2075: Reclaiming North America

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((Youtube videos galore! :D))

Adam wrapped his arms around his wife. "I'm sorry Sera, it's just I can't sit around and pretend like this union will survive as long as Carter is running it the way he intends to. There are dark secrets held within him, once that if exposed could mean great things. Carter could be impeached, throw away and a new, wiser leader could step up. They could turn this union into something worth fighting for. The way I see it, North America will not survive any more than ten years at the rate we are going. This is just the start. I will, for your sake, go off the radar. I love you and if that means being a good little anchor for everyone, I'll do it. I love you Sera, I love you and our children more than anything else in this world." He brought her face to his and kiss her deeply. "C'mon, let's go get the little ones. I can guarantee they miss their mommy." Adam offered a smile in hopes that she would accept it.

"I don't know Weston, I don't know anymore. Maybe I should go back? Free my sister as well. No, father will hurt me more than he ever has. But Mirette, he is going to hurt her, if he hasn't already." Anne was rambling on for several minutes. She felt as if she was losing her mind.

David sat in his home, watching the live conference. "Well, they covered it up enough to keep suspicion down. I hope what I did was right." To free Anne was the riskiest think David could have done. For now, he would recover from his self inflicted wound and hope some good, any good, would come from this.

Carter was soon back at the mansion after the rally, ready to begin his next move. He awaited the briefing on the conference. Any slip ups would surely throw him into rage. As he walked to his office, he noticed his wife. "Elodie, how are the plans so far dear?"

(Just created some character filler for now!)
((But actually XD.))

Sera leaned into her husband as he took hold of her, her head turned into his neck. "Adam," she whispered. "President Torren is not going to be removed from power." His willingness to just say whatever, wherever terrified her. Moreover, he was still so stuck in the old system, when Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather and Bob Woodward were looked at as the most trusted men in the United States. The United States did not exist anymore. There was no congress nor parliament to impeach Carter Torren. "Please, please stop." She squeezed her eyes shut, picking her head up from his shoulder. "I can't. I have to get back to work. The president's going to want to hear about the briefing. About what happened." She sighed. "Besides, you have to be on the air at 8. You have to prep." She glanced down at the sheet he'd placed on her desk before. "What is that?"

Weston frowned, trying to make sense of what Anne said. How could the president worship Mirette and then turn around and hit her? He suddenly got another idea. "Anne...is your father the only one you are afraid of? Or is it someone else whom you think might start hurting your sister?"

Elodie sat in Carter's office, a yellow legal pad open at attention, and a pen in her hand. She had been like this for hours. Nothing had come of it. And then James had left. She was alone, unable to stop crying. The door opened, and her husband entered. He seem energized, yet gentle, as he approached her. Elodie heard his prompt, and looked up, the constant stream of tears now visible. Her cheeks were red, as if she'd been crying for hours. And she had been. She couldn't stop crying now. She didn't say anything, just looked up at him, sobbing anxiously.
"If you say so, we will pick them up at the later time today." Adam peered down at the letter. "I'll let you decide what that his dear. Well, I'm going to head back to my office. Please take care honey. I love you." He kissed her sweetly on the lips and left, leaving the letter on her desk. "Oh," Adam said, propping the door open wit his foot, "Don't let anyone see that, and don't tell anyone about it." He was off after that.

Weston's questions had Anne thinking a lot more about her life. "I-I...well there is James. He is my father's best friend. I don't like him. He was always around and it made me feel uncomfortable. When I was younger, he...he tried to do things with me, but I wouldn't allow him. I would run away, but I never screamed. After awhile he left me alone. Then he did seem to like Mirette, but I never really minded because it was like that with a lot of people. I don't think James would do anything to her. I don't about much of anything I guess." Anne stared at the ground, lost in her own thoughts.

"Elodie, sweetheart." Carter took a seat next to her and laced her fingers in his. "Please, please do not fret. Anne will be okay. I know she will." Carter would say about anything to get his wife's mind off of their lost daughter, and onto the educational ideas. There was, however, one thing that Carter inquired on. "Does Mirette know? Is she aware of Anne's absence?" Carter hadn't put much thought into Mirette's reaction to all of this.
This was an ever-present thing, but they both worked. Every day, Adam suggested at some point that they play hookie. And every day, Sera played the adult, who reminded Adam that work was a thing. Her husband glanced down at the letter and responded fleetingly. Sera frowned, confused, but kissed Adam back. "I love you too. As he turned to leave, she picked up the letter, skimming down the words. Her frown grew larger as she read, and she dropped the letter to her desk, trying to catch her husband. "Adam!" But he was already gone. She picked up her phone. You cannot report on this.

Weston listened closely as Anne spoke, nodding slowly. He knew of James, the president's right-hand man who had probably been the one to murder his parents. He did not mention any of that to Anne. Hearing that James had tried to touch her disgusted him. He wondered for a minute about the man's alleged attraction to Anne's sister, but...she didn't seem worried about that... "So then maybe everything's fine. If you have no reason to worry for your sister, you should stop worrying for her."

Elodie whimpered as Carter took a seat next to her. She leaned into him, squeezing his hand tightly as his fingers threaded with hers. And she continued to cry. "Carter, I can't. I can't stop, I k-keep thinking about her. W-what if she's in danger? I can't t-take this, I n-need her, I need her back." Elodie bit her lip, shaking her head against his chest, and continuing to sob. "N-no," she whispered. "I h-haven't been able to tell her. A-and. And she's sleeping."
(I edited my last post, I forgot that he attempted to sexually abuse her. I changed it so he never had the chance, but tried to. I hope you don't mind. That was very important though. I knew I'd forget something like that D: If you want to edit your post, go ahead)
Adam walked out of the building smirking as his text sent. Well, Sera. It's been awhile since I've seen you without clothes. Maybe you can convince me not to report on this.He laughed and a couple minutes later sent another. I'm only kidding, I have other stuff on the agenda tonight. It won't cross my lips sweetie. See you at home. Love you.

Anne took his words into strong consideration. "You're right, I shouldn't worry about them anymore. I love them dearly, but I chose the rouge life now. I am independent now. I mean," Anne looked up to Weston with sweet eyes, "Maybe not completely independent." It had only been a few hours that they were together, but Anne found a new friend, a protector, and she was happier than ever. She felt safe against him and did not want to leave anytime soon.

Carter sighed and put his hand on her cheek. Perhaps his priorities were misaligned. "Let's just stop our work for the night and go talk to Mirette. I don't want you working like this. C'mon." He kissed her cheek and put her pen and notepad on his desk. Taking her by the hand, he walked with her to Mirette's room. She was so peacefully asleep Cater regretted waking her up. "Mirette, honey, wake up. We need to discuss some things with you." Carter and Elodie entered the room, closing the door behind them.

(hey, you don't mind me making Carter jump between caring husband and father to abusive husband and father, i just think that two faced sort of attitude fits him. Almost like he is crazy, but he isn't. :P)
(('On background' and 'not for attribution'.))

Sera frowned heavily at the first text. He didn't understand... Adam, I'm not kidding. This is not reportable. Not OB. Not NFA. Completely unreportable. Tell me that you understand. Sera folded up the note, slipping it into her jacket pocket. Today was just constant. She thought to ask something else. Where did you get this? She didn't know if he'd share his source, but she had to ask.

Weston smiled. "I am sure they'll be fine," he repeated. "And, hey, you can always go back later. Once you're established enough yourself to interfere. And once you're in clothing that won't have you frozen in Quebec winter," he responded, teasing.

Elodie whimpered again, nodding as her husband cupped her cheek, calling an end to the work he had requested her attention on. There was absolutely no way that it was getting done. Not when she was like this. She feared telling Mirette, but at least they would be doing it together. She allowed Carter to help her up, holding his hand and leaning into him as he led her upstairs to Mirette's room.

Mirette sat up, adjusting the red hair that fell into her face. She blinked, registering what was happening. "Daddy," she asked, before looking at her mother. Elodie let go of Carter's hand, moving up to Mirette's bed. She sat next to the girl, pulling Mirette into her in a tight hug. "Mommy, what's wrong," she asked, turning her head to face her father, hoping one of them would tell her what was going on.

((No worries! It's very characteristic of abusers, in fact.))
(What and what? lol)

Let's discuss this at home, ok?
Adam would not allow their cell phones to be the death of them, who knew what was tracking them, although the possibility was low. Adam made his way back to the new station, an hour left before air time. "Juliet," he began, taking his coat off, "What did you find, anything I might not know, anything at all?" There had to be something on Anne and James. Something to assist in his Sherlock Holmes adventure he now found himself in.

"You're right," Anne said the giggled at his last comment. "I will find clothes, it can't be that hard. Plus, I have money. I saved up a small amount over the years. It should be enough for warmer clothes. I won't let Quebec stop me!" Anne's attitude had shifted tremendously, she was in high spirits with Weston now, ready to go wherever he did.

"Mirette, baby, I can't find another way to say this without just saying it straight forward. Anne ran away this morning. She hurt David and escaped. We are looking for her as we speak. I am sorry honey. I wish this could have been avoided." Carter pulled up a chair to the two ladies and put a hand on Mirette's lap, ready to comfort her.
((I'm telling what the abbreviations Sera used mean XD. She said the the information was not OB nor NFA. OB means 'on background', and NFA means 'not for attribution'. They're journalistic terms to refer to the usability of information.))

Confirm that this isn't going on the air tonight, and then we can talk tonight. This request is not as your wife, it's as the press secretary. This information is not reportable. I need you to confirm that you understand. She closed her eyes again, waiting for the buzz that indicated she'd received a text message back.

Juliet looked up from the computer screen, where she had been searching since receiving the text message from Adam. "No, sir. Nothing. I haven't stopped looking, and there is literally nothing. Less about Anne Torren--I guess the president is really overprotective over available information on his children. There's nothing on James except for the obituary from years ago, for Aimee Arceneau's death. It's like he's purposefully being kept out of our system. PPG, maybe?" She knew one of their units was specifically dedicated to signals intelligence and information collection.

Weston laughed. "We'll figure something out. But we shouldn't go running around in town for a little while, not even to find you clothes. I'm glad you were honest with me about being Torren's daughter, but...that probably means they're looking for you. We should lay low for a little while. We'll be able to figure something out. There are some important people who have been showing us support. I'm sure someone will be able to help."

Elodie's arms tightened around Mirette as Carter spoke. Mirette's frown grew and grew. "Wait. Daddy, I don't understand." Anne was gone? And she'd hurt David? That didn't. That didn't make any sense. "Why wouldn't she tell me," Mirette whispered, starting to cry. "Why would she run away?" Had she done something wrong? She should have stayed the night before...
Do not worry. I am not letting this information out. You have my word as a reporter, however far that may go for you dear. Adam ser his phone down, and sifted his fingers through his hair in stress. "Nothing at all, eh? Figures, alright Juliet, prep for broadcast in t minus 35. Adam then got his paperwork together.

"Important people, like who?" Perhaps it wasn't her place to ask, but Anne felt like Weston now. According to her she was just the same as him. "Are you a part of an organization Wes?" Anne wanted to know more about who Weston who was now. She now was sitting Indian style facing him. The blanket was on her lap and she had her hands folded in her lap.

"Mirette no one is to blame in thus room for what Anne did." That was the biggest lie Carter had told in awhile. "Anne loves us all and whatever her reason was for leaving is purely her own. We can grieve tonight, we all miss her. But we cannot let sorrow weaken us. We are Torrens and Torrens are strong willed." Carter pulled both Mirette and Elodie close, kissing his wife on the lips and his daughter on her forehead.
I love you. Kick ass tonight. Like always. Juliet called back. "Creative team's setting everything up with the script you left before you went to the press conference. Too late to turn back on anything now," she joked. "Oh! On my mother's friend, Savannah, do you want me to get anything more, or you've got it from here?"

Weston shook his head. "Oh, no. Not an organization. I mean. Some of us have spoken about organizing," he told her. "But, again, always very informally."

"It's hard, though. Combatting Torren's forces...Everytime I think on it, I come to the conclusion that it's futile. And, don't get me wrong, I think it's worth it. But we'd need so much planning, so much organization. And it would be hard getting around spies who would surely be in our own forces, to get to the point where we're even moderately prepared to challenge him. It's all people who hate this regime as much of most of us out here do, and so let us know what's going on. We've nothing organized, but we do have those informal types of meet-ups, you know?"

Mirette's eyes were wide as her father spoke. She had started to cry, but didn't want it to show. She wasn't successful, and leaned into her mother, who hugged Mirette tighter as the girl cried. Her father moved to sit on her bed with the two females, and Mirette was smushed in between her parents. But she didn't care. She wanted--needed--both of them taking care of her now. "A-am I never going to see her again," she asked, looking at her mother and then at her father.

((Don't skip past the broadcast. I has an idea.))
(Is he supposed to be reporting on that letter? I am confuzzled :P)

Adam looked down at his notes briefly, then back up at Juliet. "If you can, get me a number. Perhaps see if she is willing to hold a meeting. Just keep it on a need to know basis. If you can do this, I smell a promotion in the air." Adam winked then returned to his studies before the broadcast.

"This all sounds so exciting!" Anne said, full of smiles now. She hadn't been this happy for a long time. When she was, she became very peppy and affectionate. She showed this when she grabbed his much larger hands into her soft, small ones. "I think you and I will be just fine out here. I won't slow you down, I promise! Anything you say, I'll follow it!" Her smiles was bright and cheery at this point.

"You will dear, you will see your sister again. Anne when be here when you need her most." Carter smiled and hugged his wife and child. FOr once, Carter was down to earth, and being both a husband and a father. "Now, who is hungry. How about you and I make something to eat Elodie. I don't think I've lost much of my cooking abilities over the years." His joke was an attempt to bring any sort of comfort back into the Torren Mansion.
((Stop worrying so much XD. We're partners, and he's your character. Characters are real people. Juliet is a real person, and so is Adam. Adam can do whatever Adam wants, and whatever you think fits his character. Juliet has no idea that he had that talk with Sera. Juliet is following up, like a real person. Stop worrying =P.))

"Oh, I'm sorry! I thought I'd given you the number." Juliet looked through her contact list again, writing the number down and slipping it over to him. "Here. Sorry. I thought I'd given it to you." She grinned at the positive reinforcement. "I'll try to meet with her in person tonight to find out if she's interested in meeting with you."

Weston laughed. "Well, now I feel like I have something to prove," he responded, sticking his tongue out at her. "I'm not the leader of our totally unorganized rebellion, you know. We don't really have a leader. Because we're not really organized. But if and when we get to that point, we'll probably use a horizontal structure, versus a vertical one."

Mirette stiffened. "I'm not hungry," she responded, quietly. "I. Um. I ate earlier, and now I can't focus on food. I'm not hungry," she repeated. Elodie creased a brow, loosening her arms slightly around her daughter. "When did you eat?" "This morning. I was coming back from eating when I hurt my hand," she lied. Did her dad even know about that? She wasn't sure. She held her hand up to show him. "I hurt my hand earlier." Elodie frowned. "Are you sure, dear? It's been a while since morning. I can't imagine you're not hungry at all. You need fuel."
(Ok, no more worries ;P)

Adam smiled, "Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to help me." With that, Adam headed over the main room where his anchor desk was. He took a seat and quickly scanned through the nights news. Most of it was standard Union news. Anything to get the people to believe the North American Union was superior. It was less than five minutes until airing, and with a coffee on his desk, the countdown from five began. "Hello, and welcome back to NAU nightly news. I am Adam Dupont and it's looking like a fine night for news. Our big story takes us over to the European Union, where former country Ukraine has talked about seceding from their Union and becoming an independent power once again. If you didn't know, a new chemical was found a few years ago by a Ukrainian scientist which absorbed and kills off radiation. It was a modern marvel that allowed areas like Chernobyl and Pripiyat to once gain become inhabitable. The EU had strongly advised Ukraine to reconsider their plea, and tension is brewing as a result. In other news..."

Anne giggled once more. "Don't be smart with me!" She said playfully. "I think what you are a part of is just what this Union needs." She smiled and returned her hands to her lap. She then started playing with her hair, mostly to occupy the moment of silence. "So, what do you do for fun?"

Carter took a look at his daughter's wrist. "You ought to be more careful Mirette. Even if you are not hungry, I still want you to try to eat. If you skipped over lunch, you are already a meal behind in the day. I don't want you to become ill. Now, what do we want to eat?" Carter said, with a smile.
It hit eight o'clock, and Sera turned on the five televisions in her office to the five broadcasts the administration cared about. It was important for damage control to act quickly in reaction to a slip-up. And going in and out of the various broadcasts was a developed skill. Sera looked over a press release from one of her staffers while listening for buzzwords in the various broadcasts. So far, everything was good.

Weston's smile turned sadder. "I don't have very much time for fun," he responded. "Living out here...it's hard. Obtaining anything and everything is hard. Especially as a militant. The PPG is really thorough. For all any of us know, they're tracking what we do. We all have to lay low."

Mirette bit her lip, but she didn't want to do anything that would make her parents ask more questions. "Just a salad," she whispered. "I'm not hungry." She looked up fleetingly at each of her parents, hoping they wouldn't push.

James Arceneau arrived at the mansion once more, parking his car and going inside. The house was eerily quiet. James went for Carter's office, knocking on the door and then opening it when he received no response. The office was empty. James closed the door behind him, sitting in a seat in front of Carter's desk. After a minute, the phone rang. James creased a brow. There were very few people who had this direct number. He picked up the phone, holding it to his ear. "James Arceneau."

((I gots this.))
Adam continued his broadcast, giving news from random events across the NAU to sports related events. The letter was always in the back of his mind. If he were able to expose it, perhaps a new light could begin. He loved his wife too much to risk anything, however.

"Oh.." Anne said, more reserved now. "I suppose I didn't do many fun things at the mansion either. I was always bossed around. I would knit sometimes with my mother, it was fun. We also made bracelets from thread and beads. I always wear mine." She showed him the bracelet that fell lazily from her tiny wrist. "It's a keep safe, I won't ever let it go." She touched it for a moment, smiling before returning her focus to Weston. "Do-do you have anything from your parents you keep?" That might have been a personal question, and Anne made a guilty look after.

Carter gave a small smile and then stood up. "Alright sweetie. I will get a cook to prepare something." Carter abandoned the idea of making food already. "I'll be back later to check up on you." He kissed them both and left the room, closing the door. He was off to the kitchen.
James listened to the person on the other line, his mouth turning into a resemblance of a frown as Alano Aguilar, the president of the South American Union, spoke. Fuck. This was certainly a crisis they hadn't anticipated... "Sir--yes, sir. I will--I'll find the president. N-no, all right, sir. Yes, sir. I. Will. I am so sorry, sir." Fuck. Fuck. Shit. As he hung up the phone, James' mind immediately searched for the right way to handle this. He started going through the mansion, looking for Carter. As he did so, he too out his phone, texting Sera. Estrella Aguilar dead. Apparent suicide. Unreportable until morning. He went back to searching, hard, for Carter.

Sera received the text and her mouth widened in shock. Two first daughters in one day? What the fuck was going on? But the gritty reality of an assumed suicide in a teenager was, to be sure, much more tragic and somber than a runaway. And Estrella? She'd been one of theirs--born in Mexico before adopted by the Aguilars. She looked up at the television screens. Everyone was on the last commercial break before the close. She sent text. Estrella Aguilar (16) dead in assumed suicide. Do not report this until tomorrow. Today seriously needs to just end. She didn't know if he'd get the text before he finished. He might, if he looked at his phone during the break. She just needed someone else to know, whom she trusted.

Weston shook his head. "No, not really. Nothing but the politics," he joked, smiling a bit more somberly. "And the memories." He thought for a moment, before giving her a small grin. "Sorry to totally change the subject, but I'm completely exhausted. Are you tired too? I'm thinking I might go to sleep."

Mirette forced a smile. "Thanks, daddy. I love you." She planned on getting back to sleep before the salad arrived. She tilted her head down as her father kissed her forehead, and watched her parents embrace and kiss as well. Her father left, and Elodie pushed Mirette's hair back. "I'm so sorry that this happened, Merie." "It's not your fault," Mirette replied, surprised. Elodie didn't look so sure, but she didn't respond. She kissed her daughter on the cheek, hugging her tightly, before letting her go and rising from the bed. "You can eat here, okay? I'll make sure it's brought to you." Mirette nodded. "I love you mom." "I love you too," Elodie responded, looking at her daughter once more before leaving, closing the door behind her.
((Sorry. I know that that escalated quickly.))