A destroyed world

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I pulled some thread out of my bag with a needle. "Can you sew?" I said to the girl. Then I looked at Rilay an said "Well, I was going to leave today but it got dark before you got moving so we should leave tomorrow." I was still holding out the sewing supplies to Lacey.
"I don't know how to do anything." Lacey said bitterly. "I got in a bad accident, something with my head, and I forgot a lot of things." She looked upset and she stared into the fire. She couldn't remember what she did to her head, she just screwed up her head, and now half of her memory was missing.
"Memory loss? Sereous-" He stopped mid sentence. "...Sorry." He said quietly.
She glared at him. "It wasn't my fault! It happened when I got attacked in my sleep and...and...that's all I remember." She frowned; she could remember someone holding a rock but then nothing else. Is that what happened? She got hit in the head with a rock?
"Well we should find someone who can." I said as I put it away. "You can use mine if you want." I pulled a jacket that looked like it could be twice her normal size. "Of coarse it would be a dress on you." I said with a shrug.
"Um, thanks." She took it, and wrapped up in it, and her shivering stopped.
Riley sighed. "I want to know so badly what happened. I hate being in the dark."
"I wish I knew. But I obviously got brain damage. So my bad!" She snapped at him, irritated now.
"Calm down. Arguing this early is how people get killed." I said staring at the fire.
Lacey huffed. "Yeah, whatever." She turned away from Riley.
"Its worse to hold a grudge... you should forgive him when your ready." I said. At this rate I will be dieing at the same time as them. No point in saving those who cant help themselves.
She shrugged. "I'm just frustrated because everyone seems to think I'm an idiot, when I actually knew a lot of things. I just have to remember how to do them"
"I don't think allot of us think your an idiot. Right now your in a state where you need help and we plan on helping you until you can remember... or relearn." I said to her softly. This worked before on my last group. Hope I have the same luck.
"I really hope the memories just come back." She looked even more frustrated than before.
"Then you'll get the memories back. They will come when you need them most." I said to her. Just as long as she lives long enough to get them.
"I have no idea. I've been waiting, hoping, for them to come back for weeks now. It just hasn't been happening." She frowned.
"I've heard the best way to remeber the skill you had is by doing them. You may not rememer you can do something, but your subconcious remembers." He tossed a peice of wood into the fire. "At least thats how it seems to work. Also, I never said you knew what happened. I think none of us do."
She shrugged. "Whatever. But we should probably get moving soon. It isn't safe to stay in one spot for too long."
"We will, as soon as it's light. We do not want to get ambushed or anything like that." Riley shifted into a comfortable position.
"Well duh that's a no brainer. I never meant that we needed to leave right now."