9 Lives Gone in One Go

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"For now I'll just protect you." He looked into her eyes and wrapped his arms around her. "It may take forever, but I'm willing and able to do it." Andrew leaned in for a kiss and closed his eyes. He stopped for a moment before continuing. This kiss would seal the deal to what he said. Was he really willing to do this all? Was it rash of him to save her life? Maybe he should just head back. He should leave and never come back.

Andrew thought for a moment until he saw it. The picture he drew of Kastra, it's beauty matched no other and it was his best work. She was what drove him and she was what was going to push him for a better future. Andrew leaned in again and kissed her. His heart began beating slowly as he continued. He stopped, opening his eyes and looking at her. "Would to partake in this adventure, Ariel?"
Kastra looked up at him after the kisses, her heart taking leaps and bounds in excitement. "Adventure, Prince Eric? You'll be getting into a world you'd never have believed in before. Are you sure you can handle it Eric?" She teased as she rolled them so that she was straddling his hips, bent over him as her tail and ears popped out mischievously.
Andrew smiled as she got on top of him. As her tail and ears formed he knew he had to fight back, or else it wouldn't be fun to her. He rolled over until he was on top of her and kissed her on the neck. "I'm definitely for this adventure, Ariel." Slowly he kept moving down her neck waiting for her to roll him over and the fight for dominance would continue. "I'm not scared." Andrew began kissing her on either side of her neck keeping himself steady on her body.
Kastra let out a laugh as she was pushed back onto the ground, energy spiking in her at the challenge. Next was a purr at the feeling of lips on skin as her arms wrapped around his neck. She then twisted until she was once again on top, bending down to slowly nuzzle his his neck, giving it a slow lick, testing different pressures on different parts to find just the right combination. "It'll be a whole new world though," she teased, going off the fairy tale theme they had seemed to pick up. "With creatures just like me waiting to pressure you into all sorts of things."
Andrew smiled as she rolled him back over, he could tell she was excited. As she licked parts of his body her wrapped his arms around her bringing her down to his chest. He kissed her then rolled over again feeling the soft grass touch his legs. "I bet I can handle the pressure." Andrew smirked at her and began kissing different parts of her body. Almost what she did but not so cat-like. "I think it will be harder to have me around, a Prince has his needs you know."
Kastra laughed. "Don't all men?" she teased gently before falling silent, blushing a little at her own comment. "I'm sorry I meant that in-well-um. Sorry." She was blushing like mad now, her tail still, ears perked for any sound of displeasure that might come from him. It had been so long since she'd shown any interest in men that she was left wondering just how ready she really was for the future.
Andrew kept his smile on his face. "I suppose that's true." He looked at her and saw her very bright blush and then he rolled over until he was on his side. Now was so different from earlier on. Everything had changed so fast that it was harder to bear than he thought. Andrew moved closer toward her and looked into he eyes, like he had so many times before. "This adventure is going to be a long one." He kissed her again but doing it more passionately then he had previously. Andrew moved his hands to her lower back as he continued. Then he stopped and looked at her again. "You have nothing to worry about."
"Aren't all grand adventures worth their coin?" she asked softl before she returned the kiss and curled against him. "So what does this Prince desire or need? This halfling will do her best to impress the dearest prince." She was trying to make light of it, to bring herself away from the embarrassment and thus create a different avenue to speak on.
"I'll find out." He pulled off his shirt pressed his chest up against hers as he began kissing her again. "Maybe I'll find out what a magical being like you desires." Andrew held her close and began kissing her neck again. While he was doing this he slowly removed one shoe after another. Andrew could feel his heart begin to beat faster as he looked at her.
Kastra watched him carefully before slowly relaxing. He wouldn't hurt her.He had had all this time to take advantage, to use his position as her protector against her. If he hadn't done it by now, he wasn't going to do it she decided. Slowly she rested her palms against his chest and let them work their way down as she shifted her head to the side, allowing him to kiss as he wished. "Perhaps a magical being like me just wants to feel wanted in more than just a superficial way?"
Andrew looked at her and nodded then frowned. He realized he was going rather fast and it was obvious. He moved up against her again, feeling bad about what he was doing. "I'm sorry that you are so enchanting, my dear Ariel." Andrew looked at her and then looked up at the sky. "Kastra you are way more special then anything I have ever imagined. I'm lucky I found you because otherwise I would have no idea where I would be right now. That school meant nothing to me until I met you." Andrew looked at her honestly and was pouring himself out to her. "The way I am showing that a prince is truly not superficial is that he gives you compassion and love. Us princes don't know much of mystical people and how they are. You are the most wonderful thing I have ever laid eyes on, Ariel." Andrew put her hand in his and looked into her eyes.
Kastra's mouth had gone dry as he started to speak, eyes widening, heart hammering softly against her chest thought to her it sounded like war gongs going off next to her ears. "An-Andrew," she whispered in surprise before she turned her hands to grip his. Slowly she shifted closer and leaned up to give him a very small kiss, lingering there for a good minute before she pulled away, eyes lowering in shyness. "This prince doesn't need to worry about me being so exotic that I might break if he is not careful. I am a strong girl."
After he was given a small kiss, he waited for another but it was lingering Andrew looked at their hands as they were held. "I understand you are a strong girl, but everyone needs help on their adventure." He laid next to her and let his heart beat slower. "I only want to protect you, my love knows no bounds. I did not know the day I met you would change in a matter of instances." Andrew thought he sounded stupid trying to talk in old English but he was doing it to prove a point. "Mine heart only beats for you now, I'd even set my artwork aside for you."
Kastra was a set of pink cheeks before him as her heart fluttered in surprise. "Don't set your artwork aside dearest Andrew. Don't ever set your artwork aside for me. You have so much talent that it would be a horrible waste for you to stop. Let me be your inspiration so you can continue to draw," she whispered.
"You've already been my inspiration for a while," Andrew admitted. He looked at her and smiled as he saw her pink cheeks looking up at him. His hands held hers still. As he moved his hands behind her he remembered that he still did not have his shirt on and was getting a little cold. He held her again in his arms. "There is much in front of us Kastra, one last time, are you sure about all of this?"
Kastra looked up at him and then rolled them so she was resting on top of him, letting her body heat keep him warm after seeing a small shiver. Her gaze changed slowly to that of a cat and she smiled at him. "Are you sure you are ready?" she retorted as she leaned down and sealed her answer with a warm kiss.
"For all you know it is my destiny." Andrew brought himself up to her and kissed her. He leaned close to her and kissed her again. This was the turning point. From here on he could not go back and he knew it. A girl like Kastra was hard to come back, rare is more like it. All the things he had worked for had come to this. Was this really his destiny? It didn't really matter anymore. "I'm definitely ready." The he kissed her again.
The woman smiled and shivered before returning the kiss. "Come on then. Let's get you back to the cabin and get something to eat and a proper outfit. You have got to be hungry by now," she teased slowly as she pushed herself up so she was holding herself up by her knees and hands. "Or are you going to tell me that you are good where it is cold?"
Andrew smiled at Kastra's remark. "Sure I'd be fine here but I'd still be cold. I think we should head back to the cabin." He got up and held his shirt not putting it back on intentionally. Andrew helped Kastra up and pulled her close to him. They both walked back to the cabin. Andrew unlocked the door with the keys he had in his pocket and walked in with her. Being the sly guy he was he had a plan. As he walked in his tripped and fell backwards onto the couch with her on top of him and he gave her a smirk. "Oops, I feel."
Kastra had let out a soft cry of alarm as they'd fallen only to find herself on top of him on top of the couch. She started to laugh and shake her head. "Aw the poor princeling fell?" she teased gently. "Here, let me kiss it better." Slowly she leaned in and kissed him with a slow passion, almost alluring like, asking him to go ahead.