A Doll's Destiny

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"You're welcome," Clara replied. She wasn't sure what he would draw or how it would go, but she was at least glad he was taking some interest into something else. It could even be possible that he drew extremely well. Or he could be really bad at it. But they would never know until he tried. Meanwhile, she decided to grab a book to read.
Focusing hard on the vase with purple fake flowers on the table, Aiden slowly drew a colorless picture of it. He erased it, next drawing the hanging light.
Clara went to her bookshelf to find a book she wanted to read, passing by Aiden in the process. She took a look, out of curiosity. It seemed like he was drawing things around him. That was helpful to do. Drawing from no references at all could be really hard and really throw something off, especially if they were trying to draw for the first time. She took a seat and started to read, though she paused a little later to see how it was going for him. "So, what do you think of drawing so far?"
"Good. I like it," Aiden said. He erased the picture and started on a drawing of a dalmation.
"That's good. I'm glad you enjoy it. If you are interested, we could always get more supplies for you," Clara replied. "You know, like an actual sketchbook and some drawing pencils so you can do more detailed pictures and be able to keep them." She didn't want him to feel like there wasn't too much to it and that all he could do was with that dry erase board. There was a lot of different types of drawings someone could do with the right tools.
"Maybe later. For now, I'd like to stick to trying other hobbies," Aiden erased the picture and began drawing the straightjacketed kangaroo from Crash Team RAcing: Nitro Fueled.
"Alright. You are free to try whatever you want," Clara replied. She hoped he would find some hobbies he really enjoyed and would get into them because it was always nice to have a hobby you really liked. If he eventually found one or a few that he really liked, then she would encourage them. She just hoped they wouldn't be really expensive, at least until he got his own job to pay for his own stuff.
"Thanks," he erased the picture, paused, and began drawing a kangaroo. He had seen pictures of them, and one of the patients possessed a stuffed one, so he was going off memory.
"You're welcome," Clara replied. She went back to reading her books. A few pages later she went into the kitchen to get herself something drink and snack on, then returned back into the living room so she could continue reading her book. She planned to read until it was time for her to make dinner, unless something else changed her plans.
Aiden continued drawing for an hour, then switched to watching a nat geo wild channel show on eliphants.
Clara was glad he did something else other than watch TV for a while and it seemed like he enjoyed drawing considering how long he did it for. She was curious to see what other new hobbies he might find interest in. She continued to read for a while until it was time for her to make her dinner. She headed into the kitchen to cook and eat her meal.
For the rest of the day, Aiden switched between watching TV and drawing pictures of things from any shows that caught his interest.
The next few months were a blur. Aiden mostly stayed at the book store, either greeting customers or aiding Clara. His bed and bike arrived, but he had yet to hear back about jobs he applied to.
On a frosty November morning, the doll lay wrapped in a blanket in his doll bed, eyes half closed. Rolling onto his side, they closed as he tried going back to sleep.
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(OOC: I'm a little confused on our time in this rp with this post here. We were already having them talk about Christmas, but you mention a time skip of months and then November? Also, if it's been months, why does Aiden have his bed but still sleep on the couch?)

Clara's alarm didn't go off, as it was a Saturday and she didn't need to go to work. She eventually woke up as the sun entered her room and slowly she got herself out of bed and changed from her pajamas to other clothes. She then headed for the kitchen so she could start making herself some breakfast. She figured something warm would do since it was rather cool that morning.
A few hours later, Aiden slowly awoke, pushing himself and out of his little doll bed. Moving to his tiny wardrobe, he changed into a green shirt, blue shorts, and lavender sandals. Satisfied, he quickly patted down his fur and headed into the kitchen with a small smile. "Mornin'."
Clara was busy making some pancakes for her breakfast since she had more time to cook them and eat. She didn't need to rush to get to work, so she could go more slowly. When she finished them, she sat down to eat. After she was done eating her breakfast and had cleaned up, Aiden joined her in the kitchen. "Good morning," she commented. "How did you sleep?" He seemed to be enjoying his new wardrobe which was nice.
"I'm alright, Clara," Aiden slowly climbed aboard a chair beside her, breathing in the sweet scent of the pancakes. "You?"
"That's good. I'm doing well. Just finishing up cleaning here," Clara replied. She put away the leftover pancakes so she could have them for another time and then started to clean up what she used to make them. "Got any plans for today? It's a Saturday and it looks really nice out, but it's probably pretty chilly out there."
"You know, I'm not sure. Though I can't actually shiver, I still don't like the cold," Aiden responded.
She really wondered if he got cold or not, and it seemed that he really didn't but he still didn't like it. "I can understand that," she commented back. "There's a lot of people who don't like going out when it's colder out even when you have a bunch of clothes on to keep you warm. Sometimes you just don't want to put on all those clothes to keep warm. Well, you can always do something inside."
"What have you got planned?" the doll asked.