A Estinthion Love Story

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Darek gave a small nod before making a step forward before wincing as his legs collided with a chair. "I-I need help Irial, I-I don't dare open my eyes," he said softly, reaching out to stabilize himself by grasping the chair he'd run into. His hands trembled with worry and pent up hatred. He'd make whoever did this pay, and pay big. He didn't know what color they'd given him--only that it was definitely dye on him and it couldn't be good no matter what color it was.
Leaving what was on the table as it was, Irial stepped away from the table so he was clear of it enough that he could move over and aid Darek.
"I've got you." He murmured, taking hold of the other's arm with one hand and put the other behind his back to aid in guiding him out. Along the way back to his own room, Irial kept his gaze down as the few people they passed either laughed at them or asked curiously what happened or if they were alright. He kept his mouth shut and didn't speak again till he'd closed the door behind them.
"Come on, in here." He walked over to the bathroom that was behind another door in the room. "Careful now."
Darek had remained quiet, but had begun to tremble by the second laughing. The dark dye on his face thankfully covered his flame red cheeks, as he fought for composure. He trusted Irial as they walked and then entered a room that smelled of Irial. It was getting harder with each passing moment to keep his eyes closed as he followed the other's instructions into the bathroom. "Y-You should get a trash bag Irial. I don't think anything I'm wearing is going to be salvageable after this mess," He muttered carefully, making sure not to lick his lips or risk ingesting some of the dye. "Where's the shower? I'll just get in there and safe your floor from any dripping that way."
"It's alright, we'll worry about that afterwards." Irial shook his head as he entered the bathroom and walked Darek to the shower. "Just stand here a moment." He reached forward and turned the water on and waited for it to hit a good temperature before gently pushing Darek under it with his clothes still on. He didn't care that he was getting wet too, he just wanted to work on getting Darek to be able to open his eyes again.
Darek jerked at first at the feel of the water before he stilled and waited. He was hunched forward a little, as if protecting himself from some form of attack as the dye slowly drained off his hair and down his face. In it's wake it left his hair and eyebrows more or less a dark black, leaving only a few sections of the under layer of his hair their blond color. Finally he reached up with hands and rubbed at his face, knowing that there would be spots that wouldn't wash off right away, but he wanted to get some of the dye that he could still feel away from his eyes so he could see just how bad the color actually was. Using the back of his hands, he managed to get some away before turning his face up into the water. Gasping for air he stepped back, eyes fluttering open for a moment before squeezing shut again for a second before he opened them and looked down. Black water ran down the clothes he still wore and into the drain. The color he knew made him look even paler and he groaned. "Why black?" he moaned, as if in actual pain.
"I-it doesn't really look that bad Darek. Really. Come on, let's get the rest of it out of your hair properly." Irial pushed the other back under the water, "Eyes shut, mouth closed." He then picked up the nearest shampoo and squirted a good blob into his hands, rubbed them together, and then rubbed it through Darek's hair till it lathered up with a mass amount of suds.
"And if you're worried about your clothes, you can borrow some of mine. I think we're about the same size."
Darek looked down and closed his eyes tightly and just ... waited. There was nothing he could do. If he opened his eyes again he'd get the sting of dye and shampoo in his eyes or start crying. He reached forward halfway through the washing and grabbed a hold of Irial's shirt, stepping closer and letting his forehead just drop forward onto the other's shoulder after he'd made sure that it was the side that had been splattered with dye already. There he rested his head for a time until he needed to rinse his hair again. His hands trembled where they gripped the other's shirt, but that was the only sign he let out that he was less than okay. "Thank you," he murmured as he felt the other's fingers move though his hair.
Irial smiled after he finished rinsing what else was left out of Darek's hair and stepped just a little bit back.
"Alright, that should be about it for now. None of it got into your eyes did it?" He asked, concern eminent in his voice as he pushed some of Darek's hair out of his eyes, "It honestly doesn't look bad at all. Your hair that is. Uh, your clothes, not so much."
Darek looked up at him, much like a drenched puppy might. Darek met his gaze, trying to gauge if the other was making fun of him or lying or something. He'd trudge all the way back to his room soaking wet after leaving a big dripping mess in the other's room if Irial tried to make fun of him at this moment. "No, none got in my eyes I don't think," he slowly said before looking down at his clothes and flinching. "Oh god I look-I look like I went through a sludge machine!" He stepped back from Irial and then looked at his hands and groaned. Everywhere he looked he had small black smudges over his skin where it had stained a bit. A little growl emitted from his throat and he turned away from Irial, peeling off his layers of shirts and dropping them onto the floor of the shower.

Pale skin was revealed little by little as gooseflesh rippled up Darek's body. Now that he wasn't under water he was starting to get cold, but he was sure that if he didn't get undressed completely soon he was going to get sick and he looked horrendous when he was sick. He stopped when he was down to his pants and underwear only, having peeled off his shoes and socks with a grimace. "Oh I'll kill 'im! I'll murder the no good asshole! I'll..." The rest of his tyrade as he stared at his clothes became dark mutterings as he stood there. "I'll take whatever you are willing to let me borrow until I can get my own clothes."
Irial had felt himself being frozen to the spot when Darek began to strip. Oh how he'd been, recently, imagining what the other would look like but seeing it happen right in front of his eyes was so much better. He turned sideways away from Darek to try and hide the sudden flush that englufed his cheeks at the fact that he was thinking of such things. Slowly though, when he heard Darek's words turn to mutters, he turned back and managed to smile again.
"Alright, I'll go get something for you. Stay warm, alright?" He turned and left the bathroom, rather grugingly, and walked over to his wardrobe to find some clothes. He returned a few minutes later, clothes folded in his hands, "Hope these will be warm enough. I normally layer my clothes but today isn't too bad I guess."
Darek stood just outside the shower, a towel he was willing to pay for in his hands, rubbing his hair dry--or attempting to. There was hardly any dye coming off, but it was still leaving the white towel grossly ruined with black. He'd not expected the other to show back up so quickly and had to lower the towel in order to hide his rather bare lower half which he had finished drying off just a few moments before. He hesitated, eyeing the other. He could play the shy young man, or not...

"Thanks, I appreciate it," he said gently and reached out one hand to take the clothes while using the other to keep the towel hiding him just enough. "I'll be able to return them after I get back to my room." He sighed and got a look in the mirror and winced not only from the color but also the fact that his hair was now standing up in every which way and rather untameable.
Irial nearly dropped the clothes he was holding, a little more than flushed in the face. It wasn't like he hadn't seen guys at the school with no clothes on before, like in the showers and change rooms for gym and what not, but Darek was someone almost entirely different. He wasn't one of the jock-like buff guys that the girls swooned after whenever one had their shirt off. It took a few moments even after Darek had taken the clothes for Irial's voice to return.

"Y-y-you're welcome." And even then he stammered a little before looking away quickly, trying to stop himself from acting like an absolute idiot and risk Darek laughing at him or something like that. It wasn't that Irial was embarrassed but... Ok well he was a little. But even so. He looked back, and gave a small smile at the other's hair, "There's a dryer in that drawer, and a straightener in the one below it, if you'd like to use either." He offered, voice a little softer and quieter than it normally was. All he could picture in his head was the man in underwear from the magazine; though not the man, just the underwear and the pose - hell not even the underwear made it to the final image that formed in his mind of Darek.
Darek watched him a few moments before cracking a smile and giving a small bow with his head. "I will gladly take the dryer. I don't want to use the straightener though I'm sure that it would be useful. Knowing my luck today it'd singe the hair after it's recent treatment," he said with a playful roll of his eyes before he looked at Irial and nibbled his lower lip almost a little nervous. "I- Irial, thank you, for your help. I never would have made it somewhere without getting some dye in my eyes or mouth. I will repay you one day. If there is anything you'd like me to do just ask. And I'm not trying to be dramatic. I really do mean it. Hair... Hair grows out. But getting poisoned by dye, I'm sure, is not easy or good."
Irial laughed softly at the comment about the straightener, and then gave a small shrug at the rest.
"It's perfectly fine. How could I just sit there and let you deal with it yourself; it wouldn't have been nice of me. And don't be silly, you don't need to repay me for anything." Without even thinking about it he stepped forward and placed a kiss on Darek's forehead before he stepped back again and turned slightly. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted his own hair in the mirror and gave a sigh with a following saddened laugh. There were black blobs of dye sticking to one side of his dark red hair.
Darek noticed the black at the same time and winced even deeper, shrinking back a step. "I'll... get changed and then leave you to, uh, take care of that. I'm so sorry Irial I didn't meant for this to happen to your hair too," he said sadly before he shifted to put the clothes down and begin to pull the pants on. Momentarily he was nude before the other before he covered himself properly and quickly slipped passed the other. "I... I'll get these back to you shortly."He was backing up towards the door, unable to meet Irial's gaze.
"Don't worry about it. It's perfectly fine. I've actually been thinking about doing something with it." Irial chuckled softly with a shake of his head as he turned to look at Darek, "Please, stop worrying. It's not your fault. If you want to hang around while I get this out, the magazines I was talking about are under my desk. Feel free." He wasn't angry or anything, not by a long shot. He had lied though, about his hair, but it honestly didn't bother him; black and red went well together, and if it ever came to be a bother in a photoshoot, he knew Penelope would be able to digitally remove the spots with ease. Darek's hair on the other hand... To Irial it looked quite nice, even if the other wasn't happy with it. Turning to face the shower Irial removed his shirt, still wet from having helped Darek, and then his pants, and turned the water back on.
Darek looked at him for a few moments before he relaxed a bit and shook his head at how the other was reacting. "I'll come back after I change my clothes Irial and get my hair under control," he called as he heard the water turn on. He turned and left the room, the small smile on his face disappearing as he closed the door behind him. Slowly, he took a calming breath and then took off; down to the lounge where Kale was laughing it up with his friends about the revenge he'd finally gotten. But first, a side tour. With enough of what he'd gathered, he stomped into the lounge and poured the searing hot pink hair dye all over Kale and his friends, eyes flashing dangerously. "If you ever do this again," he snarled as the four guys jumped up and scream in pain and outrage, "I'll make that scalding dye."

With that done he left the pale where they were, peeling off the gloves that both protected him from the pink coloring and kept his finger prints off the bucket. He returned to his room and took painstaking amounts of time to pick from his wardrobe that would look good with his new dark hair before getting to his hair. By the time he left he was fit into a golden colored outfit that wasn't too tacky yet wouldn't be missed in a crowd either. Carrying the bag of clothes he'd been borrowed, Darek moved up towards the the other's room, knocking on the door almost an hour later from when he'd first left.
Much like Darek, Irial took his time fixing his hair. It always took a lengthy amount of time to get it settled after it got wet. He was a little surprised when he heard the knock on his door though and glanced up at the clock on the wall. Darek had certainly been longer than he'd expected.
"Welcome back." He smiled after opening the door. He'd been sitting on his bed flicking through an old folio photo book. He hadn't had a clue why he'd picked it up but he'd gotten quite carried away with reminiscing. "You know, it looks a lot better now that it's dry." He commented softly, stepping aside to let Darek into the room.
Darek smiled a bit and entered the room and looked about, holding the bag up. "Where do you want it? And I brought some money to pay for your clothes and the towel I ruined earlier," he said softly before his eyes got caught by the photo album. Tilting his head a bit he remained where he'd stopped trying not to pry too much.
Irial did a half-laugh-half-sigh at once and shook his head as he gently took the bag from Darek,
"I told you not to worry about that. It's perfectly fine, alright? I appreciate it, but please, don't fuss." He then placed the bag beside his desk before he walked back over to his bed to grab the album and closed it and set it aside before looking back at the other, now with a lack of words to speak which made it just a tad bit awkward.
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