2075: Reclaiming North America

"We will sit her down, talk to her like adults, all of us." Carter had nothing more to say, he kissed his wife and took to the pillows for the night.

Adam kissed his wife. "I know you are. I have hope for a better future though." Adam had ties with the rebellion and would love a revolution. Sure it was a risky move, but he couldn't stand the NAU with how it was. "I don't want to argue about this. There is not point. We have our opinions. I respect yours. I just have a gut feeling that things will change, perhaps sooner than even I think." He wiped the small tear that escaped her eye. "Do not cry, honey, I hate to see you cry. Come here." He moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tightly. "I love you, Marnee loves you and Frederick loves you. That's all that matters."
Elodie listened to the idea, nodding slowly. "All right," she whispered, her worry to really alleviated at all. Now, it was Anne and Mirette. And she made a mental note to call Alicia Aguilar the next day. Given her own pain at her daughter running away, Elodie could only imagine what Alicia must be going through. She turned to her husband, ready to say something else, but he was asleep. "Good night," she whispered, snuggling closer to him before going to sleep herself.

Sera kissed her husband back"Adam," she cried out in a whisper as he started going off again on how the rebellion would happen any day now. Sera was not politically in line with Torren. It wasn't about that for her. It was about this man having absolute power, and her having to protect two children from men with no qualms about killing innocents. The way Adam talked only made her more and more paranoid, that he'd somehow slip, and say something that would endanger their children, or the life they had built. She wouldn't be able to bear that. She pushed her head into his chest as he pulled her into a tight hug, crying into him now. "I-I think I need to go to sleep," she whispered, tears still leaking from her eyes.
"I won't ever put our family in danger. You guys come first. I'm just a radical Sera, what I say it just my philosophies. I've been around long enough to know when and when not to speak. Don't count today at the press conference." He stroked her hair and held her tightly. "If you want to sleep, Sera, I won't stop you. I am going to stay up and finish some things. I won't bother you." He kissed the top of her head.

(Short post, but if this is it for everyone for the night, it'll obviously pick up for the next day)
((Totally! I understand =D.))

"Philosophies are dangerous in this time, Adam," she exclaimed, her tears slowing, although they still fell. "You don't understand," she stressed. "If that had been one of your colleagues at that press conference, I would have been on the phone canceling some broadcasts, withdrawing credentials...and with everything that happened tonight, I can't guarantee that none of that is going to happen. If I had to guess, Torren has no idea yet about the bullshit you pulled, and if and when he finds out, I probably won't be in the room. It's going to be him and James, and they're going to be talking about you and me, and how involved I am in the radicalism, and if I'm a liability, and how to get to you and I indirectly. And that means the kids." She just wanted him to understand. She was overwhelmed. She needed to sleep. And, right now, she was sure there was no way she could fall asleep with so much on her mind. She was scared, and she feared Adam didn't fully understand what he was up against.
"Ok, Sera no more. I will keep to myself. You won't hear anything other than what Carter believes needs to be said." Adam was short with his words. He didn't want to talk about this anymore. Especially if it made his wife sadder. "Let's get some rest." He turned off the lamp in the room and slid under the covers. Adam was sick with himself and wanted it all to just end.
Sera sighed as Adam snapped at her once more. She fell silent for a minute, turning away from her husband and facing the opposite wall. She slipped under the sheets, pulling them up to her chest. The room was entirely silent for a minute. "I love you," Sera whispered to him after a moment. She was absolutely exhausted, and Adam was right. They both needed to go to sleep. Sera just hoped that she was able to do so. She wrapped a hand around the pillow, pulling it closer to her head, squeezing her eyes shut. After a little while, she drifted off to sleep.

(Yeah! :D)

Carter awoke groggily, moving slower than usual. It was early and it took a good hour before he was ready for the day. Once he was all suited up, he made his way to the office. James wasn't coming in today, except to drop off Jay, should it be needed. Carter was going to directly speak with Sera either from phone or text. He sent her a text while he wasn't busy. Sera, this is President Carter, do not save this number. I will use it to directly speak to you on today's events. Make sure that what was sent to you is what is presented. That same goes for Adam. He is to report one broadcast to be looped. After that, I wish him to come to the mansion, him and I need to discuss things. That is all. Carter soon exited his office, preparing to talk to Mirette. She was one of his priorities right now. He wanted her to be cleared before moving on to other issues. The press would handle themselves, and once Adam arrived at the mansion, that would be addressed. For now, Carter went to wake his wife up.

Adam awoke before his wife, slipping out of bed and showering. He had to be at the station early today, and Sera was to take the kids to day care. He left a note for them:
Hey, I love you all and will miss you all day. Tell Marnee I love her and let's see if Frederick can read this entire letter! You're a growing boy Fred, and I am proud of you. I am proud of Marnee as well. We have some beautiful, bright kids! Well, take care. There is leftover pasta in the fridge if you need a lunch.
Adam smiled as he taped the note to the counter.

Anne and Weston had slept all through the night, and when Anne awoke, she had felt more energized than ever. It had been forever since she had alept that long. Weston was up, and when she saw him, her lips formed a smile. "Good morning Weston. Thank you for protecting me last night." She walked to the man, and standing on her toes, planted a small kiss on his cheek. She giggled after and blushed. "Do you have plans for the day?"

David had recovered from his incident by now, enough to return to duty, and was soon off to the military headquarters. He would be directing a 21 gun salute for Estrella, a custom which the NAU kept from the past. He had no idea how Anne was fairing, or whether their little plan had been exposed. It wasn't until now that David also realized his gun was still in that vase in their hous. The feeling made his stomach turn.
Elodie had rolled to her back after Carter had left the bed in the morning, and had slept through the night, albeit fitfully. She was still technically asleep when she felt a forceful yet kind pull at her arm, and, after a moment of needing to realize that it wasn't a part of the dream, Elodie opened her eyes, pushing herself up in the bed and patting her hair down. "Morning," she whispered to her husband, leaning forward to kiss him. She slung her legs over the bed slipping out of it and quickly throwing clothes on. Right now, they had to talk to Mirette. She could dress again after they took care of their daughter.

Sera's alarm woke her up at the designated time, and she immediately started getting ready for the day. She saw a missed message on her cell phone, from no more than ten minutes earlier. She read it, confused at first to be contacted directly from the president, instead of through James. Nevertheless, the message worried her. Had he found out about the press conference? Had he found out about the letter? Why did he want to see Adam? She replied. Yes, sir. I will let him know. Do you want me at the mansion today? Sera quickly dressed, and then prepared breakfast for Marnee and Frederick, and then she found Adam's note. She read it quickly, and then sent him a text message. Hi, baby. Thanks for your sweet note. I'll pass it off to Frederick in a minute. I love you too. President wants to see you today. He says to prepare one broadcast, and loop it through the day. He wants you right after that's done. The kids came to the table to eat, and Sera layed the letter down next to Frederick. "This is from daddy," she told him. "Eat up, kids! We're leaving soon."

Weston had awoken before Anne, and he simply stared at the wall, thinking about any number of things--Torren, Adam Dupont, the revolution...And. Well. Anne. He heard her move along the wood, and turned to face her as she sat up. "Good morning," he responded in turn. He froze a little bit awkwardly as she kissed his cheek, although he felt something in his core that made him feel more embarrassed than awkward. He cleared his throat, smiling at her. "No. I never really have plans for the day. It's hard to plan out here." He didn't remember how much he'd told her the night before, and so continued. "It's sort of one day at a time."
Carter and Elodie walked to Mirette's room. He was a bit on edge today, so he entered her room without knocking. "Mirette, we need to talk. Get up, please." He took a chair and sat in it, staring at his daughter as her eyes opened. Quickly he texted Sera. If I need you, I will let you know.

Adam got the text from his wife and sighed. "What the hell does he want from me?" He thought to himself. "Juliet, one broadcast today, we will loop it. Have the script prepared and I'll revise it soon. Also," He brought his tone to a whisper. "Any update on Savannah?" Adam was not going to give up on the side investigation. He would not risk his family's health, although he was slightly unnerved by random meeting with the president. Once Juliet left his office, he opened a locked drawer and pulled out a different phone. He opened up the only contact and sent a text. Weston, I'll be at your location tomorrow. Stay put.

Anne smiled at his reaction to her kiss. "One day at a time, doesn't sound bad." She was going to say more, but a text alert broke her focus. She was a very curious person so she of course asked, "Who is that?" Anne was always asking questions to things she perhaps shouldn't have.
Mirette awoke from a deep slumber at her father's voice, after taking a moment for it to register. She sat up, blinking as the room and her parents came into focus. Mirette sat up just as Elodie sat beside her on the bed, pulling Mirette to herself tightly. "Daddy? Did we...did we find Anne?" That was the first thing that came to mind, for why they were there so early, and so urgently. Unless...

Juliet rushed to Adam's office as he called her--their work was fast paced, and her speed matched that. "Yes, sir," she responded, after his direction. It was a bit odd, but something about Adam's demeanor told her he didn't want to talk about it. She didn't ask. At his question, she closed the door behind her, stepping inside and nodding. "Yes. She's very willing to meet with you. When would you like me to set that up?"

Sera got the children up and into the car, driving them to daycare and giving them kisses before leaving for work herself. Her phone buzzed, and she quickly responded. Yes, sir. She drove to the Comm office, working on the myriad of statements which would have to go out that day, while waiting for more information from Carter--it had seemed like he wanted to hold her hand through everything, and, perhaps, make sure everything was done properly.

Weston grinned at Anne's comment, and then a throw-away phone in his back pocket beeped. He took it out, looking at the code-name, and only his blink indicated something 'off' about the communication. I'll be here, he responded, and then put the phone away. He blinked at Anne, and then shook his head. "No one. Just one of the people I was telling you about earlier."
Carter sighed, moving closer to the bed. "No, no not yet. Do not lost hope though dear. Times are getting rough, and I have faith that my little girl will pull through, both my girls. Mirette we have some news that you need to understand. It will upset you, and both your mother and I are here for you. Estrella died yesterday. We are all sad and have dedicated today to mourning." Carter looked at his wife, then returned his gaze to his daughter. He did not know what to say anymore, she was already not eating, and Cater could not imagine how she would act now. He hoped for the best, but didn't expect it.

Adam looked down at his desk for a moment before answering. "Tell me where she lives and I will visit her in two days. Speak of this to no one, but I already imagine you knew this. Remind me after my broadcast to file a recommendation letter for you, I want you out of here and into the Comm office in the next two months, you deserve it. If that is all, I have work to do." Adam smiled and brought out a pen, writing some notes down. His meeting with the president stuck in his mind.

Anne took his answer and nodded. She was very curious to know who these people were, but decided she would perhaps find out soon enough. "I have some food in my bag, I will surely share it with you. I used to hide food under my bed. Mirette said it was bad of me, yet she has his outlawed book. If anything she should be worried. If he ever found that." She left it at that and went to her bag. She pulled out a box of crackers, some apples, and two bottles of water. "I never liked eating with my family. My dad would yell at me for anything he could. I used to run out, and would be hungry before I slept. I had these to keep my satisfied until the next day. Take whatever you want Weston."
Elodie hugged Mirette tighter as Carter spoke, and she started petting her daughter's red hair down as she felt Mirette shake. Mirette's mouth had opened slightly, and she looked like she was going to burst into tears any moment. "B-but. But, daddy. I don't understand," she cried out, and then a tear fell. "How did she d-die," she asked, begging an answer. "How did it happen?" She swallowed, hard. Mirette folded into Elodie, and her mother hugged Mirette tighter still, moving to whisper in the girl's ear. "It's okay. It's okay, you can cry. Let it out, honey."

Juliet nodded, mouthing out the instructions, so as to take careful note of what she was supposed to do. She didn't want to write anything down now. She smiled. "Okay. I will, sir. Thank you so much, sir." She prepared to leave, and then thought of something else. "And, you know, sir, if it doesn't work out. I love working here, and I love working for you." And then Juliet smiled, before turning and leaving, getting to work in the newsroom on his script.

Weston watched as Anne took what seemed to him to be a fridge-worth of food out of her bag, and set it on the floor. As she gave permission, he reached forward for one of the apples and a bottle of water. It was very giving of her. "Thank you," he replied, taking a few bites of the apple and drowning it down with water. "Your sister--you said she was hiding something from your father? I thought you said she was completely...well...with him..."
"Mirette, she...just passed away from pills. She overdosed. I'm sorry Mirette." Carter looked away, not wanting to be in this situation. The extreme stress was angering him, not at anyone in particular. He soon stood up and exited the room, without saying a word. He made his way down stairs and sat on the bottom step. David soon entered. "Sir, the gun salute was preformed and recorded. I had the file sent to Comm. Are you alright, Carter?" He looked up at David. "I'm alright I suppose. I just need a moment to escape all the damage that has been done lately." "I understand. Do you need me here, or am I to be posted somewhere else?" Carter thought for a moment. "Stay here for now, just make yourself at home. I might be heading out later."

Adam smiled as she left. He continued his work, waiting for the script to arrive.

Anne made a smug look. "Ya, he loves her, but she still hides things from him. I wouldn't have never taken that book. She trusted me to keep it a secret, and I did. I don't even think his love could withstand the anger if he found that book." She stood up, patting her dress out. "I'm going to go outside for a moment, I need some air." She smiled weakly and started towards the door.
((James dropped Jay off =D?))

Mirette still didn't understand as her father spoke. Why was this happening? Everyone was just leaving her. Why was everyone leaving? And then her father left, with not another word, and Mirette started to shake again. Elodie tightened her grip on her daughter, trying to stabilize the young girl as she wavered. "Lay down," she whispered, leaning Mirette back on the bed and pulling the sheets up to her chin. She sat silently for a moment, petting at her daughter's red hair, conflicted. Carter had just left without addressing Mirette's eating issue. They were going to do that together. She did not know what to say. Mirette needed to eat, but, as it were, the girl was overwhelmed. "I'm going to bring you a banana," Elodie whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehead. She left before Mirette could respond, and the girl started to cry.

Juliet quickly went to work on the script, wanting to get it to Adam for edit. There was no way their broadcasts were going to be up to par when they didn't have the normal time with which to prepare. She still wondered what had made Adam so adamant that they get this done so quickly. But she still wasn't going to ask. She worked hard, and, eventually, she finished, and moved to bring it to Adam. She knocked on the door frame, again. "Sir? I have a draft."

Weston listened as Anne elaborated on her sister Mirette's secret. He sensed something in Anne's tone. He wasn't sure if it were bitterness towards her sister, resentment, jealousy... But it was something. He was going to ask, and then Anne stood, smoothing her dress out. "All right," he responded. "I'll be here."
Jay was dropped off by his father at the Torren mansion. James didn't say much at all and drove off almost angrily after he stepped out of the vehicle. Jay really didn't think much of it, as his father was sometimes cold towards his son. He shrugged and made his way to the front door. He knocked a few times. He was surprised when Carter answered. "Oh, Mr. President, my father said I could come here today, to see Mirette." Carter then smiled, something Jay also did not expect. "Jay! It's nice to see you. Yes, Mirette is awfully distraught, as you may know. Please, she is in her room. Be gentle with your words for me, boy." Jay nodded and was let in. He saw David and offered a greeting. He made his way up to the room and knocked a few times to warn her. "Mirette, it's Jay." He said, creaking the door open.

Adam took the draft and smiled. "Wonderful, prep for broadcast dear, and sorry to be rushing you." He read over the draft, only correcting a few things. It was quite simple, a explanation of what has occurred and a notice of a day of mourning. It would loop all day. Adam would broadcast this, then be off to the mansion for whatever Carter would ever need him for. It was unnerving, but Adam did not think anything horrible of it. He now sat waiting for the broadcast to begin. He decided to let his wife know. Hey Dear, I'll be on air soon, then to the mansion. I'll see you later, love you.

Anne stepped outside and and dropped to her knees in tears. She was still getting over leaving her family, and the thought of Mirette getting in major trouble was to much to think about. She wasn't sure what would come of herself, either. She was trusting this man to let her join him in whatever he was soon to be a part of. She shook both from fear and the cold weather which bit her frail skin.
Elodie had brought Mirette the banana, and handed it to her daughter, but Mirette had only started crying again. It became clear to Elodie that Mirette was not in the right sorts to do anything right now, and, having to make the decision without her husband, Elodie looked the other way as Mirette placed the banana atop her desk, uneaten. She sighed, hugging Mirette again. "I love you. I will give you space?" It really was a question. Mirette responded with a nod. "Okay," Elodie whispered, petting the girl's hair back. "I'll be back later. I'll leave the banana here. Just. In case you get hungry?" Her voice broke then. She looked away from Mirette, sighing, before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. Elodie just felt the need to cry. But it was more important that she find Carter, and that they talk some more about Mirette. She went looking for her husband.

Once Elodie had gone, Mirette had started crying again, and did not try to restrain any of it. Her feelings of isolation and loneliness cycled through her mind, and then she heard several knocks at the door. She sat up very slightly, surprised, and did her best to silence the cries, her white cheeks now red. "J-Jay," she whispered, trying to blink the tears away as he opened the door. As soon as she saw her old friend, her attempts proved futile, and the tears came sailing down again.

"It's okay!" Juliet replied. "I'll take care of it." And she did, as quickly as she could. She had the tech team set everything up for the broadcast, and reflected on the stories she'd been told by her more veteran colleagues about the past, when newspeople of Adam's caliber had had newsrooms full of people for these jobs, instead of just five or six associate producers. Here she was, an intern taking the role of hundreds of APs and, really, the EP too. C'est la vie. Everything was prepared, and Adam set himself up. They ran the broadcast. Sera had every TV set to the relevant stations, as different broadcasts would air at very unconventional times today. Her phone buzzed, and she quickly responded. I love you too. Be safe.​ And she prepared to watch him.
Jay's face went somber when he saw Mirette. He knew why she was crying, yet it still struck his heart in a bad way. "Mirette, I-I'm sorry about everything. You don't deserve this." He walked closer, but not too close. He stood for a moment, gauging how close she actually wanted him. "I-Well my father let me come today. I wanted to see you again, and I was able to so I took the opportunity. I-I could go? Now doesn't seem like the best time." He stared on with sadness in his eyes. He didn't expect this at all.

Adam was soon in his office, collecting his things to leave after a short day. "Take the day off, Juliet. I can send in some replacements. Go enjoy your day. I heard about your love interest from a little bird." He laughed and patted her on the back lightly. "You're a good friend in a world full of enemies." With that, Adam was after his car. The drive to the mansion had Adam thinking of different outcomes of this. It could either go really well, or Adam would end up without a job, or in prison. He had not done anything wrong, his entire career he hadn't. The one outburst at the press conference was it, and that was just a reporter being a reporter. His thoughts filled the time of the drive, and soon Adam was at the mansion. He parked his car and took a breathe. Meeting the big man now, I'll tell you about it later. I'll get the kids tonight. Stay warm. ​He sent the message to his wife and exited his car.
Mirette's heart started to pound harder as Jay spoke. Did he not want to stay with her either? Her green eyes grew wider, and she jumped up from the bed, not caring that her nightgown was so short as she dropped the blanket, running over to Jay. She threw her arms around him, hoping to hold him close. "P-please. Please don't leave me. E-everyone is leaving me." She kept her embrace tight, resting her head along his chest. She was not sure what had overcome her, beyond a desire to stay close to the one person who had come to her door in a time of need. Even her parents didn't want to be near her now.

Juliet grinned, wide. She laughed a bit nervously as he referred her new boyfriend, and nodded, moving to get her own things together. "Thank you, sir," she responded, clearly pleased. "I appreciate it. Great job today. Like always. I'll see you tomorrow." She checked some more work e-mails, wanting to make sure everything had been handled before she left for the day. And then she grabbed her purse, leaving the station for the day. Sera received Adam's text and frowned in trepidation. Ily. She tried to preoccupy herself with work. This was a hectic day, and so much needed to be done. But she also waited for texts. From her husband, about what the president had wanted. And from the president himself, who had told her he'd be in touch periodically about specific tasks and messages. That hadn't happened since their first correspondence that morning.
Jay couldn't help but feel comfort when she wrapped around him. "Shh, it's ok Mirette. Let it out, it's alright to cry." He stroked her red hair and held her close. Jay felt bad for her, she had gone through so much in under twenty four hours. It didn't help that Jay had feelings for her. This alone time was nice, although he wished it was under different circumstances.

Adam took awhile, but soon exited his car and walked to the front entrance. He was stopped and asked for clearances. "You're clear, Mr. Dupont." A guard spoke and he was allowed in. Adam looked around, he only saw David, which peaked his interest. He was back in service. Adam smiled at him then walked to Carter's office. He knocked, and at the sound of Carter's voice, entered. "Mr. President." Adam said as he walked to take a seat. "Adam. How are you? How is the wife? Kids? They must be grown up now!" Adam and Carter laughed, more humoring than anything. "Sera is fine, and they aren't grown up yet! We still have time. Uhm, if you don't mind me inquiring, what is this all about?" Carter stared down at some papers for a moment. "Well, I have heard nothing but good things about your work. Times are getting hard and I think we need to make some serious changes. I will let you know that I am starting some major education reforms. I know you took politics in college. You still study them, no?" Adam was confused for a moment. "Yes, I did, and I still do. I read books about it, approved books of course sir." Carter smiled. "Good, well I trust that whatever I say to you will not leave this room." Adam's face got cold. "Of course sir." "Good, well I want to inform you that I strongly believe that the NAU could be at risk. I have heard reports that the SAU(South Asian Union) has recently began publicly slandering our name. It was escalated to threats. I have invited a few members of the SAU to join me for a meeting to perhaps cool some tensions. You know about the backlash we had with them many years ago. Well it is resurfacing and I want to stop it before anything major happens. I know you are a public speaker and well knowledgeable on politics. If you will join me as my adviser, I will not only be grateful, but will make sure you are well rewarded." Adam sat for a moment. He was relieved that this meeting was not anything about his family, however the threat of war now shadowed over him. It was just another thing to worry about. "I accept ..I will sir." "Very good! I will not keep you any longer, in fact I do request my leave. I have some...problems going on. The meeting has not been scheduled yet, and I will inform you when one had. Until then Adam." Adam nodded and left the mansion quickly. It's over, I'll explain everything when I get home. It's big. He had already gone against Carter's word, but his wife needed to know.

(Hey, sorry if this is a bad plot addition. I just thought the threat of war could be interesting. Obviously it's not going to be a big part of the plot, just some addition. If you don't like it, I udnerstand :)
((It's no worries. It's just for development. I wish we'd discussed it first--thinking now, I have some ideas that might be more plausible for Carter, like paranoia of an EU invasion. The EU is the most democratic one there, and it makes sense that Carter'd be worried about the EU. That'd also give more for character development to Adam, who probably worships the EU XD. I always imagined the Asian Union as a very isolated Union, scary because you hear almost NOTHING about it. It's, like, cold. It's leader rarely appears, and his family never appears, and blah blah blah, mystery. But it's totally no issue =). Just me musing.))

Mirette closed her eyes, crying into Jay's embrace as he held her. His hand felt nice as it pet her hair down, and her own heart skipped a beat. She wasn't sure what that was from, but pushed it from her mind. Mirette coughed, pulling her head back a little bit, but staying in Jay's arms. "I'm sorry," she whispered, a single tear falling down past her eye. "I shouldn't be burdening you like this."

Elodie wiped her own eyes as she left Mirette's room, successfully stopping herself from crying. She went back to their bedroom, and changed into a more appropriate dress for the day. Elodie brushed her hair out, and looked into the mirror, wincing as she spotted the fresh bruises on her jawbone and cheek that Carter had given her the day before and some healing, older ones from days prior. Just like every day, she tried to cover them, and just like every day, she wasn't very successful. Elodie was a redhead, and her skin was white, and hiding anything was hard. Once she had done her best, Elodie left the bedroom, heading downstairs to find her husband. Outside of his office, she spotted David. She called out his name, pushing her hair back, before frowning in concern. "Is your arm all right," she asked him. "I'm so sorry that Anne did that. Have...have your men made any progress in finding her?"

Sera received the text, and she narrowed her eyes slightly at the cryptic message. Is everything okay? What are you doing now? Adam, what did he want? She pressed 'send'. And then she thought that it must be okay, and he must be fine, but that didn't make her want to know any less. It was either something very good or very bad. But, as far as she knew, Carter did not like Adam, nor did he trust him. Adam was one of the only journalists of the day who was not entirely committed to what the administration wanted. Who was willing to question. Sera knew that James and Carter often didn't tell her things because they were worried about Adam finding out. Sera had no idea what was going on now, and she really wanted to know.