A Doll's Destiny

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"Well, I hope so. I'm no superhero so it wouldn't be easy for me to get you back if someone stole you," Clara replied. "All I would really have would be the police and considering you are doll, they probably wouldn't put much priority on you. They might if they knew you were also alive, but I would highly doubt they would believe me unless they saw you beforehand." She wouldn't be able to easily get him back. Though, maybe she would keep it in mind and think of some other ways that might help in case something like that really did happen.
"Yeah...I guess that's true," going to the bookstore was starting to sound like a bad ideaa. Still, he remained optimistic.
It was true that it could be risky to have him in the bookstore, but it was also true that they couldn't live in fear. "We'll just take it slowly and see what happens. I know it might not be the best thing for you. But if you do only certain things right now we might be able to pass you off as just some robotic doll if we need to," Clara told him. "After all, there are a lot of new technology out there so I don't think it's completely unrealistic."
(You okay with him using terms of endearment? Aiden does that.)
Aiden nodded, optimism return. Plus, passing his actions off as him being a robot or battery-operated toy. "Well, I'm ready when you are."
(Yeah, that's fine.)

Clara nodded. She finished up her eggs and then rinsed the plate off. She got the rest of her things then found a bag that would fit him, but he would be able to have his head sticking out. "Alright. Are you okay with me touching you so I can put you in the bag?" she then asked him. She didn't want to do it if he really didn't want her to. She felt it was only right to ask first before she touched him and handled him.
"Sure," Aiden said.
(Again, apologies for the one-liner.
(It's okay.)

Clara nodded and gave him a smile. She then took him into her hands and placed him into the bag. "You can adjust as you see fit," she commented then put the bag around her shoulder to carry it. She grabbed the rest of her things she needed, then left the house and started on her walk towards the bookstore. She didn't live far from it, so she always decided to walk there. As she did so she let him check out the other people walking by, the cars, and anything else he could see while she headed for the bookstore. Once there she headed inside and sat him down on the counter.
Aiden sat in the bag, gripping its rim as they headed down the street. The day was overcast, a light, cool breeze blowing. People and cars passed by, thankfully paying them no mind. When they entered and Clara set him on the counter, the toy stood, pulled the bag down, stepped out, and sat down.
"I have a few things to do before the store actually gets opened," Clara told him. "So, if you'd like you can wander around and check a few things out. You can pick some books you might want to read throughout the day too." She didn't want him bored the whole time and she thought she give him a chance to move around freely before anyone arrived. Meanwhile, she set things up for the store to be opened soon.
Nodding, Aiden jumped down to the carpeted floor with a soft thud and moved about the small store. Books of all genres and sizes for all ages littered the shelves. Facing Clara, he asked, "Are books the only things here?"
"Well, it's a bookstore so technically, but there are different types of books," Clara replied. "There are novels, but there are also educational books as well as comics and manga and the like. Ah, and there are also audio books because some people like to listen or can only listen to books." She rearranging some books on the shelves as she spoke.
"What's the difference between comics and manga?" Aiden asked. To him, they seemed the same.
"Well, usually when we talk about comics we're talking about American comics. They are usually in color and are read from left to right. But when we talk about manga we're talking about Japanese comics and those are usually in black and white without any color. You usually read them from right to left too," Clara replied. "So mainly they are made in different places, but they do have some elements that are different as well. You can check them out if you'd like."
"Okay, thanks," Walking up and down isles, Aiden scanned the shelves for comics and manga, until spotting them near the back. There were a variety of mainstream series: Ninja Turtles, Marvel, DC, IDW, etc. Selecting a Captain America (Sam Wilson) book, Aiden scaled the shelves and, holding on with one hand, pulled it off. Leaning against the shelf, he took his prise under an arm and clumsily descended to the floor. Making his way back to the front, he asked his friend, "Do you have chairs?"
While Aiden was busy finding a book he wanted, Clara continued getting the shop ready as she usually did every morning. When he came back over to her and asked her about chairs, she paused on her work. "Yeah," she replied. "Just give me a second. I'll get you one." They did have a couple chairs scattered around the room in case customers wanted to do some reading before buying. She picked one that was closest to them and brought it over for him to sit in.
"Thank you, darling," Aiden climbed aboard the chair and laid the book accross his lap. Opening it, he hid his face behind it as the adventures of Sam Wilson drew him in.
Clara smiled and let out a little laugh as she saw that he seemed to be enjoying the comic book. She went back to putting all the new books on their shelves in the right places as well as any returns they may have gotten over the last couple days. Once she was all prepared and ready for customers, she set the sign to open. Of course, considering it wasn't like it was a large department bookstore, it wasn't like customers were going to visit constantly.
Aiden continued reading, smiling brightly. He was introduced to Marvel by watching the movies and listening in on conversations at the hospital.T his was his first opportunity to see where those movies originated from.
Clara glanced over at Aiden again. "Are you enjoying the comic?" she asked him. He appeared to be, but she wanted to make sure first. Plus, it would be good reference for the future in case he wanted her to recommend something to him in the future. She wanted to get an idea of the things he really liked.
"I am, thank you," Aiden replied, not looking up from the comic.