1x1 between NorwayFOO and Sharpielemon

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Candice grit her teeth and bore walking on her hands and knees for the rest of the way, she had stopped in the town once or twice but still she was glad that her hair was down, something that rarely ever happened. She felt the stares and felt her face turn red, she didn't look around and let her hair curtain over her face.

Upon entering the tent she turned to look at the man then flinched back, oh no she was not about to let him fuck her. She looked up at the man and whined, looking up at him with a pleading expression and a small shake of her head. A plea.
"Yes, this is her." Dus said looking down at his whining slave "Quiet!" he commanded. "You can have all the fun you want in her mouth but remember, one cum is three fresh loafs of bread."

The man smiled and pulled down his pant to reveal he only had a small tool. "Come now girl."
So this was where he was getting fresh bread. Candice narrowed her eyes, if she was allowed to speak she would have told him that two of those loafs were hers, but she didn't want to get beaten and then forced to suck the stranger off. A glare cast at the man she turned to the other and glanced at his member, a bit surprised by how small it was. It made sense that different men were different sizes but she was used to something that would go down her throat if all the way in. With a sigh she thought of fresh bread, how her mother used to make it on snow days and how delicious it had been. If she was good she had no doubt the man would give her some, if she was bad she'd still have to do it and not get a damn morsel. Approaching the man on hands and knees she took the swiftly growing erection into her hand and started pumping it, lowering her head to lick at the slit. Once his head was wet she dropped her hand to start bobbing her head and drawing him in deep. She wanted this over with, and she wanted this over with now. She started to hum and she felt his cock twitch in her mouth and start to leak. Increasing her efforts she felt him place a hand at the back of her head and shove her onto it, cumming into her mouth. She had no choice but to swallow it and drew back, looking back at her 'master' she glowered at him.
"Your not done yet, offer your other side." He said with a smile. He was surprised she willingly sucked him off and swallowed his cum. She really was working hard to please her master. "Go on, give him your ass." Then he turned to the man who was clearly pleased with the trade "Remember, no vagina, only her ass." He said watching the man carefully."

"Yes, I understand. A master has his hole that only he will use." The fat man said slapping Candice's ass a couple of times then he pulled out the but plug.
Candice turned her hands into fists, her nails causing bloody crescent moons to appear on her palms. She wanted so badly to rip the choke collar off her neck and use it to strangle the man so greedily watching her body, then she'd scream and blame the other man, he'd probably shoot her, but that would only condemn him. She'd be stuck in the town for a while, probably get raped from the looks she'd received earlier, then she'd be free. Then she'd never return. These thoughts were getting her through what was happening to her, getting her through the pain and the humiliation.
The man opened her cheeks and spit on the hole he was about to use. At least it would give her more lubrication. He lined his dick up to her then pushed in slowly rubbing the spot he had been slapping. "Wow, she's a tight little whore." He moaned as he pushed in. Then he leaned over her and started to move, he would have kissed her if his stomach hadn't gotten in the way. "Moan for me bitch."

Dus went down to her level and ran his hand under her chin as he brought her head up to see her face as she was being abuse by another man. "Do you like it?" He said with a smile seeing the pain in her eyes. He kissed her, "Just a little while longer."
She didn't bother to hide the hate that was swirling within her from him. When he drew away from the kiss Candice turned her gaze downward once more. Part of her, the part that was the one getting her in trouble, begged her to ask if it was in yet. The thought of the fat man's ego being ruined and the deal breaking off made Candice grin like a fool, a devilish glint to her eyes. She wanted that bread, she wouldn't say a damn thing, but she could still keep the thought to snicker about later. It hurt less than when her 'master' fucked her, there was less there to hurt her with, but it still hurt enough that she flinched as he sped up.
The man soon after came again. He fell back onto his chair after pulling out seemingly exhausted from moving his hips for not even four minutes. "My boys are outside with the bread. Just tell them six loafs." The large sweaty man said still trying to catch his breath.

"See was that so difficult." Dus said to his little bitch as he stood up and pushed the butt plug back into her then adjusted her skirt. He didn't want anyone else to see her unless they were paying... or possibly if he was feeling charitable. The boys were outside and when Dus said six loafs they smiled and nodded before going into a building. When they returned one had a shot gun and the other had a glock 17. "I suggest you leave your bitch here and leave."
Candice drew in a breath as the boys came back out with guns. Oh no, she had not done all that just to get taken by these men. The man holding her leash wasn't a good option but it seemed better than more than one, especially in this damn town, she'd get passed around like a toy. At least that asshole would've shared the bread. Hiding her anger she slowly stood, making sure they saw her. Reaching up a hand to unclip herself from the leash she approached the one with the shotgun, her face forming into a pout as she asked,
"Now there's no need for violence." The boy obviously thought she was up to something and pointed the shotgun at her chest while the other had the glock trained on the man behind her. "Now what fun am I if I'm dead?" She asked, "I know lots of tricks, but playing dead isn't one of them." She placed her hand on the end of the barrel, wrapping her hand around it to push it away as she slid up to the man, "Do you want to see my favorite trick?" She asked, one hand being placed on the growing bulge and rubbing it.

When his eyes glazed over with lust she could tell his grip on the gun had loosened. Wrenching it from his grasp she turned and fired, blowing off his head, pumping the gun, and turning to see the glock now pointing at her as she pointed the shotgun. "Wanna see me do it again?" She said with a cold smile. "Go get the bread little boy, or I'll blow off your head and get it myself."
Dus looked at the girl half impressed by what she had just done, seduced a man enough to get his gun from him the shot him and was playing a little, who can shoot first, game with the other. Unfortunate she used a stupid threat, he didn't want the ration of bread they were supposed to get, he would get all the bread and let the fat man starve. He drew his pistol and shot the man between the eyes then the gun out of his little pets hands. He couldn't let his bitch stay armed. "Now now, come over here and hook yourself back up." He said holding out the leash. Quickly his eyes went over her to make sure she hadn't been harmed in any way. She was fine and he was glad, scars, unfortunately, were not sexy.
Candice had been debating shooting her 'master' and then bludgeoning the other man and was discussing the pros and cons with herself when the man she was staring down looked away for half a second to get a bullet between his eyes. The gun was quickly ripped from her grasp and she turned to glare at the man holding the leash. Walking over she hooked it up to her collar and snarled,
"If that didn't earn me a loaf of bread than there is no pleasing you." She was not in the mood to play the good little pet, she wanted to get the food she'd been promised and leave, preferably before someone came to investigate the shots, they'd probably assume it was the boys killing the man who held her leash but she'd rather be in and be out before they came out to check. "A question, why does that always work? It's getting pathetic that the line of bodies I've left behind is mostly male. There was that crazy lesbo but that's a tale for another day." Adrenaline pumping through her veins loosened her tongue and she forgot for a bit that the man she was talking to was not her partner.
Dus simply smack her to the ground with one mighty stroke of his hand. "Don't talk." He said glaring at her before walking her into the tent and finding they only had 4 loafs. His scowl was obvious as he though about how the fat man took the second cum for almost nothing. His bitch was worth more than four loafs, especially considering two weren't even fresh. He took the bread and threw it into his bag before looting around and taking a couple bullets and other useful items. "Lets go." He said walking out "You will get one fresh loaf when we get home and if you decide to start being a good girl you will get one of the other loafs too." It wasn't like the other loaf's were bad, they just weren't warm from the oven.
Candice glared up at him from the ground but didn't speak, simply followed him into the tent where she scanned around for supplies, assholes. She thought, seeing how bare it was. While the man grabbed some items he found were useful Candice contemplated snatching up the bread knife that was just in her reach, it wasn't worth it though, she had no where to hide it. So instead she allowed him to lead the way back outside. She wondered if she'd be walking out on her hands and knees. Seeing the corpses she tapped the man on the shoulder, pointed to them, then to the bushes. They were just laying there, out in the open, able to be seen by anybody. Then she gave a devilish grin and pointed to where the man was then mimed firing the shotgun, pointing back to him to make it clear he'd be the one shooting. She wanted to see that bitch suffer, but she knew she wasn't about to be given back the shotgun. Bracing to get hit again she shifted, leaning away from him and crouching to make herself look smaller.
He watched as she tried to mime something out. It annoyed him so he kicked her as she tried to brace for impact. "Shut it." He said as he pulled her along. She was probably trying to say something about hiding the body's but what was the point? He almost never came into town and had killed about half of it already. They didn't seem to be able to put two and two together. Idiots...

After he walked her out of the town and around the corner he threw her over his shoulder and continued to walk. Just like before anyone walking by could see her bare vagina until she corrected it. He was sure his little slut would, after all she couldn't let anyone see her product unless they paid for it.
Candice wanted so badly to reply she hadn't opened anything in the first place but knew she'd get smacked again for saying that. She allowed herself to get walked out of town and thrown over the man's shoulder, reaching back to tuck the tail into place and cover her exposed bits. Hanging over his shoulder she resisted the urge to kick her feet to alleviate some boredom. Instead she looked at the ground, watching his feet move and eat up the miles. Part of her noted that he had a rather nice ass, and resisted the temptation to grope it. That would probably end up with her being beaten or fucked, she didn't particularly want either to occur at that moment so she simply watched. Maybe she'd tell him if she ever got onto better terms with him, particularly ones where he allowed her to speak without it being pleas to be fucked.
They got back to the building and he dropped her onto the padded doggy bed. "Stay." He said as he unhooked the collar and hung it up then he walked back over to her and chained her. He threw a piece of bread to her, from one of the good loafs, and started to eat the other half. "You were being so good until the end." He said as he ate and watched her "I don't care that you tried to save me, or perhaps just yourself, but these 'towns men' are just buffoons. I doubt they even know how to work the guns they flash around." He continued to eat and then noticing her bowl was getting low on water he pored some into it.
Catching the piece of bread she started eating it, snorting at his words, idiots with guns were just as dangerous as people with guns who knew how to use them. She watched as he poured water in his bowl and finished off the bread. She sat back, watching him. Wondering what else was going to happen. Laying down she stretched out on the bed and closed her eyes.
Dus thought about what he should do with his little girl. She looked tired to him and he figured she deserved a good rest though he wanted some pleasure for himself. He walked over and laid down with her in the bed. "Is my girl sleepy." He said almost lovingly. "Does she want a nap?" He said kissing the back of her neck. "Come now, speak freely." He said pulling her close to her. "I will let you have some rest for now. You have done... fairly well today. Though it isn't even half over." He wrapped an arm around her and stroked her hair as he lay.
Candice stiffened when he joined her in bed. He told her to speak freely and she couldn't help but ask,
"Why do you treat me like a dog?" She couldn't help it, it was something that had been bugging her for a good long while. She nearly asked him if he was into bestiality but she knew she'd probably get beaten for that. For her question she'd probably get a reply, probably one that would cut her self-confidence.
"You are little more than a dog so I will treat you as such." He said still rubbing her arm as he lay with her pressed up against him. "I treat you better than a simple mutt if you be good though. I am letting you talk now." He said kissing her cheek, "Do you not like being treated as you are?" He was almost taunting her now, before he was talking lovingly but an obvious change in his voice was starting to occure. He pulled the but plug out of her and took off the ears "Do you want to be a slave girl instead? You have to work up to being that. If I were to treat you so you have to only think about pleasing me."