A Child Brought Up In War

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"We aren't getting caught, that's the whole point." They both continued on the path until they heard the clang of sword fighting. Alexander walked toward the sound and found two warriors fighting each other.

Lord Biltmore, a renown warrior, tactical leader, and a strong human being. He was sparring with another guardsman, and he was winning. As the pair approached the Lord the duel stopped and the guard left them to the Lord. "So, you are the man who has a new maid for my manor?" Alexander pushed her forward and began to present her like she was an item. "She is a hard worker my Lord, she had known the smell of battle, and she is quite the looker." He went up to her and pushed her back up to make her stand up straight. "I promise you that she will do everything to the best of her ability my Lord." Lord Biltmore exited the ring and began to look over her. "If she is what you say she is then she will enter into my Manor. Sadly, I have yet to receive your name sir." Alexander scratched his neck and started to speak. "My name is Lelan Tebeth. I am from the southern kingdoms, where pirates roam and cannon fire is often." The Lord and Alexander shared a laugh and then Alexander continued. "She is one of the finest maids I have see in my time, if you are not satisfied I'll pay you back what you have offered." The Lord nodded and put his hand on Kieara's shoulder. "Her clothes are a tad big so we will need to get her into new clothes. I'll pay you five hundred gold per week while she is here. This is until we reach the price we discussed in the letter you sent to me. Everything is in order, so let me show you around my dear." Alexander left Kieara and the Lord to talk. "So tell me about yourself."
She was nervous. What if she didn't pull off the part good enough? What if she didn't convince him? She spoke. "My name is Kieara. What would you like to know sire?" She asked folding her hands in front of her obediently.
"I really do not need to know much. You will be working for me and I just want to know I can trust you. Where are you from?" The Lord walked over to the door to his manor and let her in. They continued to walk and talk as they entered into the manor.

She relayed to him the information that Bennett had given to her. She tried to make it sound as convincing as possible. "My lord not to be rude but may we talk about something else? I get dreadfully sad when I think of my old home..." She said giving a frown to reinforce the words.
"Fine then how about we talk about what you will be doing. Once you get settled into your room you will get a set of tasks that you will need to do. You may be able to get acquainted with a couple of the other workers here. Then once you are done with your tasks you will meet with me and I will tell you about your performance." The two walked to the back of the manor and found a set of room, and one with Kieara's name on it. He showed her in and set a small note on the end table before leaving. The room was about the size of the room she had at The Greenfoot. Once Kieara opened the note it had a set of things she needed to do.

I: Clean all of the rooms around you.
II: Go to the kitchen and fetch my breakfast, lunch, and dinner
III: Wash your clothes and my clothes.
IV: Finish up your jobs and go to bed.
It didn't seem too bad. However this house was huge and that was a mammoth task. Especially with her being pregnant. She read the note and set to work. She started with cleaning the rooms. She did as best as she could and on her way tried to locate the laundry room. Once she'd finished her tasks she reported back to him. "My lord? I've reported back as you asked."
The Lord was sitting in his small throne with his wife sitting next to him. "This is my wife Kieara, you will treat her with the same respect that you give me. You are relieve for the night, so get a good rest." The Lord and his wife exited the room and left Kieara alone with two guards. She had done enough exploring to be able to know where the vault was. She could either go back to her room tonight and investigate tomorrow or take her chance now...
She slipped around the guards as if she was going to her own room. Then she went to the vault. She wasn't sure if Bennett had wanted her to take the things or if he was going to do it. However she was curious at least to what was inside. And if she got caught she could pull it off as she was lost in the big house.
She went down a couple hallways until she came to a large vault. In height it was three times the size of the front door, and almost as wide as the room itself. It had a set of locks on it. They were complicated, and they required keys and other weird devices. In one of the locks there was something hanging out. It was a piece of paper, and it had Bennett's name on it. "To my dearest, these will require some keys. Get them for me, and your job will be easier." There was a small signature at the bottom with the name Bennett's name.
She read the scrip and then slipped it into her dress. Where would a man of lord Biltmore status hide vault keys? Her guess would be on his person which would make things much more difficult. Maybe just maybe she'd get lucky though and they'd be somewhere else. She didn't recall seeing them earlier today on him.
It was night, and the guards would soon be down there because it is a high priority area. The manor was very quiet at night, even though the guards plodded around to keep watch. While the night cloaked the town, Alexander made sure everything was alright with Kieara's room. He looked around for anywhere to hide a weapon, or maybe a set of keys. After some searching he closed the door and pulled a brick from the wall which had some space behind it and the stone. He wrote another small note and stuck it in the door for her. Then he made it out of the window and went back to the inn.
Kieara made her way back to her room. Once inside she noticed the loose brick and note. She went over after locking her door and pulled it out. Before reading it however she tossed the other one into the fireplace in her room. Then she read that one.
The night went on without any sort of disturbance. Then Kieara's sleep was interrupted by the sound of bells. Guards were running up and down the halls when one burly armored man stopped at her door. "We need you to head to Biltmore hall immediately ma'am." The man continued knocking on the doors of the rest of the workers. The sound of shuffling feet and annoyed comments echoed through the halls.
She jerked awake at the sounds of the bells. She rose and quickly put on her shoes before wobbling off down the hall. Once she got where she was going she stood with the others. Curious as well as nervous she spoke. "What was that bell for?"
"The bell was sound because someone had broken into the manor." Lord Biltmore sat in his normal seat while one of the lead guards addressed the servants. "We have been breached in a crucial area and the access granted in that area are servants and guards. Each of you will be spoken about this situation while we continue our investigation. Go about your daily work until you are called forth." The servants left and went on their daily duties.
This made warning beacons go off in kiearas hands. She'd be the automatic suspect because she was new here. He must have gotten caught. How clumsy was he trying to be? Or was he just using her for a scapegoat?... Surely he wouldn't. But if he did...it would've been easy. She frowned and went about her work.
It was around the afternoon when she was walking outside when she was halted by a man.

He was dressed in white robes and was smoking a rather odd pipe. The man stopped her by simply staring her down and approaching her. He walked around and then stood in front of her. "You may not know me, but I am a person who knows plenty about you. Don't take that to offense, I am a friend of Bennett's. He has requested that you give me the vault keys instead of him since he was almost caught. The keys are located in Lord Biltmore's room. If you have any questions ask them now while no one will notice us."
She jumped seeing the rather odd man. She looked around then back to him before speaking. "How do I know Bennett sent you? And where are they located?" She didn't doubt that Bennett sent him. However she wasn't fond of him scaring her like that. "When should I try to get them?"
"Well you can trust me because I wasn't the one who was caught last night. My name is Cobalt, and I am an associate of your friend. Just get the keys to me two days from now here in this exact spot. Then I will forward it to Bennett. The keys are located in the door to Lord Biltmore's dresser. It has several ceremonial coats in it so it may take a moment to find. Slip in during the day and you should be fine." The man bowed to her and walked off toward the town gates.
She went and found the joeys. She slipped them into her bra for safe keeping. Then went about her duties as usual. The following two days were hectic with the panic about the keys. She was able to slip out easily. She went to find colbalt
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