smile. Grin. Flared nostrils, all four...

... all for her.
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She smiled and licked the palm of one of his hands, leaning her forehead inti his soft affectuonate grip as she teased and toyed with him, claws tapping and fingers brushing softly around his nether regions. She let out a girlish giggle and then she licked his nise again, pressing her emblem to his. That sensitive patch on her forehead tapping against his as she pressed their heads together. Closing her eyes for but a moment to hide those shimmering ruby red orbs.

"I suppose we're as ready as we'll ever be~"
Ready, Willing, Able...

When Avira's stone touched his...

... OHHH! When it did! His chi. Her chi. Linked. Hammerspace keys, exchanged. Emotions, there to see. Avira, not the only one to toy. Kimba's own claws. Fingers. Hands... yes, his hands, one with just licked palm, continued their affectionate grip... grip turned to stroke...

... up behind her ears. Down neck to shoulders. All the way down to hips. Claws and fingers playing at the base of her tail...

... "Ready... willing... able."

Avira, herself, quite aware of just how able. Kimba, his grip gentle yet insistent, pulling her hips to his. Hopefully, she would know what to do, with her hands teasing his nether regions.......
Avira gave a girlish giggle again, musical and like chimes. But then her weight over,him vanished and she stretched languidly like an overgrown cat. She wanted to be mounted properly, hind legs spread apart, feet planted firmly in the grass. And she turned her head back to look at him with amorous and lusty ruby eyes.

"Come and take what you've earned Lover boy."

She smiled at him prettily, wagging her rear at him and dwishing that fluffy tail around, exposing something only a lover ought to see. She was defintiely ready and reeking of musk.
Lover Boy...

Apparently, Avira had her own ideas.......

Kimba surprised himself with a growl as she pulled away from his grip, said growl returning to a purr as she displayed herself. Looked at him. Spoke. And then showed him...

... well, he couldn't stay on his back in the grass, waiting. Males, not having much choice in showing "something" to everyone in view. When in such a lusty state of his own. Ohhh, yesss! Musk driving hormones, hormones driving everything else. Every muscle move, a wave of sensation. Him, rolled over, stood up on fours, as if somewhat drunk, a bit awkward. Knowing what to do, but never having done such, before.

But he came.

He took...

... yes, he had the "arrow". She made the "target" quite easy to...

... Hnnnnnnrrrrrrrrrr.......

Warmth, a sudden pleasure-shock he'd never felt before. Him, now an intimate part of her. His Lifestone, pressed so close to hers. His chest... his ragged breath, his wild heartbeat... pressed against her back. His Heartstone, thrumming oh so close to hers. His Mindstone, its chi awash with hers as he nibbled her ears and licked her forehead...

... his nether regions moving in a slow... tender... yet intent and intense rhythm... all his love, given with all his heart, soul, body and mind.

All for her.......
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Positively delighted at his entrance to her she,rocked and swayed with him in a blaze of passion. Drunk on his love she shivered a bit when they melded together, it was divine. She felt all of him and all of herself. She felt every cell, every bit of energy fllwing between them. And it blurred her thoughts. Such a joyous union comleted at long last. Oh she would savor these moments.

Her fur ruffled and he ears twitching, rotating. Scenting him and the air around them as musks mingled and blended into one overwhelmingly delightul smell. She followed his movements, claws digging into the dirt and leaving gouges in the earth. A product of their haze of love and passion. She couldn't wait for him to meet her parents, surely they would approve...

Her love shone bright like his, two stars colliding and becoming something greater. In the midst of it all she wondered what they kits would look like. Him or her? Maybe both? She wanted... Many... Many kits. All for him.
Savor This Moment...

Yes, the smell... the scent of them making love together. The sound of their avian, insectoid and small mammal chorus, rising. A cloud of musk and chi. Flickers of torchlight. Swish of breeze. Waterfall rush, also in the background. All so, so romanitic...

... so lovely.

... so passionate.

And no Rass, taking pictures. Not that Kimba would notice a flash. Him, too busy drawing out the moment, delighted himself with how Avira responded. Remembering his dream. All those kits. Wanting to give Avira as much pleasure as he could for as long as he could...

... his own fur ruffled. His own ears, a-twitch. His shroudruff feathers... Chuff! ... yes! Having grown to full glory in a burst of chi, now able to make that sound! Full spread to sudden chuff as they suddenly snapped shut against his back. Created that characteristic burst of air. His passion, reaching higher... higher... higher.......

....... movements, deeper. Quicker. His own body, a-shiver. Hips, tense...

... Kimba wrapped Avira tight in a hug, left hand slid down to her left hip, right hand against her chest, his breath held for this moment, this one deep last "push"... before his seed flowed in a series of pulsing waves. The sensation. The pure release. His entire essence, invested in a fluid rush... his breath, forced from his lungs in what sounded so much like a whine...

... but more an undefined voice of pure bliss.
She adored him more and more with each push, each rock of their hips or sway of their tails, hers loped around his middle tod rag him nesrer to herself, keeping him against her. The tip flicking excitedly, her fur all fluffed, her eyes closed as she let out all manner of delighredly peasuted sounds, some more embarassing than others. Finally. Finally it hapoened, she was completed, filled, satisfied... Oooh. The wonders she felt. She clawed at the dirt and finally she went still, lying there underneath him. She coukd stand to go,anither round but they had a ling walk ahead if them tomorrow so she opted to sleep instead.

She wanted to cuddle up to her new lover/mate/parter/etc. Avira was the cuddly type it seemed, after breeding. Not only that but such extensive activities where a bit exhausting. And she was a but tired now and wanted to sleep so she laid beneath him and sighed softly. Hoping that he would feel the same.