A Doll's Destiny

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(OOC: Our one now is around 7 because they were just too expensive this year to go higher, but yeah I used get the large trees.)

"That can happen. Sometimes you order something and it doesn't always end up being what you ordered. But that has to do with fake ones. We can also got and find a real one, if that's something you want to do," Clara replied. "It's a lot of fun to be able to go out and find your tree yourself. You can find the right one that feels just right for you."
"We could buy a real tree...but I'm concerned about the mess and longevity. I heard they can die pretty quickly," Aiden said.
"Well, they can be messy but sometimes it's worth it especially with the smell and everything. As for how long they last, that depends. If it's a freshly cut tree then they can last a while, sometimes more than a month," Clara replied. "As long as you keep giving it water for it to drink. They last longer than you think they could. And you can keep up with the mess. It's not like they are constantly losing a bunch of needles all the time."
"Good to know. Well, we've got plenty of time, and that's good," Aiden said. "I was leaning towards an artificial tree, since they last longer, but if we can't find one, we can do a real tree."
"Artificial ones do have their benefits as well, though they won't give you that Christmas tree smell. And you have to watch their prices too, the nicer you go, the more expensive they can get. So, we'd have to take a lot at what's available and what I could afford. The good thing about them is that you can reuse them every year, so sometimes a higher price is still a better deal. We'll have to take a look at what they have around here," Clara replied.
"Yeah," Aiden replied. "Their reusability is why I, personally, think that'd work better, but we'll see."
"Yeah, I can see that, but there's just something really nice about getting a real one and experiencing all that too. So, I see how both of them have charm to them," Clara replied. She was fine with either. It all depended on what they could get and how much it was. They would have to do some shopping or research to see. "If you'd like you can take a look online if there's anything local."
"I'll do some online shopping soon, perhaps early November," Aiden commented.
"Okay," Clara replied with a smile. She wanted him to have the tree that he liked the most, so she felt like it was better for him to take a look and see if there were any around that he would like for them to have. She then looked at the time. "It's almost time for lunch. Did you have any other places you wanted to go to together, now that you have your coat?"
"Honestly...not really. Like I said, I feel like I've been everywhere," Aiden admitted. "Plus, I'm loving people's reactions when they see me here."
"Alright. Well, you are free to stay here then," Clara replied. She just didn't want him to get bored, but he was free to find something to do in the bookstore. He was still welcome to get anything from the shelves and read something or come up with something else to do. Eventually, Clara ate her lunch and when she finished, she went back to work as usual. A few more customers came into the bookstore to find some books, but also stopped to chat with Aiden.
The doll conversed with the customers as they came and went, answering any questions they had and trying to make them laugh.
Once the day ended, Aiden sat before the television, which aired an episode of Family Guy.
"You know, you've been watching a lot of TV when we get home," Clara replied. "Maybe you should try some other hobbies and see if there's anything else you like." She knew he wasn't necessarily going to become unhealthy sitting around and watching tv like other people would, but it still didn't seem like the best thing for him to always be watching TV as soon as they got home and spend the whole rest of the evening doing it.
"Well," he faced her, eyes round. "Other than board games and puzzles, what other fun things you got?"
"Well, there are some other things here, but you could also just find a new hobby and try it out. There are stores around here where you can buy things for different hobbies. There's reading, drawing or other art. There's sewing or knitting or a bunch of other things related to that. Photography. Some sports and yes I know you can't do most, but there are still some that you could do. There's an endless amount of hobbies out there," Clara replied. She just didn't want him to only watching TV his whole life. He did that already. He needed the chance to experience other parts of life.
"Hmmmm," Aiden hummed thoughtfully. "I wouldn't mind dabbling in a few of those."
"Well, you can always give anything a try. Some you can even start now. I mean, to draw you just need some paper and a pencil, plus a good eraser. For photography most people nowadays just use their phones, at least to start because they have pretty good cameras. You could always use mine if you wanted," Clara commented. "You just have to pick some and do some research on them and see what you might need."
"I could start with drawing. Got a dry erase board anywhere?" Aiden asked.
"Yeah, let me go get it," Clara replied back. She was glad that he was interested in trying other things. After all, he was able to watch TV when he was stuck doing nothing at the hospital, but wasn't able to try anything else since he had to pretend to just be a doll. She went off for a few minutes and eventually returned with a board, a pen, and an eraser he could use. She handed it to him.
"Thank you, darlin'," accepting the board, the toy managed to climb into a chair at the table.