A Boy and His Dragonwolf

Mahara watched the shot sink and spied her last shot. "I might be." She teased with a wink and a smile while getting her last shot sunk down. Putting her hook down, she finished her drink and put down the glass before extending a hand towards Jeshran, still smiling. "Would you like to come fly with me?" She asked finally, in essence answering his own question with her own. She knew Nemune was nearby, and so had no doubt she would be quite excited at the prospect of a late-night flight.
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Jeshran smiled at her and downed his own drink. They'd only gotten about halfway through the game, but that hardly mattered. They'd gotten to know each other, and that was the point after all. He shyly stretched his hand out and took her hand, smiling and blushing a little. Nemune watched them leave the tavern and nudged Nym, rubbing her head into his and jumping down in front of her Aer. As she sat in front of them it was clear she had some clue what they were about to do.
Mahara was also blushing, but she nevertheless seemed to be invigorated into being more outgoing with him at the moment. Her hand closed around his and she left the bar with the man. They came face-to-face with her large companion and her slightly smaller mate, Mahara smiling and stroking along her muzzle. "Up for a nice flight, Nemune?" She asked with a small cooing voice, showing affection to her Pandrylyr.
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She gave a yip and nuzzled into Mahara's hand, nodding and waving her wings a bit. She got up and rubbed affectionately against Mahara's legs, turning around and spreading her wings and preparing for takeoff. Jeshran looked at her apprehensively, then at Mahara. "Can she support both of us? I mean, she's big, but..."

Nemune rustled her fur and backed up, getting between Mahara's legs and lifting up so she was on her back, then continued to between Jeshran's legs and hoisted him up, too.
Mahara yelped and giggled as Nemune lifted them up onto her back, blushing as Jeshran was pushed forward to press onto her back. "Yup, she can." She chuckled, rubbing Nemune's ears while Nym nuzzled her side for a moment. "You better hang onto me." She said, looking back at Jeshran and grinning before starting to nudge her companion towards takeoff.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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He blushed and wrapped his hands around Mahara's waist, resting his chin against her shoulder romantically. He was tempted to try and kiss her cheek, but then Nemune flapped her wings and started running. He jumped on her back and held tighter to Mahara, this time out of fear. He felt his weight start to leave him as the pandrylyr under him flapped her wings and slowly got them into the air. He looked down and saw the rooftops under him. He held her tighter and looked out in wonder. "Wow..."
Mahara grinned and held onto Nemune's mane considering her saddle and bridle were off, so this would do about as well. Nym had taken off as well and was soaring alongside them, sometimes going closer to Nemune or under her but not going to nuzzle, having learned his lesson. Once they were in the air, Mahara leaned back into Jeshran and smiled, looking up as well at the moon and stars. "Wow indeed." She said, loving how he was holding her.
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"I never thought I'd be this close," he said, looking up and around. He saw the stars and reached out as if to touch them, his other arm wrapping tighter around Mahara's waist. "It almost looks like I can grab them. Silly, I know, but...this is every day for you, isn't it? You pass through the clouds with the moon and the heavens looking over you."

Nemune smiled at that and flapped her wings, slowly raising them up into the cloud cover. They passed through a cloud and Jeshran shivered at the cool vapor going through his skin. Nemune glided just beneath the clouds, making it look like the two Aer were sitting on them. Beneath the cover of white fluff she could paw playfully at her mate, but for Mahara and Jeshran, it was a truly romantic setting with a field of clouds around them and the moon big and bright in front of them.
Nym had gave a soft chortle and pawed back at Nemune, soaring next to her through the sky. Mahara smiled even a little more and leaned back into Jeshran, looking up at the moon and stars, smiling. "Just because I do something every day.. it doesn't mean it loses it's majesty." she said, looking back at the man and smiling. Slowly she moved around so she was facing him, and smiled. She leaned forwards a little, as if inviting him to kiss her.
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Nemune murred under the clouds and tried to paw back, flapping her wings a little as they continued to glide. On top of her, Jeshran was slightly surprised as Mahara turned. He was briefly concerned about Nemune not having anyone guiding her, but quickly forgot about any concerns when Mahara leaned in. He blushed in the chilly air and pulled closer, closing his eyes to give her a kiss. Their lips touched, and any fears of the sky in his mind faded away.
Mahara closed her eyes and threw her arms around Jeshran's neck as they kissed, letting go of everything and just letting herself enjoy this. She hummed softly as they kissed in the sky, below the moon, above the clouds...

The next morning, Nym came bounding into Tyler's room once more and jumped on the bed, waking up the cuddling Tyler and Claire with nudges and licks, his tail wagging like crazy. He was so big he would take up the entire bed, so he jumped off and bounded around the room before he sat down, watching them like the big dope he is.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Quiet One
"Oof!" Tyler grunted as Nym pounced onto him, trying to move in order to let him work his way into the bed, but found his arm around Claire. Wait, where'd she come from? "Nym - Nym! You're a little too big, bud. I can't breathe!" He chuckled and rolled him over, giving the big boy a hug and petting his side. Hearing a little giggle on the other side of all that fur he saw Claire petting his other side, scratching between his wings. "And when'd you get here?"

"I came back in the middle of the night," she said. She continued petting Nym. "For some reason...I just couldn't focus on my classes. I kept thinking about this big guy, and you, and this place. It's like it was calling me back. So why wasn't he here when I came in? He have a date with Nemune?"

"Kind of a double-date," Tyler chuckled. "Mahara asked out that one waiter at Yemis' restaurant and I think he and Nemune followed along. He looked at Nym as he sat on the edge of the bed now, watching them. "How'd it go, you big goof?"
Nym gave a bark and a wag of the tail at the thought before jumping bounding over to the wardrobe that held Tyler's armor. He pawed at it gently before spinning back around and standing over the bed once more, giving each of the humans a long lick good morning. After that was done he walked over to the door and barked it open. Ayrie was standing there and jumped at the sudden opening, but slowly walked in, placing a breakfast platter down on the table next to the bed before quickly leaving.

And before anyone else, Nym took a rather large breakfast patty from it and went to his corner bed to eat it, wagging his tail and glancing at the humans every once in a while.
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Tyler chuckled at Nym's antics, but kept his distance. He may still act like a cute puppy, but he was so big by now that all this bouncing around shook the room and felt legitimately dangerous. He and Claire laughed, however, when he licked their cheeks, Claire scratching his ears before he rushed off to the door.

"Despite his size, he's still pretty cute," Claire commented as she took her own breakfast. "I am impressed your armor cabinet didn't fall over, for instance. Dartmoor, Nemune, and the others aren't nearly as playful. I wonder how long mental maturity takes for pandrylyrs."

"I just think he's a silly boy," Tyler surmised, petting him.
Nym tore at his meal and ate it down while Tyler pet the dragonwolf, murring at the attention of his human. He would eat down his food and then wait for the humans to be done with their own food before he got up and started to lead them out of the room. It would be their routine for a good while and Nym was already used to it, walking with his armored human towards the training area.

However this time it seemed to be a bit different. Two familiar Pandrylyr would intercept Nym and after a short conversation he turned and followed them back towards the blacksmith's place. There he would see Temin and Neema there, waiting for him. However, considering that Neema didn't speak English and Temin knew only a few words, unless Judy joined all that could be said was "Finish" while Temin pointed at the smithy.

Unless Tyler or Claire had been keeping up on their Aerspeak, of course...
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Tyler chuckled at Nym's hungry eating, silently grateful nothing like him considered him to be on the menu. He ate while trying to put his armor on at the same time, which wasn't very easy, and made Claire stop eating her own meal to help him out. Of course, he couldn't really have gotten the armor on by himself anyway. Once he and Claire dressed and ate Nym led them out.

"I don't think I'm doing much training today," Tyler started telling Claire. "Yesterday they had me start making my own weapons. Of course, I also almost died - " Then the two pandrylyrs of Neema and Temin came up and led him to the blacksmith's, the two humans following. "See?"

"What was that about almost dying?" Claire asked.

"Some of those pasandrylyr monsters showed up," he explained. "Apparently no one thinks it's a big deal, so I'm trying not to, too." Upon seeing the two pandrylyrs' owners he tried to think on what to say in Aerspeak. "Um...hi, guys. What...are, uh...you doing here?"

Their answer was hard to understand, but Claire turned and said, "They say that Judy and Mahara are running late. They also say they're interested in seeing what kind of weapons you come up with."

Tyler looked at his started weapon and slowly managed to get the upper half of his armor off. "Well, let's see if I can get this done today. I'm going to need some of that hard Aer steel..."
Nym barked and moved to the storage, looking at the simth who chuckled and patted the pandrylr who was looking for an ingot of the steel. With big jaws he picked one up and carried it over to Tyler so he could begin. Then he went to the door where the rest sat and began to have a conversation with the other dragonwolves.

The large form of Temin leaned on the door, while Neema walked forwards to stand near Tyler, the slim glaive--wielder intrigued about two things. First, the sword that looked very different. Second.. he had seen the looks Tyler gave Claire. "Is she your mate?" he asked bluntly. He didn't see any marks that bound them, such as rings, and given their culture based around dragonwolves, using the word 'mate' made sense in the warrior's mind.
Tyler and Claire blushed at his question while Tyler shaped the metal into a large, flat blade, shaping the edges with a smooth stone into something sharp. "I...guess you could say that, though we don't really use that word for...people."

"We haven't been for very long though, so Tyler hasn't exactly gone out looking for a ring yet," Claire added, making Tyler blush even more.

"You...saying you want one?" He was starting to think it wasn't too bad of an idea. They'd gotten so close since finding Nym, and if they hadn't been distracted by coming to this world and learning to be taelesols, he might have started looking around for a ring already.

"M-Maybe," she said, going red now, too. "Or...whatever it is Aer do for their weddings."

"Maybe you should ask Judy how it's done here," he suggested. They smiled and he looked down at the blade, pressing a wedge against it in equal intervals to mark where the blade would be split apart.
Temin gave a hearty chuckle at all this, especially as Neema seemed to get very excited hearing all this. He leaned close to Tyler and whispered "Remind me to introduce you to Nerin." He said to him before drawing back and grinning again, looking to Claire for a moment.

"I really must introduce you to my wife sometime." He said cheerfully. "And my little darling. Maybe Judy would like to have Melody come over.. it's been a while since we did that."

Temin smiled and nodded, licking his lips. "Am I invited too? No offense to Yemis of course but having a meal cooked at home just adds this touch that other meals seem to lack. Or is that just me?"

"Oh, of course! Maybe we should all have a dinner party. That could be fun! Come to think of it..." Neema looked to Tyler, and then Claire. "You two never really got a proper welcome, did you?"


Meanwhile, Mahara was being pulled along by two other females, still blushing and over the moon from last night. She and Jeshran had made another date for tonight and she was absolutely excited for it.
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Tyler looked up at Claire, confused. "I assume you're more caught up on learning your than I am? Subtitles?"

Claire smiled. "I think they're trying to invite us to some sort of dinner party. Sounds like Neema wants to introduce us to his own mate and kid. Did I get that right?" She turned and tried asking if she was understanding in admittedly flawed, but still legible Aerspeak.

"Well, either way it sounds like fun. I still feel like I haven't gotten to know you guys all that well yet," Tyler added, then turned to carefully wedge the sections of the blade he'd made apart.

He then started fitting the sections one by one into the chain for his sword. About a half-hour later when Mahara came in, pulled by Judy and Nemune, he was fitting the last one into the blade. He smiled and held it up, focusing his magic on the crystal and making the gears slowly begin to turn. As they rotated faster and faster the blades made a threatening saw noise. He decided to try it out on one of the support beams to the smith's shop. It easily cut into the wood and Tyler had to pull it back so he didn't accidentally cut right through it. The blades slowed to a stop and he looked at his teammates.

"What do you guys think?" he asked. "Pretty cool, right?"

Nemune just looked curiously as she went up to Nym and sat beside him, nuzzling him affectionately. Judy meanwhile smirked as she guided Mahara in. "Should make up for his fighting skills," she joked.