A Doll's Destiny

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"I don't particularly have much planned at all. I'm open for some suggestions really, but I do need to do some more cleaning up around the house again. Some laundry needs to be done. And your room isn't finished yet. We night have you're bed but we haven't gotten your room all cleaned out for you to make it your own yet," Clari replied. She wanted to give him a chance to have it all to himself and not have some of her extra stuff scattered in there.
"I could definitely help with that," Aiden offered.
"I would love your help," Clara replied. They had some of his other items they had bought a little while back, so he did now have his own vacuum and such to use to help clean up. "Well, what are you interested in doing first? Do you want to do some chores around the house and then work some more on your room or start on your room?"
"Chores first, room later," climbing off the chair, Aiden went to the hall closet, returning minutes later, lavender handheld vacuum in hand. "So, you ready?"
"That's fine with me," Clara replied. She did agree that getting the chores out of the way would be the best option. She waited as he got his own vacuum and grabbed a cloth to do some dusting. When he returned, she nodded. "Yup. I' going to do some dusting. You can do the floors." It was nice to have someone else help out. She began dusting the furniture in the house.
(OOC: Your profile picture is adorable, by the way.)
Nodding, Aiden switched on his vacuum and began cleaning the wood floor, moving the device back and forth, careful not to accidentally suck up that wasn't dust. Finished with the kitchen and den, he moved onto the hallway.
(OOC: Thank you.)

As Aiden went on to vacuum up the dust and dirt that was on the floors, Clara went to each room and cleaned up all the surfaces and furniture. She also picked up a few things in the process since she needed some of those items out of the way or cleaned up better in order to wipe things down. When that was done, she started to grab some laundry so the clothes could wash as they were doing some other jobs.
(OOC: No problem.)
Done with the halls, Aiden moved onto the bedrooms, beginning with his, before doing Clara's next. He was careful not to accidentally break or knock anything down. Once he was certain both were clean, he moved to the bathroom.
Clara grabbed all the laundry and split them up into their proper sections. Once she had then finished, she grabbed one pile and put it into the washing machine to start washing the dirty clothes. After that started, she went back to dusting furniture in each room as Aiden was vacuuming. He would most likely get done before her so he was free to choose another chore that he could easily do.
Now finished with the bathroom, Aiden switched off his vacuum and returned it to the hall closet. Heading back into the den, he asked his friend, "Okay, place is vacuumed. What else would you like help with?"
Clara paused on what she was doing when Aiden returned to her and told her that he was finished. He asked her if there was something else he could do for her. "Well, what other types of chores do you feel like you would be able to do?" she then asked. She didn't want to give him something that would make him dirty or that he wouldn't be able to handle well. "I suppose you could do some more straightening up."
(OOC: Merry Christmas!)
"Well, I wouldn't mind helping with the laundry," Aiden offered. "Besides, all my clothes need to be washed a certain way."
(OOC: Merry Christmas!)

"Alright. Then why don't you get your laundry from your room and we'll separate them together so we can add them to the mix," Clara replied. They should be fine to be washed since they were children's clothes. Those didn't need any special treatment so they could be put into the wash just like all the rest. 'We'll separate the light colors from the dark colors."
Nodding, Aiden headed to his room, reached into his little basket, returning moments later with a pile of doll clothes in his plush arms. Entering the laundry room, he dropped them into the larger hamper, since he was too small to reach the washing machine.
She waited for him to grab the clothes. "I'm going to go clean the bathroom. Why don't you take a break?" she then told him. She didn't want him to get dirty and she figured he could take a break before they end up working on his room. She went off and did the bathroom then put the next load of clothes into the washing machine and the others that were already clean into the dryer. She made sure to add his clothes to the mix.
Nodding, Aiden headed into the living room and, after logging into Clara's laptop, began online holiday shopping.
While Aiden was busy doing whatever he wanted for his break, Clara went to clean the bathroom. After she was finished and everything was cleaned, she also took a break. She grabbed a drink and relaxed for a bit. When the laundry was ready to switch over, she did just that. Then it was time to work on Aiden's bedroom. "Are you ready to work on your room?" she asked him.
Closing the laptop, the toy climbed off the sofa and joined Clara, grinning. "Yup."
"Okay, let's go then," Clara replied. She smiled then headed for his bedroom. It was cleaned out some, enough that they were able to get his bed in and able to store his clothes, but there were still some other items and boxes around in there that had to be cleaned out. She went over to them and sat down. "Let's go through them and place them into piles. I think the important stuff should go into one, then a pile of maybes if they aren't as important, and a pile that is just junk."
Aiden quickly browsed through the items in one of the boxes. "The jewelry can stay here. I'm sure you'd like to use it sometime, but the woopy cushion...yeah, that's gotta go."