⌠2nd Xplorer⌡

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The blade is easely defended, and the pit opened too soon for Hallbjörn to fall.
Hallbjörn gave a sigh of relief, as he watched the traps complete miss him. He looked back at the rest of the group, "Careful up here. There are many traps. I think I've set most of them off, but be wary." He called back, before he started walking again. However he was slower in his pace, more closely watching the ground, and the surroundings around him. He did not wish to set off anymore, and did his best to try and avoid any tiles on the floor, that seemed, out of place.
Staying a safe distance behind, Aivery cheered on the new addition to their party. If it was himself setting off those traps, he would probably have became minced meat.

"You're doing great! Dodge those traps!"

A question did pop up in Aivery's mind though. Why did a sewer system have traps for? Was their waste really so precious they needed to defend it?
"Wouldn't matter if I dodged, or not! If they hit me, they'll just break, I'll be fine!" Hallbjörn replied, as he continued on forward. Still just as carefully as before. He seemed rather paranoid about the situation as a whole. There was no way he trusted this place in the slightest now.
Meat tank be meat tanky, huh? Watching as Hallbjorn pretty much soaked up two traps the moment the party began to move, Lento nodded in approval.

"Welp, let's go turn at the first corner. I'd think that the Insect King thing would probably be in the center of the Sewers, yeah?"
As soon the group enters the new area, a faint light can be seen under the wooden door right in front of them. Another corridor is right before them, but they'll have to choose where to go first.

(Aivery and Lento, roll your Class)

Suddenly, a flying eye shoots two poisoned needles at Aivery and Lento. Unfortunately, both shot misses and the eye disappears in a pink smoke.
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"Waaah!" Aivery screamed as the needle just missed him. Sadly, it didn't seem like the big large man was acting like the giant target Aivery was secretly hoping for.

After the close shave, Aivery noticed the light from under the wooden door. A tad curious, he brought it up to the group. Lighted rooms weren't something you would expect bugs to know how to do.

"Hey, do you think someone is in there? Maybe they got trapped when the bug things came!"
"Knew those eyes were evil little things," Lento said, unfazed by the needle that flew right past him. Well, no, he definitely wasn't unfazed. He just didn't have enough time to react to such a sudden event.

"Well, Hallbjorn," Lento pointed to the wooden door that Aivery had noticed, "Care to open it for us? Might as well see what's inside, eh?"
Hallbjörn nodded as he was told to open the door. He raised his axe, and attempted to swing it straight into the door. Wanting to shatter, and break it with all the might he could muster. So as to make sure he wouldn't have to try again.
As Hallbjorn smashes the door, a new trap is activated! Well, a strange kind of trap: a feminine girl dressed as a maid jumps at Hallbjorn arms.

"Oh no, not that again!"
"Guess girls like muscles," Lento remarked, before stepping into the room and taking a look around.

Like, you know, he totally wasn't jealous at all. Nope.
Hallbjörn was not about to let himself be grappled. Even if it was by a maid, he was not going to let his strength be bested by someone. Especially in surprise like this. He dropped his axe, and extended and arm out to try and stop this new type of, 'trap'. As he attempted this, his voiced boomed, "Away from me fiend. I will not be poisoned by you."
Wel, a maid was not high on the list of things popping out of the door. Nevertheless, it was good to know it seemed like she was okay. Aivery went over and gave Lento a pat on the back.

"It's okay, I'm sure you'll find someone special one day." He said in an effort to reassure him.
As soon the feminine maid girl was in arms reach from Hallbjorn, the barbarian noticed how her form was... slimy. BLOOOP. A sudden watery explosion and he was completelly covered in gray oil, exactly like Ron was before. And as it happened before, sounds of insectly steps could be heard coming from the other corridors.

"That damned thing attracts those germs! We need to run or hold!"
Hallbjörn growled, as he was splattered with goop, and God knew what else. He picked his axe back up, and readied himself for a fight. Yet he did make sure to wipe his face off, with his right arm. Trying to keep his eyes clear, so he could fight properly. "We will not run, coward. We will fight!" He yelled proudly.
The new room was exactly like the phased one: kinda clean, empty of living souls but some clothes were scattered all around. Maid uniforms, nurse, car racers, world warriors and uncensored Elin's outfits. It looked like more "traps" are waiting for them.

Bzzzzz. A strange buzzing sound comes from the south corridor, a huge shadow forming against the east wall...

"I'm just waiting, so I'm out of lines to say." "Me too."
Damn, lots of clothes indeed. Well, at least the girl exploded, so he could take some pleasure from the fact that Hallbjorn didn't actually just instantly score. However, there were more pressing manners than just that before them. Indeed, it looked like the slime was some sort of signal for the insects to come out once more. Peeking a head out of the shattered door, Lento grimaced. That shadow-monster that he shot before was coming back as well. It looked like it recovered and...

"Looks like we'll be surrounded soon, and I can't support with my arrows if we stay in the room. Ron, Rina, if you have any more of those grenades, let's smash through that swarm of insects, eh?"
"Well, they are costy, ya know?" Rina smirks. "And we spended all our money to get that one."

More bzzzzzz sounds, and the thing finally reveals itself: a massive cloud of tiny flying insect-germs.
Now that was a lot of clothes. They could save lots of money by using these instead of buying new clothes!Well he wasn't sure if Hallbjörn could actually fit into any of these, but that could be settled later.

While the others got ready for combat, Aivery started to collect all of the clothing and placed them in his bag. It sounded like they were still on their way over, so he should have plenty of time to grab them. Or not.
"Oh my God quit talking, and fight!" Hallbjörn yelled, as he actually charged at the swarm of insects. Doing as his family had taught him years ago, he leaped into the air, and started to spin. Extending his great axe out, so with each spin, it would slash through the swarm of insects. The real question was, would it work? Would his move end up slaughter the swarm. Or would he fall flat on his face, and get hurt.
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