1x1 between NorwayFOO and Sharpielemon

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Candice struggled, didn't he want her alive? She tossed her head to get the plug out of her mouth, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She couldn't breath and the edges of her vision were turning black.
"You know whats beautiful?" He said kissing her forhead as she struggled "Seeing you dieing right here, with pleading eyes. So helpless but still beggin for life." He said kissing her again. Just as he saw her eyes fading he pulled it out. "Breath now, deep breaths." He smiled seeing the half relief that surfaced on her face "Good girl. Your punishment is over." He said rubbing her chest before getting up. "Just take a rest for now."
When he removed the plug she gasped, her chest expanding to give air to her pleading lungs. She hated him, he was insane, she was in danger every minute she was with him. She turned away from him, her body was aching, no part of her was ever not hurting with him around. She closed her eyes and allowed sleep to claim her.
Dus looked over a couple hours later and smiled when he saw she was asleep. He walked over to a corner and slept there, he didn't give himself anything comfortable to sleep on, all of those went to his ungrateful whore. He really didn't understand why she was so angry with him. Sure he used her a lot but he at least gave her food, water, comforts and an easy life as far as this world was concerned. Maybe she was trying to hand onto the last though of the American dream, maybe he had to pleasure her enough to make her like him... treat her more human.
Candice awoke slowly, aware of the dull pain in her body. She shifted, trying to lay on her side and felt pain spike through her as the red whip marks on her back were moved. Flinching she looked at the dull light shining through the windows of the library. She wondered if he'd ever let her read some of the books, she doubted it. Trying to move her hips she grimaced as she felt the pain from both holes, she definitely was not going to be used for either of those any time soon, not if he wanted her to enjoy it. Licking her dry lips she looked over at the water and realized she couldn't get to it. Sighing she tested her bonds, strong as ever, as she waited for him to come to her.
When Dus finally woke up he looked over to see she was still bound to the ground. He stood and walked over to her. "Let me help you with that." He took of the bonds on her arms and her collar. "I'm going to give you the day off. No sex unless you want it. Grab two books from the stack over there and you can read those for today." He said locking the main door and putting the key in his pocket. He had already closed off all the other exits in case she tried to take advantage of being free. He also had hid his gun away so she couldn't try to use that.
Sending a grateful look his way Candice approached the shelf, glad to see it was fantasy. She ran her hands over the bindings, glad that most remained in tact. She had seen libraries where all the books had been burned for fire-starters. She paused when she saw a familiar writer, Anne McCaffrey. She'd forgive whoever had put the dragon riders of Pern into the fantasy section and grabbed the first two books in the series. She went back to the dog bed and set them down, going to the water bowl to drink before she settled back down, laying on her stomach with the first book open before her.
He watched her as she grabbed some book and laid down, she got comfortable on her stomach and started to read. "You like to read?" He said casually sitting back and eating some of the bread. "Catch." He threw a piece of bread to her then sat back hoping she was happy about what he was doing. If he could change her opinion about him maybe she would be happier with him and do it because she wanted to not because she was afraid of him.
"There's really nothing else to do in the apocalypse." She commented catching the bread and eating it, "And I've always enjoyed this series." She commented, "Author's probably dead though. I hope her son is too, he sucked, he ruined the series." Looking up at him she looked away, focusing her gaze on the book, he was probably just letting her heal from his 'punishment'.
"Hmmm." He said as he got up and took the book he was reading. The cover was ripped off, maybe by a raider for some reason but regardless it was something to read that wasn't trying to set hope or dumb ideas in his head. Hours went by before he finished his book and he set it down half board. He looked over at her and had to keep himself from breaking his promise. Her naked body really made him want her but he put the thought out of his head and took another book.
Candice watched the man carefully, never for long enough that he could become aware that he was being watched but watching him none-the-less. She wasn't sure how to act around him, she was sure that she didn't want to fall to his will, she wasn't mindless and she was scared of what he would do. He had choked her with his dick just because he could, because she'd been 'bad' and not wanted him to touch her. She scowled, turning her eyes back to the book she was reading.
Dus looked up at Candice a couple of times to make sure she wasn't trying anything but she always seemed to be intensely reading her book, not really caring what he was doing. He smiled thinking she was trusting him... or really couldn't care less if he was going to rape her... regardless he smiled. "What did you say your name was again?" He acted like he really didn't care, like he was starting up a conversation but really he did. He thought that by calling her by her name she would like him better... maybe.
Her gaze snapped up to him as he spoke,
"Candice." She replied, "Are you going to insist that I call you master again?" Her voice was apathetic, as if she couldn't really care less what he did with the knowledge, mimicking his tone perfectly.
He was going to ignore her question but after a couple of seconds of debate he said "Dus... so where are you from?" This he really could care less about but he wanted to start a conversation, maybe make her like him threw that some how... all he was craving was her to love him even though he had raped her. Maybe it was pointless and he should just continue to abuse her like a whore... but then again... he would rather have her enjoy him than fear him.
Candice turned to him, very surprised at the question.
"I come from the northeast." She replied, carefully, her eyes narrowed thoughtfully, "And before all this shit went down I was going to a private college on scholarship. It seemed that I was the only virgin in that place." She laid back, the book placed on her chest to keep it covered. "So is this what you usually do Dus? Or do you usually kill the women you keep around?"
"I usual rob them blind and leave them be." He said setting down his book, it was on mechanics or something useless. Everything in it require fuel and fuel was not around anymore. "So fancy scholarship at a nice preppy school." He said with a smile "I was a soldier for the US defending your ass before this whole thing started."
Candice sat up, staring at him dubiously.
"You were a soldier?" He didn't fit the stereotype she had for soldiers, "Aren't you taught to protect people?" Then she snorted, "Not that it really matters anymore, everything's gone to shit." She crossed one leg over the other, leaning back on her hands to watch him. She wondered what he was like before everything had happened, but she was too scared to ask something like that. "Any family Dus?" She asked, it was odd to have a conversation with him but he seemed to want to have one.
"Nope." He said looking at her "You don't seem to believe I was a soldier." He said seeing her doubt. "I was a soldier, when this happened I started by trying to help people but after seeing that was pointless I went on for my own personal gain. Humans are evil so I might as well take part in it. Truthfully, your the first girl I raped." He said half cringing after he realized what he had said but he assured himself she deserved it. He also reminded himself she took her own virginity so that wasn't him either.
Gritting her teeth Candice looked away from him, snarling,
"I'm glad that I was the one who met your standards for someone to fuck." She didn't look at him, she didn't want to because if she did she'd have to admit that just the previous night she'd fucked him willingly and lost her virginity. That thought made her wonder if she would cum again if they had sex, she had a sickening feeling that the answer was yes.
"Oh, so now you hate me again?" He said seeing her looking away "That isn't going to change anything, you lost your virginity willingly, and all your other holes were raped. You should feel fortunate to have had the choice to keep your virginity." He said getting up and walking away. He would never get this girl. One second she seemed to be the friendliest of friendly's then the next she refuses to talk.